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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Although he predicted it would not happen, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said today it would be "wise" for President Obama to take Vice President Joe Biden off the Democratic presidential ticket and replace him with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton .

"I think it might be wise to do that but it's not going to happen obviously, for a whole variety of reasons," McCain said in an interview this afternoon on Fox News, stopping just short of Sarah Palin's call last night for an all-out replacement of Biden on the ticket.

Yeah . . . Obama should really listen to John McCain and Sarah Palin for VP advice. LOL.
Have you ever heard of Somos Republicans? They're a Hispanic Republican group in AZ and one of their main leaders basically writes nothing but criticisms of Arpaio, Brewer, Kyl etc., of all the constant shitty things the AZ GOP does, but at the same time she is completely dedicated to getting Hispanics registered as Republicans and voting red.

I don't have any point. I just think it's sort of depressing.
Abortion and gays would be my guess.


Abortion and gays would be my guess.

Yeah, pro-life is at the top of their list. I don't see anything about gay people, and would be surprised if they cared. All of their other points are about free markets and small government and low taxes.

edit: whoops, spoke too soon. They mention it in passing as "traditional marriage."


Have you ever heard of Somos Republicans? They're a Hispanic Republican group in AZ and one of their main leaders basically writes nothing but criticisms of Arpaio, Brewer, Kyl etc., of all the constant shitty things the AZ GOP does, but at the same time she is completely dedicated to getting Hispanics registered as Republicans and voting red.

I don't have any point. I just think it's sort of depressing.

I live in AZ. There are a lot of conservatives here, but there's a HUGE hispanic population that hates Arpaio, Brewer, Pearce, and republicans as a whole. I can't see Romney winning this state by 8-10 point margins in the end. If he does win, it'll be within 5 I say.

Yeah, Arizona will beat Texas to the Democrat column by 1-2 election cycles.

Everyday I get more and more confident that Carmona may be able to pull off the upset. He's got an incredible resume and even cranky old Arizona seniors HAVE to like him. I mean, seriously, the guy has essentially the perfect resume.


Junior Member


Some people must have the memory of a goldfish. Have people really forgotten how we got into this mess? Or do they figure it was just Obama and his time machine?
They list Truman as a conservative.
Some people are just idiots.

Also, Reagan above Lincoln and Eisenhower?


Great article on the GOP whining


Forgive me, but I’m not prepared to join this walk down Great Umbrage Street just yet. Yes, it’s ugly out there. But is this worse than four years ago, when Obama was accused by the GOP vice presidential nominee of “palling around with terrorists”? Or eight years ago, when Democratic nominee John Kerry was accused of falsifying his Vietnam War record?

What’s different this time is that the Democrats are employing the same harsh tactics that have been used against them for so long, with so much success. They have ceased their traditional response of assuming the fetal position when attacked, and Obama’s campaign is giving as good as it gets — and then some.

It's pathetic how the media gets all flustered when Dems actually fight back.
Great article on the GOP whining


It's pathetic how the media gets all flustered when Dems actually fight back.

This x100. Obama has really been destroying Romney lately, and all he can do is cry about it. Clearly the welfare attack is doing some damage to Obama, but outside of that nothing has stuck. Hopefully the campaign can keep this up.

Interestingly, there's no more time for Romney to transition to a positive message. He's already been defined, and while I'm sure he'll re-introduce himself at the RNC it won't be enough in the long term. If he wins, it'll be because the economy sucks - not because voters chose him over the president.
The Silversun Pickups want Mitt Romney's presidential campaign to immediately stop the use of the rock group's song "Panic Switch." And the Romney campaign has no problem with that.

The Los Angeles-based band's attorney sent a cease and desist letter to the Republican presidential candidate's campaign on Wednesday. A news release says neither the band nor its representatives were contacted for permission to use the 2009 alternative rock hit and the group "has no intention of endorsing the Romney campaign."

"We don't like people going behind our backs, using our music without asking, and we don't like the Romney campaign," Silversun Pickups lead singer Brian Aubert said in the statement. "We're nice, approachable people. We won't bite. Unless you're Mitt Romney! We were very close to just letting this go because the irony was too good. While he is inadvertently playing a song that describes his whole campaign, we doubt that 'Panic Switch' really sends the message he intends."

Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in an email that the song was inadvertently played during the setup for one event before Romney arrived. The band learned about it in a tweet from Romney's North Carolina stopover.


Oh Mittens

(now, if only, Silversun Pickups can return to making an album as good as their first...)
Well I guess thats one Republican who will speak at the DNC.
No way man, he's fucking batshit. Which makes it all the more profound that he's taking Romney to task for this.

This is probably more important:

"In our rural community, we're looking at which candidate is going to take care of the real Iowa," said Rob Hach, a Republican wind energy consultant from Storm Lake who met with Obama last year and says he plans to vote for the president because of his support of the tax issue.
Politics is local!
RE: 2016 talk.

You folks all seem to never mention one guy who I think WILL run for office.

And win.

Antonio Villaraigosa

41st Mayor of Los Angeles

63rd Speaker of the California Assembly

Majority Leader of the California Assembly

Member of the Los Angeles City Council
from the 14th district

Member of the California State Assembly
from the 45th district

Born Antonio Ramón Villar, Jr.
January 23, 1953 (age 59)
Boyle Heights, California, U.S.

Before being elected to public office, he was a labor organizer. He is the current president of the United States Conference of Mayors. He has also served as a national co-chairman of Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign and as a member of President Barack Obama's Transition Economic Advisory Board. He will serve as chair of the 2012 Democratic National Convention in September 2012.

