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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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I really don't wanna hear that conservatives aren't given a completely fair chance here. It's just not true.
From what I've seen they'll have to have more endurance than most. The piling on can happen quick, and its rare to find someone willing to go through that gauntlet. It happens, but its rare.

1. Bush Era Tax Cuts repealed for everyone over $250k, capital gains increased to 30%.
2. Jobs act passed.
3. Complete Withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Dream land?
1. War on Drugs abandoned.
2. National Rail.
3. Manned Mission to Mars by 2025.
I like these. I'd add a Consumer's Digital Bill of Rights though, applying to software/apps/services, EULAs and license transfers.


Exactly. ToxicAdam makes this argument all the damn time. I don't understand it. Let's cut our benefits today so we don't have to cut them tomorrow! Austerity today! Not tomorrow!

No, I said that we need more revenue (raising taxes back to mid-90's levels) so the deficit fearmongerers don't have a leg to stand on when real crisis hits.

Policy decision that have been made (ARRA and HCR) that directly affect the poor and middle class have been nerfed because of deficit concerns. These deficits were caused by the Bush tax cuts and their continuation under Obama.

Re:Inflation fear

Well, and ToxicAdam. And I think they are wildly off the mark there.

Back in the last part of 2010 when QE3 was being floated around, but not anymore.


Brony thread?

Ouch. I think that is what brought him down.

From what I've seen they'll have to have more endurance than most. The piling on can happen quick, and its rare to find someone willing to go through that gauntlet. It happens, but its rare.

I like these. I'd add a Consumer's Digital Bill of Rights though, applying to software/apps/services, EULAs and license transfers.

Like I said before the piling on is when people start posting blatantly false stuff. Unfortunately most of conservative gaf newcomers have a very poor understanding of politics or extremely misguided views to the point where it becomes offensive. I'm sure we could be a little more understanding though.


1. Bush Era Tax Cuts repealed for everyone over $250k, capital gains increased to 30%.
2. Jobs act passed.
3. Complete Withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Dream land?
1. War on Drugs abandoned.
2. National Rail.
3. Manned Mission to Mars by 2025.

Let's stop kidding ourselves?
1. Conservatives realize permanent minority status, abandon hate-based policy.
2. Cancer, AIDS, other stuff cured.
3. A real playoff system in NCAA football.

Within 20. Nanobots all up in dat shit.
Canadians this week ridiculed a nervous American tourist over his criticisms of Canada's strict gun laws following what he said was "menacing" encounter with two young men in a Calgary park.

Walt Wawra of Kalamazoo, Michigan detailed his account of a chance meeting in Nose Hill Park in a letter to the editor of the Calgary Herald, during a recent visit to the city in western Canada.

Wawra said he and his wife were confronted in broad daylight on a paved trail by two men who asked "in a very aggressive tone" if the couple had "been to the Stampede yet?"
"They approached in such an aggressive, disrespectful and menacing manner," he wrote, that the off-duty cop instinctively reached for where his sidearm would have been had he been south of the border.

"I quickly moved between these two and my wife, replying, 'Gentlemen, I have no need to talk with you, goodbye,'" he said. "I thank the Lord Jesus Christ they did not pull a weapon of some sort."

"Many would say I have no need to carry (a gun) in Canada," Wawra added. "Yet the police cannot protect everyone all the time. A man should be allowed to protect himself if the need arises."

The letter sparked a flurry of ridicule.

A Calgary restaurant owner wrote on a sidewalk sandwich board, "Have you been to the Stampede yet? Just kidding, don't shoot me!"

"At the off leash (dog park) this morning when two terriers started to sniff my dog. If only Canada would allow my dog to pack heat," tweeted Connor Turner.

"Ice cream truck just sped past house. Sir, I have no need for your refreshing pseudo-milk product treats. Goodbye," said Kikki Planet in another Twitter message.

