Just a few years ago we had a Republican congress and a Republican white house with 70% approval rating.
And yeah, they started a stupid ass war, on the domestic front (which I assume is what you're worried about), what were they able to achieve?
They can't cut medicare or social security, so they'll make their only move - cut taxes to create a crisis we just have to deal with.
But they've been doing it already, and it still didn't persuade the American public to cut the big 3.
Not really. That's just kind of the cherry on the top. A really fucking scary cherry on they top, but still.
I'm worried that inequality will grow even further.
I'm worried we'll be back to square one with health care.
I'm worried that the economy would dip again.
I'm worried that the supreme court could get even more conservative, and that could stay for quite some time.
I'm worried that they will muck around with social security and making medicare into a voucher system.
I'm worried regulations will not be put into place and even possibly put further back, meaning another collapse like the one that caused the recession could happen again at any point.
I'm worried that the push for less and less spending means our infrastructure and education system will continue to fall behind, and soon most civilized countries around the world will be far ahead of us to a point where we just won't be able to compete on a global scale on things.
I also personally want to see a complete revamp of our higher education system, and I think this is vital to the future of the country. I really don't have that much faith in the democrats doing this, but I have faith that Romney and the GOP will go backwards on it.
I also don't want to go backwards on social issues, or even get stalled on them. Sure Romney may not be able to pass some sort of federal marriage amendment, but he sure as hell isn't going to progress things
at all.
Sure, some of these things, like mucking with social security and making medicare into a voucher system could be unraveled by the time I'm supposed to take advantage of them, but that still puts us back years of progression in my mind. Also the other things really screw up a time when, again, I'm supposed to be growing and building a family. If the economy dips again and inequality continues to grow that fucks over a lot of us young people quite a bit. Most of your monetary gain throughout your entire career happens in your beginning years, and mine have already been not so great monetarily.
I think Mitt Romney would be a much better candidate if the GOP wasn't in such a fractured, unstable, radical state.
I'm a little worried PoliGAF. I know I shouldn't vote for Mitt Romney for some very good reasons, but at the same time I'm just not convinced about Obama's handling of the economy... Its not going anywhere, people are growing impatient.
It's going somewhere. If you take out the first 6 months to a year of his presidency, where his policies had yet to really take much effect, you have an upward trajectory. Yes it's going slow, but if you were to take a look at some of the previous pages you'd see why. The government and its share in job creation is shrinking at a time when it absolutely should not be. The only way Romney might fix this is... by going to war with Iran and spending government money. I dunno about you, but I'd rather have government spending be in the areas of infrastructure and our future rather than making all brown people our enemy from now on...