Poor T-Paw... :lol
Two weeks ago I thought Ryan was a complete long shot to be VP. But after Miitt's disastrous foreign trip and how the tax return issue still wasn't going away, I was starting to get the feeling the Romney campaign might be desperate enough to pick Ryan.
In my mind, this is another Sarah Palin type pick, IMO. Okay maybe not that bad. But clearly this is designed to energize the base and make a dull candidate/campaign seem more exciting. Yet it's another young lightweight VP pick who is very polarizing.
Is anyone really comfortable with the idea of Paul Ryan being President of the United States? At his stage of his career I think he would make a great cabinet member in a Romney Admin, but he lacks gravitas as an executive to run the most powerful nation in the world. Aside from defending the Ryan Plan, the Romney campaign is going to have spend a lot of time just convincing independents and few dems that Ryan is ready to take over the presidency in a moment's notice.
But again, at least conservatives/republicans will now fight for Romney despite his plethora of gaffes and idealogical flip-flops. But this VP pick was hardly a pick that helps build a broad coalition. If anything, it narrows it.