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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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That girl in the bunny hat
I thought Obama DID release his medical records? I remember Jon Stewart making fun of the fact that Obama's was only a page long, but McCain's was as thick as a dictionary.

Or was that something else?

I think that was the results of some kind of physical or something that they both did.


Romney's foreign policy trip continues to fascinate me.

While the 'freedom' line isn't offensive in a vacuum, it seems awfully idiotic for a Presidential candidate with a realistic chance of winning to so directly stick a finger in Russia's eye. Yes, establishment Republicans hate Putin, but why have that now stand as the first line of a potential new presidency? Compound that with - even by US standards - slavish boot licking to Israeli foreign policy and 'cultural' superiority over Palestinians and, well...wow.

It's as if he's taken courses in the John Bolton School of International Diplomacy.
Russia has been a problematic topic for Romney; really, the broader topic of foreign policy has stymied him. It's an issue in which he can draw an evident distinction from Obama. Yet he apparently lacks the panache to attack Obama capably. Instead, he's fumbled every time he commentates which only elicits derision. And this precedes his official candidacy when he attempted, yet failed miserably, to critique the New START.
I just realized something.... I really like Leon Panetta. Been watching a few interviews with him lately and the guy clearly knows what he's talking about, and cares at the same time. Totally reasonable.
Irrespective of his sincerity, Panetta's been one of the poorer appointments by the Administration.

so much good stuff
"His poor father must be so embarrassed about his son," Reid said, in reference to George Romney's standard-setting decision to turn over 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in the late 1960s.

Saying he had "no problem with somebody being really, really wealthy," Reid sat up in his chair a bit before stirring the pot further. A month or so ago, he said, a person who had invested with Bain Capital called his office.

"Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years," Reid recounted the person as saying.

"He didn't pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that's true? Well, I'm not certain," said Reid. "But obviously he can't release those tax returns. How would it look?

"You guys have said his wealth is $250 million," Reid went on. "Not a chance in the world. It's a lot more than that. I mean, you do pretty well if you don't pay taxes for 10 years when you're making millions and millions of dollars."

"We feel comfortable in the Senate," he said. "Where the problem is, is this: Because of the Citizens United decision, Karl Rove and the Republicans are looking forward to a breakfast the day after the election. They are going to assemble 17 angry old white men for breakfast, some of them will slobber in their food, some will have scrambled eggs, some will have oatmeal, their teeth are gone. But these 17 angry old white men will say, 'Hey, we just bought America. Wasn't so bad. We still have a whole lot of money left.'"

"So that's the only problem we have with our candidates," Reid concluded, suggesting that virtually everything, his leadership position included, could be swept away by outside cash.

Dude Abides

Hipaa be damned

Illegal to make public. I love the fact that some of the complaints in there would be illegal if he did them. Also WHO GIVES A SHIT IF HE WAS BAPTIZED! I've got no idea if I was or not and it doesn't make me a horrible person if I wasn't. People are dumbshits.

You can waive HIPAA. It's not illegal to release your own medical records. Obama doesn't release a lot of this stuff because it would send the GOP on a fishing expedition, not because it's illegal.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
You can waive HIPAA. It's not illegal to release your own medical records. Obama doesn't release a lot of this stuff because it would send the GOP on a fishing expedition, not because it's illegal.

You can also receive a criminal waiver from the state of hawaii for releasing your birth certificate, or pardon yourself for releasing a selective service #.

The point is that it is illegal by default to release these documents unless you or someone else makes an exception. these are documents that contain sensitive identifying information that can be used for fraud or unethical violations of privacy.
I've been wondering whether the bombshell Halperin hinted at is about Romney not paying taxes. I hate speculation and I'm sure you guys would go crazy if similar charges were hurled at Obama, but Reid strikes me as too cautious to simply spout bullshit of that level. I'm starting to think there's some smoke here

If so...oh man


Romney not paying taxes would greatly change the tenor of the debate. Suddenly the Buffett Rule would be too lax for everyone.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I've been wondering whether the bombshell Halperin hinted at is about Romney not paying taxes. I hate speculation and I'm sure you guys would go crazy if similar charges were hurled at Obama, but Reid strikes me as too cautious to simply spout bullshit of that level. I'm starting to think there's some smoke here

If so...oh man

Yeah, that's a very serious charge by Reid. I can't believe that he'd blatantly lie about something like that so the question for me is how trustworthy "a source from Bain" is
My Vp money still on Tpaw

Rubio would be a game changer. desperate move maybe, but if hes really scared about losing Florida even by 1% Romney might go with him. PPP showed Romney gains a slight edge with him on the ticket.


