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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
lol, you think Romney would veto a bill to kill ObamaCare if it came to his desk? That's insane.

Its a catch-22. If he repeals Obamacare and then institutes "his healthcare" if he wants to make good on things like "pre-existing condition coverage" he also has to have a mandate. What the conservative base wants from healthcare can't be had, and Romney can't give it to them.


Its a catch-22. If he repeals Obamacare and then institutes "his healthcare" if he wants to make good on things like "pre-existing condition coverage" he also has to have a mandate. What the conservative base wants from healthcare can't be had, and Romney can't give it to them.

His presidency would be over before it started. He's a politician, no chance. Remember if he wins he'd be vetoing this in February, it's not like the bill will have been around for years and entrenched.

Not like he has a chance in hell of winning, but if he does and a bill to kill ACA comes to his desk he will fall all over himself to sign it.


Somehow I hope years down the road there's a movie about Mitt Romney, the man who was forced to turn his back on his crowning achievement and campaign against the evolution of that very idea in order to win the presidency... and yet he still loses.... or he wins and actually does repeal it. There are some good inner turmoil type things that could be put in there. Then again, Mitt's a robot, so this would obviously have to take a lot of artistic liberty.
Somehow I hope years down the road there's a movie about Mitt Romney, the man who was forced to turn his back on his crowning achievement and campaign against the evolution of that very idea in order to win the presidency... and yet he still loses.... or he wins and actually does repeal it. There are some good inner turmoil type things that could be put in there. Then again, Mitt's a robot, so this would obviously have to take a lot of artistic liberty.

Henry Czerny from Revenge should play him, lol

and Denis O'Hare would be a perfect T-Paw


Unconfirmed Member
They could also do what you guys have been clamoring for the past few years, filibuster reform!

You may think this a gotcha, but many of us would truly not care if filibuster reform occurs under either party's control. I can't speak for everyone of course.

Anyways, conservatives would never reform the filibuster because it is primarily an obstructionist tactic which they use far more effectively than the democrats ever could.


Could you say the same for Democrats, except in reverse? There was harsh criticism of the Supreme Court before this ruling, and now many are suggesting it should obviously be taken at face value because the Supreme Court decides the law.

I still see harsh criticism of the SC. Dems calling them partisan, saying their souls are bought and paid for. Saying the dissenting opinions were such that no self-respecting lawyer would ever sign something like that. That if not for Justice Roberts, their credibility would have been tossed from a window. Sure the ruling is acceptable, but it only made it by a midnight hour reversal by one of the Conservative judges. That isn't good-time Democrats suddenly finding their love for the Supremes at all.


You may think this a gotcha, but many of us would truly not care if filibuster reform occurs under either party's control. I can't speak for everyone of course.

Anyways, conservatives would never reform the filibuster because it is primarily an obstructionist tactic which they use far more effectively than the democrats ever could.

I don't think it's a gotcha and it would actually annoy me a great deal if they did it. We need more gridlock, not less.
So apparently Governor McDonnell signed some Voter ID bill for Virginia voters. Normally I'm against these sorts of things just because of the usual arguments. Like how some people might not be able to get the required ID for some reason or another. But from what little I've read, this bill doesn't seem all that bad.

Under the law, which will apply to the Nov. 6 general election, voters will be required to show one of the following: a state voter registration card; a Social Security card; a valid Virginia driver’s license; other state, local or federal identification; a valid student identification card issued by a Virginia institution of higher learning; a valid employee identification card; a current utility bill; a current bank statement; a current government check; a paycheck that shows the name and address of the voter; or a concealed-handgun permit.

After July 1, any voter who goes to the polls without one of those forms of identification will have to cast a provisional ballot. The voter must provide ID to the local electoral board by noon the Friday after the election before the vote will be counted.

There are so many things you can use for ID. Anyone have any opinions on this?

EDIT: Source


You may think this a gotcha, but many of us would truly not care if filibuster reform occurs under either party's control.

