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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Holy crap. Saeb Erakat (highly well regarded chief PLO negotiator) response to Mitt Romney comments are the most critical I've ever seen from a foreign dignitary towards a US presidential candidate. Palestinians are not taking this issue lightly:

"He says if you can learn anything from the economic history of the world, it's this: culture makes all the difference. Culture makes all the difference. And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things," Romney said.

That comment drew a sharp reaction from Sa'eb Erekat, chief Palestinian negotiator and a member of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

"This man, before he came here, he should have got some education about Israelis, Palestinians, and the region," Erekat said. "The Romney statements on Jerusalem and the racist statements about the Israeli culture being superior to the Palestinian culture reflect someone who needs to be educated, who needs knowledge. His statements are serving those extremist in the region now, and will serve extremists unfortunately."

Erekat said Romney ignored the reality that Israeli occupation was main reason Palestinian areas were suffering economically.

"He does not know the situation on the ground, he does not the settlement activities, he does not know that the Palestinian economy suffers most because of the Israeli occupation, because of the road blocks and closure and so on," Erekat said.

"The largest impediment to private sector investment in the West Bank and Gaza remains the restrictions on movement and access to resources and markets imposed by the Government of Israel," a report from the World Bank stated.

Erekat said Romney's remarks were based in a "lack of knowledge" about the economic realities in the region.

"This man has no knowledge and yet he comes and makes racist statements which will play in the hands of extremists in the region," Erekat said.
He isn't even addressing him as Mr Romney lol

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Holy crap. Saeb Erakat (highly well regarded chief PLO negotiator) response to Mitt Romney comments are the most critical I've ever seen from a foreign dignitary towards a US presidential candidate. Palestinians are not taking this issue lightly:

He isn't even addressing him as Mr Romney lol

Is there any part of Romney's foreign trip that hasn't been an honest to god disaster? Even I couldn't have predicted that it would just be a cascade of pissing off everyone like this.
You know what's funny? I saw the headline the other day about how Romney thought the "Bush freedom agenda" would have prevented the Arab Spring, I was taken aback, I thought he was actually criticizing Bush's foreign policy. Nope.

Apparently now, hold fair and free democratic elections is what must be stopped in order to ensure "freedom." Ummmmmmmm ok.


No Scrubs
I thought the Israel trip was closed press? How are we even hearing about this?

There is always a source. Besides this shit is so dumb that you can't NOT tell the press. He needs to be stopped, at the rate he's going if he's elected it could start a war (if it keeps getting worse).


There is always a source. Besides this shit is so dumb that you can't NOT tell the press. He needs to be stopped, at the rate he's going if he's elected it could start a war (if it keeps getting worse).

Yeah if it wasn't for all the other stuff I have issues with Romney, this trip would easily have switched me from a yes to a no vote. Holy hell I don't want to know what would happen anymore if he got elected in terms of foreign policy. You don't do an around the world trip pissing off every single person you meet including your potential allies. Leave his pandering for the election trail, none of these people want to hear it and it damages both his candidacy and our legitimacy if he somehow got elected.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
And this guy thinks he can win? He's basically insulted every country he's visited at this point. Dear god, what is he going to say in Poland?

Russia, Russia, Russia. Probably something about a missile defense shield or being the first line of defense for the western world.
This is mind-boggling . .

But during his trip to Israel, Romney inadvertently praised the individual requirement and universal health care. “[F]or an American abroad, you can’t get much closer to the ideals and convictions of my own country than you do in Israel,” he said. And according to The New York Times, Romney spoke favorably about the fact that health care makes up a much smaller amount of Israel’s gross domestic product compared to the United States:

“Do you realize what health care spending is as a percentage of the G.D.P. in Israel? Eight percent,” he said. “You spend eight percent of G.D.P. on health care. You’re a pretty healthy nation. We spend 18 percent of our G.D.P. on health care, 10 percentage points more. That gap, that 10 percent cost, compare that with the size of our military — our military which is 4 percent, 4 percent. Our gap with Israel is 10 points of G.D.P. We have to find ways — not just to provide health care to more people, but to find ways to fund and manage our health care costs.”
Israel spends less on health care because of a universal health system that requires everyone to have insurance.
Gee, Mitt . . . why dont' we just copy their system?

