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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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I'm starting to believe Brown will lose. Going full retard might work when you have crazy folks in your corner, but Brown has been abandoned by the tea party folks who got him into office.

Good. I know I would drink heavily in celebration of an Obama and Warren victory.


I'm starting to believe Brown will lose. Going full retard might work when you have crazy folks in your corner, but Brown has been abandoned by the tea party folks who got him into office.

Have they? Similar to with Romney, I don't think they'll hesitate to vote for him because Elizabeth Warren represents everything they (are told to) hate.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm getting the feeling that deep down, Romney and his camp just knows he can't possibly win, so they're like "Fuck it, we're just saying what the fuck we want."

They should just come right out and start dropping a bunch of n-bombs soon.



Let's see. Attack voter registration effort - required by law. Bonus points for attacking a voter registration effort aimed at the poor, with a super bonus aimed at your opponent's daughter. I've maintained that Warren would win for some time now, but I think this is a tipping point for Brown.

Normally it would, but there are times the news will cover an add like this which is better than an ad buy. Even money NBC covers it in the next week.
The Obama team releases Truth Squad videos every week. I don't know how often NBC or the others cover them, but my impression is they rarely cut through the chatter. They may help coax the networks into covering the issue, though.
Call me cynical, but I had always maintained that Warren would lose. But now...lol. Brown is most likely going down.

Goddamn, November 7th can't come soon enough. All the bitching at work, Facebook posts...glorious!


So who thinks she's going to run in 2016? I'm not the biggest Clinton fan (though I don't dislike her), but she'd probably be a hell of a lot better than Cuomo.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Man, it's too bad we're so dumb.

This is concern trolling of a high order, I think. Sure, Obama hasn't fixed the issues that face the youth -- but Romney is actively trying to make them worse. To throw his name in there abruptly as if to suggest that we're screwing ourselves by voting for him is...well, it's the kind of thing a father would do, isn't it? (Not my father, my father was a truther.) My father-in-law said this exact thing to me: "I'm just worried for your future." I was like, "Me too! That's why I'm a socialist!"

I never get why these people attempt these moronic arguments. It's the same when they argue why gays and black people, and hispanics shouldn't vote for him because he hasn't done much to help him. It's cause:

1. He's tried and you assholes keep stopping him.
2. Those groups realize that you same assholes absolutely DESPISE them!

OF COURSE they're going to go with Obama. This isn't that hard.


I remember back in 2008 the speculation on who would be the next candidate for the Dems centered on Virginia's Mark Warner and Montana's Brian Schweitzer, with some sources even going so far as to suggest that the plan was already in place to have one of them replace Biden as Obama's running mate in 2012.

Warner did get the keynote gig then, but his speech was somewhat of a disappointment, overshadowed by the fiery Dennis Kucinich speech on the same day.

So where are Schweitzer and Warner now? Purposefully sitting this one out, maybe?


Don't Dems have a habit of picking dark-horse candidates for their nominee? Neither Clinton, Kerry, or Obama were obvious front runners when they made their presidential bids. Gore is the only recent Dem nominee that was the frontrunner early on and won the nomination, and that's mostly due to him being the Vice President at the time.


God I hate watching Morning Joe, It's almost as bad as watching fox news.

How do people start those movement to get people fired? Joe and Mika should be off MSNBC.
God I hate watching Morning Joe, It's almost as bad as watching fox news.

How do people start those movement to get people fired? Joe and Mika should be off MSNBC.

eh, I don't mind Morning Joe. It sure beats watching the bubbly folks on other morning news shows.


Call me cynical, but I had always maintained that Warren would lose. But now...lol. Brown is most likely going down.

Goddamn, November 7th can't come soon enough. All the bitching at work, Facebook posts...glorious!

Aside from Obama winning, Warren is #1 on my wishlist. I want her in the Senate so bad. I'd give up sex for 5 years if it would get her in.


None of this shit stuck earlier this year when the right tried it. More far right pandering from Romney. I am becoming more and more convinced that he's going to pick Ryan. He's making no attempt to get independents on his side.
Well, I think Romney is realizing now that he can't win by just saying the economy sucks. So, what else can be attack Obama on.

Those are now things that embody the Politics of resentment. The idea of the ad is not to talk about HealthCare of religion, it is again, this not so American man attacking American values.

Look out for all these ads from Romney that attack implicitly or explicitly Obama's "foreignness" to voters. Whether it will succeed or not...I don't know. I think the media has this all wrong, they think its about bridging the Gender gap, I think its all about reducing Obama's vote share among the non-college educated white voters in OH, VA, NC, PA, etc.


lol, Romney's campaign is just getting weird now


Romney arrived at Lake Terrace, the site of his fundraiser tonight, at roughly 3:35 pm, after what your pooler can only describe as a harrowing high-speed motorcade from Newark airport to Lakewood NJ. Hitting speeds of up to 90 mph at times, the motorcade made what had been scheduled as a 61-minute drive in roughly 45 minutes on a route that took us along the Jersey Turnpike to the Garden State Parkway and prompted your pooler to wonder many times if she would live to cover Romney's remarks at the fundraiser tonight. The motorcade was escorted by unmarked police SUVs which at times flashed their lights. At one point, we passed a school bus where several little kids could been seen standing on their seats to get a glimpse of the motorcade.