Party leaders know he's their man.

So he has experience at all levels of government, including some pretty damn impressive executive experience....LA is no small potatoes.

You want a REAL boot strap story?

The kind of story Reagan had wet dreams about?

His father abandoned their family when Villaraigosa was 5 years old, and at age of 16, a benign tumor in his spinal column briefly paralyzed him from the waist down, curtailing his ability to play sports. His grades plummeted at Cathedral High School, and the next year, he was expelled from the Roman Catholic institution after getting into a fight after a football game.[4] He later graduated from Theodore Roosevelt High School[3] after taking adult education classes there at night, and with the help of his English teacher, Herman Katz.

Villaraigosa went on to attend East Los Angeles College,[5] and eventually transferred to University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

I have tears in my eyes.

But wait, theres more.

Hes every democrats wet dream.

Transportation? Under his watch, he got a tax passed, in California, where passing taxes is fucking impossible.....and now there are FOUR (4!) light rail lines under construction.

Safety? "Villaraigosa is a member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition, a national organization of Mayors whose goal is to increase gun control." I can see Bloomberg donating to this campaign.

...and so much more. Just read his wiki page.


Oh right, and hes of mexican background.

You want Texas blue in 2016? He's your man.
I don't know. There's something weird to me about mayors running for president, even of big cities. Though he sounds alright.

Still think it'll go Hillary then Julian Castro.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Yeah . . . Obama should really listen to John McCain and Sarah Palin for VP advice. LOL.

Why? hilary's doing well in her role as SoS, and Biden's exactly the kind of person you want to have in the VP role. (I know you don't agree with McCain, my comment is towards his suggestion)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Question: Was Biden's "chains" comment in front of a nearly all black audience?

I read the headlines and the transcript, but never saw the video. I didn't think it was too bad when I read it, but in such a context I guess it could look like a bigger goof than I thought.
Question: Was Biden's "chains" comment in front of a nearly all black audience?

I read the headlines and the transcript, but never saw the video. I didn't think it was too bad when I read it, but in such a context I guess it could look like a bigger goof than I thought.

The video of that comment made me cringe so hard. Like...fuuuuck. People will forget about it, sure, but at the same time I'm asking myself, "Why?"
The video of that comment made me cringe so hard. Like...fuuuuck. People will forget about it, sure, but at the same time I'm asking myself, "Why?"

Biden acting all Bideny. Seriously, I blame team Obama if they are really naive to think that Biden won't go off rails a few times this campaign season while giving speeches all around the country. Suck it up, do as much damage control as possible and then move on. In fact, have another distraction planned in anticipation for such an event.


OK so the thing with the Brewer thing, I mean, if Romney were to win, he could just reverse O's decision. So if I were one of the select few who qualified, why would I not be scared shitless of applying?


Sitting on a trolley on the way to work listening to 2 guys talk about a voucher system for medicare. Good topic

Eavesdropping is delaying my sound shapes session


Sitting on a trolley on the way to work listening to 2 guys talk about a voucher system for medicare. Good topic

Eavesdropping is delaying my sound shapes session

Dude you could be playing Sound Shapes or listening to talk of a medicare voucher program? Poligaf has you fully infected. Also what's a trolley?

How's Sound Shapes? I do music production and have a dusty Vita.


Junior Member
The video of that comment made me cringe so hard. Like...fuuuuck. People will forget about it, sure, but at the same time I'm asking myself, "Why?"

I've been reading some comments from black people about this comment on facebook. They seem to be fine with it, and believe that Biden is being honest with them about the GOP's plans.

Let's face it; Blacks trust the Democrats WAY more than the Republicans. I think its laughable when I hear people on the news say that it's a double standard. OF COURSE it's a double standard. If they would look at the last 40 years of political history, they would understand why the double standard exists.

Oh, and the Daily Show segment about this was awesome.


Dude you could be playing Sound Shapes or listening to talk of a medicare voucher program? Poligaf has you fully infected. Also what's a trolley?

How's Sound Shapes? I do music production and have a dusty Vita.

Sound Shapes is awesome, a bit seizure inducing at times and I'm a bit hungover so probably for the best.

Trolley ... I guess a bus on train tracks is the best explanation. I take that to the subway to work.


Trolley ... I guess a bus on train tracks is the best explanation. I take that to the subway to work.

Sorry, I was only joking, I thought trolley's only existed in Rice o Roni commercials and New Orleans :p
Actually where I live we have a "trolley" which is really just a small bus designed to look like an old-fashioned trolley, tre lame.


Sitting on a trolley on the way to work listening to 2 guys talk about a voucher system for medicare. Good topic

Right in time for Romney's new ad about how Obama stole 700 billion from Medicare. I don't have a link to it, but it's about what you'd expect.


Well then, yes they exist in Philadelphia as well.

I suck officially then cause my brother and parents live in Philly, I guess I never noticed/rode one.

Right in time for Romney's new ad about how Obama stole 700 billion from Medicare. I don't have a link to it, but it's about what you'd expect.

I dunno I saw Brit Hume calling out Ryan or Romney on this in an interview recently, no? If Fox News is aware then it probably won't work as an attack as well as they'd like it to.


Right in time for Romney's new ad about how Obama stole 700 billion from Medicare. I don't have a link to it, but it's about what you'd expect.

For every time that I've seen the comments or ad I've seen a different news station calling them bullshit and killing the vouchers from Ryan. I've seen more rebuttal on this then I've seen ever before
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