Didn't Romney just endorse single-payer!?!?! Romney is a bigger socialist than Obama. How's the GOP base going to respond to that? Well, I guess it will fly over their heads.

Russia, Russia, Russia. Probably something about a missile defense shield or being the first line of defense for the western world.

Russia? Who's that? Romney is going to talk more about those Soviets. ;-)


So what happened to Romney doing well in Israel?

Something about similar world view politicians, etc, etc

Guess that didn't go so well.

Also, I unfriended someone on Facebook because they posted hyper-partisan bullshit every week; so tired of this garbage.
Holy crap. Saeb Erakat (highly well regarded chief PLO negotiator) response to Mitt Romney comments are the most critical I've ever seen from a foreign dignitary towards a US presidential candidate. Palestinians are not taking this issue lightly:

He isn't even addressing him as Mr Romney lol

Even better than being booed by the NAACP. He's putting "those people" in their place wherever he goes. I think it's a win for him.
Imagine had the federal government spent the billions from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on infrastructure. High-speed rail zig-zagging through the country, aging telecom and data lines replaced with fiber optics from end to end, roads as smooth as a baby's bottom, dilapidated housing projects from the 60's and 70's replaced with energy efficient buildings, etc.

Hell, a fraction of the military budget could have been used to feed the hungry and clothe the poor for years to come. How messed up are our priorities as a society?
Well this is why when you go to Europe, the place has very nice roads, great public transportation, is very clean, etc. Instead of pouring their government money into the military, they build up a nice infrastructure and have universal healthcare. We need a military ready to take on invaders from Mars.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Well this is why when you go to Europe, the place has very nice roads, great public transportation, is very clean, etc. Instead of pouring their government money into the military, they build up a nice infrastructure and have universal healthcare. We need a military ready to take on invaders from Mars.

SOOOOOO depressing. :(
Imagine had the federal government spent the billions from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on infrastructure. High-speed rail zig-zagging through the country, aging telecom and data lines replaced with fiber optics from end to end, roads as smooth as a baby's bottom, dilapidated housing projects from the 60's and 70's replaced with energy efficient buildings, etc.

Hell, a fraction of the military budget could have been used to feed the hungry and clothe the poor for years to come. How messed up are our priorities as a society?
This post depresses me. Never going to get there in my lifetime, I feel, and I'm only 27.
Strength through arrogance. Romney is basically running the right wing playbook abroad: insulting Europe, supporting Israel over his own country, and reviving the specter of the Soviet Union.

I don't believe for one second that Romney would let Israel do whatever they want, but the comments are troubling regardless. His camp is full of Bush/PNAC folks, and even they didn't pull the trigger on Iran. Lkewise, a unilateral Israeli attack on Iran would be an utter disaster that no serious foreign policy mind would support right now.



After the initial stimulus subsided, which was insufficient and poorly formulated, our government has been fettering growth at every juncture. The maddening debt-ceiling cataclysm was just salt in the wound.

thats gotta hurt team obama whether u agree with his quote or not
On a substantive note, there are a few problems with his premise. First, sanctions are not intended to compel Iran's abandonment of enrichment. The purpose is to compel Iran to seek a diplomatic solution. They've been successful in that respect. However, the diplomatic efforts have been pitiful. Until the U.S. engages in genuine diplomacy, our efforts will perpetually fail. Further, the sanctions, in conjunction with covert sabotage, have inhibited Iran's efforts. Although, the sanctions have only paradoxically sharpened Iran's resolve. Their strategy is inherently counterproductive.


