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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Eh, maybe I was being harsh there but he is well known in Arizona as being backhanded on Immigration reform. He supported SB 1070 but then didnt. He supports immigration reform but not really....I guess it was wrong of me to straight call him a racist. He is just a typical republican.

He's supporting the current immigration bill, helped write it, and voted for it....

Personally I think "racist" is thrown around too much. His son seems like...a dumb asshole kid.
To be fair, when confronted about it in 2008, instead of a frank discussion of his past views and his personal growth since then, he tried to pretend he wasn't involved.

Oh, I'm not defending him nor arguing he isn't racist. My point was 26 years is a long time and people can change. I don't think he did though.

He's supporting the current immigration bill, helped write it, and voted for it....

Personally I think "racist" is thrown around too much. His son seems like...a dumb asshole kid.

Often the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Conservative twitter (#tcot, Erickson and the like) is going insane over the fact that pro-choice people taunted people signing amazing grace with "hail satan"
To be fair, that was 26 years ago...
Well, the civil war was 150 years ago and the Civil Rights Act was nearly 50 years ago. It is not like 26 years ago we did not know that it was unfair to deny people the right to vote by their skin color.

He's a racist and it is no surprise that his kid is a racist. The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. If my kid talked like that I would start considering corporal punishment.

I like how randomly there is a comment praising justin bieber in there.

Yeah, I couldn't quite figure that one out. Was it a joke thrown in? Or was it the fact that he didn't mind rapping when it came from white guy?



Maddow on meet the press destroys jim demint on gay marriage. Some other GOPer tries to play the victim card in response, lol.

Later that same guy argued the mid-term elections would be big cuz of it and when maddow pointed out that since then his group and the GOP lost all battles against same-sex marriage prior to the SCOTUS ruling and went from 9 to 12 states and now 13. Guy was all "yeah, but we got the evangelicals out to vote" and Maddow all "and still lost." lolz
The conservative strategy to frame gay marriage as a matter of family values has backfired spectacularly. In addition to the moral obligation to treat homosexuals equally, it's now evident that marriage equality bolsters families. It provokes God's judgement, though.
So why exactly hasn't socialism every been implemented properly in the long term?

Tito is often overpraised with the state still having too much control and human rights abuses.

Sankura only managed Burkina Faso as long as Obama has currently managed America and was still very totalitarian despite the fact that he did not like killing people.

Some will say modern Venezuela but its still technically mostly Capitalist and its having a lot of problems.
Although I don't identify as a socialist, the socialist experiments of the 20th Century deviated significantly from Marx's theory. Socialism as conceived by Marx follows a linear path of social development. It's a teleological narrative by which society develops in different stages of class conflict. As the nature of the relationship between the classes change, society progresses to the next stage of development. The implementation of socialism supervenes a crisis of overproduction where the instability of the capitalist system provides the impetus for a proletariat revolution. All attempts to implement socialism have occurred in largely agrarian states without the prerequisite capitalistic experience. The notion that the revolution could be implemented prior to its organic progression was the invention of Lenin. But although the aforementioned socialist regimes failed, I think the success of social democracy in Europe adduces the effectiveness of socialistic policies to an extent. I do not favor it as the core of the system, but elements of it, at least to the extent in Northern Europe, are necessary for correcting the excesses of capitalism.
This story is confusing at every turn. didnt realize a zoning violation could send you to jail.

Also, GOP is not racist confirmed.

A 59-year-old California man who refused to unplug a flashing neon lawn sign protesting Mormonism and attacking Mitt Romney's "racist heart" was arrested and sent to jail on Monday.

Steven Showers, who erected the 14-foot sign last August in front of his Newbury Park, Calif., home was recently convicted of eight misdemeanor zoning code violations for the display. He had until 5 p.m. on June 26 to comply with a judge's order to unplug the sign. But Showers, who describes himself as a Republican and a Christian, refused.


