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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Here's something we don't talk about often: How are the senate races going as we move towards November?

Even if Obama is re-elected, democrats will need to keep that majority in the Senate.


Here's something we don't talk about often: How are the senate races going as we move towards November?

Even if Obama is re-elected, democrats will need to keep that majority in the Senate.

Bob Kerry isn't looking good :( so that's one dem down. Fischer is a clown but I don't know if Kerry will be able to use it against her or not


I'm telling yalls, Obama re-elected + GOP House and Senate is looking to be the best case scenario. Dems have way too many seats to defend.
Here's something we don't talk about often: How are the senate races going as we move towards November?

Even if Obama is re-elected, democrats will need to keep that majority in the Senate.
Toss-up/swingish seats are: (dem side)

NE - Kerrey vs. Fischer. Probably a goner, Kerrey's down double digits in polls from both Dems and GOP

ND - Has a really strong GOP lean and the state will probably go to Romney, but the Dem candidate (Heidi Heitkamp) is very popular and well-known while the GOP candidate (Rick Berg) is less so. The fundamentals are stronger for the GOP but it's hardly a slam dunk and most places consider it a genuine toss-up. Polling is scarce because ND has a law against robo-polling.

MO - Claire McCaskill isn't very well-liked but she's raising a lot of money and she's got marginal leads in most (non-Rasmussen) polls, so it depends on how effective her campaign is in buttering herself up and going after her opponents, who are all sort of nobodies. If Obama comes within a few points of winning like in 2008 (or if he wins outright) she could win but we'll see.

MT - Another red state on the presidential level that usually votes for Democrats statewide anyway. Tester is very popular and Rehberg is kind of an oaf. Of these four, I feel safest about Montana.

WI - I think most polls are lowballing Tammy Baldwin's support, but the race becomes much tougher if she's up against Tommy Thompson than any of the other GOPers. I'm waiting on PPP's next poll of this race, but the last time they polled here Baldwin was up 2 even over Thompson. Probably toss-up with Thompson, Lean D otherwise.

VA - Kaine vs. Allen. Polls have it close but I'd say Kaine's got this, especially if Obama wins. It's hard to imagine an Obama-Allen voter.

Every other Dem-held seat is probably staying blue. GOP battlegrounds:

MA - The big kahuna. Polls right now have this as more or less a tie, and Warren would have the advantage if that holds up given how strongly blue the state is. However Brown is still fairly popular, so we'll see how this develops.

NV - This gets less attention than MA even though it's just as good a pickup opportunity for Dems, if not moreso. Ensign resigned last year and was replaced by Dean Heller, and Shelley Berkley's his opponent, which represents the best both the GOP and Dems could have put up here. They're basically tied but we saw in 2010 how badly pollsters understate Dem performance here, specifically from Hispanics (Harry Reid was down 3 in the polls and won by 6).

ME - Snowe retiring is probably the best thing that could have happened to the Democrats, although Angus King is an independent and hasn't said which party he'd caucus with yet. Given that he endorsed Obama in 08 and 12, and also supports PPACA and a number of other Dem initiatives, he'd probably go with the Democrats.

IN - GOP really screwed the granny by booting out Dick Lugar. It would have been an easy hold for them, but instead they went with Richard Mourdock. It doesn't mean he can't win and actually he probably has a better than 50/50 chance, but he's a very polarizing, my-way-or-the-highway kind of conservative, which Hoosiers might find off-putting. In all polls of this race, he's tied or trailing Joe Donnelly, but with many undecideds.

AZ - This most likely depends on how competitive Obama is and I'd venture that Carmona and Obama will run really close together. If the economy improves and Hispanic turnout is HUGE (OFA's been working hard to register Hispanic voters here) then Democrats could win, but it's kind of an outside chance.

I think Republicans could win a very slim majority, 51-49, but only if they ran the tables and pick up NE, ND, MT, MO, and WI while holding everything else but ME (and in that case, King might caucus with them anyway just to be in the majority). And that's certainly possible, but gun to my head I'd say Democrats hold even at 53 seats (hold MT/WI, win ME/MA/NV).

Diablos said:
I'm telling yalls, Obama re-elected + GOP House and Senate is looking to be the best case scenario. Dems have way too many seats to defend.
Unlike in 2010 Democrats have legitimate pickup opportunities in Maine, Nevada and Massachusetts, and only 4 red state seats. The map isn't that bad, and if Obama wins they're even money to keep the Senate.