It's a gotcha for me. I'd be fine if a Republican congress from before 1990 did it, but with their increasing insanity since then it scares the shit out of me to think of what they might do after they reform it. It's hard for me to say this shitty gridlock we're in right now is worse than if, say, Paul Ryan's budgets were to actually pass into law.

I know that probably gives Ez a boner, but it gives me nightmares.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Any of y'all got the skinny on the transportation bill that passed today? Worth celebrating? Where's Jamesinclair when ya need him?


It's a gotcha for me. I'd be fine if a Republican congress from before 1990 did it, but with their increasing insanity since then it scares the shit out of me to think of what they might do after they reform it. It's hard for me to say this shitty gridlock we're in right now is worse than if, say, Paul Ryan's budgets were to actually pass into law.

I know that probably gives Ez a boner, but it gives me nightmares.

Any party having carte blanche to do as it please gives me nightmares. I'd be happy with the GOP taking the senate and house and Obama winning the white house or vice versa. What I don't want is one party rule. Ever.


So apparently Governor McDonnell signed some Voter ID bill for Virginia voters. Normally I'm against these sorts of things just because of the usual arguments. Like how some people might not be able to get the required ID for some reason or another. But from what little I've read, this bill doesn't seem all that bad.

There are so many things you can use for ID. Anyone have any opinions on this?

Well, in general, voter fraud at the level that you'd need ID for doesn't happen on a large enough scale to ever be consequential, so it's more than likely just an attempt to marginalize poor and minority voters. In general, the voter id fraud that these laws are being passed to prevent doesn't ever happen or happens on a small enough scale to be insignificant.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Any party having carte blanche to do as it please gives me nightmares. I'd be happy with the GOP taking the senate and house and Obama winning the white house or vice versa. What I don't want is one party rule. Ever.

Why would you say this when you know the current make up of our political parties?

I know you're not of the Tea Folk, so having a fully democratic controlled government would essentially mean a center right government, which I would think you would be okay with.


Why would you say this when you know the current make up of our political parties?

I know you're not of the Tea Folk, so having a fully democratic controlled government would essentially mean a center right government, which I would think you would be okay with.

You'd think wrong.


I guess you're right. You are afterall one of them "let the world burn" types, if memory serves.

Not "let the world burn" so much as "don't let the government have so much power over me." And maybe with a dash of "I'm going to laugh at the stupidity and moronic theater of politics." That's my take, anyway.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
lol, I missed this part of Rubio's defense of Romneycare but not Obamacare:

Romney "supported it on the state level. Which means if you didn't like it in Massachusetts, you could move to another state," Rubio said on Bloomberg Television. "What are people supposed to do? Leave the United States now because of Barack Obama's brilliant idea to stick the IRS on millions of people? More importantly, the state of Massachusetts doesn't have the IRS."
Roe v. Wade.
Well, abortion didn't used to be as much a D vs. R thing. There are several prominent Democrats (Carter, Gephardt, Clinton, Gore, Kennedy off the top of my head) who were pro-life before the issue began to split along party lines.

The 1976 debate between Ford and Carter is pretty fun. Both of them talk about how horrible abortion is, although Carter stops short of saying he'd amend the Constitution to ban it.


Certainty is not associated with a "side"; it is a state of generally understood cause-effect relationships.

The fact that markets prefer certainty is pretty much a given because people prefer certainty and the market is driven by people, at the end of the day. If I am certain in security of my job and future growth, I feel more free to spend. If a corporation is certain in their growth, they will hire more people.

If you want to argue an asinine position, go for it.
I think you need to re-read my post. To clarify, I was referring to how the terms are being used in a political context these days. The GOP in particular uses the term when arguing against say, taxes and regulations they don't like while simultaneously running the country off a cliff during the debt ceiling debacle last year. They created massive uncertainty which had a sizable impact on the economy, while arguing for more "confidence". That's what I was talking about.

Markets do well when the economy is doing well and data points to that trend continuing. That's the certainty/confidence they want.


Professional Schmuck
I thought he was permabanned for some reason.