Showers told the Ventura County Star last year that while researching the then-presumptive Republican presidential nominee, he was "stunned to find out that the Mormon religion is a white supremacist, anti-black, racist ideology."

The election was close, but this important goal was achieved. Mitt Romney was defeated, and a great victory was won against this bold attempt to resurrect racism in America. It is my hope and belief that my efforts with my neon sign and Romneys Racist Heart Dot Com contributed in some small way to that victorious outcome.



This story is confusing at every turn. didnt realize a zoning violation could send you to jail.

Also, GOP is not racist confirmed.


They can put people in jail for "hate speech" by masking it as zoning laws. Why the hell can't they find some way to do this to the Westboro folk? There has to be some obscure laws in the states they picket that can land them in jail.
They can put people in jail for "hate speech" by masking it as zoning laws. Why the hell can't they find some way to do this to the Westboro folk? There has to be some obscure laws in the states they picket that can land them in jail.

Sign laws are serious business.

If dude had paid someone in a banana costume to spin the sign all day, hed have been in the clear.
This story is confusing at every turn. didnt realize a zoning violation could send you to jail.

Also, GOP is not racist confirmed.

Well they gave him a chance to comply. . .
He had until 5 p.m. on June 26 to comply with a judge's order to unplug the sign. But Showers, who describes himself as a Republican and a Christian, refused.

we need to get over ourselves as a country and move from election day to election week

If Election Day was good enough for the Founding Fathers and the citizenry that had long and difficult travels to vote, it should be good enough for modern society.

They'll say.

Just saw something on Mother Jones about greenwald insinuating the NSA listening to phone calls. I'm not falling for his teases, his original reporting on prism was misleading to a large extent, but if they are listening to phone calls that would cross a line and get my outrage. If its just storing it or saying other need to store it until the have evidence I'm not sure were I would stand.

There needs to be congressional hearings either way on the totality of snowden's leaks and the surveillance agencies as a whole. Even if at the end of the day its decided these revelations aren't illegal.
By greenwald's past reporting that just means they have the tech, not that they are doing it
But who knows?
Listening to phone calls themselves without a warrant is definitely unconstitutional though. Unlike the other stuff revealed thus far. One would think he would've led with that.

It will turn out that this all falls under the Patriot Act, that they have to and do get warrants first, etc. While I'm disappointed in the loss of my civil liberties brought about by technology, I'm not surprised by any of this.
I'd put him in jail simply for that fact that that sign is ugly as sin.

It is funny that he went retro with neon. That must have been pretty expensive. Why not just buy or rent an LED display? He could have easily sold it later. Then again he's old and a GOPer, so I guess he's not to hip to modern technology. He went with 1950's technology.
Over the past month, conservatives and libertarians have criticized efforts to curb sexual harassment on college campuses as “de-eroticizing universities” and claimed they violate free speech. Now, Sen. John McCain has jumped on the bandwagon in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder.

McCain’s letter, sent to Holder last Wednesday, accuses Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez and Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers of having “single-handedly redefined the meaning of sexual harassment at all universities and colleges across the country.”

Endorsing claims made by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), which has led the attack on the DOJ and OCR, McCain suggests that guidelines set out by the DOJ and the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) with one university in the wake of increasing student protest and complaint over the epidemic of rape culture across college campuses would somehow restrict free speech.

As ThinkProgress reported in June, the agreement in question was reached by the DOJ and OCR with the University of Montana in May in an effort to prevent sexual harassment and assault following a string of high-profile cases and subsequent mishandling by campus authorities. In one particularly notable case, a woman who reported her attempted rape was told “not to expect much” and told that half of all rape allegations were false. The final agreement is so measured that it has been met only with hopeful skepticism from campus activists.

Over the past two months, conservative and libertarian critics of the agreement have seized on one section of the lengthy agreement, which is intended to encourage students to feel more comfortable reporting conduct they feel harassed by, rather than be burdened with interpreting Title IX regulations themselves. In that vein, the section defines sexual harassment for the purpose of student reporting as “any unwelcome contact of a sexual nature.”