Upon arrival in Lakewood, some unusual things happened. First, the motorcade passed a man dressed in American flag shorts running down the street toward the venue here while waving an American flag. "Whooooo!" he exclaimed, as your pooler's van passed. Then, as we turned into Lake Terrace, the motorcade drove past an Orthodox Jewish wedding party that had been posing for pictures outside. Immediately, the family abandoned the bride and groom and began chasing Romney's car in the parking lot, waving cameras. The candidate's SUV drove around a corner to a back entrance, followed by at least 10 members of the wedding party who tried to run up to Romney's car by were halted first, by a wood fence, which one man tried to scale, and then by Secret Service agents, who did not look pleased. "Oh you're Secret Service," one woman said, as she was asked by an agent to move back. "We just want to see Romney."

Your pool is now holding in a room ahead of Romney's remarks at the private fundraiser, set to begin in about one hour. Per spokesman Rick Gorka, Romney is going to pose for photos with the wedding party, but the campaign will not allow the pool to witness this event.


The Associated Press ‏@AP

BREAKING: US jobless claims fall by 6,000 to 361,000, signaling modest improvement in the job market. -DC

The Associated Press ‏@AP

BREAKING: Cheaper oil pushes down US trade deficit to lowest level since December 2010. -DC


Gingrich Admits There’s ‘No Proof’ Yet To Welfare Attack
But just hours after the Romney campaign blasted out a statement by the former speaker accusing Obama of “undoing the act’s central concept of a welfare-to-work requirement,” Gingrich distanced himself from the language in Romney’s ad.

“I think if the ad makers had asked me I would have said, ‘This makes it possible,’ would have been a good way to enter into what it said,” Gingrich said in an interview on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” Wednesday night.

Gingrich went on: “We have no proof today, but I would say to you under Obama’s ideology it is absolutely true that he would be comfortable sending a lot of people checks for doing nothing.”



This campaign actually had a little bit of traction with the "you didn't build that" stuff, but they've completely blown it.

Imagine Gingrich being the VP nominee.


Well, I think Romney is realizing now that he can't win by just saying the economy sucks. So, what else can be attack Obama on.

Those are now things that embody the Politics of resentment. The idea of the ad is not to talk about HealthCare of religion, it is again, this not so American man attacking American values.

Look out for all these ads from Romney that attack implicitly or explicitly Obama's "foreignness" to voters. Whether it will succeed or not...I don't know. I think the media has this all wrong, they think its about bridging the Gender gap, I think its all about reducing Obama's vote share among the non-college educated white voters in OH, VA, NC, PA, etc.

But the economy is all Romney has, he can't run on social issues because in swing states that is not going to matter. Nobody in OH and PA cares about the SC approved Health Care law, they care about jobs.

If Romney moves away from the economy he might as well just call the election now.
I wonder what the big deal is with not calling someone a liar in politics. It's the one word nobody utters.

As Chris Matthews says the other day it pretty much ends the conversation. Plus it also sometimes makes the accuser look worse than the one being called a liar. Just don't tell Reince Priebus.


Web videos may not have the visibility of TV ads, but I think besides having something for people (mostly your own supporters) to view on the web, they give quick responses to their opponents that are easy to understand when news broadcasts show "the Obama/Romney campaign's response." These web videos probably are seen more by people watching the news than people going to YouTube and watching them.


i'd love to see Romney start creeping back to how he was in Mass. and see if the right shits the bed.

Obama does an ad supporting gay marriage. On Fox New Romney's spokesperson says "Maybe they should move to Mitt Romney's Massachusetts where in 2004 when Mitt Romney was governor they got the right to marry"
the new excuse?

The man who once said “corporations are people” apparently doesn’t believe the inverse.

When pressed on why he’s not releasing more tax returns in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek, Mitt Romney justified it by saying: “I’m not a business.”

Bloomberg asked Romney whether, if he was investing in a company, he would want to see more than two years of financial reports, likening that process to the American people electing a president. But Romney suggested the standards aren’t the same for people and businesses.

“I’m not a business,” he said. “We have a process in this country, which was established by law, which provides for the transparency which candidates are required to meet. I have met with that requirement with full financial disclosure of all my investments, but in addition have provided and will provide a full two years of tax returns.”

This is the candidate who, almost exactly one year ago, got into a somewhat-heated exchange with a heckler in Iowa in which Romney made that case that “corporations are people” — that is, what happens to corporations affects the people who work for them.

“Of course they are,” Romney said at the time. “Everything corporations earn also goes to people.”


I think this is going to be an issue up through election day if it hasn't already died out by now. It's startling to me that Romney wouldn't have gotten this stuff out of the way many months ago instead of letting it build up like it has. With a campaign you cannot let things fester such as this. You have to be upfront and address them right away instead of kicking it down the road hoping people will forget about it.


Setec Astronomer
I think this is going to be an issue up through election day if it hasn't already died out by now. It's startling to me that Romney wouldn't have gotten this stuff out of the way many months ago instead of letting it build up like it has. With a campaign you cannot let things fester such as this. You have to be upfront and address them right away instead of kicking it down the road hoping people will forget about it.
On the other hand, that's pretty sad. Admit to killing children in January and people forget by November.

Get run out of town in 2008 then people come running back to you in 2010.
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