He's saying on Hannity he's not dropping out. Doubling down.
Has Huckabee called for a 'Legitimate Rape' Appreciation day yet?
too soon?
He's saying on Hannity he's not dropping out. Doubling down.
I'm starting to think if I don't get this internship I'm trying for I might volunteer for the Obama campaign.
Remember when the Tea party was supposedly about the deficit and being fiscally responsible?
And now it turns out it is about Christian-right nuts and people that will bloat the deficit with massive tax cuts for the rich. Basically, the Tea Party was just the GOP base.
Has Huckabee called for a 'Legitimate Rape' Appreciation day yet?
too soon?
.Huckabee to Akin: 'Horrible' rapes created some extraordinary people
The former Arkansas governor and onetime GOP presidential contender suggested a couple of cases in which he suggested that rapes, though horrible tragedies, had produced admirable human beings.
Ethel Waters, for example, was the result of a forcible rape, Huckabee said of the late American gospel singer. One-time presidential candidate Huckabee added: I used to work for James Robison back in the 1970s, he leads a large Christian organization. He, himself, was the result of a forcible rape. And so I know it happens, and yet even from those horrible, horrible tragedies of rape, which are inexcusable and indefensible, life has come and sometimes, you know, those people are able to do extraordinary things.
President Obama said Monday that he isn't too worried about two groups of military veterans running campaign ads against him.
“I don’t take these folks too seriously. One of their members is a birther who denies I was born here, despite evidence to the contrary," Obama told The Virginian-Pilot. "You’ve got another who was a tea party candidate in a recent election."
"This kind of stuff springs up before election time," Obama said.
The founder of one group, ex-Navy SEAL Larry Bailey, told Foreign Policy magazine last week: "I have to admit that I'm a birther."
The other group maintains that it is nonpartisan, but its founder Scott Taylor is a former GOP candidate for office.
Has Huckabee called for a 'Legitimate Rape' Appreciation day yet?
too soon?
Phew, false alarm guys, we're still in business.PPP said:We had some bad polls for Democrats this weekend but a good one in Virginia- Obama still up by a decent amount there
PPP said:By a 53/36 margin Massachusetts voters want Democrats to have control of the Senate- very interesting tension there
Holy shit.
Apparently its not too soon.
Another PPP tweet:
It'll be interesting if Warren can win simply based on Massachusetts wanting the Senate to stay blue, and this is part of why I think she will. I don't think that's anything anyone but diehard partisans tend to think about, but Lincoln Chafee was defeated in 2006 on a similar notion - he was still very popular in Rhode Island, but Democrats could only win the majority with his seat, so he lost.
If Brown is leading by like, 1 point it's not like that's any different from their last poll, which had them tied.
LOL. Gay Republicans thrilled that regular Republicans (probably) don't hate them:
Stealin this btw, if you don't mind.
Yea, we need to see the polls here. PPP is saying its been a bad weekend for Dems apart from VA, so gotta see the numbers.
What the hell is the difference between 'rape' and 'forcible rape' Mr. Huckabee? Is non-forcible rape possible you piece of shit? And the 'some of the best people I know were children of rape' defense? What about the hundreds of thousands of other children of rape?
Sweet shit, what an asshole.
He later invoked 9/11 to explain his pro-life views, saying the first responders didn't ask for identification of those they saved because all lives are important.
"They don't check their ID to see whether they're important or not, they just take them to safety and run back for more," he said. "They, by their lives, speak as Americans of what we think about the value of human beings and how much respect we hold people with."
So that means he is just as pro-life or more than Akin.Paul Ryan said:"I'm as pro-life as a person gets," Ryan, a Roman Catholic, told the conservative magazine the Weekly Standard in 2010.
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162...ortion-rights-record-a-target-for-obama-camp/Ryan's anti-abortion rights credentials -- unlike Romney's -- are indeed impeccable. The National Right to Life Committee, a nationwide federation opposed to abortion rights, has given Ryan a 100 percent "pro-life" voting record -- in other words, for every vote he's taken on abortion-related issues since joining the House of Representatives in 1999, Ryan has voted on the anti-abortion side.
His record includes voting to cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood in 2011, and in 2006, voting against allowing servicewomen overseas to obtain an abortion in U.S. military medical facilities, except to save the life of the mother or in cases of rape or incest. Additionally in 2006, Ryan voted for a bill requiring women obtaining abortions to hear about the pain their unborn child may experience.
Ryan was one of several dozen Republicans to co-sponsor a particularly controversial bill last year that never made it to the House floor called the Sanctity of Human Life Act. The measure stated that the "life of each human being begins with fertilization, cloning, or its functional equivalent... at which time every human being shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood."