Why is that?
Foremost, he was an ardent proponent of the escalation in Afghanistan. He displays a noted deference to the military. And he has a penchant for verbal goofs. I could continue, but it's difficult for me to identify an area where I've been thankful for his presence. Whereas, despite some legitimate criticisms, Hillary's tenure has been reasonably successful.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Don't worry guys, Romney paid the sales tax whenever he purchased shiny new toys.

Or did he?


He will never release them. I figure he paid maybe 5%, 0 seems a bit nuts. The ambiguity is probably better for him than the truth.

Depends on if it catches on that he really paid no taxes for 10 years; if it does, everyone, from bleeding heart liberals to tea party fanatics, is going to be fuming (well maybe not, people will probably not be very happy about a multimillionaire not paying any taxes for 10 years, especially one running for president)

He can't say either way, so it is just going to keep getting spun.
I've been wondering whether the bombshell Halperin hinted at is about Romney not paying taxes. I hate speculation and I'm sure you guys would go crazy if similar charges were hurled at Obama, but Reid strikes me as too cautious to simply spout bullshit of that level. I'm starting to think there's some smoke here

If so...oh man

But Obama is going to lose anyway!


It kind of shocks me that Reid of all people would come out and say that directly. I genuinely don't think he would straight up lie about something of that nature. He just doesn't seem like the type; he mostly just likes to sit back and avoid any controversy.


That'd be absolutely bonkers if it came out Romney paid nothing in taxes for 10 years. I'm not going to believe it at all. I think he paid very little, but not nothing.

Still, it'd be my wet dream for that to come true. He'd get stomped in the election, and our tax system would possibly finally get fixed. It'd blow a huge cannon hole in most of the republican arguments.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I still contend that it might be even something worse like somehow getting some of that TARP money from 2008. If it's anything at all, that is.


Is there any way an investor could know what Romney himself pays in taxes? Like what are the sort of things an investor is privy to that would clue him in to that at all?

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
If Reid has sufficient evidence to suggest that Romney didn't pay any taxes, he should present it. Otherwise, suggesting the possibility through a mysterious possible source seems rather gross. He's better off continuing with the 'why hasn't he released the tax returns' line anyway, because it leaves it for the audience to join the dots, which is effective marketing.


If Reid has sufficient evidence to suggest that Romney didn't pay any taxes, he should present it. Otherwise, suggesting the possibility through a mysterious possible source seems rather gross. He's better off continuing with the 'why hasn't he released the tax returns' line anyway, because it leaves it for the audience to join the dots, which is effective marketing.

Yeah, if there's no actual evidence at all it'd be purely stupid to accuse him of paying nothing at all. Far less people would believe that, as for the most part it's a completely ridiculous assertion for most America. That's why it would be so damning if it were actually true. But it had better be if you're going to run on that accusation.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Depends on if it catches on that he really paid no taxes for 10 years; if it does, everyone, from bleeding heart liberals to tea party fanatics, is going to be fuming (well maybe not, people will probably not be very happy about a multimillionaire not paying any taxes for 10 years, especially one running for president)

He can't say either way, so it is just going to keep getting spun.


Romney is a ultra wealthy White guy. He's entitled to pay as little in taxes as is possible, if not actually be worthy enough to receive a negative tax rate.

People paying no taxes is only a problem when they happen to be poor.


No Scrubs
Yeah, if there's no actual evidence at all it'd be purely stupid to accuse him of paying nothing at all. Far less people would believe that, as for the most part it's a completely ridiculous assertion for most America. That's why it would be so damning if it were actually true. But it had better be if you're going to run on that accusation.

Reid comes off as pretty careful, no way he says it if he does not have proof. I think its a matter of waiting, he won't hit him with it til mid September or early October, where it would do the most damage.



Romney is a ultra wealthy White guy. He's entitled to pay as little in taxes as is possible, if not actually be worthy enough to receive a negative tax rate.

People paying no taxes is only a problem when they happen to be poor.

