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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Santorum is gonna be a movie producer!!!!

Rick Santorum, former U.S. senator and GOP presidential candidate, is now CEO of EchoLight Studios, the first movie company to produce, finance, market and distribute faith-based, family films across all releasing platforms. Santorum announced his new venture Saturday, June 22, on FNC’s “The Huckabee Show.”

- See more at: http://pressreleases.religionnews.c...eo-of-echolight-studios/#sthash.wee6Ho3G.dpuf



"In the emergency room they have what's called rape kits where a woman can get cleaned out," [Laubenberg] said, comparing the procedure to an abortion. "The woman had five months to make that decision, at this point we are looking at a baby that is very far along in its development."

Her apparent confusion about "rape kits" — a phrase generally used to describe the equipment used by medical personnel during forensic examinations to gather physical evidence following allegations of rape or sexual assault — sparked widespread ridicule on social media sites. Laubenberg then simply rejected all proposed changes to her bill without speaking until the end of the debate.

The GOP should really stop talking about rape.
Once again oral arguments would have misled someone in the affirmative action case.

Lol at Thomas comparing as AA to segregation. What a clown.
(on a side note to the actual content of this post: i look forward to a day when the austrian school of economics is completely and definitively discredited)

Nothing was made up. Exaggerated for greater effect, sure, but nothing was fabricated

Nothing of that leak has been proven to be fabricated.

But if you're looking for people who make shit up, the head of the NSA pretty much admitted he lied to congress.

i don't know, i recall greenwald and/or snowden talking about "direct access" of some sort as if it was actively happening


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Her apparent confusion about "rape kits" — a phrase generally used to describe the equipment used by medical personnel during forensic examinations to gather physical evidence following allegations of rape or sexual assault — sparked widespread ridicule on social media sites. Laubenberg then simply rejected all proposed changes to her bill without speaking until the end of the debate.

Like a BOSS.


(on a side note to the actual content of this post: i look forward to a day when the austrian school of economics is completely and definitively discredited)

i don't know, i recall greenwald and/or snowden talking about "direct access" of some sort as if it was actively happening

I still chalk that up to embellishment
It shouldn't be this hard not to talk about rape...people go their entire lives without saying something dumb about rape...
It really says a lot about how absurd the "pro-life, no exceptions ever" position is. They acknowledge that rape is a horrible thing, but then have to set up ridiculous hoops of logic to leap through in order to justify their beliefs, as if admitting that pregnancy from rape as a real problem would completely undermine their views (it would).


It really says a lot about how absurd the "pro-life, no exceptions ever" position is. They acknowledge that rape is a horrible thing, but then have to set up ridiculous hoops of logic to leap through in order to justify their beliefs, as if admitting that pregnancy from rape as a real problem would completely undermine their views (it would).

I don't think this is an internal contradiction. Plenty of pro-lifers (in my experience) are happy to explain why rape victims still shouldn't be allowed to have abortions. No doubt it helps a little bit to think that "real" rape victims are very rare, but for the most part they take Mourdock's position - however it got there, it's a gift from God.

This is just a PR problem - they can't say that. They have to present themselves as feeling sorry for women carrying unwanted fetuses due to rape qua women carrying unwanted fetuses. It's like how twisted Romney/Ryan had to get in defending their fiscal policy. Their internal reasoning was always pretty sound. Their external reasoning got really confused because they had no desire to publicize their internal reasoning.


No Scrubs
I don't think this is an internal contradiction. Plenty of pro-lifers (in my experience) are happy to explain why rape victims still shouldn't be allowed to have abortions. No doubt it helps a little bit to think that "real" rape victims are very rare, but for the most part they take Mourdock's position - however it got there, it's a gift from God.

This is just a PR problem - they can't say that. They have to present themselves as feeling sorry for women carrying unwanted fetuses due to rape qua women carrying unwanted fetuses. It's like how twisted Romney/Ryan had to get in defending their fiscal policy. Their internal reasoning was always pretty sound. Their external reasoning got really confused because they had no desire to publicize their internal reasoning.

Well that's because they know their internal reasoning is batshit insane.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

Democrats may have a chance to win the house. Really:

In seats held by Republicans, almost half rate the Republican Congress and Tea Party negatively. The Democratic Party enjoys a net 6-point favorability advantage over the Republican Party in these Republican seats.

Republicans’ obsession with repeal is out-of-step with voters in even these Republican-held districts. In the most competitive seats, voters favor implementing the law over repealing it by 8 points.