So that means he is just as pro-life or more than Akin.
What 'War on Women' the GOP asks. Derp.
Pre-born? You're fine. Pre-school? You're fucked. - George Carlin
Todd Akin has been called by Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and John Cornyn (multiple times), according to GOP strategist in Missouri #MOSEN
PD likes getting the jump.Is that so hard to do? Why must people click on a damn link to find out what you're posting about? Also, if you're at work (and can filter in through neogaf.net), a twitter link is useless.
I just finished talking to my grandmother about Ryan's medicare plan.
Good thing: She doesn't like it
Bad thing: When I told her about my support of medicare for all and single payer she hated it saying government run health care sucks. When I told her medicare is socialized health care she refused to believe it. She started talking about how europeans and canadians all hate their healthcare. She didn't listen to my anecdotes about how after a year in spain I never heard a single complaint.
Even among liberals this fight is difficult.
Remember when the Tea party was supposedly about the deficit and being fiscally responsible?
And now it turns out it is about Christian-right nuts and people that will bloat the deficit with massive tax cuts for the rich. Basically, the Tea Party was just the GOP base.
"life of each human being begins with fertilization, cloning, or its functional equivalent... at which time every human being shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood."
She's a Tea Partier:
When I told her medicare is socialized health care she refused to believe it.
She's a Tea Partier:
I just finished talking to my grandmother about Ryan's medicare plan.
Good thing: She doesn't like it
Bad thing: When I told her about my support of medicare for all and single payer she hated it saying government run health care sucks. When I told her medicare is socialized health care she refused to believe it. She started talking about how europeans and canadians all hate their healthcare. She didn't listen to my anecdotes about how after a year in spain I never heard a single complaint.
Even among liberals this fight is difficult.
They want live babies so they can be dead soldiers. - George Carlin
I just finished talking to my grandmother about Ryan's medicare plan.
Good thing: She doesn't like it
Bad thing: When I told her about my support of medicare for all and single payer she hated it saying government run health care sucks. When I told her medicare is socialized health care she refused to believe it. She started talking about how europeans and canadians all hate their healthcare. She didn't listen to my anecdotes about how after a year in spain I never heard a single complaint.
Even among liberals this fight is difficult.
A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds President Obama with a slight lead over Mitt Romney in the 12 battleground states likely to decide the election, 47% to 44%. That's better than his standing in the non-battleground states, where Romney leads 47% to 45%.
Even otherwise very intelligent people will look at you with a blank face when you ask them a question as simple as where money comes from. Somehow, what our government does and how it does it has become very obfuscated.
She's, I think, on Medicare advantage so I think she might actually have a private insurer. I'm not 100% sure. But she kept talking about how she paid into it and I have no right because I haven't paid in. I tried to tell her that thats not actually how it works and how her money is long gone and its now my money thats paying for her (that there is no "lockbox")Did you ask her where did she think medicare comes from?
Even otherwise very intelligent people will look at you with a blank face when you ask them a question as simple as where money comes from. Somehow, what our government does and how it does it has become very obfuscated. It's a problem.
What the hell is the difference between 'rape' and 'forcible rape' Mr. Huckabee? Is non-forcible rape possible you piece of shit?
I just finished talking to my grandmother about Ryan's medicare plan.
Good thing: She doesn't like it
Bad thing: When I told her about my support of medicare for all and single payer she hated it saying government run health care sucks. When I told her medicare is socialized health care she refused to believe it. She started talking about how europeans and canadians all hate their healthcare. She didn't listen to my anecdotes about how after a year in spain I never heard a single complaint.
Even among liberals this fight is difficult.
I responded with the fact that first of all the debt problems aren't pressing by any means (no negative side effects have shown themselves) and secondly they're be a tax increase with a corresponding lack of paying a private premium. She refused to believe it would be sufficient because costs keep rising (of course the government couldn't do anything about that)... I realized it was going nowhere.
The thing that pissed me off the most is that they are 100% positive the rest of the world hates their health care and they all wait 100 years for operations. They travel a lot too so they meet foreigners but those 2 Canadians who come to America to have one operation the others are all ignorant of our glory. Middle Class privilege blinds these people more than anything. They system has always worked for them, they've never had the fear I think our generation has about losing insurance.
Try to tell her that in a single payer system the government take over the insurance business, not the health providers.I think I might haved used "socialized medicine" which is what provoked the response. She thinks all single payer systems are like the UK and actually government run instead of social insurance programs with strong regulations.
So she's gonna write in Hillary Clinton?