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A bit off topic, but I haven't found a good answer for the past hour of combing wikipedia, the DoJ website and Google. What was the last company split by the US using antitrust laws? Or perhaps a better question is, when was the last company split up by the US. I can't find any recent cases.
Reagan pretty much closed down the anti-trust division. Nothing gets broken up any more. However, they do periodically refuse to allow some mergers/acquisitions.
Why do conservatives have trouble with the fact that the Republican Party and Democratic Party switched places in the 70's?

And who do they think they are fooling? Clearly not black people when you look at the polls. Such claims to the GOP of the 1800s seem to backfire, IMHO. They come of as liars/deceivers. Either that or stupid.
Why do conservatives have trouble with the fact that the Republican Party and Democratic Party switched places in the 70's?

They don't, they're just playing "we win" word games.

It happened in the 60s, btw, and only on certain things. Perhaps a minor point, but I was born in 66 and my earliest memories of the GOP aren't fundamentally different from the GOP now. More extreme, but same leanings.


The Autumn Wind
Why do conservatives have trouble with the fact that the Republican Party and Democratic Party switched places in the 70's?
Because obviously, all black people should vote Republican, since look at all they did for them.
Because obviously, all black people should vote Republican, since look at all they did for them.
Yeah, unlike prominent Democrats such as James Thurmond who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1965, and certainly did not switch to the Republican Party out of protest after it passed and definitely did not use a different first name for his entire political career, which we're not using in this instance because you'll immediately identify him as a Republican if we did.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Why do conservatives have trouble with the fact that the Republican Party and Democratic Party switched places in the 70's?

This is one of the primary examples of why it's hard to trust Republicans on anything. Saying that Black people should vote Republican because the Republican Party in LIncoln's day helped end slavery, is such a simplistic and asinine way of looking at history that anyone who spews it either doesn't know shit about history or is a grifter.

Also it's funny that these same people also try and bend over backwards to take credit for passing the VRA, but really hate everything about it. Not to mention you have all those Confederate flag waving, States' Rights loving, deep red areas in the South that no doubt absolutely adore President Lincoln.
I'm not sure I've ever heard a republican respond to the basic, historical fact about both parties virtually switching roles after the CRA passed. Obviously plenty of southern racists remained in the democrat party, but by 1972 it was pretty clear who was fostering anti-black sentiments and who wasn't. Hell, even in 1968 democrats nominated a relatively progressive Hurbert Humphrey, who was an early advocate for civil rights. The south went to George Wallace, who had left the democrat party due to civil rights issues. And then in 1972 Nixon won all the states Wallace had won four years ago, plus the rest of the south.
I'm not sure I've ever heard a republican respond to the basic, historical fact about both parties virtually switching roles after the CRA passed. Obviously plenty of southern racists remained in the democrat party, but by 1972 it was pretty clear who was fostering anti-black sentiments and who wasn't. Hell, even in 1968 democrats nominated a relatively progressive Hurbert Humphrey, who was an early advocate for civil rights. The south went to George Wallace, who had left the democrat party due to civil rights issues. And then in 1972 Nixon won all the states Wallace had won four years ago, plus the rest of the south.

They didn't switch roles on everything, just civil rights. And even there, things are not a simple switch-- the Dixiecrats were the conservative bloc of the Democratic party, but the Northern Progressives didn't really switch in any way. What basically happened is that the Dixiecrats were a swing vote of sorts, and swapped allegiances to the GOP, which reallyt fit the rest of their politics anyway.
So McCain wants to fund the heavily-Islamic Syrian rebels.

And now after the Muslim Brotherhood is deposed . . .

McCain: Suspend US Aid to Egypt

Wait a minute . . . it turns out that John McCain was the secret Muslim the whole time!!

And who do they think they are fooling? Clearly not black people when you look at the polls. Such claims to the GOP of the 1800s seem to backfire, IMHO. They come of as liars/deceivers. Either that or stupid.

They do it to fool themselves. It's like "I'm not racist, I have a black friend", but to the chronological extreme.
I'm not sure I've ever heard a republican respond to the basic, historical fact about both parties virtually switching roles after the CRA passed. Obviously plenty of southern racists remained in the democrat party, but by 1972 it was pretty clear who was fostering anti-black sentiments and who wasn't. Hell, even in 1968 democrats nominated a relatively progressive Hurbert Humphrey, who was an early advocate for civil rights. The south went to George Wallace, who had left the democrat party due to civil rights issues. And then in 1972 Nixon won all the states Wallace had won four years ago, plus the rest of the south.

There's a Sean Trende article trying to explain that it's been happening since the 20's (yes, really) - (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ar...shift_to_the_gop_predates_the_60s_118172.html) - and that the real shift happened during the Eisenhower and JFK elections, of course, shoving off the fact that Eisenhower could've beat Jesus in an election in the early 50's and JFK was a dirty Papist back when a decent amount of Southerners still thought Catholics were going to hell.


But if you have any interest in using your cognitive abilities, working at McDonalds is fucking terrible regardless of how much you get paid.

Precisely. Someone has to scrub the toilets. It would be nice for those people to not get curb-stomped by the world, but the toilets will always be there.
I'm not sure I've ever heard a republican respond to the basic, historical fact about both parties virtually switching roles after the CRA passed. Obviously plenty of southern racists remained in the democrat party, but by 1972 it was pretty clear who was fostering anti-black sentiments and who wasn't. Hell, even in 1968 democrats nominated a relatively progressive Hurbert Humphrey, who was an early advocate for civil rights. The south went to George Wallace, who had left the democrat party due to civil rights issues. And then in 1972 Nixon won all the states Wallace had won four years ago, plus the rest of the south.
The Party switch during the 60s is an inconvenient truth for the GOP. So why mention it?