Was going to say... there is a certain segment of the tea party population that almost think its patriotic to pay as little taxes as possible and they wish they could do the same. Instead of getting mad at Romney, they would get mad at the government for overtaxing them rather then looking at it like his income needs to be taxed more.


Not really, no. I mean, they'd know their own tax burden or lack thereof from Bain investments, but the only way they'd know Romneys is if he'd been bragging about paying no taxes.

Actually this makes a lot of sense.

Or....if Romney shared some of his tax evasion techniques with prized investors!

The chart at right tells the story. In the four years since the 2008 survey, there has been a 15-percent jump in support among Democrats (65 percent), seven percent among Independents (51 percent) and five percent among Republicans (24 percent). Republicans are the most opposed to marriage equality (70 percent). Overall, 48 percent are in favor and 44 percent are not.

African Americans aren’t too keen on same-sex marriage either. The Pew poll reports that “the share of African Americans who support gay marriage is no higher today than it was before Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage.” That was in May. An April Pew poll put support at 39 percent. Today, it’s 40 percent. But according to this latest survey, “it is up substantially from 26 percent in 2008 and 21 percent in 2004.”

Happy to read that gay marriage support is pretty close to the majority. Pretty disappointed that Obama's endorsement did not affect African Americans.

Edit: If Romney didn't pay any taxes or barely paid any at all, he would be done and a huge liability to the rest of the party.


Not really, no. I mean, they'd know their own tax burden or lack thereof from Bain investments, but the only way they'd know Romneys is if he'd been bragging about paying no taxes.

Actually this makes a lot of sense.

It would make sense, and I could see him bragging about it, but what proof could there ever be of that, unless the guy was recording it or something.

Unless they could get the guy to actually come out and say it himself, publicly.


Was going to say... there is a certain segment of the tea party population that almost think its patriotic to pay as little taxes as possible and they wish they could do the same. Instead of getting mad at Romney, they would get mad at the government for overtaxing them rather then looking at it like his income needs to be taxed more.

Shit is madness.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Yeah, if there's no actual evidence at all it'd be purely stupid to accuse him of paying nothing at all. Far less people would believe that, as for the most part it's a completely ridiculous assertion for most America. That's why it would be so damning if it were actually true. But it had better be if you're going to run on that accusation.

He's just quoting some investor. Reid doesn't take it further than that. It seems more like he's just throwing it there to get people questioning what Romney is hiding.
Does anybody have a chart or stastistics that show how much we spend on social government aid (welfare, food stamps, food share, EBT cards, etc.) and how much we spend on corprate welfare (oil subsidies, etc.)?


He's just quoting some investor. Reid doesn't take it further than that. It seems more like he's just throwing it there to get people questioning what Romney is hiding.

I guess, but if it goes any further than that and it's dangerous. People will start believing it's a sort of witch hunt. It'd be the same as saying Romney practices witchcraft in his spare time and make ritual sacrifices. People would think you're ridiculous for thinking that and accusing that and would give Romney a pass for not responding to such a silly accusation. Same with accusing him of paying nothing for 10 years. It's ordinarily so far out of the realm of possibility that people who would normally question "Yeah I wonder what he is hiding" would just say "Oh, the democrats are on a crazy witch hunt and they are accusing him of silly things like committing felonies and paying NOTHING in taxes... like I believe those nut jobs."
Does anybody have a chart or stastistics that show how much we spend on social government aid (welfare, food stamps, food share, EBT cards, etc.) and how much we spend on corprate welfare (oil subsidies, etc.)?


This help?


Does anybody have a chart or stastistics that show how much we spend on social government aid (welfare, food stamps, food share, EBT cards, etc.) and how much we spend on corprate welfare (oil subsidies, etc.)?

Aren't food stamps, etc a form of corporate welfare? When someone buys cheese with their EBT does not the store that sold it see a portion of the money? The company doing deliveries? The company that makes the cheese? The company that makes the plastics used in the casings of the cheese? The company that makes the logo to put on the cheese?

Sorry if redundant, as I'm pretty sure you are already familiar, but I think it may be a more apt approach to educate on how money is transferred in each step, rather than just divide it between social and corporate.
Jesus. 5% combined on education and transportation infrastructure. That has to be dwarfed by other developed nations. No wonder we are turning back into a third world country, of sorts.

over $700 billion on defense (it was more like $350 in 2000) and $70 billion in education. $140 billion in education + science.