The daily National Post recounted the story alongside photos of gun-totting actor Clint Eastwood in the movie "Dirty Harry" and Charles Bronson as a vigilante in "Death Wish."
The Huffington Post, meanwhile, ran the headline: "Fear and Loathing in Cowtown," referring to Calgary's cattle industry links.

Subsequent to the furor, a tourism official said the two young men who encountered Wawra were simply giving out free passes to the Calgary Stampede rodeo.



Speaking of which what would you guys say your top 3 priorities for a 2nd Obama administration would be being realistic (so no sudden jump to a single payer system).
1) The creation of a national infrastructure bank.
2) Tax reform that would simplify compliance in conjunction with high-end increases.
3) Ratification of the CTBT.
By his own admission, yes:

It is possible he was being dry here, as is his wont, but it doesn't make sense to me in the context of the post. Furthermore, it is not incongruous with his expressed opinions.
Yeah. I was being facetious. And I'm a bit bemused to be perceived as a conservative. Thank you for the compliment, though.
For a candidate who's made improving relations with our traditional allies a plank of his platform, he's performed woefully. And that he's insulted our strongest ally in a region of rapidly increasing import is even more comical.


Professional Schmuck

please for the love of god let this become a it-prints-money.gif for PoliGAF.


As much as it sucks conservatives aren't here to really debate with, I'm kind of glad most of the hardcore libertarians don't join the thread. Everything seems to devolve into a fundamental philosophical debate on whether taxation and even possibly governmental society is some completely evil force.

Not that that isn't an interesting debate to have, mind you, it's just that it seems to crop up no matter what political thing you're talking about. It gets a bit exhausting :p


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Good article by Jon Chait on why pundits can't help but adore Paul Ryan:

How can Romney, whose campaign spent months relentlessly smearing Republican and Democratic foe alike and spitting derision at the naïveté of anybody who objected, reclaim his political virginity? By bathing in Ryan’s soft glow.

One underrated aspect of the new GOP veep nominee’s political arsenal is a recurring persona of his that you might call Sad Paul Ryan. Sad Paul Ryan is less an ideological crusader and more like a wide-eyed boy who has come to Washington full of hope only to have his youthful dreams crushed by nastiness and name-calling. How Ryan’s high-minded belief in the purity of political debate managed to survive his rise to power as a Washington staffer, I cannot say. So emotionally vulnerable is Sad Paul Ryan that even a statistical recitation of the effects of his plan will nearly reduce him to tears. He is capable of complaining that Obama will “affix views to your opponent that they do not have so you can demonize them” — two sentences after accusing Obama of advocating “socialized medicine.”

Yet Sad Paul Ryan appears so genuinely sad when he says such things — quite likely because he lacks the self-awareness that might complicate his earnest dejection — that he melts the cynicism of hardened observers.
So Romney’s advisers are now proclaiming, “We are betting that a substantive campaign, conducted on the high ground, and focused primarily on jobs and the economy, will trump a campaign that is designed to appeal to our worst instincts,” and the candidate himself is delivering lines such as “Mr. President, take your campaign out of the gutter and let's talk about issues.” (Talking About the Issues is Ryan’s thing, unless talking about the Issues means discussing any specific element contained within his plan, in which case he would rather talk about bowhunting or catfish noodling.) Romney and Ryan inaugurated their new high-road campaign with the charge that Obama “robbed” $700 billion from Medicare, declining to mention that their own plans keep the same cuts in place.


Sad Paul Ryan needs to be a meme, post haste!
Good article by Jon Chait on why pundits can't help but adore Paul Ryan:


Sad Paul Ryan needs to be a meme, post haste!

I haven't seen many Paul Ryan interviews to notice that.

I think the media in general loves Paul Ryan because they see his Bill that eliminates Medicare as a "brave" thing instead of seeing it as a Radical thing. They see his whole approach and budget that way.
I haven't seen many Paul Ryan interviews to notice that.

I think the media in general loves Paul Ryan because they see his Bill that eliminates Medicare as a "brave" thing instead of seeing it as a Radical thing. They see his whole approach and budget that way.

