He was there for 30 months. I'm sure there were times where he lived as he once described.
zzzzzzz Most boring election ever.
I fail to see how this election could even be close to being described as "boring"
He was there for 30 months. I'm sure there were times where he lived as he once described.
zzzzzzz Most boring election ever.
I fail to see how this election could even be close to being described as "boring"
I fail to see how this election could even be close to being described as "boring"
http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entries/romney-stands-by-claim-that-hell-create-12Thats what happens in a normal process when you come out of a kind of recession weve had, you should see this kind of job creation, he said on State of the Union. We should be seeing 2-3-400,000 jobs per month to regain much of whats been lost. Thats what normally happens after a recession. But under this president, we have not seen that kind of pattern.
He claimed President Obama wants to give more money to government.
Romney Stands By Claim That He’ll Create 12 Million Jobs In 4 Years
You missed him calling Obama "stupid" and Reid a liar. It was rather enjoyable.I go out of my way to make sure I listen to right wing politicos on Sunday shows but I refuse to listen to Lindsay graham. . He could be talking about being pro gay marriage and implementing the Buffett tax tomorrow but his voice is too annoying. I can't do it.
Also that idiot scientist the Koch brothers have been sponsoring for years came out and said global warming is real, but that the solution is natural gas fracking.
Romney Stands By Claim That Hell Create 12 Million Jobs In 4 Years
Romney said:He claimed President Obama wants to give more money to government.
Well you know by doing stuff.Has he ever said how this would actually happen?
http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entries/romney-reaches-out-to-jewish-voters-plays-up“Who shares your values?” the narrator asks. “As President, Barack Obama has never visited Israel and refuses to recognize Jerusalem as its capital.”
“Mitt Romney will be a different kind of president—a strong leader who stands by our allies,” the narrator continues. “He knows America holds a deep and cherished relationship with Israel.”
The ad ends with Romney in Israel: “It’s a deeply moving experience to be in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.”
Has he ever said how this would actually happen?
Oh man haha.
Romney Reaches Out To Jewish Voters, Plays Up Israel Visit In New Ad
Oh man haha.
Romney Reaches Out To Jewish Voters, Plays Up Israel Visit In New Ad
Oh man haha.
Romney Reaches Out To Jewish Voters, Plays Up Israel Visit In New Ad
As a Jew, this deep pandering is quite sickening.
Mitt: "Look, I'm wearing a yarmulke! I eat kosher too! Loooove bagels! Vote for me jews!!"
I think people forget that Rahm Emanuel was Obama's chief of staff.
Has he ever said how this would actually happen?
And of course it is all Obama's fault for allowing the Egyptian people to vote in the Muslim Brotherhood because you mixing religion and politics is bad. (Unless Christians are doing it.)What's really sad is that he isn't pandering to Jews, he's pandering to Christian fundamentalists who believe that Jesus is coming back and that Israel needs to exist so the rapture can happen, or some shit. The same Christians he's pandering to require ALL of those Jews, after this magic Jesus and trumpets shit goes down, to convert to Christianity on the spot to avoid you know, going to hell.
So literally, he's supporting a supernatural event that would destroy the Jewish state and replace it not with a Muslim one, but a Christian one. Mitt Romney, working for the destruction of the entire Jewish religion, via salvation, which in turn isn't even the chosen path of his own Mormon religion, although its in the same ballpark.
What a fucking mess. It makes Libertarians look like masters of logic.
At least Obama is directly pandering to US Jewry when he's doing this shit.
Related to the WI Shootings in the Sikh Temple, if this is related to religion and some dimwit fuck Republicans for stoking fear in people about Sharia law and infiltration of US government by Muslim Brotherhood and shit.
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope that is not the case and it is just some random, or two, nutjobs and not something politically or religiously motivated...
People always say this, and then it always turns out to just be your bog-standard random psycho.
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope that is not the case and it is just some random, or two, nutjobs and not something politically or religiously motivated...
“One factor made the 2012 grind bearable and at times even fun for Obama: he began campaign preparations feeling neutral about Romney, but like the former governor’s GOP opponents in 2008 and 2012, he quickly developed a genuine disdain for the main. That scorn stoked Obama’s competitive fire, got his head in the game, which came as a relief to some Obama aides who had seen his interest flag when he didn’t feel motivated to crush the opposition. Obama, a person close to him told me, didn’t even feel this strongly about conservative, combative House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the Hill Republican he disliked the most. At least Cantor stood for something, he’d say.
“When he talked about Romney, aides picked up a level of anger he never had for Clinton or McCain, even after Sarah Palin was picked as his running mate. ‘There was a baseline of respect for John McCain. The president always thought he was an honorable man and a war hero,’ said a longtime Obama adviser. ‘That doesn’t hold true for Romney. He was no goddamned war hero.’” See the cover; pre-order the book $2.99 http://politi.co/PW4dfy
Obama, a person close to him told me, didnt even feel this strongly about conservative, combative House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the Hill Republican he disliked the most. At least Cantor stood for something, hed say.
His advisers long have said that if Romney can get to his convention with the race close to even, he will be well-positioned to pull ahead during the final two months of campaigning. They still believe that and say they are on track. That presumes that any erosion in his personal image can be turned around quickly before it begins to affect the polls nationally and in the swing states.
I don't know about what he was saying, but there have been several past incidences of people targeting Sikh or their temples because they thought they were Muslim.I think that part at least is well established.Whoa, citation needed.
Exactly my feelings. And he has a chance of being President, unbelievable.
