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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Romney going for Paul Ryan? Is he trying to sabotage his own campaign?! Ryan's budget is toxic to seniors and opens to all sorts of attacks for the Obama camp to launch. Say goodbye to Florida--which was already close before this--and, thus, the election.

JaY P.

Maybe they're banking on a Euro collapse and a China downturn. If both of these events happening I can see the appeal to Paul Ryan's plan growing in popularity.

Some troubling news coming out of Asia today.


His plan is whats screwing up Europe.

Your right that the media is too stupid to point that out.

We're less than 3 months out a China down turn I don't think would come that fast. And truth be told I think the Chinese would manipulate things to the best of their ability to keep Obama in office just because they realize how much this crap would screw them up as well (giant US austerity).


Unconfirmed Member

this ought to be fun!
Prometheus spoiler!


No Scrubs
Actually Ryan nominee might be the ticket to forcing his tax issue off the narrative. If Ryan is the pick then that is the only possible reason I think he would pick him. Pick someone so toxic that his VP pick overwhelms the campaign narrative and it stops becoming a contest about him vs Obama, and rather Ryan vs Obama while he slips away. The one thing I don't understand... is why anyone ELSE in his campaign thinks this is a good idea. Ryan as VP isn't just toxic to the presidential ticket, he is a friggin house congressman who authored one of the most toxic budget proposal in decades. Bringing him back onto the national spot light brings that budget and consequentially all the congressmen who voted for that budget back into focus. Ryan could potentially ruin a lot of close republican congressional races as they need to fight whether they support the ticket or not.

It wouldn't do that though, part of Ryan's budget cuts taxes for the wealthy. It would just throw an even brighter light on them. If he wanted to have people focus on something else, he should have gone with transvaginal ultrasound guy.
Another thing: given the campaign's recent Welfare dust up, this pick makes sense. Republicans always frame entitlement cuts as just being aimed at Those People, and with 100 million people on Welfare there are plenty of them to scapegoat.

I want to see how this plays out. The cuts in that budget are so clear there's no way to sugar coat or dismiss them. It's a blatant slap in the face for lower income people, and middle income people - to benefit people like Mitt Romney

So his plan is bash 100 million people which most likely includes a huge portion of his voting base? Running on entitlements is the WORST thing you could do this election during the downturn.


Another thing: given the campaign's recent Welfare dust up, this pick makes sense. Republicans always frame entitlement cuts as just being aimed at Those People, and with 100 million people on Welfare there are plenty of them to scapegoat.

I want to see how this plays out. The cuts in that budget are so clear there's no way to sugar coat or dismiss them. It's a blatant slap in the face for lower income people, and middle income people - to benefit people like Mitt Romney

The "those people" thing won't work with Medicare. But I share your cautiousness. The media would actually have to do its job, and I'm not sure they can with their giant boners for Ryan in the way of their keyboards.

JaY P.

His plan is whats screwing up Europe.

Your right that the media is too stupid to point that out.

We're less than 3 months out a China down turn I don't think would come that fast. And truth be told I think the Chinese would manipulate things to the best of their ability to keep Obama in office just because they realize how much this crap would screw them up as well (giant US austerity).

Agreed. Sad to say it but we are the China's biggest sucker... I mean customer.


Professional Schmuck
There is no PoliGAF LMAO.gif big enough for this moment. At least it buries the "don't pick on me" thing for a few days. But...


:: gasp ::
So Obama holds all the EVs from last time except Indiana? Or is this a really bad pick where Obama gains 5-6 more states?
We'd need to find out that Mitt Romney eats babies before Obama starts winning Kentucky, WV, etc.

Obama's maxed out map is probably 2008 + AZ and MO.

I just think it's really fucking hilarious how Romney's playing into Obama's campaign so perfectly. Now he gets to run on balancing the budget and cutting your taxes. Ryan's plan raises taxes on poor/middle class to cut them for the rich, while taking 30 years to start running surpluses.



No Scrubs
So Obama holds all the EVs from last time except Indiana? Or is this a really bad pick where Obama gains 5-6 more states?

May as well give Obama Florida now. I'll be biting my nails til the last vote is counted, but logic says this is going to be a blow out.
Anyone have that video of Biden refusing to talk to reporters on the eve of being named VP, driving a truck? At one point he said something about "taking a dump" referencing wood he was removing from his property lol. I've found parts of it on youtube, but haven't found the "dump" comment in years haha. I wonder if it was deleted
The "those people" thing won't work with Medicare. But I share your cautiousness. The media would actually have to do its job, and I'm not sure they can with their giant boners for Ryan in the way of their keyboards.

