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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Anyone see Ezra's amazing breakdown of Romney's economic plan and the recession?


On Tuesday, the Romney campaign responded to the fire it’s taking from economic analysts by unleashing some artillery of their own. They released a paper by four decorated economists associated with the campaign — Glenn Hubbard, Greg Mankiw, John Taylor, and Kevin Hassett — that tried to lend some empirical backing to “The Romney Program for Economic Recovery, Growth, and Jobs.”

Hubbard, Mankiw, Taylor and Hassett make three main points: The first is that this recovery has been terribly slow, even by the standards of post-financial crisis recoveries. The second is that the Obama administration made a grievous error by relying on stimulus. And the third is that Romney’s tax and economic plans would usher in an era of rapid growth that would both be good for the country and provide the boost to revenues and employment necessary to make their numbers work out.

Each of these sections include supporting documents from independent economists. And so I contacted some of the named economists to ask what they thought of the Romney campaign’s interpretation of their research. In every case, they responded with a polite version of Marshall McLuhan’s famous riposte. The Romney campaign, they said, knows little of their work. Or of their policy proposals.
Great read if you can spare 5 minutes. All of it is filled with actual quotes and interviews from economists.


To be fair to AlteredBeast (and he did already eat his portion of crow without complaining), few people saw this coming until about two days ago. Ryan was a very distant fourth to Portman, T-Paw and Rubio on the Intrade betting market. I remember seeing him tied, percentage-wise, with Jindal for about 4% and thinking to myself: "Maybe invest in some Jindal... after all, if the market thinks his chances are the same as those of poison pill Ryan, then surely they're underestimating Jindal!"

Then a couple of days back, when it was reported that the campaign was under some rightwing pressure to select Ryan, I was even more sure they wouldn't, as in addition to tying Romney to an unpopular budget and forcing him to talk about policy, caving in to those forces would simply make him look weak as well, feeding into the narrative that he's just a puppet of an unpopular party.

But, well, I guess he did. I don't think this is five-dimensional chesscheckers. Just a panicky move. And a mistake.

Also hilarious:

Romney introduces Ryan as 'next president', then later comes back on stage, puts his arm around him and says: "Every now and then, I'm known to make a mistake. I did not make a mistake with this guy, but I can tell you this: he's going to be the next VICE president of the United States."

Somewhere, someone in the Obama campaign is already cutting away everything after "mistake" and storing the remaining footage for use in an ad.
Paul Ryan is a likable, hometown guy who spends a ton of time in the district meeting with the people in the area. He's turned himself into a fixture simply by being a normal person. He's able to deflect the policy wonkishness stuff that flies over most people's heads (especially in Janesville, ha sucker!) with easy going charisma.

He'll do absolutely nothing for the Romney campaign, but I think this sets him up as the odds on presidential favorite in 2016. It gets the skeletons out of the way. Smart move for him.

No sitting Rep. has wom the Presidency since Grover Cleveland I believe...not gonna happen.


Democrats Can’t Wait To Run Against Paul Ryan’s Budget
“In naming Congressman Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney has chosen a leader of the House Republicans who shares his commitment to the flawed theory that new budget-busting tax cuts for the wealthy, while placing greater burdens on the middle class and seniors, will somehow deliver a stronger economy,” Obama campaign manager Jim Messina said in a statement Saturday morning.
“Whenever you have draconian cuts to spending, you have a real-world impact on people that affects many demographics in different ways,” Ty Matsdorf, an operative for Democratic group American Bridge, which put together a 290-page opposition research paper on Ryan, told TPM. “It gives an opportunity to speak directly about how this election will effect them.”
“Just like Sen. John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin and George H.W. Bush’s selection of Dan Quayle, Mitt Romney has been cowed by the right wing into choosing an extreme vice presidential nominee who will alienate moderate voters,” Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, said in a statement.


Obama would end up lumping Romney in with the Ryan budget plan no matter what. At least this way, Ryan can explain the stuff himself. The guy is articulate whether you like him or not.
The Obama Campaign may have associated him with the budget, but this makes the budget, and specifically Medicare, a primary issue in the campaign. Moreover, this transcends Obama. Ryan's budget proposals are his signature achievements in Washington, so the media is going to concentrate on them.
No sitting Rep. has wom the Presidency since Grover Cleveland I believe...not gonna happen.
True. There are a few reasons House members rarely succeed as presidential nominees. But running on a presidential ticket, presuming adequacy, would neutralize them.
Anyone see Ezra's amazing breakdown of Romney's economic plan and the recession?