Representative Paul Ryan is treated by many in the media as “serious” and “courageous” because of his proposals to reduce dramatically federal payments for social security and health care. He and Governor Romney call for a stringent austerity program to balance the federal budget. Romney has repeatedly taken to calling ending any deficit a “moral” imperative. The media figures who call the public officials who make these deficit claims and proposals “serious” and “courageous” demonstrate how unserious and economically illiterate the media figures are.
I have to admit, it's quite brave to put your entire political career on the line by tying yourself to a failing campaign where if you lose your political ambitions will probably be ruined for a very long time. Of course brave and fucking stupid aren't mutually exclusive


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I haven't seen many Paul Ryan interviews to notice that.

I think the media in general loves Paul Ryan because they see his Bill that eliminates Medicare as a "brave" thing instead of seeing it as a Radical thing. They see his whole approach and budget that way.

They don't 'like' it, but they love cartoonish or black and white positions, which is why Donald Trump, a professional assclown, gets infinitely more column inches on his political views than say, Barney Frank, an actual politician. They like Ryan's budget because it is provocative. They don't care whom or what gets provocated.
My 3 goals for Obama in a hopeful 2nd term:

1. Retooling of student loans- specifically, have incentive programs in public service that allow for loan forgiveness (I'm talking physicians in academic medicine, lawyers not pursuing corporate law positons, etc). The debt we are graduating with nowadays is ridiculous.

2. A monumental public works project (infrastructure related would be neat like rail)

3. Increase in federal science and technology spending, increases to the NIH budget would be a start to help get more grant money out there for research


My 3 goals for Obama in a hopeful 2nd term:

1. Retooling of student loans- specifically, have incentive programs in public service that allow for loan forgiveness (I'm talking physicians in academic medicine, lawyers not pursuing corporate law positons, etc). The debt we are graduating with nowadays is ridiculous.

2. A monumental public works project (infrastructure related would be neat like rail)

3. Increase in federal science and technology spending, increases to the NIH budget would be a start to help get more grant money out there for research
All of those are pretty noble. My main hope is that he actually passes some major legislation for climate change including major caps on carbon emissions.
Rob Zerban makes another $16,000 from ActBlue today. That's $75,000 over 3 full days since Ryan announcement. He already was Ryan's best fundraising challenger before the VP pick. This is just icing on the cake.


My top 3:

1) A large bill focused on infrastructure, research and alternative energy investments such as the one Obama has been pushing as a second round of stimulus to get a few million people back to work, quickly.

2) A thorough overhaul of the tax code, incorporating significant tax increases on the wealthy. An end to most - if not all - Bush tax cuts. Capital gains taxed as regular income.

3) The full implementation of the ACA, with the addition of a robust public option (as was in the House bill). Once the principle of universal coverage is established in this country, there is no going back.


No Scrubs
My top 3:

1) A large bill focused on infrastructure, research and alternative energy investments such as the one Obama has been pushing as a second round of stimulus to get a few million people back to work, quickly.

2) A thorough overhaul of the tax code, incorporating significant tax increases on the wealthy. An end to most - if not all - Bush tax cuts. Capital gains taxed as regular income.

3) The full implementation of the ACA, with the addition of a robust public option (as was in the House bill). Once the principle of universal coverage is established in this country, there is no going back.

Gotta tell you, that list is amazing.
My top 3:

1) A large bill focused on infrastructure, research and alternative energy investments such as the one Obama has been pushing as a second round of stimulus to get a few million people back to work, quickly.

2) A thorough overhaul of the tax code, incorporating significant tax increases on the wealthy. An end to most - if not all - Bush tax cuts. Capital gains taxed as regular income.

3) The full implementation of the ACA, with the addition of a robust public option (as was in the House bill). Once the principle of universal coverage is established in this country, there is no going back.

I think all of these are possible (assuming Dems keep the senate and make gains in the house). I doubt a public option is going to be possible anytime soon though.


