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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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So after reading the past 5 or 6 pages in regards to Paul Ryan....

Excites the far right of the Republican base
He's a potential media darling
He's a good speaker

Florida is a blue state now
He wants to end social security
He wants to end medicare
He wants lower taxes for the rich & higher taxes on the middle-class and poor
He voted for the Iraq War.TARP,Auto Bailout & Bush Tax Cuts

Did i miss anything?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
So after reading the past 5 or 6 pages in regards to Paul Ryan....

Excites the far right of the Republican base
He's a potential media darling
He's a good speaker

Florida is a blue state now
He wants to end social security
He wants to end medicare
He wants lower taxes for the rich & higher taxes on the middle-class and poor
He voted for the Iraq War.TARP,Auto Bailout & Bush Tax Cuts

Did i miss anything?

Catholic. Moreso with a mormon on the ticket.


No Scrubs
So after reading the past 5 or 6 pages in regards to Paul Ryan....

Excites the far right of the Republican base
He's a potential media darling
He's a good speaker

Florida is a blue state now
He wants to end social security
He wants to end medicare
He wants lower taxes for the rich & higher taxes on the middle-class and poor
He voted for the Iraq War.TARP,Auto Bailout & Bush Tax Cuts

Did i miss anything?

He looks a bit like a vampire.


I mean, look, Ryan's negatives are obvious and I'm clearly exaggerating. But he's much more experienced and familiar to the national press than Palin ever was. There's a huge difference here.

I'm not saying that Ryan's a plus, but he's not Palin and has a history of excessive praise. Expect frustrating shit to go down, keep expectations in check, etc.


So after reading the past 5 or 6 pages in regards to Paul Ryan....

Excites the far right of the Republican base
He's a potential media darling
He's a good speaker

Florida is a blue state now
He wants to end social security
He wants to end medicare
He wants lower taxes for the rich & higher taxes on the middle-class and poor
He voted for the Iraq War.TARP,Auto Bailout & Bush Tax Cuts

Did i miss anything?
He's not a particularly good speaker, and the second he becomes the VP nominee he will no longer be a mainstream media darling.


His budget plan.

I repeat, he successfully sold his 2012 budget plan to the Media. Media loved it. Media will talk about it, this is what America needs, media sees him as a "hero" for suggesting this budget plan.

They did when he was a rep. Now he's the possible next Vice-President. Being in a Presidential campaign is like wading through a school of piranha -- it's not whether you get bitten, it's how badly. The media don't care about any of the candidates, but they follow the ratings, and a candidate who wants to eliminate Medicare is a ratings gold mine. They don't call it the third rail because it's mildly risky to touch.


I mean, look, Ryan's negatives are obvious and I'm clearly exaggerating. But he's much more experienced and familiar to the national press than Palin ever was. There's a huge difference here.

I'm not saying that Ryan's a plus, but he's not Palin and has a history of excessive praise. Expect frustration shit to go down, keep expectations in check, etc.

You're right, Palin had a (relatively) impressive electoral history and approval ratings to back her up.


I think you can see two different campaign strategies that have been in action since the beginning.

The Obama campaign has believed this election would be close and has been preparing since early 2011.

The Romney campaign believed that they would money bomb the primary and then just coast on the economy to victory.


Besides, the media may have been nice to Ryan before, but Obama will likely be using Ryan's weaknesses against him in speeches and in ads, forcing the media to talk about it. For their sake of faux balance, if Obama's team shouts something long enough, the media will make what they're shouting a part of what they cover.

Obama on 538 has a nearly 90% chance at winning Wis. Romney is not going to win there.
So the idea is to ride the coat tails of Ryan's history of effectively pushing meaningful legislation through the house in order to illustrate how Romney will move the country forward?

I agree. I think Romney will pull that state

not that it matters since Oh-bam-hussein-muslim-ama-lama-kenya-marxist boy the IIIrd will win Ohio and lock the race up
Why? They'll remember how he didn't put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance and be like "I ain't voting for that commie"
Hmm, I don't get how Ryan is a "terrible" pick. He's articulate and a media darling. It could also put Romney over the top in Wisconsin.