Seniors broke heavily for Republicans in 2010, and they are a disproportionate voice in off-year elections. This survey shows the race tied with them, which would be a huge turnaround.

The Republicans overall are only winning in these 49 seats by 47 to 42 percent – the same result that they achieved in the first poll in 2007 when Democrats ultimately gained 21 seats. Much more importantly, the race is dead even in the 24 seats that form the top tier (42 to 43 percent).


I'm not a stalker (promise!), I just lurk the BayGAF thread because my brother lives out there and I hope to join him sometime.

Get out of here, stalker!

Truthfacts: we were about to leave the place, when Jooney pointed out that Dax would demand pics. So we got a server to take one for us. :)

P.S. Jooney's accent is much stronger in real life than on the forum.
Cuuuuuuuute! Precious! I love it! And yes, I would've thrown a hissy fit otherwise.

Thanks for the picture, Jooney/Cyan. <3
Here's a Chait teardown of the latest Mankiw turd (PDF, but also don't bother).

Gregory Mankiw plays a small but important role in the political ecology: an accomplished Harvard professor who validates Republican economic policies. It’s almost impossible to find empirical support for debt-financed tax cuts, but when George W. Bush proposed them, Mankiw and his Harvard pedigree were there to reassure that they were “fiscally responsible” and would surely lead to higher growth. The failure of these reassurances to come true has not prompted Mankiw to reassess his thinking. That’s because the fundamental basis for his beliefs about such matters has nothing to do with economics. Mankiw believes rich people deserve to keep their money, regardless of economic consequences.

Now, many conservatives share this belief, but since it is unpopular, they instead argue that higher taxes on the rich hurt the non-rich. Mankiw, to his enormous credit, does not conceal his agenda. He lays his agenda on the table in the form of a paper, “Defending the One Percent,” explicating his beliefs. In so doing, Mankiw — perhaps admirably, or at least bravely — ventures completely outside his area of expertise, economics, into moral philosophy. The result is — well, there’s no other way to put it. It’s an embarrassing piece of ignorant tripe.


P.S. Jooney's accent is much stronger in real life than on the forum.


I hope I don't actually sound like this. In fact a bunch of people I have met on my travels say I don't sound much like an Australian and if anything, more like an American. It must be all the Obama liberal indoctrination.

Awesome travels so far: nyc, chicago, portland, san fran.

Next up: austin, miami and new orleans. Can't wait.
Sounds like the border "surge" amendment is about to pass the Senate. Vote is happening now.

edit: seven GOP aye votes so far, there's no way it fails
So far 12 GOP Senators have signed on to end debate on Border Surge Amendment. Looks like it will pass and then we can continue onward for Immigration Reform in the Senate.

IMO, the Senate will vote on a bill and approve said bill and in the end Boehner will ignore the Hastert rule in order to get Dems on board and pass a bill in the House. Boehner understands that while he may lose his speakership over such a move, at least the GOP would have a chance in 2016. If Republicans are the party that blocks Immigration Reform from passing, well...
So Thomas just had to insert a whole page into the Vance decision today reiterating his believe employers don't need to need to be held responsible for sexual harassment by supervisors under them.

Not surprising he holds this view.


aka andydumi
Sounds like the border "surge" amendment is about to pass the Senate. Vote is happening now.

What are people's thoughts on this?

I have yet to see a clear enumeration of what constitutes the "trigger" of secure border thus allowing people to start the citizenship process. And the cynic in me thinks that the high bar of "secure border" is at the mercy of congress to fund it sufficiently. So they can hold back sufficient funding forever thus holding up the citizenship pathway forever.
What are people's thoughts on this?

I have yet to see a clear enumeration of what constitutes the "trigger" of secure border thus allowing people to start the citizenship process. And the cynic in me thinks that the high bar of "secure border" is at the mercy of congress to fund it sufficiently. So they can hold back sufficient funding forever thus holding up the citizenship pathway forever.

My understanding is there is no trigger. This bill just throws a bunch of money at the border and makes some security goals more specific. I think its over kill and a waste of money but the most important thing IMO is fixing the situation for people already here and those that will want to come. Its a price I'm more than willing to pay for that goal.

Also found out today that Snowden deliberately signed up for his job to leak information. Wow. That's jail-worthy if anything.

I agree. But I'm pretty much done debating Snowden on GAF and the internet in general.

Its like I'm speaking another language with totally divergent ideas on government and citizens. Its best for my health. I think he crossed the line with the disclosures about actions outside the US that did not violate laws or human rights. Though I don't really think he should have leaked the other stuff either.
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