It's 2014 that's really going to suck. They maxed out their gains in 2008, the only pickup opportunities are Maine (and ONLY if Collins retires) and states like Kentucky or Georgia that look competitive on paper then go to the GOP by a predictable 55-45ish margin.
Oh wow, Rubio is such a clown. Why does everyone think he's such a great speaker? I saw him on The Daily Show and he sounds like a whiner and an idiot.
I hope he's not Presidential material.

Romney supported it on the state level after saying it's a "model for the nation". Yeah, okay.

It's a mystery that I cannot figure out. The guy will get exposed by a competent opponent. All he does is repeat the same tropes while having brown skin and a toddler boy haircut.


Ok, I don't usually like those terrible Facebook pictures that everyone shares, but I have to say I burst into laughter at this:



Do you guys realize Obama would have been a lock to lose the election if Roberts didn't vote to uphold? The coverage would have been so negative (Obama's a loser, flaunting the constitution etc.). All the chickenshit Dems would have been running for cover and the GOP would finally have ammo for their "he's an illegitimate president" meme (Chris Matthews pointed this out and I agree). I don't think he'd have recovered from that.

It's still 50-50 right now cos of the economy but at least the opponent is Romney. It'll be interesting to see him try to defend Romneycare and slam Obamacare in a debate lol
Do you guys realize Obama would have been a lock to lose the election if Roberts didn't vote to uphold? The coverage would have been so negative (Obama's a loser, flaunting the constitution etc.). All the chickenshit Dems would have been running for cover and the GOP would finally have ammo for their "he's an illegitimate president" meme (Chris Matthews pointed this out and I agree). I don't think he'd have recovered from that.

It's still 50-50 right now cos of the economy but at least the opponent is Romney. It'll be interesting to see him try to defend Romneycare and slam Obamacare in a debate lol

Yea, losing is always bad in Politics. And Romney would have then just lead with how Obama wasted all his time to pass an unconstitutional law.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Unless observation of the Higgs Boson is a clever trap by aliens to detect intelligent species and then annihilate them.

Then Obama will win in a landslide!
Win what exactly, I don't know...


That's Higgs Boson day. No one will care in America
about the higgs :(
Here's instructions how to watch it live!

Oh wait, no, that's from last year, when they were really really going to announce that they really really found it.

Bah, it's nothing more than those fucking Europeans trolling independence day, the brits are still butthurt about 1776 and everybody else is COMMUNISM!
Stupid congress, de-funding Desertron, we could've made announcements on Bastille Day.

but seriously, it's a tragedy that we cut funding to the Superconducting Super Collider, to see a country willingly give up scientific dominance like that, I get angry just thinking about it.


Unconfirmed Member
but seriously, it's a tragedy that we cut funding to the Superconducting Super Collider, to see a country willingly give up scientific dominance like that, I get angry just thinking about it.

You and me both

Unless observation of the Higgs Boson is a clever trap by aliens to detect intelligent species and then annihilate them.

That is why they chose July 4th. Bill Pullman will rally earth to victory!
but seriously, it's a tragedy that we cut funding to the Superconducting Super Collider, to see a country willingly give up scientific dominance like that, I get angry just thinking about it.

My dad sat me down once and, completely unironically, tried to explain to me how building the Texas supercollider would open a portal to hell (i was like 8). Ugh.
Guy doesn't stand a chance. Really.

We should be more concerned about the congressional races.

...all this doesn't matter if the economy is not improving at a proper pace.

Romney has a lot of flaws, but it is just the economy that will drive the voter perception. If the economy was good (even just UE below 7.7%) right now, he would be toast (badly).


My dad sat me down once and, completely unironically, tried to explain to me how building the Texas supercollider would open a portal to hell (i was like 8). Ugh.


I remember back in the 90s how my Christian church's Sunday school teacher told my group (we were around 7 or 8) that Hillary Clinton is possessed by demons. Not just one; plural. Shit adults say, am i right.


My dad sat me down once and, completely unironically, tried to explain to me how building the Texas supercollider would open a portal to hell (i was like 8). Ugh.
And this is why education is the most important issue, always.
An ignorant electorate is an exploitable one.