Could you say the same for Democrats, except in reverse? There was harsh criticism of the Supreme Court before this ruling, and now many are suggesting it should obviously be taken at face value because the Supreme Court decides the law.
Yeah, but my beef is that the GOP is always so eager to blow their load when it comes to this kind of stuff because they have enough yuppies in their tent to eat it up. Compare that to, say, Citizens United -- you had some legitimate criticism from Democrats/centrists beyond "omg so bad we must reverse this NAOW". And it spoke to not only to the political nature of the decision.

I'd be lying if I said Dems never did that kind of thing, but the Repubs are the worst offenders.

How will obamacare will be repealed even if neocons control the senate,presidency, and house of rep. When all the democrats have to do is just filibusterer when they don't hit there 60 votes in the senate.

There's talk of Romney being able to exempt states from certain parts of it, and also Congress could attempt to de-fund it (no repeal) through reconciliation to effectively kill it. Won't matter though because Romney isn't going to be President.
Yeppers. They'd just stop all funding cold and let it die a slow death.

But Romney could be President, and especially in that case, I'd be shocked if Democrats held onto the Senate. The odds are not in their favor either way. A lot of the seats up for re-election are in swing states that were greatly assisted by anti-Bush fever, ushering in the epic Democratic midterm elections of 2006. The Democrats will not have that momentum this time around.

eznark said:
Not like he has a chance in hell of winning, but if he does and a bill to kill ACA comes to his desk he will fall all over himself to sign it.

I see we are getting overconfident about Barack's chances again. It's a bit too early to outright claim "Mitt Romney will never be President". Obama's not out of the woods yet, he has one hell of a fight ahead of him. And if he does get re-elected, I'm confident he'll have to put up with the GOP taking back the Senate this time as I said.

Really, when you take a step back, all Roberts really said was "this is a law that shall remain in the hands of Congress." Meaning it can remain in its current state, or, if a new Congress sees it as "just", can modify or throw it away altogether. He was strictly speaking on the constitutionality of the law being passable and took quite a neutral stance, if not right-leaning, considering he did strike a fairly heavy blow to the Medicaid expansion. So, really, the fight is not over. He's handing it over to whoever wins in 2013, essentially.


Romney "supported it on the state level. Which means if you didn't like it in Massachusetts, you could move to another state," Rubio said on Bloomberg Television. "What are people supposed to do? Leave the United States now because of Barack Obama's brilliant idea to stick the IRS on millions of people? More importantly, the state of Massachusetts doesn't have the IRS."
Oh wow, Rubio is such a clown. Why does everyone think he's such a great speaker? I saw him on The Daily Show and he sounds like a whiner and an idiot.
I hope he's not Presidential material.

Romney supported it on the state level after saying it's a "model for the nation". Yeah, okay.


I see we are getting overconfident about Barack's chances again. It's a bit too early to outright claim "Mitt Romney will never be President". Obama's not out of the woods yet, he has one hell of a fight ahead of him. And if he does get re-elected, I'm confident he'll have to put up with the GOP taking back the Senate this time as I said.

Romney has as much a chance of winning as the EU has of dissolving


Romney "supported it on the state level. Which means if you didn't like it in Massachusetts, you could move to another state," Rubio said on Bloomberg Television.

Romney said it should be used as a model for the nation, you twat.

Why does everyone think Rubio is such a great speaker?

Because he is. Similar to Huckabee, he has a way of making dishonest, wrong, and insane things sound reasonable and right and honest. I was watching him on Univision and he's even pretty smooth in Spanish as well.


Oh wow, Rubio is such a clown. Why does everyone think he's such a great speaker? I saw him on The Daily Show and he sounds like a whiner and an idiot.
I hope he's not Presidential material.

Romney supported it on the state level after saying it's a "model for the nation". Yeah, okay.

He's the Obama of the latin community.

Right down to the conservative ideals.


He's the Obama of the Miami Cuban community. Most of my Mexican family and friends hate the shit out of him.

Trust me, Miami Cubans are vastly different from Cubans living elsewhere. My immigrant Cuban grandparents, who came to this country around the same time as Rubio's parents, think he's a dumbass and an embarrassment.
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