Black Mamba

Romneys needs to 20 percent tax break to create jobs didn't you hear?![]()
Really surprised at Obama's income for those two years relative the other Presidents. I'm guessing that's due to the popularity of his books at the time of his campaign? If so, then goddam son.
Really surprised at Obama's income for those two years relative the other Presidents. I'm guessing that's due to the popularity of his books at the time of his campaign? If so, then goddam son.
His books make him income. Other Presidents just had their megabucks cooling off in their mountain fortresses while they took a paltry 200k+ home as income.
He was paying off student loans til like 04. He's the only pres for a while that didn't have megabucks for a long time.
Huh this is interesting:
Are presidential trips to Israel, what I would think is currently Amurka's favorite non-Amurka country, not really that common?
Building high speed rail network is the simplest way of building jobs. It's the same idea of building highways in the 50's. Create a giant public work project that will employe everyone from ditch diggers to urban planners. Rebuild the trolley system in cities while they're at it, use bike lanes they already connect whole cities in clear pattern.
With highways falling apart, dumping money back into something that depends on gas staying at a reasonable price for the next 50 years seems stupid.
Which probably explains why he hates the rich so much.
I have a feeling that would only encourage them to spend MORE money the next cycle.Mitt is such a clown. At least if he had released his horrific taxes already he might just have had time to recover. The good news is that this cycle may reduce the number of future mega rich scumbags running themselves.
Mitt is such a clown. At least if he had released his horrific taxes already he might just have had time to recover. The good news is that this cycle may reduce the number of future mega rich scumbags running themselves.
The ADP report on Wednesday should be interesting considering how it never lines up with the BLS numbers.Prediction: this won't slow it down; rather, they will disclose even less about their finances than Romney has.
There's a crapton of economic data out tomorrow, and I just now realized that the July employment situation report is out on Friday. My how time flies.
The ADP report on Wednesday should be interesting considering how it never lines up with the BLS numbers.
Thanks guys. I would love to see a similar chart but with total wealth upon entry into the Presidency.
wow so romney poised to be best president since jefferson?
In the middle of the country you could connect Minneapolis, Chicago, and some places in Ohio.Depends on the part of the country I suppose. The Eastern seaboard would be well served by high-speed rail. Maybe connect a few cities along the gulf or the great lakes and the western seaboard. If you connect all the big population centers with rail lines it pretty much leaves the middle of the county with nothing.
So wow Romney's little trip was a total disaster huh?
Seriously. Someone needs to do this.It would be pretty hard to argue with a politician that would stand up and say, "Now that we are out of Afghanistan and Iraq, we are going to cut our military budget back down to 2001 levels. We will then take the extra 200+ billion dollars and put that back into our own country, instead of using it to blow up others."
I know its well known through history that the founding fathers were mainly powerful rich elites that just wanted to have other powerful rich elites leave them alone but goddamn. Washington could have easily installed a feudalist system.
Seriously. Someone needs to do this.
Starting to think with the past couple of months worth of predictions, ADP is like the VG chartz of politics.
Now, some presidents, like clinton, received HUGE spikes in wealth following their presidency, but this sort of shows what you're looking for.
Don't suppose you've been to DC, eh?
The more I learn about Washington, the more I really believe that statement that he was very close to becoming a dictator. This is some North Korea shit.Adulation is too soft of a word: He's the one in the center.
Wow, I don't think I ever learned that Washington was THAT absurdly wealthy.
I actually have. I was a bit underwhelmed by the monuments. But I guess my twelve year old self was being unrealistic.
The more I learn about Washington, the more I really believe that statement that he was very close to becoming a dictator. This is some North Korea shit.
He wasn't that wealthy per say. It was all tied up in assets like land and slaves, so not very liquid.
Wow, I don't think I ever learned that Washington was THAT absurdly wealthy.
I'm expecting this to be more of a general endorsement, but I'm really happy to see this regardless. Pretty sure this is the first time one of the parties has formally put marriage equality on their platform; once there, it's not going way. Bravo.
I really hope you're right.I think the BLS seasonal adjustments have been funky this year; I read an analysis after last month's numbers that made a compelling case. I expect this year's numbers to be revised upward, as last year was.
My expectation is that starting with this, and possibly next month's numbers we'll see a steady improvement heading into the fall.
Democrats add gay marriage to party platform
National Democrats on Sunday approved the drafting of pro-gay marriage language into their platform at this years Democratic National Convention, according to a Democratic source.
The news was first reported by the Washington Blade.
President Obama came out in support of gay marriage in May, but making it a part of the Democrats official party platform represents another major step for the same-sex marriage movement, even beyond the presidents endorsement.
The platform drafting committee met in Minneapolis over the weekend. The full platform committee will meet in Detroit two weeks from now to take the next step, and then the platform will receive an up-or-down vote at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte early in September.
Its not yet clear exactly what gay marriage language is included in the party platform, and Democrats declined to comment Monday. The party could offer a broad endorsement for gay marriage without going into specifics, or it could endorse a federal law.
I'm expecting this to be more of a general endorsement, but I'm really happy to see this regardless. Pretty sure this is the first time one of the parties has formally put marriage equality on their platform; once there, it's not going way. Bravo.
The sheer volume of evasive bullshit in that response is incredible. To parse:
"I haven't calculated that."
How can I answer a question when I simply have no idea? Nothing to see here.
"I've paid all the taxes required by law."
...and even if I did pay less than 13.9% in taxes, it was totally legal. If I did, that is, which I have no idea about.
"I don't pay more than are legally due"
Seriously, all my tax evasion and sheltering is totally legal.
"I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires."
Seriously, totally legal to pay so incredibly very little in taxes. Super legal, in fact.
"I know that I pay a very substantial amount of taxes and every year"
Despite paying a low rate thanks to aggressive tax evasion, I play lots in taxes. Because I'm rich as fuck.
" far as I can recall."
By the way, if it's ever proven that I did in fact pay less in taxes than 13.9%, and also happens to be shown that I knew this - which I don't! - I simply forgot and all of the above bullshit is now absolved by this caveat.
Can't wait until the returns are leaked in October.
I would take a studio apartment in the modern world over massive plantations back then any day of the week.
WARSAW, Poland - A Mitt Romney spokesman reprimanded reporters traveling with the candidate on his six-day foreign trip, telling them to "kiss my a**" after they shouted questions from behind a rope line.
Mitt Romney Spokesman Tells Reporters 'Kiss My ***' at Polish Holy Site
So not only is Romney a bumbling idiot, he also travels with bumbling idiots.
Keepin' it classy.