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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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PoliGAF is one big DNC linkdump, I am afraid. Wondering how entertaining the election actually will be if all we get 24/7 is how evil Romney/Ryan are for the next 3 months.

I do wish we had more active, thoughtful conservatives. I can see how they can get scared away given the demographics involved here.
Can the democrats get both houses of parliament after Paul´s announcement?

Because even if/when Obama wins the presidency, the GOP would still block his decisions like they did before in the Senate and the House and he would not achieve anything.
They'll probably hold the Senate if Obama wins, but it's going to be harder to win the House. What I (and many other Democrats) are hoping is that Obama's campaign can make Ryan the face of the GOP House and tether the fortunes of GOP House members to that of Romney's campaign. Ergo if Obama wins by 5 points, Democrats win by 5 points and probably enough to win the House back.

There are always voters who split their ticket for whatever reason - either they like their incumbent House member enough to keep them or they really believe divided government is the best solution (because that's worked so well these past couple of years). However every Republican House member voted in favor of the Ryan budget (save four) and that's a pretty big wedge issue.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It's a fantastic look at what is generally the mirror opposite of everyone else I am around. This past weekend has essentially been a joyous celebration of friends and relatives frantically calling each other to say how pumped they are that Romney finally added someone they can love to the ticket. In Wisconsin at least this has really fired up the GOP.

Like I said when it happened, the Paul Ryan nomination is the first truly bi-partisan thing to come out of Washington in decades. Everyone loves it!

Ditto with my friends and family. I would like to say that I stay pretty even-keeled, but the constant links don't do anything to advance conversation on policy. It just serves as a block of space to be quoted and high-fived about.


Ditto with my friends and family. I would like to say that I stay pretty even-keeled, but the constant links don't do anything to advance conversation on policy. It just serves as a block of space to be quoted and high-fived about.

I'm sure we'd all love to debate the ins and outs of the Romney-Ryan policy plans just as soon as they decide what they'll be and whether to disavow them within days (hours) of defining them.
Then post more and help balance it out.

Uh, have you seen the way that conservatives are treated in this thread? We occasionally HAVE gotten intelligent conservatives, but they're pretty much always run out of town, if only for the fact that they're likely to feel attacked because they cannot possibly respond to all of the people that quote their posts and argue with them.


I do wish we had more active, thoughtful conservatives. I can see how they can get scared away given the demographics involved here.

You guys give yourselves too much credit. People aren't scared away, look at the non-poligaf political threads and you'll see lots of dissenting opinons, they just realize that this thread isn't one for open discussion. You guys are great (even Charlie Digital has mellowed since JD got perm'd) but not particularly open minded, which means trying to have an actual debate is generally tiresome to pointless especially now that we are in a wasteland never to be stumbled upon by outsiders.

There are times (generally early morning or odd numbered years) when some of the more bombastic lefties among you are probably sleeping or reading Howard Zinn that good conversation can be had but for the most part it's a wasteland for "thoughtful" discussion. If a good discussion does accidentally happen you'll have someone like GaimeGuy come in and start flaming, ruining it for everyone.

Strategy talk is still fun though!


Uh, have you seen the way that conservatives are treated in this thread? We occasionally HAVE gotten intelligent conservatives, but they're pretty much always run out of town, if only for the fact that they're likely to feel attacked because they cannot possibly respond to all of the people that quote their posts and argue with them.

Yeah, the dog-piling is troubling. However, maybe my memory is bad, but I don't remember many intelligent conservatives in this thread outside of Altered, Toxic, and Ez. Kosmo was the only other regular conservative and he's, uh...

edit: As for the people saying there's no intelligent discussion right now, I say there's not much room for it in elections. Elections are mind-numbingly stupid and full of complete bullshit. There's not much to talk about except strategy and pettiness and gaffes until someone actually gets into office.


No Scrubs
Yeah, the dog-piling is troubling. However, maybe my memory is bad, but I don't remember many intelligent conservatives in this thread outside of Altered, Toxic, and Ez. Kosmo was the only other regular conservative and he's, uh...

