Pretty much......
I'm glad I've seen several news outlets call out Romney's campaign on his "Obama is taking 700b from Medicare!" line and their dodging of Ryan's Medicare plan. I don't think this will work for them.
Yeah I'm glad that the "work-requirement" bs is being called out too.
A Boston Globe analysis of voter registration data in swing states reveals scant evidence that the massive undertaking by President Obama's campaign is yielding much fresh support for the incumbent."
"In stark contrast to 2008, when a strong partisan tailwind propelled Democratic voter registration to record levels, this year Republican and independent gains are far outpacing those of Democrats."
Goes back further than that.If they would look at the last 40 years of political history, they would understand why the double standard exists.
There is no fucking point to a voucher system when Medicare has overhead costs of 2-3%. There is no money to be saved there. You aren't going to make administration more efficient.
The way to save money on medicine is to reduce the price of the care itself (drugs, procedures, etc). We are getting gouged to the tune of at least tens of billions of a year in the U.S. compared to other countries. No one really talks about that either, neither Democrat nor Republican.
RE: 2016 talk.
You folks all seem to never mention one guy who I think WILL run for office.
And win.
Antonio Villaraigosa
41st Mayor of Los Angeles
63rd Speaker of the California Assembly
Majority Leader of the California Assembly
Member of the Los Angeles City Council
from the 14th district
Member of the California State Assembly
from the 45th district
Born Antonio Ramón Villar, Jr.
January 23, 1953 (age 59)
Boyle Heights, California, U.S.
Party leaders know he's their man.
So he has experience at all levels of government, including some pretty damn impressive executive experience....LA is no small potatoes.
You want a REAL boot strap story?
The kind of story Reagan had wet dreams about?
I have tears in my eyes.
But wait, theres more.
Hes every democrats wet dream.
Transportation? Under his watch, he got a tax passed, in California, where passing taxes is fucking impossible.....and now there are FOUR (4!) light rail lines under construction.
Safety? "Villaraigosa is a member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition, a national organization of Mayors whose goal is to increase gun control." I can see Bloomberg donating to this campaign.
...and so much more. Just read his wiki page.
Oh right, and hes of mexican background.
You want Texas blue in 2016? He's your man.
Ethics violations
On May 2, 2007, the Los Angeles Times reported that Villaraigosa was under investigation for ethics violations. "The executive director of the Los Angeles Ethics Commission...accused Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of 31 violations of campaign finance and disclosure laws stemming from his 2003 campaign for the City Council."[59]
In June 2010, a formal ethics investigation of Villariagosa was launched, due to his unreported acceptance of 81 tickets to concerts, awards ceremonies and sporting events.[60] Estimates - including the 13 Lakers courtside tickets valued at $3,100 each[61] and Academy Awards and Governor’s Ball tickets at $21,000 each—suggest that the value of the tickets could amount to tens of thousands of dollars.[62] The unreported tickets came to light after the City of Los Angeles paid $3.2 million for Michael Jackson's Memorial, including $2 million in police overtime.
In 2009 the Los Angeles Times[63] published an investigative report questioning the assignment of high-paying government jobs to those with close family or other personal connections to those in political power, pointing out that California taxpayers pay Marisela Villar, daughter of Villaraigosa, $68,000 for work as a "field representative" answering constituent calls and arranging community meetings. Ms. Villar reportedly has no degrees or other particular qualifications for the position,[63] to which she was appointed by close political allies of her father.[63] "It looks like nepotism," said Tracy Westen, chief executive of the Center for Governmental Studies in Los Angeles. "It's the kind of thing the public doesn't like: people using their power and influence to provide cushy jobs to friends and family.".[63]
Controversy arose in response to the sudden withdrawal of Ricardo Lara and Arturo Chavez from the 2008, 46th District election, which is alleged to have occurred after the two attended a secret meeting at the Getty House with Villaraigosa and his cousin, John Pérez, who had recently announced his candidacy for the seat.[64] The departure of these two serious challengers cleared the field for John Pérez to win the seat. Within months, Villaraigosa appointed Lara to the Los Angeles City Planning Commission.[65] Lara later gained criticism for concurrently serving on the Planning Commission board (restricted to residents of Los Angeles) and running for state Assembly in the 50th District (restricted to residents of the 50th District). No part of the City of Los Angeles is included in the 50th District.[66] Following the Los Angeles Times article, "Legislative aide Ricardo Lara accused of straddling communities," Lara resigned from the Planning Commission.[67]
In the wake of extensive media coverage of his affair with Spanish-language television reporter, Mirthala Salinas, Villaraigosa announced that he was separating from his wife, and on June 12, 2007, Corina Villaraigosa filed for dissolution of marriage in Los Angeles Superior Court, citing irreconcilable differences. Villaraigosa acknowledged on July 3, 2007, that he was in a relationship with Salinas.[82][83] As a result of the affair, Salinas was suspended by her employer,[84] Telemundo, forcibly relocated to Riverside,[85] after which she resigned.[86] In a New Yorker profile published shortly before the divorce, Villaraigosa acknowledged that he and Corina had had difficulties over the course of their marriage. “In a twenty-year marriage, there are many ups and downs," Villaraigosa said."[3] The New Yorker also reported that in 1994, while Corina was undergoing treatment for thyroid cancer, Villaraigosa was involved with a friend's wife and Corina filed for dissolution of marriage at that time.[3][79] The couple reconciled two years later.[3] The New Yorker magazine reported that Villaraigosa's actions had infuriated colleagues who had helped portray him as a family man and lost him key supporters.[3][79]
With baggage like that he would be a hugely succesful politician here in West Virginia. Those things are rites of passage around here.
