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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
You guys are dumb if you think Ryan will actually get the VP nod. There is no way in hell someone so divisive will get the nomination. Before you say, "Palin LULZ" she wasn't divisive before she was picked, she was an unknown attractive female from Alaska. 99% of the country had never heard of her. Hal Mary, etc.

Paul Ryan is equal parts hated, feared, loathed, unknown, vilified, and whatever else nationwide. You don't pick that when you are looking for a VP, no matter how incompetent your campaign.

Altered what do you have to say about this post you made days ago?


Junior Member
Romney talking points stress that Romney won't embrace the Ryan plan. Good luck with that!
What a load of bullshit.He's on fucking record of supporting the Ryan plan. There are a whole bunch of videos on youtube!

He has campaigned with him, and now he's picked him as the VP. How much proof do you need?


Why would you choose someone whose plan has already been thrown out even by their own party?
Romney's transparently anxious about an enervated base. And Ryan constitutes the best option to appease his supporters without choosing an unalloyed dullard. The base perceives Ryan as dynamic and cerebral; he's the prime spokesman for their unnerving agenda for the U.S. Of course, I find his strategy misguided. Ryan's selection will increase the salience of Medicare which is an issue that invariably benefits Democrats.
Thats the best part about Gary Johnson events, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers!
The best part about a Gary Johnson event is Gary Johnson.

What a load of bullshit.He's on fucking record of supporting the Ryan plan. There are a whole bunch of videos on youtube!

He has campaigned with him, and now he's picked him as the VP. How much proof do you need?

Yeah, that's what the reporters are saying. To which the Romney team replied with "of course they're going to have separate views" as if Romney's divergence from Ryan's plan was ever a matter of issue.

Here are the talking points.

Questions and Answers About The Romney/Ryan Ticket:

1) Does this mean Mitt Romney is adopting the Paul Ryan plan?

· Gov. Romney applauds Paul Ryan for going in the right direction with his budget, and as president he will be putting together his own plan for cutting the deficit and putting the budget on a path to balance.

· Romney’s administration will go through the budget line by line and ask two questions: Can we afford it? And, if not, should we borrow money from China to pay for it?

· Mitt Romney will start with the easiest cut of all: Obamacare, a trillion-dollar entitlement we don’t want and can’t afford.

· Mitt Romney also laid out commonsense reforms that will make good on our promises to today’s seniors and save Social Security and Medicare for future generations.

2) Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have different views on some policy areas – like Medicare spending, entitlement reform, labor, etc. – do you think those differences are going to hurt or help?

· Of course they aren’t going to have the same view on every issue. But they both share the view that this election is a choice about two fundamentally different paths for this country. President Obama has taken America down a path of debt and decline. Romney and Ryan believe in a path for America that leads to more jobs, less debt and smaller government. So, while you might find an issue or two where they might not agree, they are in complete agreement on the direction that they want to lead America


It's great just how perfect his choice fits into Obama's narrative. Portman and TPaw would've been forgotten after the convention, but this makes privatizing Medicare and social security a campaign issue. And judging from that page and ad, the Obama campaign is absolutely ready to have that conversation. In addition, considering the campaign is already trying to dance away from the Ryan plan means that they wanted to add him to the ticket for the excitement from the base, not for the conversation afterword. This campaign doesn't want to talk about Romney's business experience, governing experience, or his vice president's record on social services.


Romney's transparently anxious about an enervated base. And Ryan constitutes the best option to appease his supporters without choosing an unalloyed dullard. The base perceives Ryan as dynamic and cerebral; he's the prime spokesman for their unnerving agenda for the U.S. Of course, I find his strategy misguided. Ryan's selection will increase the salience of Medicare which is an issue that invariably benefits Democrats.The best part about a Gary Johnson event is Gary Johnson.


I get Bond villain ever time I see his picture, but with Craig they could make him an evil clone or something.
Remember Kathy Hochul? The congresswoman from New York's 26th district who became the first Democrat to represent that district since the Civil War?

Her platform was essentially: "The GOP will end Medicare." She end up winning the district by 5 points... again, this was a district that nobody thought a Democrat would represent in their lifetimes. Why the GOP would bring that disaster of a budget to the forefront is beyond me. That district voted McCain 52-46.

That part of New York isn't that different from most of Pennsylvania, Ohio, or Wisconsin to be honest.


That looks like a non-VP video, just tying Romney to Ryan. Probably was ready months back.

And that is the point dude, you want to make Romney responsible for Ryan's ideas. Romney has no concrete plans or ideas so if you tie him to negative ones on top of all the other stuff he is negatively hit with (being rich, being a flip flopper, etc) its not a plus

I get that you fear the worst but holy shit at your pov

The fact this video was ready months ago just reinforces the campaign is on another level, you can't try to set the tone by reacting to everything Obama says about you and expect to win


Obama is damn quick.
But not too quick. He's not like wham, bam, thank you, ma'am.
If their agenda for America, which that video encapsulates, does not send chills down your spine...
It's great just how perfect his choice fits into Obama's narrative. Portman and TPaw would've been forgotten after the convention, but this makes privatizing Medicare and social security a campaign issue. And judging from that page and ad, the Obama campaign is absolutely ready to have that conversation. In addition, considering the campaign is already trying to dance away from the Ryan plan means that they wanted to add him to the ticket for the excitement from the base, not for the conversation afterword. This campaign doesn't want to talk about Romney's business experience, governing experience, or his vice president's record on social services.
Yeah. There were alternative options that avoided highlighting issues they invariably lose. Mind you, I think this will only cost Romney on the margins. But absent an appreciable benefit, selecting Ryan constitutes a net loss.