On Tuesday, the Romney campaign responded to the fire it’s taking from economic analysts by unleashing some artillery of their own. They released a paper by four decorated economists associated with the campaign — Glenn Hubbard, Greg Mankiw, John Taylor, and Kevin Hassett — that tried to lend some empirical backing to “The Romney Program for Economic Recovery, Growth, and Jobs.”

Hubbard, Mankiw, Taylor and Hassett make three main points: The first is that this recovery has been terribly slow, even by the standards of post-financial crisis recoveries. The second is that the Obama administration made a grievous error by relying on stimulus. And the third is that Romney’s tax and economic plans would usher in an era of rapid growth that would both be good for the country and provide the boost to revenues and employment necessary to make their numbers work out.

Each of these sections include supporting documents from independent economists. And so I contacted some of the named economists to ask what they thought of the Romney campaign’s interpretation of their research. In every case, they responded with a polite version of Marshall McLuhan’s famous riposte. The Romney campaign, they said, knows little of their work. Or of their policy proposals.

Great read if you can spare 5 minutes. All of it is filled with actual quotes and interviews from economists.

Mankiw is a fraud whose students, in the words of Bill Mitchell, "should sue him for being deceived during their university education." He also wrote of him, "Harvard deficit terrorist Gregory Mankiw, who poisons the minds of millions of economics students with his preposterous textbook..."

Letter to Greg Mankiw


290 page research file on Ryan from a Dem. thinktank

Ryan Introduced A Bill That Would Lower The Wisconsin Welfare Work Requirement Threshold From 70% To 45%.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Wisconsin would get a significant break in meeting new federal work rules under a change pushed by Rep. Paul Ryan and folded into the welfare reform bill expected to pass the House. Twocommittees in the Republican-controlled House approved welfare plans Thursday on party lines. Those measures -- patternedafter a Bush administration plan -- require states to have 70% of their welfare recipients working by 2007. That’s comparedwith an average of about one-third now… Wisconsin had the third-biggest caseload drop between 1995 and 2001 -- 76%.Under Ryan's change, that would mean the state would need to have 54% of its welfare recipients working by 2007, instead of 70%. Sixteen other states would get relief under the change, but only two states would benefit more than Wisconsin.”

[Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/3/02]
I heard an interesting theory that since Obama was going to basically hang the Ryan budget around Romney's neck in the fall regardless of who the VP was, who better to defend it than the man himself? Basically own the situation.

It's the best explanation I've heard for picking Ryan yet.


I heard an interesting theory that since Obama was going to basically hang the Ryan budget around Romney's neck in the fall regardless of who the VP was, who better to defend it than the man himself? Basically own the situation.

It's the best explanation I've heard for picking Ryan yet.

He'll hang them both then.
My brother just asked:

"tomorrow, Paul Ryan rejects the VP nod?"

In response the Romney saying he does not support the Budget by Ryan.
If that happened, holy shit.

This would be the most amazing thing that could possibly happen. I'd finally be able to get over this wall I've hit in my abs workout from laughing so hard.


testicles on a cold fall morning
I heard an interesting theory that since Obama was going to basically hang the Ryan budget around Romney's neck in the fall regardless of who the VP was, who better to defend it than the man himself? Basically own the situation.

It's the best explanation I've heard for picking Ryan yet.

It seems to me that the establishment Republicans pushing for Ryan's selection are looking for his star to fall alongside Romney's. Perhaps they believe they can reestablish the party's center by removing the most respected wingnut from the equation.


It kind of feels forced on him. Basically the money men said "hey fucker, you're boned and a shitty candidate. We like Ryan in 2016 so you're picking him"

My first thought as well. It gets Ryan massive visibility and he can blame the massive failure on Mitt come the next election.


It seems to me that the establishment Republicans pushing for Ryan's selection are looking for his star to fall alongside Romney's. Perhaps they believe they can reestablish the party's center by removing the most respected wingnut from the equation.

Romney was not a wingnut. He was more centrist than a lot of Republicans, but he has to stick to the far-right to become POTUS. He really believes in national healthcare, etc.
Romney fail......the leak was early enough that the vp news is on west coast papers today......

Aka won't be in the Sunday paper.