Professional Schmuck
It will be interesting to see the ACA fully implemented and in effect before 2016. That will be so sweet to see it play out in future races.


I liked this post from a page or two back a lot. It could use a touch more nuance, like acknowledging the connections between religious fundamentalism, corporate sponsors, and how they amazingly tie together to mean a lack of regulation. But yeah.

Thanks. Yeah, it's definitely a little simplistic, and you're right that it doesn't address the details of the movement's evolution or the way it got uneasily yoked to big business. Honestly, I don't know as much as I'd like to about this stuff -- it really wasn't til this year that I started to understand the way the Southern strategy warped American politics. I'm sure that most of American political history is just a series of similar distinctive coalitions arising and briefly changing the atmosphere around them. (We can already see the Republicans trying to break into Obama's "Emerging American Electorate" coalition -- that's not a catchy name, by the way -- by promoting their PoC candidates, the way the Democrats brought forth Carter and Clinton to fight the Southern coalition.)

All of those are pretty noble. My main hope is that he actually passes some major legislation for climate change including major caps on carbon emissions.

Climate change and marijuana legalization both didn't make my list because I sadly don't think they're realistic in the next four years. Climate change especially is starting to worry me -- we haven't seen any tornadoes west of the Rockies, but it's only a matter of time. My parents-in-law got hit with something similar all the way up in Washington, except wetter.


Professional Schmuck
Thanks. Yeah, it's definitely a little simplistic, and you're right that it doesn't address the details of the movement's evolution or the way it got uneasily yoked to big business.

Honestly, I don't know as much as I'd like to about this stuff -- it really wasn't til this year that I started to understand the way the Southern strategy warped American politics. I'm sure that most of American political history is just a series of similar distinctive coalitions arising and briefly changing the atmosphere around them.

(We can already see the Republicans trying to break into Obama's "Emerging American Electorate" coalition -- that's not a catchy name, by the way -- by promoting their PoC candidates, the way the Democrats brought forth Carter and Clinton to fight the Southern coalition.)

If you're interested in the Southern Strategy, I highly recommend reaching a little further back in your history books and researching how plantation owners convinced poor white farmers/share-croppers to fight for the Confederates (and it wasn't 'southern pride'). After that, take a stroll down memory lane with the formation and persistence of the KKK, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights movement. Fascinating stuff that will actually make one appreciate how far this country has come in the past century.


I tried looking, but it doesn't look like it was any one post.

Yeah, I kept thinking I'd found the post, then I'd read the next. Dude had it coming. I loved his last post though:

oh my god



Regarding my list, I tried to keep it reasonable, looking at policies Obama has pushed and Dems have coalesced around, so they can be plausibly passed should Dems retake the House. The public option was a bit of a pipe dream, but hey.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
My wishlist:

1. Mandatory abortions for all
2. Change the design of the U.S. flag to a U.S. flag that's burned halfway
3. Remodel Mt. Rushmore to instead have Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Bin Laden, and Michael Moore

Bonus: Change the national anthem to "Oh, Canada"
My top 3:

1) A large bill focused on infrastructure, research and alternative energy investments such as the one Obama has been pushing as a second round of stimulus to get a few million people back to work, quickly.

2) A thorough overhaul of the tax code, incorporating significant tax increases on the wealthy. An end to most - if not all - Bush tax cuts. Capital gains taxed as regular income.

3) The full implementation of the ACA, with the addition of a robust public option (as was in the House bill). Once the principle of universal coverage is established in this country, there is no going back.


Though I'd have to have a 4th that deals with student debt.
My top 3:

1) A large bill focused on infrastructure, research and alternative energy investments such as the one Obama has been pushing as a second round of stimulus to get a few million people back to work, quickly.

2) A thorough overhaul of the tax code, incorporating significant tax increases on the wealthy. An end to most - if not all - Bush tax cuts. Capital gains taxed as regular income.

3) The full implementation of the ACA, with the addition of a robust public option (as was in the House bill). Once the principle of universal coverage is established in this country, there is no going back.

