That's not surprising at all- the firewall appears to have held in those states. I'm more surprised that IA's on the list while NH isn't.No OH or WI in that list surprisingly
That's not surprising at all- the firewall appears to have held in those states. I'm more surprised that IA's on the list while NH isn't.No OH or WI in that list surprisingly
Isn't biofuel corn a different plant almost entirely than the one for consumption?
They are. Elohim is just Hebrew for God. In English texts, it is translated as "God," where YHWH/Jehovah/יהוה is written as "Jehovah" or "THE LORD," depending on the translation and what passage you are reading.
I think the people have a right to know that their own president will go to war against them, dont you?
RE: the Mormon temple video. If Romney is forced to comment on that video or any others will possibly do him in. To an outsider, that could be some damaging stuff...
Good old politics. Is this the Dem's October Surprise?
Jehovah/YHWH/Elohim/El/Allah = same God of Abrahamic faiths.
Except that has exactly a 0% chance of happening.
Ah. I recall there being a moment in the video where the speaker said "Elohim and Jehovah." Perhaps he was just piling on the names.
68 is old regardless of if you're a man or a woman, and campaigning sucks. Even if she would likely face minimal opposition, she'll still have a highly contested general field.A 68 year old woman in 2016 isn't exactly at the end of her life. She's got a solid 10+ years left in her even if she has the usual chronic diseases of the elderly. If she's healthier, and she may be due to having money and good health care, she may even live longer.
Hilary Clinton will not be too old to be President in 2016. The only issue is that the American people may not be willing to vote for a President that looks like Grandma.
Romney is 65 right now and he's a man, and men typically live shorter lives than women. If his age isn't an issue, Hilary's age shouldn't be either barring sexism.
68 is old regardless of if you're a man or a woman, and campaigning sucks. Even if she would likely face minimal opposition, she'll still have a highly contested general field.
A lot can happen, and I doubt she'll actually make her decision until after the 2014 elections.
Mormons believe that Elohim is the Most High God and is the God as we know as the Father. Jehovah is Jesus Christ before earthly birth.
It's cause Romney looks like he's 50. I was shocked to learn he's that old.Yes 68 is old, but if Mitt Romney is 65 and age has never come up as an issue, why should 68 be off limits?
Jehovah/YHWH/Elohim/El/Allah = same God of Abrahamic faiths.
Now I'm just wondering when Elohim will be a final boss in a JRPG.
RE: the Mormon temple video. If Romney is forced to comment on that video or any others will possibly do him in. To an outsider, that could be some damaging stuff...
Good old politics. Is this the Dem's October Surprise?
Guys, all you have to look at the 2004 map and think how much fail Kerry was:
Obama's got this
I remember when a second bush was the end of the world.
I doubt it. Attacking his religion makes him look like a victim. It'd be incredibly stupid to do that.
Then again, never underestimate Democratic incompetence.
I doubt it. Attacking his religion makes him look like a victim. It'd be incredibly stupid to do that.
Then again, never underestimate Democratic incompetence.
In the bible it's written as jehova, it's read as "my lord" (adonay) or "god" (elohim) depending on the niqqud.where YHWH/Jehovah/יהוה is written as "Jehovah" or "THE LORD," depending on the translation and what passage you are reading.
In an exclusive poll, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are deadlocked among Floridians who have already voted, providing the latest indication that the race for the Sunshine State will indeed go down to the wire.
Among those Floridians who say they have already voted, Romney received 49.3% support while Obama received 48.5%. The choice of voting for a third-party candidates received 1.9%.
The automated poll was conducted Saturday, October 20. The poll’s margin of error is +/- 3.0%.
In Florida’s U.S. Senate race, Bill Nelson received 50.4% of those polled who have voted early, while Connie Mack received 44.7%.
Also asked was how these early voters cast their ballot to retain three state Supreme Court justices. According to the poll, 56.9% voted to retain, while 30% did not and 13.1% did not vote on this issue.
As for the veracity of St. Pete Polls data, I wrote this analysis about their numbers vs. actual results and determined, “Its results in the most important races outweigh its askew numbers in down-ballot campaigns. Moreover, the residents and voters involved in these races should be grateful for St. Pete Polls’ contribution to the public debate
I remember when a second bush was the end of the world.
Its is.Isn't that a huge improvement over 2008? I thought Obama was down in Florida last time.
Ummm. Early voting hasn't even started yet... theyre pulling this from absentee ballots? How is this an inch above worthless?
It was everything we had feared and worse. The people who fled the country after 2004 got it right.
The Florida GOP is restricting early voting in Florida so the Democrats have been pushing an absentee ballot campaign instead.
Hey guys, I just want to interject here. I don't know how many of you have been following what has been happening with scorcho, but it doesn't seem like it's going well:
I actually cried reading that.
In that case, it would sound kind of like they are failing.
Hey guys, I just want to interject here. I don't know how many of you have been following what has been happening with scorcho, but it doesn't seem like it's going well:
I actually cried reading that.
To have nearly half our Congress, especially this strident fool, primed for military action is highly disconcerting. And that many Democrats, while not as belligerent, also sound militant is even more worrisome. At least Biden's attempt to temper the hysteria in the VP debate reassures me the Obama Administration will not act heedlessly.Lindsey Graham: I Think The Time For Talking Is Over On Iran
I was anxious he might fail the oaths and secret handshakes thereby being denied admittance to the Celestial Room. But praise Elohim he made it! And the cinematography was substandard, but I can't be unfair.
No, because absentee ballots in Florida have traditionally favored Republicans heavily. The fact that it's even is evidence that the campaign is working.
To have nearly half our Congress, especially this strident fool, primed for military action is highly disconcerting. And that many Democrats, while not as belligerent, also sound militant is even more worrisome. At least Biden's attempt to temper the hysteria in the VP debate reassures me the Obama Administration will not act heedlessly.
You are not making sense, they were trailing by big margin in 2008 with absentee voting.Well, if they campaigned like crazy and all they were able to do is match what the GOP absentees have sent in, it is doesn't seem like it will be a big enough push to win, unlike early voting in Ohio and Iowa.
You are not making sense, they were trailing by big margin in 2008 with absentee voting.
But Obama still won, this time time they are about even.
52-45 for Romney Gallup LV
Lindsey Graham: I Think The Time For Talking Is Over On Iran
What I am saying is, it isn't a lock. Iowa and Ohio should be locks still, despite Diablos' fears.
If they are still tied, they are still tied.
Yeah no one said anything like that.Of course it's not a lock. Who said Florida was a lock? But if Obama can somehow win it, it would seal the deal.
There should be a law where everyone who votes for war is required to be on the front lines.
"Oh? What's that, Lindsey? Suddenly this war isn't so important?"
Yeah no one said anything like that.
How are any of you arguing against AB's astute analysis of Florida?
McCain led huge among absentee voters in Florida in 2008. Obama's pre-election day strength came from in-person early voting.I didn't say it was, I am just saying that with twice the campaign offices for Obama in Florida, all apparently pushing absentee and early voting, the best they could do in absentees is tying Romney. The ground game in Ohio and Iowa have led to huge margins in Obama's favor, but this apparently isn't as strong of a response.