Why do people who get angry at something extreme in politics not look it up? Usually if something surprises me to the point where I'm annoyed at it, I'll look into it and make sure if it's even true.
For example, today someone on my Facebook list (lol I know) posted one of those stupid pictures. Whatever. Anyway, in the comments I saw a friend of his going off on Obamacare, and then said that Congress is exempt from the whole law. Well, that seemed weird to me, since that's not exactly what I've heard. So I quickly checked and it turns out that's definitely not the case (as I knew beforehand), and also it turns out that Sean Hannity was the one stating as a matter of factly that was the case. Anyway, I set them straight with that.
Then I look at the picture again. It's one of those chain things that says the president and the congress make this huge salary every year FOR LIFE. Well, it seemed a bit strange to me, so I looked it up, and they don't make a salary for life. They get pensions, but the numbers on the image were completely and utterly wrong, and basically the whole thing was just misunderstood completely. Congress's pension system is determined by years served and is also capped at 80% of pay, but you'd have to have served for many many years to get near that. The president just gets whatever the current congress is getting too. Now, maybe you can be outraged about that, but it's far more reasonable than that image was making it out to be.
I just don't get why people take the effort not just to like those type of pictures (which I know isn't really an effort), but then to rant about it and other things, but don't take the time to do even a quick google search to see if the shit is even true.
Edit: Christ are you kidding me... I linked him a forbes article with the piece of the law right in it and this is what I get from this dude: "I've read the Forbes article, but there is more to it than that. I will have to dig all this up, but from what I understand, there was a Republican amendment that was specifically put into the law to make it so congress was not exempt, but Democrats removed it before final passage, and I remember reading a specific clause in the law that specifically exempted the president, congress, and their families. Perhaps the clause was taken out, but it's a 2k page monstrosity that Nancy Pelosi didn't even want us to read before it was passed, and for that reason alone, gives me pause." .... derp