4)Prepare and groom multiple candidates for the 2016 election. I only say multiple because you always need a back up plan in case one of them decides to be a moron
*looks at Anthony Wiener*
My top 3:

1) A large bill focused on infrastructure, research and alternative energy investments such as the one Obama has been pushing as a second round of stimulus to get a few million people back to work, quickly.

2) A thorough overhaul of the tax code, incorporating significant tax increases on the wealthy. An end to most - if not all - Bush tax cuts. Capital gains taxed as regular income.

3) The full implementation of the ACA, with the addition of a robust public option (as was in the House bill). Once the principle of universal coverage is established in this country, there is no going back.
This is pretty good. If Dems take back the House and abolish the filibuster in the Senate, it's all doable, definitely.

Perhaps this is a bit more naive on my part than some others here, but I do think there'd be at least a handful of Republicans who would be like "You know what? We've obstructed Obama and he's come back better than ever. We'll cooperate with him" if such a scenario took place. Not a lot, but perhaps enough to bring along any reluctant blue dogs (who could then tout bipartisanship) in supporting Obama's agenda.

All that and some serious education/immigration reforms would do wonders.

Anyway, MN primaries are tomorrow. There's nothing really competitive in my district, but I might show up anyway. So... whatever.
This is pretty good. If Dems take back the House and abolish the filibuster in the Senate, it's all doable, definitely.

Perhaps this is a bit more naive on my part than some others here, but I do think there'd be at least a handful of Republicans who would be like "You know what? We've obstructed Obama and he's come back better than ever. We'll cooperate with him" if such a scenario took place. Not a lot, but perhaps enough to bring along any reluctant blue dogs (who could then tout bipartisanship) in supporting Obama's agenda.

All that and some serious education/immigration reforms would do wonders.

Anyway, MN primaries are tomorrow. There's nothing really competitive in my district, but I might show up anyway. So... whatever.

This page has been pure fantasy land, but this takes the cake. Republicans are completely invested in destroying Obama's presidency, and the country in the process. Their base has a visceral hatred of the man, and the overall strategy has been to discredit big government spending.

Ryan gives democrats a chance at the house, but it'll still be a tall order due to redistricting, PAC money, and GOP controlled state legislative bodies. More than likely an Obama win will look like 15 more democrats in the house, and 52-54 democrats in the senate. In other words, two more years of obstruction and gridlock. If republicans can't deny Obama a second term, they'll simply move towards running out the clock on him in preparation for 2014 and 2016. The Eric Cantors of the world won't simply disappear if Obama wins, or decide "you know what, I guess we can go back to being big government republicans now..." Expect more nonsense.

I still don't believe Obama has the balls to raise taxes on the middle class, which is what he'd have to do in order to get rid of the higher income Bush tax cuts. And even if he did, would republicans work with democrats to pass a new middle income tax cut? It would make more sense to wait it out until 2014 and hope for another wave election.

The only thing Obama might get done in his second term is some type of tax code reform. You can kiss immigration, energy, Jobs Act, etc goodbye as long as Boehner holds the house.
This page has been pure fantasy land, but this takes the cake. Republicans are completely invested in destroying Obama's presidency, and the country in the process. Their base has a visceral hatred of the man, and the overall strategy has been to discredit big government spending.

Ryan gives democrats a chance at the house, but it'll still be a tall order due to redistricting, PAC money, and GOP controlled state legislative bodies. More than likely an Obama win will look like 15 more democrats in the house, and 52-54 democrats in the senate. In other words, two more years of obstruction and gridlock. If republicans can't deny Obama a second term, they'll simply move towards running out the clock on him in preparation for 2014 and 2016. The Eric Cantors of the world won't simply disappear if Obama wins, or decide "you know what, I guess we can go back to being big government republicans now..." Expect more nonsense.

The only thing Obama might get done in his second term is some type of tax code reform. You can kiss immigration, energy, Jobs Act, etc goodbye as long as Boehner holds the house.

I agree mostly.