This pick does tell me that Romney thinks he's losing though (even though it may not be true)

Everyone but hardcore libertarian/repubs hate him. Rom Rom was going to win the repubs anyway, and the creepy libertarians like eznark wouldn't have ever voted for Obama anyway.


Why? They'll remember how he didn't put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance and be like "I ain't voting for that commie"

because Ohio's recovery is relatively better than some other states, and Obama has carpet bombed those states with negative Romney ads - which have been shown to be quite effective, eliminating Romney's argument about Bain experience proving he's better for the economy, eliminating Romney's Massachusetts argument because he'd have to admit his health care plan was model for Obama's, eliminating foreign policy argument because his overseas trip was disastrous.

Romney is fucking funny


Of course things get interesting when I have to be on the road all day tomorrow.

I can't believe we got another desperate veep choice from the GOP. And Obama continues to be blessed with terrible opponents.
You act like they havent already assigned an intern to takecare of this.
They've had that clip of Gingrich calling the Ryan plan right-wing social engineering on the hard drive for months.

amir0x said:
because Ohio's recovery is relatively better than some other states, and Obama has carpet bombed those states with negative Romney ads - which have been shown to be quite effective, eliminating Romney's argument about Bain experience proving he's better for the economy, eliminating Romney's Massachusetts argument because he'd have to admit his health care plan was model for Obama's, eliminating foreign policy argument because his overseas trip was disastrous.

Romney is fucking funny
But swing state voters hate negative advertising against Republicans. My friends in the newsroom said so


How soon until Obama has a Ryan response piece out? 5 minutes after official confirmation? Cannot wait.

The Obama team's opposition research is excellent. Look how they're getting Romney to call 'Uncle' despite being outspent 2-1 with an economy with >8% UE. Adding Ryan to the ticket gives the Obama so many more angles of attack. The political calculus of picking Ryan doesn't make any sense. Ryan's plan just help re-enforce Obama's narrative that Romney's for the rich and against the middle-class.

There's no doubt in my mind the the Romney camp saw those recent poll numbers and absolutely believed them. This is an absolutely desperate pick in my mind.
i feel bad for tpaw :-( anyways the pick is risky as hell, but if mitt loses atleast he can say he ran on the ryan budget plan.

anyways according to ppp, WI is 47/46 for obama with Ryan on the vp ticket



Yea, as someone who never over exaggerates I'm a bit concerned about this. Obama alone did not fire up conservatives, just look at the polls of republican enthusiasm. But this will, overnight. He's a likable guy and puts Wisconsin in play.

I can't wait to see polls in a couple weeks.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I mean, look, Ryan's negatives are obvious and I'm clearly exaggerating. But he's much more experienced and familiar to the national press than Palin ever was. There's a huge difference here.

I'm not saying that Ryan's a plus, but he's not Palin and has a history of excessive praise. Expect frustrating shit to go down, keep expectations in check, etc.

Palin didn't have promote unpopular economic policies, she was just incompetent. Ryan's worse.


You guys are dumb if you think Ryan will actually get the VP nod. There is no way in hell someone so divisive will get the nomination. Before you say, "Palin LULZ" she wasn't divisive before she was picked, she was an unknown attractive female from Alaska. 99% of the country had never heard of her. Hal Mary, etc.

Paul Ryan is equal parts hated, feared, loathed, unknown, vilified, and whatever else nationwide. You don't pick that when you are looking for a VP, no matter how incompetent your campaign.

Well well well......
So Romney's entire campaign has been about how his 25+years running businesses in the private sector gives him some special knowledge on how to create jobs while bashing Obama for his lack of public sector experience. He then decides to pick a running mate who has been in Washington his whole life? This is like McCain giving-up the experience argument by picking Palin


VPs rarely matter in and by themselves, but picking Ryan will force Romeny to talk about his budget, which he's on the record for supporting.
That's not a smart move.
Bad move for Ryan as well.
If i was obama, i'd get together an ad showing all the famous GOP basically saying "don't pick me" and then get in a good hit at Ryan in the end.
So the idea is to ride the coat tails of Ryan's history of effectively pushing meaningful legislation through the house in order to illustrate how Romney will move the country forward?


Obama/Biden is the ticket of Yes We Can.

Romney/Ryan is the ticket of No We Won't.
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