Romney's plan for healthcare reform is to repeal Obamacare and relocate everyone to Massachusetts where they can get Romneycare.
Again and again I ask, what part of this campaign has convinced anyone that they're not that stupid? If you told me they were seriously considering Sarah Palin I'd laugh my ass off -- but I'd believe it.
Nonsense. Romney's camp has said they're picking a boring old white guy, most likely. Ryan doesn't fit that; he's a divisive young guy who happens to be from the most unpopular congress of all time.
Perhaps of more importance: Romney's ego. I don't see him picking anyone who would upstage him. Ryan IS the conservative zeitgeist. He has some charisma, can be witty, and already made a name for himself by being the second smartest guy in the room during that republican retreat where Obama owned face. Romney doesn't want to be upstaged imo. Same reason he won't pick Christie.
And let's not forget establishment republicans have deemed the Ryan plan as toxic.
Romney has spent a good chunk of this campaign trying to get republicans excited with things like welfare. Today Romney said, in regard to the "VP shortlist" that floats around, You dont think that we would be so silly as to not provide, from time to time, the capacity to throw people off, do you?" No one is excited about his ticket, so I wouldn't be surprised if he continued down this path of pandering to the far right by selecting Ryan in an effort to bring some sense of passion to their campaign.
This is a good point but I'd still say Romney would realize Ryan hurts more than helps (shoring up conservatives vs turning off independents), establishment types would be wary, and of course the ego issue.
In terms of excitement, Rubio would make more sense. I don't see him as being as dangerous to Romney as Ryan is, and while he's super popular he'd still be a vice president with questionable experience, few DC ties. Whereas Ryan could basically be a co-president.
Not bad junior, I'm not gonna front.
Yeah, Hillary wasn't the favored pick or anything in '08...anyone find it funny obamas only real threat to one of his campaigns was bobby rush who he lost against? his senate seat was practically given to him by alan fucking keyes!
Late but, this is glorious. We should start making a list of pologaf burns. Kosmo's clown cars was also brilliant.If you are using the same arguments that you use here then I am not surprised. It'd be like trying to deflate a balloon by using a silly straw to shoot cotton balls at it.
The 'Romneycare' thing is so bad, even Rush is getting in on the criticisms
I've always been a democrat for the most part and barring Arlen Spector always at the national level. Just a grumbling annoyed one at times who has to be dragged cursing and screaming. lolManos, I'm confused.
You know it's funny when I vote for Obama in the end I think it's mostly going to be that I'm happy with his foreign policy. Well and that most of the ACA is reality beneficial to most Americans especially knowing no one can not insure my sister because my mom had breast cancer once.
I do hope he doesn't get to pick any other USSC judges as I don't want Heller or McDonald dicked with. Ironically otherwise I don't think any gun control will pass with Obama in the White House compared to if Mitt is President.
And someone argued the other day that PoliGAF never changed anybody's opinion and that people would vote for whomever they always vote for!
I hate to ruin the moment...but barring momentary flights of fancy I was always voting for Obama.And someone argued the other day that PoliGAF never changed anybody's opinion and that people would vote for whomever they always vote for!
I've always been a democrat for the most part and barring Arlen Spector always at the national level. Just a grumbling annoyed one at times who has to be dragged cursing and screaming. lol
Google Scoop Jackson (barring internment) and it explains me a bit more.
John Tester for a current example.
If John Tester can hang on, he could have a big future. The "Democrat from a red state" thing works well with LBJ, Clinton & Carter being examples.I've always been a democrat for the most part and barring Arlen Spector always at the national level. Just a grumbling annoyed one at times who has to be dragged cursing and screaming. lol
Google Scoop Jackson (barring internment) and it explains me a bit more.
John Tester for a current example.
I've always been a democrat for the most part and barring Arlen Spector always at the national level. Just a grumbling annoyed one at times who has to be dragged cursing and screaming. lol
Google Scoop Jackson (barring internment) and it explains me a bit more.
John Tester for a current example.
