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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Professional Schmuck
Texas Sen. John Cornyn, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, hinted Monday that Rep. Todd Akin should reconsider his Senate bid in the wake of controversial comments he made about rape and pregnancy.

“Congressman Akin’s statements were wrong, offensive, and indefensible," Cornyn said in a statement. "I recognize that this is a difficult time for him, but over the next twenty-four hours, Congressman Akin should carefully consider what is best for him, his family, the Republican Party, and the values that he cares about and has fought for throughout his career in public service."

Time to abort, Akin.
Stop giving Biden gaffe line ideas
Everyone knows that Biden's gaffes are carefully calculated moves by the Obama administration to make the election seem fair.

Obama: Hey Joe, we're ahead by too much, can you say something really stupid?

Biden: Again? All I ever do is gaffe, can't I write a bill or something?

Obama: What's that Joe, you want to go back into the closet?


If he was half smart (he's not, at all, but...) he'd know that these threats from Rove and Cornyn are empty. If they're stuck with him after the next few days, whenever that deadline is, they'll resume spending money on him. They're not going to just stop trying to win Missouri/the senate.
I don't know, it would be leaving low hanging fruit for Dems to pick at in other contests. "The same people funding my opponent here are continuing to back Akin, etc."
I don't know, it would be leaving low hanging fruit for Dems to pick at in other contests. "The same people funding my opponent here are continuing to back Akin, etc."

Additionally, I think in a political environment where many voters view the two parties as 1.a and 1.b, this gives the Democrats a clear bifurcation point where they can differentiate themselves to half of the eligible voting population.
Tony Perkins threatening Scott Brown haha

Gotta love the FRC. They seem to enjoy exposing themselves as out of touch whenever possible.
Forcing him off the reservation? I dunno, wouldn't wanna offend any Native Americans like Elizabeth Warren.

Man i hope that Erick Erickson thing is a prediction.

ErasureAcer said:
Did they really? Today? lol...never gonna happen.
Not recently, but it's something they trot out every now and then.

MN is never voting for the current Republican Party platform, at least not presidentially.


No Scrubs
Frankly if I were a MO conservative I'd be pissed if they elbowed Akin out of the race after he just won like, last week.

Honestly if he is withdrawing it won't be good for his replacement and could cause just as many problems in the district. Now that the whole "legitimate rape" thing is out there anyone who has ever agreed with it will get nailed to the wall, including Paul Ryan if I remember right.

I dunno, just thinking about it, the comments Akin made today so far don't really look like they came from someone who is dropping out.

EDIT: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS...-rape-comments/story?id=17041857#.UDKFuEQsKUc

Looks like PD jumped the gun a little bit.
Given the way FRC is flexing, they could start some trouble over this. Republicans may want to win the seat by any means but the religious right could easily protest over being slapped down



Hmm. From a couple hours ago.

Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) apologized profusely, said he understood how pregnancy works and invoked Sept. 11 in his first interview since he unleashed a firestorm with a Sunday statement that women who are victims of “legitimate rape” can biologically fend off pregnancy.

He also vowed to stay in the Missouri Senate race, despite calls from more than one Republican senator for him to drop his bid.

“The good people of Missouri nominated me. And I’m not a quitter. And my belief is we’re going to take this thing forward,” Akin told Mike Huckabee on his talk radio show Monday. “To quote my old friend John Paul Jones, ‘I’ve not yet begun to fight.’”

Sudden change of heart, or Erickson is full of it.


From David Weigel:

So we shouldn't just retweet RedState guy? RT @aburnspolitico: Getting some pretty strong pushback on the buzz that Akin's withdrawing ...

He's not out yet.

They're pulling a FOX news 2000. Just report it and it's true.

Could be. Erickson would be getting his marching orders from the GOP leadership as usual, so he's just telegraphing what they want to happen.

Prediction: if he doesn't withdraw, all this pressure to push him out from GOPers dissipates and they will rally behind him. It's all or nothing today since tomorrow is the last day he can be replaced.


From David Weigel:

He's not out yet.

Could be. Erickson would be getting his marching orders from the GOP leadership as usual, so he's just telegraphing what they want to happen.

Prediction: if he doesn't withdraw, all this pressure to push him out from GOPers dissipates and they will rally behind him. It's all or nothing today since tomorrow is the last day he can be replaced.
Eh, I dunno. It's pretty bad when Mitt even released a statement. Clearly the establishment GOP wants his ass out.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
lol, quite literally every story (almost) posted this morning on Dailykos has been about Todd Akin.


Too bad the GOP and DEM conventions are soon. Akin can just ride out the storm until they hit, which will wash this story from the headlines and public consciousness.
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