I also agree with Altered and EZ.
If there was a a more populous conservative voice in this thread to combat the vocal liberal voice, we'd have nothing but Huffington Post + TPM links rebutted with Drudge Report + Fox News links, and then arguments about how HuffPo/TPM may be biased, but they aren't as biase as Fox/Drudge, so this isn't fair, and so forth.
I'm not saying I even disagree with the notion that Fox/Drudge are worse (although I loathe HuffPo because it has the worst science reporting in the world, frequently reporting "alternative medicine" stories without fact checking). However, the discussion is so superficial that it would rapidly devolve in to list wars very similar to PS3/360 fanboy arguments over on gaming side. The only real difference is that this thread only has one set of fanboys, so the vitriol rarely has reason to ignite.
Policy focused discussion strikes me as much more interesting. What works? If so, why? What underlying value systems support different policies? Of course, those questions are very hard, and difficult to support, which is why I assume we don't see them very often. But it would be much more interesting as a frequent reader but only casual contributer.