What? You didn't like Drake's Fortune?
You guys give yourselves too much credit. People aren't scared away, look at the non-poligaf political threads and you'll see lots of dissenting opinons, they just realize that this thread isn't one for open discussion. You guys are great (even Charlie Digital has mellowed since JD got perm'd) but not particularly open minded, which means trying to have an actual debate is generally tiresome to pointless especially now that we are in a wasteland never to be stumbled upon by outsiders.

There are times (generally early morning or odd numbered years) when some of the more bombastic lefties among you are probably sleeping or reading Howard Zinn that good conversation can be had but for the most part it's a wasteland for "thoughtful" discussion. If a good discussion does accidentally happen you'll have someone like GaimeGuy come in and start flaming, ruining it for everyone.

Strategy talk is still fun though!

Well, we love you too!

What? You didn't like Drake's Fortune?

Gosh I miss that lug.


Yeah, the dog-piling is troubling. However, maybe my memory is bad, but I don't remember many intelligent conservatives in this thread outside of Altered, Toxic, and Ez. Kosmo was the only other regular conservative and he's, uh...

edit: As for the people saying there's no intelligent discussion right now, I say there's not much room for it in elections. Elections are mind-numbingly stupid and full of complete bullshit. There's not much to talk about except strategy until someone actually gets into office.

The funny thing is that Kozmo was basically the mirror image of like 30% of this thread. Post a link from a site you like and pat yourself on the back for finding it. It'll probably include some meaningless gotcha and an out of context quote.

edited, 50% was not fair


The funny thing is that Kozmo was basically the mirror image of like 30% of this thread. Post a link from a site you like and pat yourself on the back for finding it. It'll probably include some meaningless gotcha and an out of context quote.

edited, 50% was not fair

I wouldn't argue with that. edit: I'm part of the 30%! WOOOOO!


Fork 'em, Sparky!
The funny thing is that Kozmo was basically the mirror image of like 30% of this thread. Post a link from a site you like and pat yourself on the back for finding it. It'll probably include some meaningless gotcha and an out of context quote.

edited, 50% was not fair

Definitely agree with this statement.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The funny thing is that Kozmo was basically the mirror image of like 30% of this thread. Post a link from a site you like and pat yourself on the back for finding it. It'll probably include some meaningless gotcha and an out of context quote.

edited, 50% was not fair

Kosmo never once backed down from an assertion, whether disproven or not. he just moved the goalposts or changed the subject. He never learned anything from facts. I have no idea what percentage of dogpilers had an identical approach, but the fact that we're talking about a 50% stat when referring to the most single most egregious false-equivalencer on the forum is kind of funny.


Yet NJ is constantly treated as backwater or dirty in the media and in entertainment, what gives?

The media and entertainment are headquartered in (or at least spend a lot of time in) Manhattan. So you get their view of Jersey. This is the same reason you see so many taxis in movies, even in places where people never take taxis.


Kosmo never once backed down from an assertion, whether disproven or not. he just moved the goalposts or changed the subject. He never learned anything from facts. I have no idea what percentage of dogpilers had an identical approach, but the fact that we're talking about a 50% stat when referring to the most single most egregious false-equivalencer on the forum is kind of funny.

But I backed down from my assertion without ever being called out on it!


I also agree with Altered and EZ.

If there was a a more populous conservative voice in this thread to combat the vocal liberal voice, we'd have nothing but Huffington Post + TPM links rebutted with Drudge Report + Fox News links, and then arguments about how HuffPo/TPM may be biased, but they aren't as biase as Fox/Drudge, so this isn't fair, and so forth.

I'm not saying I even disagree with the notion that Fox/Drudge are worse (although I loathe HuffPo because it has the worst science reporting in the world, frequently reporting "alternative medicine" stories without fact checking). However, the discussion is so superficial that it would rapidly devolve in to list wars very similar to PS3/360 fanboy arguments over on gaming side. The only real difference is that this thread only has one set of fanboys, so the vitriol rarely has reason to ignite.

Policy focused discussion strikes me as much more interesting. What works? If so, why? What underlying value systems support different policies? Of course, those questions are very hard, and difficult to support, which is why I assume we don't see them very often. But it would be much more interesting as a frequent reader but only casual contributer.


