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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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testicles on a cold fall morning
I find Paul's appeal to those in poverty and the downtrodden odd considering his proposed policies would effectively leave them in an even worse situation without federal assistance programs.

We're not that far removed from the failure of trickle-down economics to make the serfs believe they can still win by losing.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
For the Tea Party or for Team Obama? Because those are the only two groups that benefit from this pick.

Romney is McCain 2.0, except he's not even likable. This pick just reminds me of Palin so much. Before Palin was exposed as an idiot, I think she gave McCain a good shot. Maybe that's just how the media portrayed it and I'm fuzzy. I don't think Ryan will be as easily exposed as an idiot.

My only real concern is that this guy is repeatedly praised by the media for being bold or daring.


Neo Member
Say what you want about Paul Ryan, I don't like him myself, but at least he stands for something and has been pretty consistent throughout his career. The same can't be said about many other DC politicians.

With that said, considering this race directly affects my employment, I am pleased with this announcement.

Obama still wins Wisconsin, still gets over 270 and is President January 21st, 2013.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hope those printing presses have "HE'S GONNA KILL MEDICARE" rolling and the airdrops are in progress...


Mark Allen, Chief White House Correspondent talks to Rep. Paul Ryan, Wisconsin’s 1st District (R), about a “fad” a “craze he started up on Capitol Hill. It’s not Brooks Brothers suits ….. it’s P90X. Rep. Ryan says, “I’ve been been doing P90X for about one and one-half years now. It’s called muscle-confusion and cross-training … It works because it’s called muscle confusion. It hits your body in many different ways. Pullups, pushups, situps, lots of cardio, karate, jump training, yoga. It pushes your body in many different ways so it gets out of it’s plateau.

Hellz yeah high five future VP brosef

Ryan is a total Washington insider. How is he a "tea party" pick?
Being a Washington insider doesn't disqualify you from Tea Party membership. Also that's the first time I've heard anyone call Ryan a Washinton insider.


Romney is McCain 2.0, except he's not even likable. This pick just reminds me of Palin so much. Before Palin was exposed as an idiot, I think she gave McCain a good shot. Maybe that's just how the media portrayed it and I'm fuzzy. I don't think Ryan will be as easily exposed as an idiot.

My only real concern is that this guy is repeatedly praised by the media for being bold or daring.

I don't think he'll be exposed as an idiot, but I think he will be portrayed as another part of Romney's heartless and corporate policies. Ryan may see this as a referendum and go whole hog into his financial plan, which will only play into this. I guarantee the Obama campaign has an ad about medicare already in the pipe.

They can easily paint him as being against the poor and seniors. I've seen alot of young conservatives playing up what Ryan means for conservative enthusiasm, but shining light on Ryan's plans may also increase enthusiasm among the poor and minorities of the dem base as well.


How long before some snapshots of Ryan without his shirt off "leak" to the media? Is there enough summer left for the Romney and Ryan families to take a short vacation together somewhere?


I have to say that I would actually be on board with some version of the Ryan plan if not for the facts that, A) it does not include cutting military spending, and B) it includes massive tax cuts to the wealthy.

I mean why the hell does B have to be part of the equation? Reforming transfer payments has to be done at some point, but I don't know why the fuck anyone thinks you balance the budget by cutting revenue even further.


I have to say that I would actually be on board with some version of the Ryan plan if not for the facts that, A) it does not cutting military spending, and B) it includes massive tax cuts to the wealthy.

I mean why the hell does B have to be part of the equation?
Because the plan is a sham put forward only to benefit the most wealthy in the country.

Washington Post said:
Someone just shouted "Obamaloney"
Really, Tea Party?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Ryan: Romney's experience in so many areas that we are no longer allowed to discuss in this campaign.

Because the plan is a sham put forward only to benefit the most wealthy in the country.

No, the plan is to shrink the federal government by starving it from as much tax revenue as possible. That economic inequality grows even more is just a positive side effect.
Friend --

Paul Ryan will be Mitt Romney's running mate.

What you need to know right now: This election is about values, and today Romney doubled down on his commitment to take our country back to the failed policies of the past.

Congressman Paul Ryan is best known as the author of a budget so radical The New York Times called it "the most extreme budget plan passed by a House of Congress in modern times." With Mitt Romney's support, Ryan would end Medicare as we know it and slash the investments we need to keep our economy growing -- all while cutting taxes for those at the very top.

Over the next few days, Romney's campaign and its allies will tell a very different story about Paul Ryan.

Our job is to make sure Americans know the truth about what Romney's choice says about him as a candidate and leader, and to stand with President Obama and Vice President Biden at another major moment in this campaign.

Say you're with them:


Thanks for all you're doing. More to come.


Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Obama is going to have a fucking FIELD day with this.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Bublo - this man is supposed to make Obama look old and part of the establishment?

Is it the lack of a tie? But why does he continue to wear his suit jacket when even Romney removed his?

I'm so confused by this.


No, the plan is to shrink the federal government by starving it from as much tax revenue as possible. That economic inequality grows even more is just a positive side effect.

I would love a machine that could show me a vision of what this ideal Ryan-esque world would look like.

Medical expenses for the elderly would still be an issue, so the funding would have to come from somewhere. Would life expectancy decrease, or somehow stay the same? Would amenable mortality among people 65 and older increase, or somehow stay the same?

I read the budget a few months ago, but it's been too long now for me to remember what else he specifically wanted to cut. What did he want to cut? I seem to remember it being everything but defense.


Paul Ryan is the most bipartisan thing to come out of Washington in decades. Everyone on both sides of the aisle seem thrilled that he is the pick.
There is no PoliGAF LMAO.gif big enough for this moment. At least it buries the "don't pick on me" thing for a few days. But...


:: gasp ::

That was, more or less, my response. I can't believe Romney pushed the panic button.

For people who think lower income folks won't vote now, look out. My prediction is turnout is going to be at a historic level. The Obama GOTV campaign just got what was equivalent to a 1 billion dollar gift. All they need to do is put Ryan's plan out there, isolate the cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and other welfare programs and let the rest do its talking. I'm not even sure what voters Ryan brings into the fold. The prototypical conservative thinks Obama is the anti-Christ- I'm not sure how much more pandering to the right wing base is really necessary. What independent voter would be interested in this garbage?

Paul Krugman must be furiously typing away as we speak. Ryan is an amateur economist and I can't wait to see people who actually understand how markets and the world economy functions rip his plan to shreds.


That was, more or less, my response. I can't believe Romney pushed the panic button.

I can. Romney is tanking badly. The recent string of polls showing a 7-10 point Obama lead spoke to that. His overseas trip was a disaster. Reid's trolling is putting Romney's tax returns (or lack thereof) back into focus. Romney's campaign angered conservatives for mentioning Romneycare. Romney was losing the narrative, losing conservatives, and, therefore, losing the election. Hell, Romney went on NBC and essentially begged Obama to stop attacking him about Bain and his taxes. This guy's campaign is in a free-fall

He had to do something.
Bublo - this man is supposed to make Obama look old and part of the establishment?

Is it the lack of a tie? But why does he continue to wear his suit jacket when even Romney removed his?

I'm so confused by this.

What did you want him to wear?
A hoodie? He's 42 and trying to look Presidential... i mean vice presidential.

The most unfortunate consequence of watching any Republican political rally is the hokey country music. Bleh.
Gotta agree with this.
They had to have two or three ads for every possible candidate just waiting to go

Another consistency. Obama has been preparing for 2012 since forever it seems. It's like they have an ad team whoose sole job is to watch what Romney or any of the opposition says and then edit a quick attack video within hours it seems.
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