Government officials have repeatedly reiterated that only conduct that meets the legal standard of being “severe or pervasive” and creating “a hostile environment” will be subject to enforcement, and that the guidelines merely try to “ensure students are not discouraged from reporting harassment.” But that has not stopped McCain and other conservatives from insisting that this section creates a new and expanded definition of sexual harassment, alleging that it could even encompass a student asking another on a date.

McCain’s letter includes several questions asking for clarification on the DOJ’s definition of sexual harassment and the implications of its agreement with the University of Montana, and requests a response by July 17. A DOJ representative said in a statement to the Huffington Post said that the Department was reviewing McCain’s letter.
Despite the controversy,

University of Montana officials have said that they will go ahead with implementing the agreement and do not see it as unconstitutional. “I don’t believe we’ve been instructed to [create a new category for sexual harassment],” Lucy France, legal counsel for the University, told the Moussilian. “We’re working on a draft policy that’s consistent with the law, and not inconsistent with First Amendment rights and academic freedom. That’s what we agreed to do with the DOJ.”

Keep on fighting the good fight, McCain.

Senile ol' fuck.
Dax, if you still want to get gay married, I'm heading to San Francisco today. Meet me at the A's game tomorrow!

I can't make it in that time! Noooooo

Anyway, lawlessness from delaying the employer mandate.

It is true that the law calls for the mandate to take effect in January. On the other hand, administrative delays push back deadlines like this all the time. The Supreme Court ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon emissions in 2007, and the Bush White House evaded that order by refusing to open an e-mail from the agency. Obama’s EPA has delayed its carbon regulation for years now, and no conservatives have demanded that Obama act faster.



It is true that the law calls for the mandate to take effect in January. On the other hand, administrative delays push back deadlines like this all the time. The Supreme Court ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon emissions in 2007, and the Bush White House evaded that order by refusing to open an e-mail from the agency. Obama’s EPA has delayed its carbon regulation for years now, and no conservatives have demanded that Obama act faster.​

I dunno why, but I find this tactic really hilarious. Probably because I've done it before with regards to work, as if me not opening the email excuses me not doing whatever I was supposed to for a while, lol.​
I love how republicans always talk about how Obama is weak in foreign policy and made the United State week in regards to exerting its influence but he has seemingly prevented its allies from allowing Snowden free passage and asylum. And this is all behinds the scene pressure, none of that Reagan or Bush bluster.
I love how republicans always talk about how Obama is weak in foreign policy and made the United State week in regards to exerting its influence but he has seemingly prevented its allies from allowing Snowden free passage and asylum. And this is all behinds the scene pressure, none of that Reagan or Bush bluster.

If anything, Obama has been extremely strong on FP.
If anything, Obama has been extremely strong on FP.

Besides syria, he's been strong though not always smart.

I don't know what he's doing in afghanistan though. We should have been gone a long time ago. We're postponing the inevitable withdraw for seemingly no reason. Are things really going to be better next year.


I really want to get a "rational" republicans opinion of these voting restriction attempts being made by the GOP and how you can continue to vote for these kind of people knowing their method of trying to win elections.

Regardless of how you think the country should be run or money should be spent or if abortion is immoral how can you vote for these types of people willing to cheat to win?


I really want to get a "rational" republicans opinion of these voting restriction attempts being made by the GOP and how you can continue to vote for these kind of people knowing their method of trying to win elections.

Regardless of how you think the country should be run or money should be spent or if abortion is immoral how can you vote for these types of people willing to cheat to win?

Problem is that the typical republican is too brainwashed with stupid to even see it as "cheating." They buy the Republican excuses to wanting to do this stuff hook line and sinker.

Also cheating is morally fine for these people that believe abortion is immoral. They are fine with cheating to make sure it's illegal, since to them cheating is the lesser of two evils. The ends justify the means.
Besides syria, he's been strong though not always smart.