Yeah. I refuse to believe anyone has already forgotten how close the primary was in 2008.Yeah, Hillary wasn't the favored pick or anything in '08...
Yeah. I refuse to believe anyone has already forgotten how close the primary was in 2008.
I keep waiting for things to heat up, but it never does.It was awesome and entertaining... the presidential race was entertaining, so far 2012 is just... sad
Was "The War on Poverty" that successful?
we work together.
Yeah. I refuse to believe anyone has already forgotten how close the primary was in 2008.
You're welcome. The real credit belongs to the guy who the original shop and the Gaffer in the avatar thread. It's just so well done and so hilarious. I wish someone could redo the audio from Mitt speeches so it comes out in the Bane voice.I don't know if I've ever told you this Manos but your avatar makes me chuckle every damn time I see it. Love it.
Thanks for that![]()
Yeah and Montana is a change from the red Dem always having to come out of the south.If John Tester can hang on, he could have a big future. The "Democrat from a red state" thing works well with LBJ, Clinton & Carter being examples.
The "Republican from a blue state" can also succeed as Reagan showed. But doesn't seem to be working well for Mitt. Of course no one really knows what state Mitt is really "from". Mass? Utah? Michigan? New Hampshire? California?
So do conservatives want Romney to take Romneycare into the shed and shoot it now? He seemed to be doing well enough just ignoring it, but clearly this has opened some festering wounds
Is he going to publicly deny the fact that MA's health insurance law might have saved this guy's wife?
You know it's funny when I vote for Obama in the end I think it's mostly going to be that I'm happy with his foreign policy. Well and that most of the ACA is reality beneficial to most Americans especially knowing no one can not insure my sister because my mom had breast cancer once.
I do hope he doesn't get to pick any other USSC judges as I don't want Heller or McDonald dicked with. Ironically otherwise I don't think any gun control will pass with Obama in the White House compared to if Mitt is President.
Last week the campaign for presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney released an advertisement accusing President Barack Obama of failing Ohio car dealerships.
One problem: The ad appears to show stock footage of Oklahoma.
And then there are the costs of aging. Gains in productivity from new technologies or better skills that would normally flow into paychecks will be siphoned off to pay for retiree benefits, underfunded state and local government pensions and infrastructure repair. Taxes will rise; if not, public services will fall. Or both. Population change cant be repealed. The ratio of workers to retirees, 5-to-1 in 1960 and 3-to-1 in 2010, is projected at nearly 2-to-1 by 2025...Sooner or later, the systems oppressive costs will become so obvious that future benefits will be curbed. Chances are the young will still pay for todays elderly without themselves receiving comparable support...
To aid the young, we could tighten Social Security and Medicare, raising eligibility ages and reducing payouts for wealthier retirees. Unlikely. Younger voters seem clueless about advancing their economic interests. In 2008, 18-to-29-year-olds supported Barack Obama by 34 percentage points. They love his pseudo-youthfulness. Or his positions on other issues (immigration, gay rights) trump economics. As president, Obama has done nothing to improve generational fairness.
According to Robert Samuelson, PoliGAF has a lot in common with social conservatives who vote against their economic interests based on social issues.
The social and economic reasons for Generation Squeezed
And then there are the costs of aging. Gains in productivity from new technologies or better skills that would normally flow into paychecks will be siphoned off to pay for retiree benefits
According to Robert Samuelson, PoliGAF has a lot in common with social conservatives who vote against their economic interests based on social issues.
The social and economic reasons for Generation Squeezed
No president is going to seriously change Medicare or Social Security anytime soon like suggested, Barack Obama or otherwise. It doesn't matter how the President feels, most congressmen would be slaughtered for trying to "cut my social security." It's going to be a long time before we see these programs get fixed. PoliGAF is not "voting against their best interest" by voting for Obama.
I read this and was dumbfounded by the author's stupidity. True, Obama has done very little to stanch the flow of wealth from young-to-old, and yet, who the fuck is the alternative? Republicans explicitly promise that young people will get less benefits than today's elderly. Is that who young people are supposed to vote for?