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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Romney, Republican Party raise $101.3 million in July

WASHINGTON, Aug 5 (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee raised $101.3 million in July, turning in another big month of financial strength for their battle to defeat President Barack Obama on Nov. 6.

In addition to the July numbers, the Romney campaign also planned to announce on Monday that Romney, the Republican National Committee and state party participants have $185.9 million cash on hand.


While big donors have powered much of the Republicans' fund-raising numbers, the Romney campaign said 94 percent of all donations received in July were for $250 or less.
ax evasion seems pretty sensible tbh.

lol, i fixed that up.

The Justice Department has launched an investigation into whether Las Vegas Sands Corporation and several of its executives violated money-laundering laws, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Citing unnamed lawyers and other people involved in the matter, the newspaper said the probe was being conducted by the US attorney's office in Los Angeles.

Its investigators want to find out how the casino handled money received several years ago from a Mexican businessman later accused of drug trafficking and a former California executive subsequently convicted of taking illegal bribes.

Sands' chief executive and largest shareholder is hotel and casino industry mogul Sheldon Adelson, whose personal wealth is estimated to be nearly $25 billion.

Obama made a call.
Turning Obama into an Other. They've been doing it for four years now

What kind of fucking idiot would believe such tripe? I don't have to think Romney is some crazy white-horse conspiracy Mormon Manchurian candidate to not vote for him. I just hear him want to close planned parenthood, boot gays out of the military, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes on rich people, deny climate science, want to extend the war in Iraq, endorse a personhood amendment, and some other policy prescriptions and that makes me not want to vote for him. Why can't the other side just espouse all those views and leave it at that? No need for this false narrative paranoid conspiracy bullshit.


Turning Obama into an Other. They've been doing it for four years now

That seems to be the major problem with the GOP... they've spent 4 years doing the same shit they are doing for this election season. They have nothing new and spent the last 4 years loudly yelling from mountaintops the same shit and people just tune them out.
That seems to be the major problem with the GOP... they've spent 4 years doing the same shit they are doing for this election season. They have nothing new and spent the last 4 years loudly yelling from mountaintops the same shit and people just tune them out.

The strategy has worked great at preventing Obama from being a bi-partisan President who had appeal across the political aisles. We are even more polarized than we were 4 years ago if that's possible.

But the problem with the strategy is that it has been largely ineffective outside the GOP base. Even Independents who don't like Obama, the whole "Other" argument doesn't resonate with them. It just makes the GOP look conspiratory and out of touch with the real issues.


has calmed down a bit.

This worries me tremendously. Romney is bringing in money at an amazing clip, without counting the super pacs. There is going to be a historic blitz post convention. Romney is eventually going to find a compelling economic narrative and all this money will drive it to the voters directly. If the economy doesn't pick up, I fear the worst.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This worries me tremendously. Romney is bringing in money at an amazing clip, without counting the super pacs. There is going to be a historic blitz post convention. Romney is eventually going to find a compelling economic narrative and all this money will drive it to the voters directly. If the economy doesn't pick up, I fear the worst.

I've said it before, and i'll say it again. If the race was closer I might be concerned, but it's not.
Considering barely anyone in the Republican party is excited about Romney, how on earth are they raising record setting fundraising numbers?

I'd like to see the breakdown of total donors for this quote:

While big donors have powered much of the Republicans' fund-raising numbers, the Romney campaign said 94 percent of all donations received in July were for $250 or less.

But I guess numbers can be deceiving. For example, there could just be 10,000 total donors. 94% would be 9,400 donors. So if those 9,400 gave $250 or less, they would just account for ~ $2 Million or less of the total $100M. While the rest of the $98M would be divided up by 600 uber rich donors averaging ~$163K each.

So that napkin math basically illustrates Romney could have a meager amount of total donations with small donors accounting for the numerical majority while the vast majority of the funds actually come from the rich few.

Obama had a bigger grass roots support in '08 but I think he also relied on big donors in a similar way. And he's lagging behind this cycle precisely because many of the big donors have gone to Romney or they're sitting on their hands.


