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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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They're going to have to suffer a few bad elections as the base adjusts. It's the only way to survive a demographic change. Or just lay off the anti-immigrant shit and they'd discover how socially conservative Latinos can really be.

I think that's the far more realistic tweak. Aren't Latinos and a lot of African Americans actually pretty conservative in a decent number of ways? They won't have to drastically change much if they can just highlight those things and move from there.

But then again, I think a lot of that is social conservatism, and so that'll probably always be on the decline, though they can take advantage of it for a little while.


Romney explains his culture remark

I'm not speaking about, did not speak about, the Palestinian culture, or the decisions made in their economy," Romney clarified in an interview with Fox News. "That's an interesting topic that deserves scholarly analysis, but I actually didn't address that. I certainly don't plan to address that during my campaign. Instead, I will point out, the choices a society makes have a profound impact on the economy and the vitality of that society."

What the hell is he even trying to say here? This feels like some sort of word salad going on.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

The greatest comic of the year for me. So simple, yet so true!


"So get this, the [public] university I work for passes an "at-will" policy meaning, in summation, anyone can be fired without any reason given (there are exceptions). They use this new policy to fire a ton of people that they were not able to fire before. This all happened two weeks ago.

Now, fast forward to this week. The president of the university announces a full, university wide, hiring freeze because of budget problems. Most departments are now unable to fill the positions that they opened because of the lay offs.


My libertarian ron-paul obsessed friend on Facebook (edited for privacy). Not sure if he understands the irony of his complaints.


NBC/WSJ poll to expand cell phone respondents

A note to our readers and viewers: The Democratic and Republican polling firms that conduct the NBC/WSJ poll have announced that the survey is expanding the number of cell phone-only respondents.

In February, the percentage of cell phone-only respondents was increased to 25% of the survey (so 250 out of 1,000). Now it will be 30% (300 out of 1,000).

This expansion comes as our pollsters believe that about one third of the 2012 electorate will consist of voters who use only cell phones and don't have landline phones.​

Will be reflected in next month's poll; worth watching to see how it tips their results.
Basically just saying that his intention was to praise the Jewish people and not deride the Palestinian people.

Yeah, it is a nice try . . . but if he only wanted to praise the Jewish people, he just should have praised them. But instead, he brought up the direct comparison and now he is stuck with it.

Of course it doesn't matter much . . . it is not like there is a large Palestinian voter base. But Romney probably did write off most of the tiny Arab-American base. But they were mostly going to vote against him anyway.

Mike M

Nick N
If Obama can survive the "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" smears, this guy can make it with Castro as his last name.

While I don't doubt he could make it, I would point out that there's a pretty significant difference in the frequency one hears a middle name versus a last name.


Of course it doesn't matter much . . . it is not like there is a large Palestinian voter base. But Romney probably did write off most of the tiny Arab-American base. But they were mostly going to vote against him anyway.

Well, it WAS a fund-raising trip more than anything else. So, if anything, it probably endeared him more to the people he was trying to shake down for some money.
While I don't doubt he could make it, I would point out that there's a pretty significant difference in the frequency one hears a middle name versus a last name.

Something tells me a black dude named Obama stands out far more than a Hispanic dude named Castro
Well, it WAS a fund-raising trip more than anything else. So, if anything, it probably endeared him more to the people he was trying to shake down for some money.

Yes, he was basically saying exactly what his new money-honey Sheldon Adelson wanted to hear. He and others like him were the real target audience. Most real Israelis don't like hearing such flaming divisive rhetoric since they have to live next door to the Palestinians and they try to be more respectful.


Especially since when you did hear the middle name, it was really obvious what the person saying it was trying to do.

Eh, I think in blue/most swing states, this type of scare tactic would fall flat. The kind of person that would get upset over someone's last name likely would be in a red state.
Julian Castro = first Hispanic president

Book it. 4 more years of Obama, 8 years of Hillary, then 8 years of him.

i'm actually acquainted with julian. have worked against him and was tweeting with him just the other night and i honestly don't see him becoming president. he suffers from two problems: 1) has absolutely no charisma at all. i mean, the dude is just zzz. 2) he's politically landlocked in texas despite all the talk about texas becoming a blue state. he wouldn't be able to run and win as senator or governor in the foreseeable future so what's he going to do after his mayorship? well, the rumor down here is that if Obama wins a second term he's putting Julian in his cabinet, at either Education or HUD. neither position, imo, would be a good springboard for the a presidential run. honestly, his twin brother Joaquin, who will be a congressman in a few short months probably has a better shot at becoming president than julian.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Especially since when you did hear the middle name, it was really obvious what the person saying it was trying to do.

also I remember the campaign season in 2007-2008 and it's amazing how many times people "slipped up" and said "Osama" instead of "Obama"


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I know its well known through history that the founding fathers were mainly powerful rich elites that just wanted to have other powerful rich elites leave them alone but goddamn. Washington could have easily installed a feudalist system.

Dude, washington could have been king of America if he wanted. He would have won every single election until he died easily, and he would have been able to name a successor easily who also won every election until he died.

He stepped down after 2 terms, and no one ever attempted to run for a 3rd term until Grant.

I'll try to fill the hole kosmo has left us.