This is what the Romney campaign is thinking:
What might hurt Dems and Obama is the rate at which Obama campaign is burning through cash. And they are having difficulty raising cash at the same time. Dem donors have not responded, and that part sucks.
While, things look good for Obama right now. Nothing is set in stone, if October still shows Obama with such an EC lead, I will feel good.
Yeah I wasnt intending to concur with that part.No, I've definitely heard about that before. It's the "nearly all shootings are the result of Fox News" that I don't believe.
CHEEZMO;40652791 said:Didn't ABB talk about the batshit right-wing pundits et al in his manifesto?
I find it strange that anyone would end up hating Romney more than Eric Fucking Cantor. Romney's just a moderate trying to stay afloat in the riptides of batshit insane that is his party. Cantor actually believes the shit he says.
I've been saying that for months. Romney got pummeled for two months and is still within 2-5 points in most polls. He's well positioned to blow the race open after the conventions/VP selection. I don't believe cash will be an issue for Obama though.
Voters don't like Romney personally, the Bain stuff has hurt him, etc...yet he's still performing well. Something is wrong.
Forgive my ignorance but what about the convention or announcing a VP pick makes for a guaranteed jump in the polls? Is it just because of the resulting increased media exposure? Or is it because it cements the candidate as THE candidate even further? I guess I just don't understand why that stuff is worth a few points in the polls, especially if the VP candidate is someone bland (Portman, Pawlenty) that won't really move the needle and can be counteracted by the opposing party convention shortly after.
Oh well then, the lunacy has craziness to back it up!I've been saying that for months. Romney got pummeled for two months and is still within 2-5 points in most polls. He's well positioned to blow the race open after the conventions/VP selection. I don't believe cash will be an issue for Obama though.
Voters don't like Romney personally, the Bain stuff has hurt him, etc...yet he's still performing well. Something is wrong.
I respect honesty and passion more than someone who will say anything to get what he wants. Granted Cantor certainly does say some things he clearly doesn't believe, but his actual policy agenda is pretty clear. Romney has been on opposite sides of the spectrum for multiple major issues, to the point where it's logical to wonder whether he actually believes anything outside of giving corporations and the rich tax breaks. At one point or another he has disavowed Reagan, refused to sign the Contract For America, refused to label himself pro-life, signed gun control laws, raised taxes, supported some basic gay rights, etc.
What's really sad is that he isn't pandering to Jews, he's pandering to Christian fundamentalists who believe that Jesus is coming back and that Israel needs to exist so the rapture can happen, or some shit. The same Christians he's pandering to require ALL of those Jews, after this magic Jesus and trumpets shit goes down, to convert to Christianity on the spot to avoid you know, going to hell.
So literally, he's supporting a supernatural event that would destroy the Jewish state and replace it not with a Muslim one, but a Christian one. Mitt Romney, working for the destruction of the entire Jewish religion, via salvation, which in turn isn't even the chosen path of his own Mormon religion, although its in the same ballpark.
What a fucking mess. It makes Libertarians look like masters of logic.
At least Obama is directly pandering to US Jewry when he's doing this shit.
I have a feeling the debates are going to go poorly for Romney. Going to be fun when he's actually going to have to explain how he plans on adding these jobs.
Romney is not a bad debater. I don't think anyone would deny that Newt Gingrich is a very effective debater, yet Romney managed to soundly defeat him when he needed to. Obviously Obama is a good debater as well, the problem will be that he has no economic record to run on - outside of "hey things could have been worse." Romney won't have trouble scoring points against that type of argument, especially if UE is still above 8% (guaranteed).
Romney will suffer on nearly every other issue during debates, but it's the economy that matters. And just as Obama effortlessly defeated McCain by tying him to Bush's economic record, Romney will do the same with Obama's economic record.
? Its nearly always the case. Its usually people with a few screws loose that read news similar to Fox and believe it and go on shooting sprees. Virtually everyone who did these shooting were Limbaugh and Fox News viewers.
In other words if it wasn't for the fear mongering these events wouldn't be anywhere near as likely to happen.
You're setting yourself up for disappointment.
Oh man haha.
Romney Reaches Out To Jewish Voters, Plays Up Israel Visit In New Ad
A week or so ago I looked at Nate Silver's forecast status and saw a notable tick of improvement for Obama, and wondered here whether it was a blip or a more sustained movement.
It appears to be the latter.
Obama got a bump in July that has remained, and it looks like Romney's position is deteriorating further over the past week against him. I'm expecting Romney to announced the veep pick the week or so after the Olympics are over, but it won't alter his fundamental position. Dude is in deep trouble.
How was Nate Silver's forecasting during the 2010 elections? I remember him being pretty damn accurate back in 2008.
These stats look pretty great. I wonder what it would take over the next few months for these numbers to flip?
Only Mitt has the keys to the White House roof where the Job Signal is.That's the thing, though--how does Romney convince people he can turn the economy around? No corporate tax? I can't imagine independent voters are stupid enough to believe that.
A week or so ago I looked at Nate Silver's forecast status and saw a notable tick of improvement for Obama, and wondered here whether it was a blip or a more sustained movement.
It appears to be the latter.
Obama got a bump in July that has remained, and it looks like Romney's position is deteriorating further over the past week against him. I'm expecting Romney to announced the veep pick the week or so after the Olympics are over, but it won't alter his fundamental position. Dude is in deep trouble.
Is this adjusted for inflation?
Whoa, citation needed.
WTF? You are most assuredly wrong about this. Back that shit up with facts and citations or retract it. Even if this does turn out to be a religious right paranoid watcher of Fox News, that would be one hell of an outlier.