Huge numbers only affect down ticket at some point where you can spread the money around. Noise noise noise coupled with the fact that they have no message



"The company believes it has acted properly and has not committed any wrongdoing," the paper quoted Reese as saying.

They really create their own set of morals don't they?

The dream is over, sorry Kosmo, I know you're watching...



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
"The company believes it has acted properly and has not committed any wrongdoing," the paper quoted Reese as saying.

They really create their own set of morals don't they?

I find it hilarious how similar this sounds to the Romney camp's explanation about his taxes.
"The company believes it has acted properly and has not committed any wrongdoing," the paper quoted Reese as saying.

They really create their own set of morals don't they?

The dream is over, sorry Kosmo, I know you're watching...


if she wasnt "pro abortion" i think conservatives would really rally behind her, tis a shame


Republicans have a misunderstanding of the American public--not everyone wants to live in a mansion and have ungodly amounts of money, and we don't hate rich people (unless they're greedy obnoxious dicks like Adelson and the Koch Bros.).

The super-rich are among the most admired people in our society--but only when it comes to people like Bill Gates and Warren Bufffett who haven't sold their souls in the process of acquiring their wealth.


Rice has repeatedly given firm denials when asked if she ever wants to hold office again. I highly doubt she would have even said yes.

I think the entire story was a media creation trying to woo her/convince the Romney camp of pursuing her. Or just to get attention.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Republicans have a misunderstanding of the American public--not everyone wants to live in a mansion and have ungodly amounts of money, and we don't hate rich people (unless they're greedy obnoxious dicks like Adelson and the Koch Bros.).

The super-rich are among the most admired people in our society--but only when it comes to people like Bill Gates and Warren Bufffett who haven't sold their souls in the process of acquiring their wealth.

Ever since Buffett's tax comments last year he's been villified by conservatives as a greedy job killing hypocrite who should just write a check to the IRS if he wants to pay higher taxes. They don't realize that he doesn't pay lower taxes because he necessarily wants to, but because that's how the system is set up for the type of money he generates. He can't just claim his capital gains as salary. That would be fraudulent.

(also, Buffett doesn't even manage any of the companies he buys. He buys companies that operate well but are undervalued, and leaves them as is. After all, it makes no sense to buy a company if you don't like what they're doing, and if you like what they're doing, it makes no sense to change that after you buy them. He's as hands off as an investor can be, as it should be)


No Scrubs
Obama camp raised 75 million again. So not only they are outgunned in the campaign but outside groups too.

Hopefully it will pick up as we get closer to October. If his supporters see he might lose then there is no doubt they will contribute, but the way things are going right now Obama is the hands on favorite so they probably figure why should they waste their money.
Rice has repeatedly given firm denials when asked if she ever wants to hold office again. I highly doubt she would have even said yes.

I think the entire story was a media creation trying to woo her/convince the Romney camp of pursuing her. Or just to get attention.

That wouldn't fly with his base though, so it aint happenin'. It's just about winning.
Hopefully it will pick up as we get closer to October. If his supporters see he might lose then there is no doubt they will contribute, but the way things are going right now Obama is the hands on favorite so they probably figure why should they waste their money.

I don't have much hope that it will pick up at this point. June should have been the wake up call and it wasn't.

So Romney + RNC will have a massive Cash on hand advantage (50-60 million) and Obama will end up spending even more time attending fund raisers.


I don't have much hope that it will pick up at this point. June should have been the wake up call and it wasn't.

So Romney + RNC will have a massive Cash on hand advantage (50-60 million) and Obama will end up spending even more time attending fund raisers.

it matters little for Romney, if i were Obama and the DNC I would put a lot of focus on close house races and senate seats.
I don't have much hope that it will pick up at this point. June should have been the wake up call and it wasn't.

So Romney + RNC will have a massive Cash on hand advantage (50-60 million) and Obama will end up spending even more time attending fund raisers.