Here's a good one that had the email subject:

"And they want 12 years of Romney's tax returns?!"


I love that all Obama's stuff is in SS condition, must be worth a fortune, I hope he used acetate backs and not polymer for his records.

I like how roughly 2/3rds of the items on that list are either public record, unsealed, illegal to release publically, illegal to release publically but were unsealed with a criminal waiver (his birth certificates), not Obama's property (his thesis. I believe even if he wanted to release it, he'd need the college's permission), or unethical/illegal to release without the consent of another (identity of his clients).
Dude, washington could have been king of America if he wanted. He would have won every single election until he died easily, and he would have been able to name a successor easily who also won every election until he died.

He stepped down after 2 terms, and no one ever attempted to run for a 3rd term until Grant.

Every single election that was fair and unrigged? If thats what you are referring to, I doubt it. The first few decades of the nation were a bit rocky.


i'm actually acquainted with julian. have worked against him and was tweeting with him just the other night and i honestly don't see him becoming president. he suffers from two problems: 1) has absolutely no charisma at all. i mean, the dude is just zzz. 2) he's politically landlocked in texas despite all the talk about texas becoming a blue state. he wouldn't be able to run and win as senator or governor in the foreseeable future so what's he going to do after his mayorship? well, the rumor down here is that if Obama wins a second term he's putting Julian in his cabinet, at either Education or HUD. neither position, imo, would be a good springboard for the a presidential run. honestly, his twin brother Joaquin, who will be a congressman in a few short months probably has a better shot at becoming president than julian.

Sounds about right. Here's my (probably wrong) guess on the first Hispanic president:

Jeb Bush runs in 2016, wins. He picks Rubio as his VP. Rubio runs after Jeb's 8 years, wins.


No Scrubs
medical records?

Illegal to make public. I love the fact that some of the complaints in there would be illegal if he did them. Also WHO GIVES A SHIT IF HE WAS BAPTIZED! I've got no idea if I was or not and it doesn't make me a horrible person if I wasn't. People are dumbshits.
Sounds about right. Here's my (probably wrong) guess on the first Hispanic president:

Jeb Bush runs in 2016, wins. He picks Rubio as his VP. Rubio runs after Jeb's 8 years, wins.

Seems more likely, although hinged on Obama winning this year.

Texas will go blue eventually, but the Castros are certainly young enough to wait to a degree but I don't see it happening in the next two election cycles.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Romney did sit down for multiple interviews during his foreign swing, including with CNN's Piers Morgan and Wolf Blitzer.

Wow, he's really testing himself with those hard hitting interviews.
NBC/WSJ poll to expand cell phone respondents

A note to our readers and viewers: The Democratic and Republican polling firms that conduct the NBC/WSJ poll have announced that the survey is expanding the number of cell phone-only respondents.

In February, the percentage of cell phone-only respondents was increased to 25% of the survey (so 250 out of 1,000). Now it will be 30% (300 out of 1,000).

This expansion comes as our pollsters believe that about one third of the 2012 electorate will consist of voters who use only cell phones and don't have landline phones.​

Will be reflected in next month's poll; worth watching to see how it tips their results.
It'll push Feingold over the top!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Illegal to make public. I love the fact that some of the complaints in there would be illegal if he did them. Also WHO GIVES A SHIT IF HE WAS BAPTIZED! I've got no idea if I was or not and it doesn't make me a horrible person if I wasn't. People are dumbshits.

I believe these are all the items that are illegal for him to make public:
1. Medical Records
2. Selective Service Registration
3. Thesis Paper (because it's the property of the university)
4. Passport
5. His clients' identities (requires their consent)
6. Both versions of the birth certificate (criminal waiver by the state of hawaii)


3. Thesis Paper (because it's the property of the university)

I don't believe this is correct. The student retains copyright over their own thesis, but a university, as a condition of graduation (and simply so they can retain a copy for the library) can require they get some level of license free use of the work as part of granting the degree.


I don't believe this is correct. The student retains copyright over their own thesis, but a university, as a condition of graduation (and simply so they can retain a copy for the library) can require they get some level of license free use of the work as part of granting the degree.

its probably an in depth look at how to secretly apply Stalin's beliefs into the US system. With a foreward by the muslim brotherhood detailing sharia law's affects on the US economy.


The Congress won't be putting on a show for us this summer/fall.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner have reached a deal to keep the government funded for six months, meaning there will be no threat of a government shutdown when the fiscal year ends September 30, Politico reports.

The funding deal would keep government spending at current levels through March 2013. Both chambers of Congress will likely vote on the resolution in September.


I don't believe this is correct. The student retains copyright over their own thesis, but a university, as a condition of graduation (and simply so they can retain a copy for the library) can require they get some level of license free use of the work as part of granting the degree.

I think it varies from University to University, at ours I am pretty sure you have to sign it over to them and pay a fee


I forgot about them. I'm sure they will grandstand a little. Especially with some of their elections happening this fall.

With Reid on board, my expectation is that House Dems will vote for it, along side enough of the non Tea Party GOP to push it over. I'm sure they'll make a fuss, but not enough to derail.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I thought Obama DID release his medical records? I remember Jon Stewart making fun of the fact that Obama's was only a page long, but McCain's was as thick as a dictionary.

Or was that something else?
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