There is nowhere else to put this and it doesn't deserve a thread, so since some of you like to pretend to be intellectuals I figured I'd put it here.

lol Jonah Lehrer.
There is nowhere else to put this and it doesn't deserve a thread, so since some of you like to pretend to be intellectuals I figured I'd put it here.

lol Jonah Lehrer.


Quoting for everyone else:

Jonah Lehrer, the staff writer for The New Yorker who apologized in June for recycling his previous work in articles, blogs and his bestselling book “Imagine,” resigned from the magazine, he said in a statement.

Mr. Lehrer faced new questions about his work on Monday in an article in the online magazine Tablet that reported that he had admitted to fabricating quotes from Bob Dylan in “Imagine,” a nonfiction book published in March by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.


There is nowhere else to put this and it doesn't deserve a thread, so since some of you like to pretend to be intellectuals I figured I'd put it here.

lol Jonah Lehrer.
I never liked the guy.
A poor man's Malcolm Gladwell.

But I'm sure Grantland will let him keep writing, it's not like they have standards or anything.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I'm sure America could be a very neat and tidy place with bullet trains if we all squeezed into a landmass the size of Texas.

United States: 3,794,101 sq mi
Europe: 3,930,000 sq mi

Germany: 137,847 sq mi
France: 260,558 sq mi
Texas: 268,581 sq mi
California: 163,696 sq mi

The railway network of France, which as of 2008 stretches 29,473 kilometres (18,314 mi)[187] is the second most extensive in Western Europe after the German one.[188] It is operated by the SNCF, and high-speed trains include the Thalys, the Eurostar and TGV, which travels at 320 km/h (199 mph) in commercial use



I never liked the guy.
A poor man's Malcolm Gladwell.

But I'm sure Grantland will let him keep writing, it's not like they have standards or anything.

Funny enough I'm guessing his article on HS concussions is the only thing I ever bothered to read at that trash site.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Do some of you really think that European states are the size of Rhode Island or something?


Democratic Party platform officially includes marriage equality now

Before President Obama completed his transformation, a few of us discussed how they'd resolve it. They risked either agitating gay rights groups, who threatened to push the issue at the convention, or breaking with Obama. Well, he evolved. That was easy. Remember, though, there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
FYI, these are the three largest states in the USA:

1. Alaska
2. Texas
3. California

Or, in other words, Spain is larger than California: 195,364 sq mi

Spain has the most extensive high-speed rail network in Europe, and the second most extensive in the world after China.[106][107][108] As of October 2010 Spain has a total of 3,500 km (2,174.80 mi) of high speed tracks linking Málaga, Seville, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Valladolid, with the trains reaching speeds up to 300 km/h (187 mph).
Before President Obama completed his transformation, a few of us discussed how they'd resolve it. They risked either agitating gay rights groups, who threatened to push the issue at the convention, or breaking with Obama. Well, he evolved. That was easy. Remember, though, there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Where's that one dude who argued both parties are identical on gay marriage/rights
The railway network of France, is the second most extensive in Western Europe after the German one.
Spain has the most extensive high-speed rail network in Europe, and the second most extensive in the world after China

HA! High speed rail is clearly a sham if there is no agreement on which is the most extensive

I wouldn't mind high speed rail but if you got money to burn I'd much rather have much better public transportation inside cities, but thats a topic for another thread


No Scrubs
Isn't the US much less dense in terms of population though?

Depends on the part of the country I suppose. The Eastern seaboard would be well served by high-speed rail. Maybe connect a few cities along the gulf or the great lakes and the western seaboard. If you connect all the big population centers with rail lines it pretty much leaves the middle of the county with nothing.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
HA! High speed rail is clearly a sham if there is no agreement on which is the most extensive

Both statements are accurate. Not all of the railways are high-speed :p

Read the sentences again.

I wouldn't mind high speed rail but if you got money to burn I'd much rather have much better public transportation inside cities, but thats a topic for another thread

I think both are important to a healthy economy/infrastructure.
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