But if the economy improves significantly and Obama's approval somehow gets to around ~60%, then Republicans will be forced to tacitly go along with Obama's agenda. They will know they won't get anywhere in '14 or '16 by obstructing a popular President with high approval numbers. So if Obama manages to get some political capital, then he'll be able to do some of the items people are proposing.

The catch 22 of course, is that Obama most likely won't be able to get high approval numbers unless he can get some job legislation through the gridlock. The economy simply isn't improving fast enough for him to reap the political benefits until probably the very end of his 2nd term.

I honestly think too much attention has been paid to reelecting Obama rather than getting the House back and reforming the filibuster in the Senate. Without a Dem House, Obama's next two years will likely look like the previous two.

Sometimes I'm in favor of divided government. But this GOP is a hardened minority like no other we've seen in recent memory. Nothing is literally getting done in the middle of an economic crises simply because the GOP has an unhealthy fear/hatred for Obama. Dems had an unhealthy fear/hatred of Bush, but they still didn't stonewall almost every piece of legislation he proposed.
I wonder when the top 1% will realize that a thriving middle class will make them wealthier in the long run without all the political baggage that comes with it?
I hate both parties and have hated them equally for some time. But the past 2-4 years the GOP has gone off the rails and for the first time I'm against one party more than another.

I'm sorry, but the GOP has actively tried to stunt the economy with the sole purpose of beating Obama. And now they're proposing to make life harder on the lower and middle class to make things easier for the wealthy. And they're blatant and direct about it.

What you're witnessing here are people who are more active and generally more upset with the status quo and the GOP position comes off as vile. And I haven't even touched on their anti-gay equal rights, creationism, etc bullshit.

Even GWB threw crumbs at the middle class. Showed empathy. I think it's very hard to be an informed voter and not upper class and still support the current GOP platform and you're seeing that play itself out here.

So I'm still thinking about deleting facebook, because I find that my friends are politically very different than I am. I posted up something about Paul Ryan, and got this shit about being anti-gop. I don't see what you're saying as anti-gop, or how I feel as anti-gop. I feel like it's anti-stupdity. They've been blatant about the fact that they will fleece the middle class and the poor if they can get away with it. I do not understand how people are falling for this shit.


Professional Schmuck
When you guys are all done patting yourselves on the back with your TPM-fueled fantasies, let's go get both of the serious conservatives on GAF to post their top 3 things they want to see if Romney wins. I'm guessing it combines something like:

1) ObamaCare repealed
2) Flat 15% tax for everyone
3) Funding for Medicaid, Medicare, Foodstamps, Social Security, Unemployment, Public Roads, Highways, and Department of Education all reduced to communist rubble.


I wonder when the top 1% will realize that a thriving middle class will make them wealthier in the long run without all the political baggage that comes with it?

How long has it been since we've seen any investment take the long term play?

Investment doesn't, it jumps from bubble to bubble, hoping to move before the bubble bursts.

Manufacturing doesn't, it jumps from third world nation to third world nation, as soon as a factory country starts to get a little money flowing and desires better wages and/or workers rights they just move on to the next sucker nation, leaving urban decay behind.

Hell, even our healthcare industry doesn't care about the long term play. Preventative care is way down the priority list, instead it's all focused on performing triage on the latest issue, regardless of what issues that treatment might open up down the road.

So why do you think the wealthiest individuals, or even our government for that matter, would see the value of the long term play?

This is the end game of the "greed is good" capitalism mindset where getting yours NOW is more important than anything else.
When you guys are all done patting yourselves on the back with your TPM-fueled fantasies, let's go get both of the serious conservatives on GAF to post their top 3 things they want to see if Romney wins. I'm guessing it combines something like:

1) ObamaCare repealed
2) Flat 15% tax for everyone
3) Funding for Medicaid, Medicare, Foodstamps, Social Security, Unemployment, Public Roads, Highways, and Department of Education all reduced to communist rubble.

you forgot traditional marriage amendments.
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