Scott Brown has gone off the deep end. He's calling for Warren to repay the money MA spent due to the court ruling.
What court ruling?
Scott Brown has gone off the deep end. He's calling for Warren to repay the money MA spent due to the court ruling.
Makes you wonder how successful he would have been if he didn't have daddy's million dollar trust fund.
Romney is this cycles Palin. Dude is dumb as fuck.
He might have had to go out into the real world. I can't believe he's an idiot, he just doesn't have any life experience outside of his bubble. I have met many people like this, I'm sure everyone has.
What court ruling?
partially deep rooted conservative faiths engrained in their culture that continually discuss the evils of homosexuality
the answer is almost always religion
Please. Romney may make gaffes. And he might compromise all his stances. And he might be running a poor campaign. But the one thing the dude isn't is dumb.
This. He's socially awkward, but he's not a stupid person. Palin seems genuinely stupid but got lucky and isn't brain dead so she can exploit her fame.
What court ruling?
The notion that blacks are more againts LBGT rights than whites or any other race is an urban legend. Statistically speaking.
Scott Brown has gone off the deep end. He's calling for Warren to repay the money MA spent due to the court ruling.
so what's the conservative equivalent of TPM?
Have there been any studies, yet, of education level vs. political affiliation or presidential choice yet?
Last election was the first point in some time where Democrats held an advantage in voters with 4 year college degrees in quite some time; I'd be interested to see if and how significantly that regresses. They have long maintained a significant advantage for post graduate students, however.
He's socially awkward, but I think the one thing that's bringing him down isn't necessarily that. It's that his party has dragged him to the far far right of the political spectrum. I mean look what happened when his campaign brings up Romneycare. It really isn't easy to try and dance around those topics.
This seems like a really really strange move. I don't entirely know the Massachusetts electorate, but I would think this slightly conspiracy theory-esque whining would cost him at least more than a few votes.
The state is mailing voter registration information to many welfare recipients because the state was found to not be in compliance with the 1993 National Voter Registration Act. Warren's daughter was involved in advocating for the case (I forget in what capacity). Because of this, Brown says the Warren campaign should pay for the cost of the compliance with the law.
Rather absurd; he's simply angry that more people will register to vote as a result.
Here's an AP article from today.
Romney really isn't as smart as I thought. The guy must have put all his thought into business and it just terrible at acting like a normal human.Romney's offhand assertion that Japan has been in decline for "a century"
MA Romneycare version of Romney could have fared well in this election but for the past 4 years, he has been shifting positions on all sorts of issues and decided to cater to the Tea Party loonies for this 2012 campaign
I firmly believe that Romneycare Romney could have beaten Obama.
But Conservative Romney has set himself up to lose, like lose guaranteed
Continuing on my own post from earlier, I'm often surprised by how little discussion there is about the Republican Brain Drain. It is a real phenomenon that few here seemed to have been interested exploring outside broad, sweeping comments about how stupid Republicans are, and so forth.
Here is an article from David Frum's website in the 2010 election cycle that does some pretty deep analysis.
The article notes that Republicans still do above average with college educated people in general, but that the trends become alarming when you begin to segregate "college" in any great degree; the better the schools get, the increasingly likely they are to be liberal. Further, it provides evidence that this was not always the case; as recently as Eisenhowever, Ivy League colleges were majoratively Republican. A relevant quotation:
Let me advance another hypothesis. Today’s top students are motivated less by enthusiasm for Democrats and much more by revulsion from Republicans. It’s not the students who have changed so much. It’s the Republicans.
lol, the footage of Ryan they're showing on the news today really makes him look bad.
People getting kicked out of his rallies for heckling him and then him ranting nearly crazy-eyed about the welfare state.
I just... What? By what logic? I can't even begin to comprehend this.
Anyone have any polling data on how Baldwin stacks up against any of the 3 Republicans in the senate race for Wisconsin?
U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin, is locked in a tight race with each of three leading Republican contenders:
Baldwin and former Gov. Tommy Thompson tied at 47 - 47 percent;
Baldwin at 47 percent to businessman Eric Hovde's 43 percent;
Baldwin at 48 percent for former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann's 45 percent.
from the last poll i posted:
Romney really isn't as smart as I thought. The guy must have put all his thought into business and it just terrible at acting like a normal human.