Exactly. This helps Romney do what he had not been able to do till now, hold the media narrative.

As of now, I think this helps Romney more than it hurts him.


Probably the biggest impact this decision has is on the congressional races. Downballot effects are going to be huge.

Seriously, there is just absolutely no way Romney thought this through.
By endorsing Ryan - and thereby wholeheartedly embracing the Ryan Plan - he is playing right into the existing narrative: that Romney is rich, out-of-touch, and will cut your benefits to pay for high income tax cuts.
Yeah, pretty much.

I think the Romney team has been looking at their unfavorable ratings and figure that they can't win many more voters so they've already switched to shoring up the base mode. They are going to try to win this by a squeaker.

I'm rich, I'm gonna cut my taxes while raising yours but you are gonna vote for me anyway because of abortion, gays, and guns. Now go vote for me, peasant.
Probably the biggest impact this decision has is on the congressional races. Downballot effects are going to be huge.

Seriously, there is just absolutely no way Romney thought this through.
Yeah really. Every Republican in the House (save for a few like Ron Paul) voted for Ryan's budget.

Senator Dean Heller had the privilege of voting for it in both the House AND Senate.

I've been saying it, this move is disastrous for Republicans wanting to hold the House. It attaches the Ryan budget to a national figure who's not at all popular (Romney) and the entire GOP caucus goes with him.

Matt said:
Add in Montana, Georgia, and the Dakotas...and that's pretty spot on.
I don't know if Georgia is ready to turn blue. Maybe in 2016. But he could get close, like he did in 08.

Heidi Heitkamp can win North Dakota now though, and Democrats can pick up the Dakota House seats (which they held until 2010). It might not have much impact in Montana since Rehberg was one of the few who voted against the Ryan plan.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Maybe that is Romney's plan, he does not like the GOP so maybe he figured fuck it lets burn down the party

I think he's honestly worried about getting record low turnout of registered Republicans even when running against Obama. At least this way if he loses by a landslide, he can say it was due to the independents.

(I've been lurking for years now, and I thought that today was a good chance to jump in.)

I have to say, I am utterly dumbfounded. The whole point of this bus tour was to 'reset' the campaign; to redefine Romney after the onslaught of the last few weeks.

By endorsing Ryan - and thereby wholeheartedly embracing the Ryan Plan - he is playing right into the existing narrative: that Romney is rich, out-of-touch, and will cut your benefits to pay for high income tax cuts.

I'm just wondering what Romney is going to campaign on for the next 3 months now that he has Ryan at his side. If he says anything about Medicare, he'll piss off the seniors. I guess the tax cuts in the Ryan budget are still pretty vague so maybe he can try to spin that into a positive?


Junior Member
I'm withholding judgement until I see how the Obama campaign responds, and the first few weeks of polling after this.

I'm very concerned about an energized conservative base. Before this pick, Romney was pretty much dead in the water. With Ryan on the ticket, conservatives may get pumped up and turn out to vote IF the Obama team isn't good at getting the message out about his budget.

As for Romney, I've lost all respect I had for him. He is truly nothing more than a puppet who only cares about winning the election, and not the welfare of the country. He'll literally do and say ANYTHING to get elected. It truly disgusts me.
Yeah, pretty much.

I think the Romney team has been looking at their unfavorable ratings and figure that they can't win many more voters so they've already switched to shoring up the base mode. They are going to try to win this by a squeaker.

I'm rich, I'm gonna cut my taxes while raising yours but you are gonna vote for me anyway because of abortion, gays, and guns. Now go vote for me, peasant.

The sad thing is he's guaranteed at least 45% of the vote.
Gaining states really isn't in the realm of possibility.

Surely if seniors or those reaching that age want medicare/SS they're not gonna vote Romney, right? And since those people are EVERYWHERE you'd expect more competitive races nationwide...or are moderate republicans dumb enough to hop on the tea party train?


I'm withholding judgement until I see how the Obama campaign responds, and the first few weeks of polling after this.

I'm very concerned about an energized conservative base. Before this pick, Romney was pretty much dead in the water. With Ryan on the ticket, conservatives may get pumped up and turn out to vote IF the Obama team isn't good at getting the message out about his budget.

As for Romney, I've lost all respect I had for him. He is truly nothing more than a puppet who only cares about winning the election, and not the welfare of the country. He'll literally do and say ANYTHING to get elected. It truly disgusts me.