I also agree with Altered and EZ.

If there was a a more populous conservative voice in this thread to combat the vocal liberal voice, we'd have nothing but Huffington Post + TPM links rebutted with Drudge Report + Fox News links, and then arguments about how HuffPo/TPM may be biased, but they aren't as biase as Fox/Drudge, so this isn't fair, and so forth.

Policy focused discussion strikes me as much more interesting. What works? If so, why? What underlying value systems support different policies? Of course, those questions are very hard, and difficult to support, which is why I assume we don't see them very often. But it would be much more interesting as a frequent reader but only casual contributer.

I agree as well about news link circle-jerking, but I think when the conversation is rooted in people's former or current love for the medium of video games, you're gonna have results skew liberal. No surprise there. If this were an off-topic community for iluvmyak47.com we'd likely see that 30% be drudge instead of tpm.


Policy focused discussion strikes me as much more interesting. What works? If so, why? What underlying value systems support different policies? Of course, those questions are very hard, and difficult to support, which is why I assume we don't see them very often. But it would be much more interesting as a frequent reader but only casual contributer.

Normally I love more policy focused discussions, but we are heading into the big election "season" if you will, so it makes sense that most of this thread shifts its discussion toward politics as politics rather than policy.


Normally I love more policy focused discussions, but we are heading into the big election "season" if you will, so it makes sense that most of this thread shifts its discussion toward politics as politics rather than policy.

As far as policy discussions, in my opinion EV usually sticks to substance with his thoughts regarding domestic tax policy, problem is, those thoughts don't really have an ideological challenger. So "optics" fill the void left.


Part of an overall political thread is going to be a link dump no matter what since soooooo much stuff is going on right now. It's just a question of where the links are coming from. A lot of the ot conservatives get piled on when they start posting blatantly false information. I
think we need more conservatives that "know there stuff".


Generally I agree -- even though I disagree with a lot Conservative GAF, I make it a point to not jump in and join the dogpile. I know that there will be 20 other posters, who, mind you, are well meaning, but will rush to define the liberal counterpoint. Might as well skip to the next page at that point.


As far as policy discussions, in my opinion EV usually sticks to substance with his thoughts regarding domestic tax policy, problem is they don't really have an rhetorical challenger. So "optics" fill the void left.

It doesn't take intelligence to have a discussion with EV, it takes infinite patience.
Another point about the HuffPo that Maddox (of the Best Page in the Universe fame) recently made - yes, he's still around, and no, he's not relevant anymore and is most definitely a shadow of his former self, retreading things that he did a decade ago, but he can still occasionally make a good point - is that it is very much a content leech site, designed to repost things written by other organizations with just enough commentary, however poor or ill-considered, to squeak past fair use laws.


Normally I love more policy focused discussions, but we are heading into the big election "season" if you will, so it makes sense that most of this thread shifts its discussion toward politics as politics rather than policy.

This seems logical, but an attempt to remain even keeled seems appropriate. This does not mean setting up a false "fair and balanced" equivalency; but it does mean we shouldn't denigrate how terrible Drudge report is, and then immediately turn around and post a HuffPo piece without a shred of irony or self reflection.

I think many of the things we catch Romney or Paul or anyone else on are fairly superficial; while they can be egregiously wrong or offensive, we often also cite them for modest flubs or the sort of slight hypocrisies which are common place for all politicians of all stripes who need to appeal to multiple constituencies. Democrats do these too, but you'll rarely see Democrats being sharply condemned for vague messaging or conflicting statements.


I'm not sure it would even be possible to get PoliGAF even. I mean even aside from the fact that we're a video game forum, so that'll likely skew liberal to begin with, there's also the fact that this place takes a pretty hard lined stance on LGBT rights. I realize there are conservatives that exist that are fine with LGBT people, but Republicans that are fine with it are very very few and far between. It's hard to have an even narrative in a place where a small slip up defending one of the main planks in one of the parties could get you banned. The ones that do venture in here seem to get banned outside the thread for something else anyway, like Kozmo or A27.