For example, Romney made no mention of Ryan’s plan to replace the current Medicare setup with a system that critics say could require seniors to pay higher costs for medical care. Instead, Romney focused on Medicare cuts proposed by Obama.
"The president’s idea for Medicare was to cut it by $700 billion," he said. "That’s not the right answer. We need to make sure we can preserve and protect Medicare."
This fucking guy
I'm getting the feeling more and more than when Obama blasts Florida with Ryan medicare ads it will be over for Mitt. Why would you even pick the guy if you're too scared to say what the guy's primary platform is.
This fucking guy
I'm getting the feeling more and more than when Obama blasts Florida with Ryan medicare ads it will be over for Mitt. Why would you even pick the guy if you're too scared to say what the guy's primary platform is.
He's talking about Republican politicians, I believe.
I bet Romney regrets his decision already and the weekend has barely passed, where McCain it took till October to realize his mistake.
This fucking guy
I'm getting the feeling more and more than when Obama blasts Florida with Ryan medicare ads it will be over for Mitt. Why would you even pick the guy if you're too scared to say what the guy's primary platform is.
My local NBC news actually explicitly called this out and clarified what it meant vs Ryan's voucher program. Was impressed
I bet Romney regrets his decision already and the weekend has barely passed, where McCain it took till October to realize his mistake.
the best part was how virtually every headline in Florida was negative
as long as Romney isn't elected and the supreme court can retain its "Balance" - at least, what it passes for balances these days - I'll be happy. I just hope Obama stops being a pussy next term. And I hope he isn't a little bitch when it comes to medical marijuana once again
as long as Romney isn't elected and the supreme court can retain its "Balance" - at least, what it passes for balances these days - I'll be happy. I just hope Obama stops being a pussy next term. And I hope he isn't a little bitch when it comes to medical marijuana once again
I know you feel very strongly about this and admittedly it is a bit of a weaksauce for Obama, but in the grand scheme of things marijuana should, and rightly so, be on the bottom of the list of priorities for the country.
why? it's a huge cost problem for the country. if we're talking about waste, why not create a multi billion dollar taxable industry, save tax payer dollars by releasing comically unjustly imprisoned individuals, end the drug war and its billions and billions of dollars of wasted funds, the list goes on and on. The drug war has been and shall remain one of the biggest issues facing the country today. It's also PART of the economic problem, and the "economy" happens to be the top issue itself, so trying to disconnect the two is also scandalous
why? it's a huge cost problem for the country. if we're talking about waste, why not create a multi billion dollar taxable industry, save tax payer dollars by releasing comically unjustly imprisoned individuals, end the drug war and its billions and billions of dollars of wasted funds, the list goes on and on. The drug war has been and shall remain one of the biggest issues facing the country today. It's also PART of the economic problem, and the "economy" happens to be the top issue itself, so trying to disconnect the two is also scandalous
why? it's a huge cost problem for the country. if we're talking about waste, why not create a multi billion dollar taxable industry, save tax payer dollars by releasing comically unjustly imprisoned individuals, end the drug war and its billions and billions of dollars of wasted funds, the list goes on and on. The drug war has been and shall remain one of the biggest issues facing the country today. It's also PART of the economic problem, and the "economy" happens to be the top issue itself, so trying to disconnect the two is also scandalous
Not only that, but legalizing Marijuana would solve a LOT of this country's problems. The reasons behind prohibition on Marijuana was stupid to begin with. I fully expect Obama to de-criminalize it in his second term.
Prepare to be disappointed.I fully expect Obama to de-criminalize it in his second term.
Mitt Romney was in St. Augustine, FL earlier this morning. Outside of Flagler College (fun fact: this is where I went to college), he held a rally, and none other than Rick Scott introduced him.
Now, he didn't bring Paul Ryan down here, because of how unpopular he and his budget are here. So, they get the most unpopular governor in the country to introduce him. The same governor who committed Medicare fraud.
I just- I just don't get it.