Conservatives were already going to vote because they hate Obama so much. Romney didn't need to try to court them.
On thinkprogress:

Is he insane? I seriously don't understand the world they're living in.

They're plan is no know just lie about how they're gonna cut the deficit, save our kids and the cuts won't fall on the middle class. I saw something earlier this week on fox about Ryan. They're plan to counter the Ryan plan attacks is to just keep saying they're lying or distorting the truth. They also have that stupid polifact "lie of the year" if Obama says it ends medicare.
I'm withholding judgement until I see how the Obama campaign responds, and the first few weeks of polling after this.

I'm very concerned about an energized conservative base. Before this pick, Romney was pretty much dead in the water. With Ryan on the ticket, conservatives may get pumped up and turn out to vote IF the Obama team isn't good at getting the message out about his budget.

As for Romney, I've lost all respect I had for him. He is truly nothing more than a puppet who only cares about winning the election, and not the welfare of the country. He'll literally do and say ANYTHING to get elected. It truly disgusts me.
If it takes a VP to energize your base, you're losing.
I'm withholding judgement until I see how the Obama campaign responds, and the first few weeks of polling after this.

I'm very concerned about an energized conservative base. Before this pick, Romney was pretty much dead in the water. With Ryan on the ticket, conservatives may get pumped up and turn out to vote IF the Obama team isn't good at getting the message out about his budget.

As for Romney, I've lost all respect I had for him. He is truly nothing more than a puppet who only cares about winning the election, and not the welfare of the country. He'll literally do and say ANYTHING to get elected. It truly disgusts me.

Worked for McCain.

JaY P.

I'm withholding judgement until I see how the Obama campaign responds, and the first few weeks of polling after this.

I'm very concerned about an energized conservative base. Before this pick, Romney was pretty much dead in the water. With Ryan on the ticket, conservatives may get pumped up and turn out to vote IF the Obama team isn't good at getting the message out about his budget.

As for Romney, I've lost all respect I had for him. He is truly nothing more than a puppet who only cares about winning the election, and not the welfare of the country. He'll literally do and say ANYTHING to get elected. It truly disgusts me.

I have no doubt that this will energize the Republican / Tea Party types.

I am also confident that a Romney / Ryan ticket will energize the democratic base to vote and increase fundraising by convincing voters and big donors to contribute. The question is however, who will be more motivated by this move?


Exactly. This helps Romney do what he had not been able to do till now, hold the media narrative.

As of now, I think this helps Romney more than it hurts him.

Obama gave him the Olympics all to himself and we saw how that went

Romney never does good with the media narrative, so how does this help him when whatever stupid shit he says will be the sole focus


I have no doubt that this will energize the Republican / Tea Party types.

I am also confident that a Romney / Ryan ticket will energize the democratic base to vote and increase fundraising by convincing voters and big donors to contribute. The question is however, who will be more motivated by this move?

Seniors ALWAYS vote, tell them their entitlements are on the line and see how fast they go D

An early one for me.

Too bad I can't have a celebratory mojito until ten days from now.

Hey guys, did you know that Romney/Ryan will be the first GOP ticket to not have any WASPs on it? Ryan is Catholic.

A Mormon and a Catholic, my dad is rolling over in his grave
I'm withholding judgement until I see how the Obama campaign responds, and the first few weeks of polling after this.

I'm very concerned about an energized conservative base. Before this pick, Romney was pretty much dead in the water. With Ryan on the ticket, conservatives may get pumped up and turn out to vote IF the Obama team isn't good at getting the message out about his budget.

As for Romney, I've lost all respect I had for him. He is truly nothing more than a puppet who only cares about winning the election, and not the welfare of the country. He'll literally do and say ANYTHING to get elected. It truly disgusts me.

VP picks mostly just bring their negatives to the campaign. Nobody really votes for VP. I mean, a non-trivial number of rightwing zealots were literally having masturbatory fantasies over the last VP pick and McCain still lost by seven points. If you think Palin significantly motivated GOP voters than you're saying McCain was otherwise on his way to a 10 or 12-point massacre, which begets belief.

There will be a short-term bump because there always is, and then it will return to pre-pick levels or possibly crater.


Gotta love Romney's management of expectations.

"We're going to jump 56 points in the polls. And then, everyone will stop asking about my taxes. And then right wingers will be nice to me. And then, I'll fire everyone in america to boost GDP. And then, ice cream."

What exactly is the benefit of telling everyone you expect to jump 11 points in two weeks, and how is it big enough to offset the risk of looking stupid/incompetent when you don't?
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