I don't know what drove the opposition to the Desertron, but I'll bet you it wasn't demon portals, that just what special interest\partisan warriors used to mobilize the uninformed.
And this is why education is the most important issue, always.
An ignorant electorate is an exploitable one.

I don't know what drove the opposition to the Desertron, but I'll bet you it wasn't demon portals, that just what special interest\partisan warriors used to mobilize the uninformed.

Actually my dad was very intelligent, but batshit crazy. Not even evangelical or especially religious, just capable of incredibly strange logic jumps.


Actually my dad was very intelligent, but batshit crazy. Not even evangelical or especially religious, just capable of incredibly strange logic jumps.
Oh, I meant specifically, not broadly (it was kind of a blah post anyway).
So he was uninformed on the issue particle accelerator (or maybe misinformed).
That does not make one stupid or unintelligent, and I didn't mean to imply that.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Former Town Councilor Mike Malzone, the founder of the Merrimack Tea Party, said Thursday in a Facebook post reacting to the Supreme Court ruling on health care, “I hope the (5 supremes) get colon cancer.”

A day after posting the message, Malzone said he stands by what he said. He clarified that he doesn’t want anyone to die, and the cancer reference was more to make a point that he wants them to feel the pain being inflicted on Americans being overburdened by taxes.

“I didn’t wish for anyone to die, but I said I do wish for them to feel our pain,” he said. “No one cares about me, they all make their promises and then go do what they goddamn feel.”


Being overburdened by taxes is exactly like having colon cancer.
As someone who's father is undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer, I want to tell this guy we would gladly pay 20% more in taxes than have my dad have cancer.

I hope this guy is never struck by this situation, and it's clear he never has been.
I have never seen a candidate flat-out lie as much as this dude. Even if I was a Republican, I'd be very wary of this guy's character

Me neither. Most politicians twist words, play stupid, say they were taken out of context, turn the issue back around on the accuser, dance around the issue and change the subject; but this.... This is an actual, honest to god, blatant lie....with multiple sources to back it up.

Hopefully the Obama camp is just queing up these videos somewhere....
Me neither. Most politicians twist words, play stupid, say they were taken out of context, turn the issue back around on the accuser, dance around the issue and change the subject; but this.... This is an actual, honest to god, blatant lie....with multiple sources to back it up.

Hopefully the Obama camp is just queing up these videos somewhere....

Problem is Media LETS Romney get away with it.
Problem is Media LETS Romney get away with it.
You know the reason why. You do, I know, every rational person does. Because if they didn't let him get away with it Romney wouldn't look anywhere near as "credible". And thus their ratings drop. They need to make this election seem close when in reality that's further from the truth.


I can't believe you guys are losing your shit over that.
Also, you're angry at the wrong thing, the problem is not that he changed his mind, whatever, every politician does that, the problem is that he has no serious healthcare plan right now.
Instead of digging up up old clips, the media should be asking him to explain what would he do and how will it work.


Sidhe / PikPok
You know the reason why. You do, I know, every rational person does. Because if they didn't let him get away with it Romney wouldn't look anywhere near as "credible". And thus their ratings drop. They need to make this election seem close when in reality that's further from the truth.

Surely, at some point, the ratings benefits of continuing to treat this like a serious race will be outweighed by instead showcasing it like the circus it is.


Surely, at some point, the ratings benefits of continuing to treat this like a serious race will be outweighed by instead showcasing it like the circus it is.

Uhh, did you even pay attention to the Republican primaries?

There is nothing more loved by both the media and the people in this country than a political circus.


Sidhe / PikPok
Uhh, did you even pay attention to the Republican primaries?

There is nothing more loved by both the media and the people in this country than a political circus.

I did. I was watching intently, moreso than one living outside the US should in all probability.

However, the media mostly played the Republican primaries straight. The closest they really got to showcasing the stupid and calling out candidates was when Trump was briefly in the mix.

There were many more lulz to have been had if the media had taken the opportunity to really leverage the choice material being offered up by Bachmann, Santorum, Cain etc on a daily basis.
I can't believe you guys are losing your shit over that.
Also, you're angry at the wrong thing, the problem is not that he changed his mind, whatever, every politician does that, the problem is that he has no serious healthcare plan right now.
Instead of digging up up old clips, the media should be asking him to explain what would he do and how will it work.

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