America, fuck yeah!


Aren't food stamps, etc a form of corporate welfare? When someone buys cheese with their EBT does not the store that sold it see a portion of the money?

Yup. Teapers don't want to admit it, but EBT/food stamps essentially boil down to corporate welfare, you're just giving it to a middleman as assistance.

It's why I laugh when people bitch about people spending their extra cash allowance on something they don't like. Wal Mart gets that 10$ either way.

Technically Republicans should be all over EBT support. It lines the pockets of corps AND you don't pay taxes on food (in most states). It's like everything they like. But you know, bootstraps / temporarily embarassed millionaire syndrome.
Aren't food stamps, etc a form of corporate welfare? When someone buys cheese with their EBT does not the store that sold it see a portion of the money? The company doing deliveries? The company that makes the cheese? The company that makes the plastics used in the casings of the cheese? The company that makes the logo to put on the cheese?

Sorry if redundant, as I'm pretty sure you are already familiar, but I think it may be a more apt approach to educate on how money is transferred in each step, rather than just divide it between social and corporate.

No. Corporate welfare generally goes straight to investor class's profits, bank accounts and dividends. In worst case scenarios, it creates no tangible goods or services.

Food stamps create food for struggling workers (or cigarettes and hooch, in the worst case), income for stores, grocery jobs, trucks, deliveries and everything else you laid out.

In short, working and middle class people spend money. Rich folk hold on to it.
Battle for the Senate - from PPP:

Murphy winning would essentially be a pick up for democrats, given Lieberman's voting history. It will be good to have him gone, although I wish he had been kicked out in some form or fashion. Obama campaigned for him in 2004, and even refused to strip him of his rank after the 2008 election...and yet he still shits on Obama. I can understand being a member of the loyal opposition, but Lieberman seems to take glee in disrespecting someone who saved his ass twice.


Yup. Teapers don't want to admit it, but EBT/food stamps essentially boil down to corporate welfare, you're just giving it to a middleman as assistance.

It's why I laugh when people bitch about people spending their extra cash allowance on something they don't like. Wal Mart gets that 10$ either way.

And someone gets a job out of it!

That's one reason I'm avidly for those programs. I try and use this example whenever I can: My wife for a while was working at a grocery store in a pretty downtrodden part of town. It was an area that was bustling for a while, had a huge mall and all that, but then things went south and after many years pretty well everything closed up shop. There was still a grocery store there, though. A lot of those people were hit hard during the recession, and were on food stamps. The week that stuff would get handed out, her store turned crazy, and tons of people were there buying stuff for the month. Afterwards it was back to dead. Anyway, my point is that I'm fairly certain (like 80-90% certain) that store literally wouldn't exist anymore without those food stamps. It wouldn't be there. They don't make that much on it compared to other stores and it was already neglected. Without that money they would have thrown in the towel. What that would have meant was my wife, someone working hard for her money would have been out a job, and so would all the rest of those fine people. A lot of them were from those downtrodden parts of town, just trying to live their lives, too. Taking away those benefits doesn't just affect those that some particular people try to villainize and demonize, it affects those trying to work and make it out of that spot. It was an awful place to work, but really it was one of the few places to work around that area.


No. Corporate welfare generally goes straight to investor class's profits, bank accounts and dividends. In worst case scenarios, it creates no tangible goods or services.

Food stamps create food for struggling workers (or cigarettes and hooch, in the worst case), income for stores, grocery jobs, trucks, deliveries and everything else you laid out.

In short, working and middle class people spend money. Rich folk hold on to it.

That is a good distinction. I guess we should gage the effectiveness of a welfare program by how many hands the money passes through, the more hands the better? Money that goes straight to someone and is not put back in the system should be avoided at all costs, IMO.
Murphy winning would essentially be a pick up for democrats, given Lieberman's voting history. It will be good to have him gone, although I wish he had been kicked out in some form or fashion. Obama campaigned for him in 2004, and even refused to strip him of his rank after the 2008 election...and yet he still shits on Obama. I can understand being a member of the loyal opposition, but Lieberman seems to take glee in disrespecting someone who saved his ass twice.
He did endorse him this year, but it's true, the Democratic caucus in the Senate is strengthened by virtue of no Lieberman or Ben Nelson. The new conservadems (like Manchin) don't seem to be as bad.
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