Disagree on that, especially given what he started with.

I don't know what he's doing in afghanistan though. We should have been gone a long time ago. We're postponing the inevitable withdraw for seemingly no reason. Are things really going to be better next year.

Takes a long time to unravel the infrastructure built up over a decade of war. Once UBL was taken out, it seemed pretty clear that the administration shifted relatively quickly to ending our excursion Afghanistan.

If you ask yourself "In what way could Afghanistan been handled better to reach a better outcome?" What answers can you come up with? I don't really think it's possible; it is what it is at this point.
Takes a long time to unravel the infrastructure built up over a decade of war. Once UBL was taken out, it seemed pretty clear that the administration shifted relatively quickly to ending our excursion Afghanistan.

Osama has been dead for two years, we're not leaving for another year and half.
Meaning from his death to withdrawal it will be 3 and half years, pretty much entirety of our involvement in WWII (which was in the entirety of Europe and Pacific). Build up and fighting. The problem is a lack of political will.
Osama has been dead for two years, we're not leaving for another year and half.
Meaning from his death to withdrawal it will be 3 and half years, pretty much entirety of our involvement in WWII (which was in the entirety of Europe and Pacific). Build up and fighting. The problem is a lack of political will.

US draw down is already pretty significant.

Official date is in the future, but US is already drawing down mightily.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I can't make it in that time! Noooooo

Anyway, lawlessness from delaying the employer mandate.

It is true that the law calls for the mandate to take effect in January. On the other hand, administrative delays push back deadlines like this all the time. The Supreme Court ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon emissions in 2007, and the Bush White House evaded that order by refusing to open an e-mail from the agency. Obama’s EPA has delayed its carbon regulation for years now, and no conservatives have demanded that Obama act faster.


Reading the rest of the article, this is really one of the most amazing displays of cynicism I've seen since...May.

On an ideological level, conservatives hate the employer mandate way more than liberals do, but they realize that having such a thing would cause major problems that they could then use to argue against the whole bill. So now we have a situation where these same douchebags are actually considering bringing up lawsuits to make sure this goes into effect at the originally intended time so that they can argue how awful it actually is.

These people are really something else.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
In their defense when I was watching earlier they were doing the Egypt stuff. No one is talking about Brazil though which is a goddamn crime.

Also in fairness, I don't think we can single CNN out (for once) since pretty much everyone's focusing on the Zimmerman trial.


No Scrubs
Also in fairness, I don't think we can single CNN out (for once) since pretty much everyone's focusing on the Zimmerman trial.

I think it's more that they should be better. I mean, you look at the level of guys working there and we should be getting much better coverage of stuff than we are used to getting from them.
I care more about the exchanges. I'd rather see healthcare completely divorced from employment.
I'm not a fan of the employer mandate anyway, so I don't really give a shit when it gets implemented.

But doesnt this mean that people who were waiting for their employer to chip in now have to bare the cost 100%?

AND employers STILL get to make everyone part time and blame Obamacare?

Looks like a win-win for papa johns, a lose-lose for everyone else.

And another black eye for hillary
Its ridiculous that Brazil isn't being covered more.

I wonder if other South American countries will follow suit? Colombia? Honduras? Venezuela?
Its ridiculous that Brazil isn't being covered more.

I wonder if other South American countries will follow suit? Colombia? Honduras? Venezuela?

I dont think so.

What has affected brazil has been rampant inflation, and watching the government spend billions on the world cup + olympics which less than 1% of the population get to see in person.

Not to mention some of that work goes to demolishing homes and such.

The other countries dont have anything similar right now.
I dont think so.

What has affected brazil has been rampant inflation, and watching the government spend billions on the world cup + olympics which less than 1% of the population get to see in person.

Not to mention some of that work goes to demolishing homes and such.

The other countries dont have anything similar right now.

The heart of the protest is based on corruption and the government putting themselves instead of the people first. This is something present in all the countries I listed.
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