Seeing this Ryan ad by Team Obama, makes me think back on how several key staff left the Obama administration to begin early reelection efforts. It has me thinking even a money advantage can't buy this type of preparedness.

Which raises a question: How aggressively will the news media scrutinize the true substantive nature of his vision? The press has done a great job pinning Romney down on the real implications of his tax plan, largely thanks to that unsparing Tax Policy Center study. Ryan, by contrast, has been widely accorded the presumption of fiscal “seriousness," mainly because he looks so earnest and genuinely despairing in those videos that show him stalking the halls of Congress in the grip of existential deficit angst.

But now that he is the vice presidential pick — confirming that his worldview will be the one that animates the approach to governing the GOP presidential ticket would adopt — here’s hoping the press gets equally serious about pinning down the true implications of his vision, too.

After all, the entire premise of the Ryan pick is that it is supposed to show how deadly serious the Republican ticket is about getting our fiscal problems under control. Indeed, in his announcement speech, Ryan is supposed to say this: “We won’t duck the tough issues…we will lead!” It’s time to pin Ryan down on what he means by “lead,” and to explain it as clearly as possible to the American people. And if Ryan won’t meaningfullly tell us what he means by it, we need to say so.
Yeah. There were alternative options that avoided highlighting issues they invariably lose. Mind you, I think this will only cost Romney on the margins. But absent an appreciable benefit, selecting Ryan constitutes a net loss.

Obama would end up lumping Romney in with the Ryan budget plan no matter what. At least this way, Ryan can explain the stuff himself. The guy is articulate whether you like him or not.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Hm, interesting, on my Facebook feed this morning at least two people I know who are generally Republican/anti-Obama posting comments seriously eviscerating Paul Ryan. I wouldn't be surprised if he costs Romney some votes. Than again, I'm from his district so they know him much better then the rest of the country.



Mitt Romney: I’m Running With Paul Ryan, But Not On The Ryan Budget

Within minutes of physically embracing his new running mate Paul Ryan on a Norfolk, Va., stage, Mitt Romney was distancing himself from Ryan’s controversial House budget proposal.

From Romney campaign talking points, distributed to reporters after Romney’s first appearance with his VP pick (emphasis added):

Does this mean Mitt Romney is adopting the Paul Ryan plan? • Gov. Romney applauds Paul Ryan for going in the right direction with his budget, and as president he will be putting together his own plan for cutting the deficit and putting the budget on a path to balance. • Romney’s administration will go through the budget line by line and ask two questions: Can we afford it? And, if not, should we borrow money from China to pay for it? • Mitt Romney will start with the easiest cut of all: Obamacare, a trillion-dollar entitlement we don’t want and can’t afford.

Good luck trying the disconnect yourselves from the Ryan budget, Romney.



Mitt Romney: I’m Running With Paul Ryan, But Not On The Ryan Budget

Good luck trying the disconnect yourselves from the Ryan budget, Romney.

rofl....... Like hes going to be able to do that. I like how Romney would in increase our deficit by repealing Obamacare. That fiscal responsibility!

It kind of feels forced on him. Basically the money men said "hey fucker, you're boned and a shitty candidate. We like Ryan in 2016 so you're picking him"
It does kind of seemed forced. Like he gave into the pressure from what outside republicans thought.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
He got 70% of the vote in that district in 2010. I think it's probably best for everyone if the rest of the country doesn't get to know him as well as your district.

I still find that incredibly weird. The district includes three of the five largest cities in Wisconsin, two of which voted to recall Walker. Wisconsin politics have been odd lately...

EDIT: Wait, that's right, he covers some of Milwaukee county but not Milwaukee proper. Nevermind
Love fest continues (NJ overload)


There is a symbolic alliteration in Romney-Ryan. Standing at the podium they present a unified image of can-do Republican business know-how. These are guys who understand numbers, know about bottom lines, and offer a path forward - for better or worse - through the economic wilderness.




I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
My brother just asked:

"tomorrow, Paul Ryan rejects the VP nod?"

In response the Romney saying he does not support the Budget by Ryan.
If that happened, holy shit.


I still find that incredibly weird. The district includes three of the five largest cities in Wisconsin, two of which voted to recall Walker. Wisconsin politics have been odd lately...

Paul Ryan is a likable, hometown guy who spends a ton of time in the district meeting with the people in the area. He's turned himself into a fixture simply by being a normal person. He's able to deflect the policy wonkishness stuff that flies over most people's heads (especially in Janesville, ha sucker!) with easy going charisma.

He'll do absolutely nothing for the Romney campaign, but I think this sets him up as the odds on presidential favorite in 2016. It gets the skeletons out of the way. Smart move for him.
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