Obviously cash is a big advantage, but I do think there's a ceiling to its effectiveness in a Presidential race. POTUS candidates are extremely high-profile and a lot of information comes from media coverage (for good or ill). As someone mentioned earlier it's more likely to significantly affect downticket races, where voters might know shit-all about one or both candidates besides what they hear in advertisements.
Honestly, at current funding rates, I'm fine with all that money pouring into the presidential race from the right. Better in this race where it won't really matter, instead of flooding congressional races where it will have a large impact.


Every one of Obama's negatives have been beaten into every single voter's head for years. I don't know how much impact repeating the same stuff over and over will have. The primaries were different because not much was known to most people about the candidates. This money will have an impact down ticket, but for the Presidential race I don't see it changing much.
I'm impressed by Reid. He's full on bull dog. And it's a win/win situation. Keep on throwing the punch since the only way that Romney can defend it is by releasing the tax returns which is the entire point of this onslaught.


I'm impressed by Reid. He's full on bull dog. And it's a win/win situation. Keep on throwing the punch since the only way that Romney can defend it is by releasing the tax returns which is the entire point of this onslaught.

"See?????! He's LYING! I paid a 4% tax rate!!!!"
"See?????! He's LYING! I paid a 4% tax rate!!!!"

Exactly. No matter what Romney does he's going to come across badly to those not in the tea party/GOP.

Release the returns- lol wut, he paid THAT little? wow....
Don't release returns- Well, he's hiding something... I wonder if he didn't pay taxes...


Professional Schmuck
Romney's wordplay like "I paid taxes" and "everything I was legally required to do" should raise all of our hackles. Remember, it's really not relevant whether or not he's a tax-evading miser -- what's relevant is that as a billionaire, he's paying less taxes than you are, and it's perfectly legal. That's the big tell the GOP doesn't want you to find out. This is all legal and they plan on keeping it that way.
Yeah, I don't think it would sink his campaign. It is like him being Mormon. They'll go for him instead of the Kenyan Muslim. Never mind that Obama has done nothing about guns except make them legal in national parks. The mythology is 'Obummer wants to take your gunz' so they'll vote Romney.
It will wreck havoc on the House and Senate races unless the Dem is like John Tester.


Obsidian fan
Romney's wordplay like "I paid taxes" and "everything I was legally required to do" should raise all of our hackles. Remember, it's really not relevant whether or not he's a tax-evading miser -- what's relevant is that as a billionaire, he's paying less taxes than you are, and it's perfectly legal. That's the big tell the GOP doesn't want you to find out. This is all legal and they plan on keeping it that way.

But one of these days I'll start up that small business I spend my time dreaming about, which will then grow and grow. One day I'll be a millionaire and when I am I dont want the government stealing all of my hard-earned money and giving it to "poor" people who are too lazy to make money.
I'm impressed by Reid. He's full on bull dog. And it's a win/win situation. Keep on throwing the punch since the only way that Romney can defend it is by releasing the tax returns which is the entire point of this onslaught.

I've got mixed feelings about. He is basically just giving out hearsay. He's implying something with no hard evidence. And I don't believe the claim despite Harry saying it is a 'very credible source' since it would seem near impossible to not pay income tax for 10 years and you definitely wouldn't even try if you were thinking about running for president.

But Harry admits it is just hearsay. He says he doesn't know if it is true. It is all just meant to apply pressure for Romney to release his taxes. As long as a person really said that to Mitt Romney and Mitt Romney is a public figure, there is nothing illegal about such a statement. As they say, this ain't bean-bags. So the Romney team needs to just put on the big boy pants and deal with accusation.


One thing to keep in mind though is that pollsters will at some point apply the LV model instead of RV, which Nate expects will help Republicans by 1-1.5%.

I also maintain that polls so far out in advance, might show us how the recent months have gone but are not a good outcome Predictor. After the conventions, real race starts.

as a note... in a post on 538 today Nate mentioned that over 80% of state polls have already been switched over to LV models, so you won't see a dramatic swing. The main polls not using LV right now are the national polls.

And Nate is concurring with relio from above that it appears the national polling means fuck all


The ad buys for the Olympics are interesting here in FL. Obama's commercials seem to all run during the day, while Mitt's are in the evening.
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