I'm not sure it would even be possible to get PoliGAF even. I mean even aside from the fact that we're a video game forum, so that'll likely skew liberal to begin with, there's also the fact that this place takes a pretty hard lined stance on LGBT rights. I realize there are conservatives that exist that are fine with LGBT people, but Republicans that are fine with it are very very few and far between. It's hard to have an even narrative in a place where a small slip up defending one of the main planks in one of the parties could get you banned. The ones that do venture in here seem to get banned outside the thread for something else anyway, like Kozmo or A27.

Kosmo never once backed down from an assertion, whether disproven or not. he just moved the goalposts or changed the subject. He never learned anything from facts. I have no idea what percentage of dogpilers had an identical approach, but the fact that we're talking about a 50% stat when referring to the most single most egregious false-equivalencer on the forum is kind of funny.

If you were actually interested in fostering a debate that would make someone change their mind on a topic, or 'learn from facts' you would adopt a different tone. Many of your posts are incredibly combative, which lead to the bunker down mentality. A poster may realize they are wrong on a point, but they'll double down on it simply because they think you are an asshole. It's the Amirox syndrome.


Generally I agree -- even though I disagree with a lot Conservative GAF, I make it a point to not jump in and join the dogpile. I know that there will be 20 other posters, who, mind you, are well meaning, but will rush to define the liberal counterpoint. Might as well skip to the next page at that point.
Yeah its really no point to do something like that.


eznark said:

eznark, Republicans still are 75% against gay marriage in virtually every poll that exists.

by definition, that means Republicans that support LGBT rights are few and far between

sorry buddy, the mystical world you live in where the Republicans that support that aren't few and far between does not exist :(


Even assuming that the policy objection equated 1:1 with a lifestyle objection 25% is hardly an insignificant number. We're at what, 12% African American population in America? Would you say that it is "very, very hard" to find a black person in America?

What's funny about that?

Sometimes I wonder if any of you guys have ever actually met a real life Republican or if your only exposure is via scary stories your parents told you before bed.

There are large organizations dedicated to Republican homosexuals. Pretending that it's impossible to even find one is ludicrous.



I'm mostly talking cheer leader type republicans, like some people here would be accused of being for democrats. Basically, I'm talking about the mirror images you guys are.

Even outside of that, I really struggle to come up with a single Republican I've ever met in real life that was fine with gay marriage or would last more than a few days here, especially if a thread on LGBT people came up...

Sometimes I wonder if any of you guys have ever actually met a real life Republican or if your only exposure is via scary stories your parents told you before bed.

There are large organizations dedicated to Republican homosexuals. Pretending that it's impossible to even find one is ludicrous.

Dude, I've met far, far more Republicans in my life than Democrats. The difference in numbers is staggering, actually. My entire extended family outside maybe 3 or 4 aunts/uncles are staunch republicans (for reference my dad has 11 brothers and sisters, and my mom has 3, so this isn't out of a small number). Nearly everyone that came into my mother's business growing up was a staunch republican, since we were from a small town. I went to high school with conservatives. Hell, I remember my teachers outright ragging on Clinton all day. I went to a private lutheran college that was EXTRAORDINARILY Republican. I barely started meeting actual democrats in my life until fairly recently.


Yeah, no one is going to want to have a conversation with people who are going to talk down to them. When you call a conservative "stupid" or something similar, it doesn't matter what statistics or facts you have on your side, they aren't going to care because you're being condescending. A lot of the actions and signs from the Occupy Wall Street movement were pretty condecending, and being in West Virginia I see it from hardcore environmentalists all the time. While I agree with most environmentalist policy ideas, I don't think going to protest at a coal mine and yelling to the people working there about how they're terrible people is going to bring anyone to your side. If anything, it scares away people who are on the fence. It's hard not to be so confrontational sometimes, but playing nice goes a long way.

Sometimes I wonder if any of you guys have ever actually met a real life Republican or if your only exposure is via scary stories your parents told you before bed.

I live in rural middle of nowhere and I'm surrounded by them. Most of them hate gay people.


Sometimes I wonder if any of you guys have ever actually met a real life Republican or if your only exposure is via scary stories your parents told you before bed.