Interesting trend. Chinese investment in Africa since 2010.
Can't say I have ever heard of Mauritania before. It's a rather large country.
Grr Democrats are just so gosh darn angry and always so negative
This web ad hurts my eyes as well.
This is going to be a massive land-slide election for the GOP. People voted for Obama because he was the one that would unite. He was supposed to be different. Everyone knows now that he isn't the "one." He doesn't truly care about people, only his own reelection. He doesn't have the backs of the American people. The only response the Dems have is to try to paint Romney as being no different. Romney is different. He's a real man that stands with hard workers.
MarketingPersonality 10 minutes ago
Villaraigosa is Edwards level of slimey.
I feel like I'm being trolled.
Holy shit.
Isn't that the entire reason democrats are focusing on the more choir boy, less potential time bomb Castro? I think people, mainly liberal blog visitors and GAFers, tend to view things through an idealistic prism in which being too liberal doesn't exist. In this view, Elizabeth Warren can be a presidential candidate in 4-8 years, and a LA mayor who raised taxes, has a long history of gun control advocacy, and has been accused of more than 30 ethics violations is a solid candidate because he's brown
Even then, it sucks that such a blatant lie can be used repeatedly in ads and speeches. And a lot of Media is reporting what Romney said, without labeling it as a LIE that it is.
Romney has more Pants on Fire lies than Bachman now. This election may be won on the back of lying by a Presidential candidate on a level that we have never seen before.
Boston Globe article itself is not accessible, but:
Goes back further than that.
Isn't that the entire reason democrats are focusing on the more choir boy, less potential time bomb Castro? I think people, mainly liberal blog visitors and GAFers, tend to view things through an idealistic prism in which being too liberal doesn't exist. In this view, Elizabeth Warren can be a presidential candidate in 4-8 years, and a LA mayor who raised taxes, has a long history of gun control advocacy, and has been accused of more than 30 ethics violations is a solid candidate because he's brown
Weiner/Spitzer 2016, farther than that and we go back to the time of Dixiecrats who supported Jim Crow and segregation.
40-45 years ago is when we had the modernization (polarization) of the Republican and Democratic party.
Franken/Wiener 2016
Question: Was Biden's "chains" comment in front of a nearly all black audience?
I read the headlines and the transcript, but never saw the video. I didn't think it was too bad when I read it, but in such a context I guess it could look like a bigger goof than I thought.
Grr Democrats are just so gosh darn angry and always so negative
This web ad hurts my eyes as well.
They absolutely cannot stand it that a democrat campaign is as aggressive as Obama is.
i wish obama did get angry some times
Villaraigosa is Edwards-level of slimey.
The Southern Strategy is when the Republican party began to overtly pull in white southern voters, but Hoover's betrayal of the black community is what first pushed them to the Democratic side. Then much later you had Reagan's presidency which cemented everything.
I wish he started smoking Newport 100's and being all agitated.
He should pull one out during a debate.
So they will send you a letter saying to come pick up your ID...but they won't send you the ID in the mail. THEY'RE ALREADY PAYING FOR POSTAGE!
after a satisfying smug answer he should just light up
When he takes his first hit while Romney is responding, Obama should interrupt him with a refreshing "aaaaaaaah."
Oh God, remember that second Gore debate when Al decided it'd be great to interrupt and sigh (and sweat like a maniac?) Man, that was awesome.
Villaraigosa is Edwards-level of slimey.
SNL has gone to shit with Obama in office, they dont have a great impersonator, and they dont write as well. Man, Perot, HW Bush, Clinton, Gore... that was the best time for SNL political spoofing
SNL has gone to shit with Obama in office, they dont have a great impersonator, and they dont write as well. Man, Perot, HW Bush, Clinton, Gore... that was the best time for SNL political spoofing