Another campaign blooper


We can all agree that Ryan is better pick than Jindal right? Bobby brings nothing to the table.

I don't think Jindal would've been a great pick (of the top five, Romney's best option was probably Rubio), but he's nowhere near as potentially toxic as Ryan.

I dunno, I really thought Ryan would be one of the worst picks of the options available. The Obama ads on Ryan's Medicare plan alone will be devestating, especially in Florida (a state Romney must win). So either Team Romney is as incompetent as they've seemed the past few weeks, or Ryan has hidden potential that I'm just not seeing. Time will tell.


I am standing in a line 4-5 blocks deep to get Obama tickets for Monday in Iowa, if Romney wanted to lose the old white vote picking Ryan is working. All the old people in line are talking about is killing Medicare in the budget


I don't think Jindal would've been a great pick (of the top five, Romney's best option was probably Rubio), but he's nowhere near as potentially toxic as Ryan.

I dunno, I really thought Ryan would be one of the worst picks of the options available. The Obama ads on Ryan's Medicare plan alone will be devestating, especially in Florida (a state Romney must win). So either Team Romney is as incompetent as they've seemed the past few weeks, or Ryan has hidden potential that I'm just not seeing. Time will tell.

Ryan is confident and articulate even if the stuff he says is non-sense and flat out bullshit. I suppose one way of looking at Ryan pick is it brings a person to the team that can actually hold a message through a storm without flipping on his ideas at the push of a button. They might also be getting some signals at home saying the race has more or less been decided in terms of possible votes so now they are focused on making sure their side is actually getting out there and voting. The 'undecided' column in most polls is at a level closer to October in a normal presidential run already so its all going to come down to a get out and vote campaign. But if that is the reason they have decided to go with Ryan I think they are in for a rude awakening, for all Ryan's supposed positives he brings his record in the current congress to the table and provides substantial legislative fodder for Obama to bring new and even more damning ads against Romney/Ryan campaign which could actually sway people that might have decided to vote for Romney suddenly back into undecided or even a vote for Obama. Unlike Romney which had the shroud of doubt and people thinking he won't actually be a GOP wank, picking Ryan brings tangible and credible person that makes people say "He might really enact some of these terrible budgets and laws when/if he gets elected."


So, any idea why they didn't pick Rubio, who might have actually helped Romney?

Honestly, it doesn't have to be that complicated. Romney was getting intense pressure from conservative media to choose Ryan. So far this campaign, Romney has caved in to conservative media pressure 99% of the time.* So this is more of the same, really.

* He didn't fire Saul. That's it, I think.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I know we sometimes like to imbue the Obama camp with superhuman logistical skills, but the Ryan pick really does seem purely tactical, with as far as I can tell, zero strategy. And because they leaked it early, the Sunday papers will have to be examinations of Ryan, not proclamations. So the very first Ryan cycle of news will end in negative wonkery if reported properly.

The Three Rs. Romney, Ryan, Retarded.
Actually the idea that the other choices rejected Romney knowing he would lose makes some sense. Ryan still thinks his plan is actually feasible so he's willing to bet it all going on the national stage. Romeny's so called "new" plan will just be a rehashed Ryan plan with a few modifications. Either that or he won't reveal his plan until after the election.
Actually the idea that the other choices rejected Romney knowing he would lose makes some sense. Ryan still thinks his plan is actually feasible so he's willing to bet it all going on the national stage. Romeny's so called "new" plan will just be a rehashed Ryan plan with a few modifications. Either that or he won't reveal his plan until after the election.

I doubt they said No, except for maybe Rubio.

This is a choice to want to change the fundamental dynamic of the race as it was not benefiting Romney.

In the latest Investor's Business Daily/Christian Science Monitor/TIPP Poll, President Obama's lead over Governor Romney widens from 1-point in July to 7-points in August. Romney loses ground among independents, men, and suburban voters.


The TIPP Poll was the most accurate presidential poll having come in #1 in both the 2004 and 2008 Presidential elections. An article summarizing the results is available here. The official election results compiled by the Federal Election Commission for 2008 is available here and for 2004 is available here
I'm just wondering if A) they offered and he said no, or B) they found something ugly while vetting him.

It could totally be C) we have pudding for brains, of course.
Don't want to have on the big stage failing to live up to the manufactured hype. Dude is a clown shoes wearing liar.
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