Like 90% of the Republicans I know (I live in TX and know plenty) are against gay marriage.


Like 90% of the Republicans I know (I live in TX and know plenty) are against gay marriage.
Same here. But I suspect that the Texas/Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama Republicans I've spent time with over the past two decades are wholly different political animals from, say, a Wisconsin or a New England Republican. The nasty, backwards things I've heard.. whoo..


Even assuming that the policy objection equated 1:1 with a lifestyle objection 25% is hardly an insignificant number. We're at what, 12% African American population in America? Would you say that it is "very, very hard" to find a black person in America?

If we're going to be this picky, 29% of the US identifies as Republican; 25% of that supports gay marriage; therefore, 7.25% of the country are Republicans who support gay marriage. That is slightly more than half the number of African Americans.

However, the general thrust of the point is the more important one than these petty calculations, I think. He's right that we are not supportive of anti-gay sentiment on this forum. There are no comparable positions that Democrats support for which we are equally as intolerant; that is, there is no liberal position which can in and of itself get you banned from this site like homophobia does. As such, even before considering that this is a video game forum or taking anything else in to consideration, a discussion between Republicans and Democrats would naturally weed out a huge number of Republicans just based on this policy position alone. What you'd be left with is... a large pool Democrats, libertarian leaning Republicans, and moderate Republicans. Which is, as it turns out, almost exactly what we see.


Same here. But I suspect that the Texas/Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama Republicans I've spent time with over the past two decades are wholly different animals from, say, a Wisconsin or a New England Republican.

I live in Wisconsin. Again, I've never met a Republican that was for gay marriage. Never.

I think I've met a few independents who were for gay marriage, and may on occasion consider voting Republican, but never someone who was mostly a Republican voter. Hell, the democrats I knew growing up and around my hometown are/were mostly against gay marriage, too. They're just democrats mostly because they're in unions and are for unions.

If we're going to be this picky, 29% of the US identifies as Republican; 25% of that supports gay marriage; therefore, 7.25% of the country are Republicans who support gay marriage. That is slightly more than half the number of African Americans.

However, the general thrust of the point is the more important one than these petty calculations, I think. He's right that we are not supportive of anti-gay sentiment on this forum. There are no comparable positions that Democrats support for which we are equally as intolerant; that is, there is no liberal position which can in and of itself get you banned from this site. As such, a discussion between Republicans and Democrats would naturally weed out a huge number of Republicans just based on this policy position alone, and what you'd be left with is... a large pool Democrats, libertarian leaning Republicans, and moderate Republicans.

Which is, as it turns out, almost exactly what we see.

Right, this is precisely what I was pointing to.
Sometimes I wonder if any of you guys have ever actually met a real life Republican or if your only exposure is via scary stories your parents told you before bed.

There are large organizations dedicated to Republican homosexuals. Pretending that it's impossible to even find one is ludicrous.
I'm the one of only two liberals in my whole family, and we're coincidentally the only ones for LGBT rights. And it helps that the other is gay.
I've met more republicans who support gay marriage than black people who support gay marriage, even if I count myself. Sucks being a member of a race of bigots


Like 90% of the Republicans I know (I live in TX and know plenty) are against gay marriage.

Dude, I've met far, far more Republicans in my life than Democrats. The difference in numbers is staggering, actually. My entire extended family outside maybe 3 or 4 aunts/uncles are staunch republicans (for reference my dad has 11 brothers and sisters, and my mom has 3, so this isn't out of a small number). Nearly everyone that came into my mother's business growing up was a staunch republican, since we were from a small town. I went to high school with conservatives. Hell, I remember my teachers outright ragging on Clinton all day. I went to a private lutheran college that was EXTRAORDINARILY Republican. I barely started meeting actual democrats in my life until fairly recently.

I'm the one of only two liberals in my whole family, and we're coincidentally the only ones for LGBT rights. And it helps that the other is gay.

Same here. But I suspect that the Texas/Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama Republicans I've spent time with over the past two decades are wholly different political animals from, say, a Wisconsin or a New England Republican. The nasty, backwards things I've heard.. whoo..

You guys are liars. Now get back to patting yourselves on the back with TPM links.
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