He probably realized that if he ran it would give the Dems a legit shot at taking his spot. The "Rick Perry is an idiot" commercials make themselves.

Plus I thought he had announced this already.

Eh, the Dems never had a legit shot at taking the seat from Perry. He just wants to run for President again and wanted a few years buffer to get away from some unsavory votes(a la abortion).


Eh, the Dems never had a legit shot at taking the seat from Perry. He just wants to run for President again and wanted a few years buffer to get away from some unsavory votes(a la abortion).

Is he deluded enough to think he even has a chance of winning?


No Scrubs
Eh, the Dems never had a legit shot at taking the seat from Perry. He just wants to run for President again and wanted a few years buffer to get away from some unsavory votes(a la abortion).

They were never really going to beat him, but there was an outside chance of it happening. Everything would have had to come together perfectly. Now they've got no chance in hell of taking it.

Is he deluded enough to think he even has a chance of winning?

Oh yes. Yes he is.
Is he deluded enough to think he even has a chance of winning?

There's 3 reasons he thinks he has a legit shot of winning. The last republican president was a governor of Texas, Mitt Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough, and uhhhh... I forget the third one
So let's see...that means Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, and Ted Cruz will be running for president, each pulling the process to the far right (as Bachman/Santorum/Gingrich/etc did in 2012). So Christie and Rubio will end up having to run further right than expected.

Maybe Rand Paul can win enough of both sides, plus his father's supporters, to win.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I was reading a post on how Jindal's popularity is dropping like a rock in Louisiana. I'm astounded at how that's even possible. Jindal has proven himself to be a mouthbreather par excellance, and has suggested some of the most orgasm inducing conservative legislation in the country. And it's not like he lives in some pansy blue state either. This is fricken Louisiana, a state so right-wing that even their NAACP offices have a confederate flag hanging out front.
I was reading a post on how Jindal's popularity is dropping like a rock in Louisiana. I'm astounded at how that's even possible. Jindal has proven himself to be a mouthbreather par excellance, and has suggested some of the most orgasm inducing conservative legislation in the country. And it's not like he lives in some pansy blue state either. This is fricken Louisiana, a state so right-wing that even their NAACP offices have a confederate flag hanging out front.

Being Indian has nothing to do with it?
Being Indian has nothing to do with it?

Nah, right-wingers have gone from hating minorities to just hating "those" minorities. Ya' know, the lazy good for nothin' ones who steal welfare and have eight kids. Ole' Bobby's a good one.

He was stupid enough to go after higher education funding, health care funding, and try to convert the income tax over to a sales tax. He forgot Louisiana may be a conservative state, but it's still a populist state at the same time.
Stephanie Cutter, with the obvious retort to the "haha she's old" strategy

"If Secretary Clinton runs, she'll be the nominee -- the first female nominee of either party. That breaks through the 'old' tagline that the Republican geniuses are cooking up because, if handled correctly, women of all ages will absolutely be inspired by that. I don't recommend that be the totality of her message or platform, but there's no way to hide that fact and it certainly shouldn't be discounted."

Really demonstrates who pedestrian a lot of GOP operatives are when they can't rely on wedge issues or dog whistles. Get ready for a whole lotta sexist shit, and blame-the-victim "she's playing the gender card" nonsense.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Stephanie Cutter, with the obvious retort to the "haha she's old" strategy


Really demonstrates who pedestrian a lot of GOP operatives are when they can't rely on wedge issues or dog whistles. Get ready for a whole lotta sexist shit, and blame-the-victim "she's playing the gender card" nonsense.

Honestly the fact that she's an older woman might work in favor of her image if they spin it right. You can make the "mature" thing work
Honestly the fact that she's an older woman might work in favor of her image if they spin it right. You can make the "mature" thing work

I think it will work.

It didn't work in 2008 because people didn't want a mature, know the beltway type candidate. They wanted someone fresh.

After 8 years everybody seems to want to turn back to the 90s, who better to represent that?
I think the GOP is seriously underestimating the number of moderate to center-right politically unaware women who will vote for a serious female candidate for President, no matter the party. (No, Palin didn't count.) Plus, a 40-year-old soccer mom was going through college when the Clinton boom happen, so extra fuzzy happy thoughts there.

Clinton isn't the best campaigner, but I will love if the GOP really goes after her age or gender, because it'll get ugly for 'em quick.
So let's see...that means Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, and Ted Cruz will be running for president, each pulling the process to the far right (as Bachman/Santorum/Gingrich/etc did in 2012). So Christie and Rubio will end up having to run further right than expected.

Maybe Rand Paul can win enough of both sides, plus his father's supporters, to win.

Idk, i think the more far right characters in the race gives the christies and rubios a stronger shot at not only of winning the nomination, but also looking decidely uncrazy for general election folks. As its shaping up, the far right bircher group will splinter the vote allowing a 'moderate' to sneak on through. If thats the case, and the far right toons dont coalesce around a white knight soon enough, neither christie nor rubio will have to modify their views to appeal to the base knowing their votes will be delivered elsewhere.
I think the GOP is seriously underestimating the number of moderate to center-right politically unaware women who will vote for a serious female candidate for President, no matter the party. (No, Palin didn't count.) Plus, a 40-year-old soccer mom was going through college when the Clinton boom happen, so extra fuzzy happy thoughts there.

Clinton isn't the best campaigner, but I will love if the GOP really goes after her age or gender, because it'll get ugly for 'em quick.

the GOP underestimating the electorate? wut?


Clinton isn't the best campaigner, but I will love if the GOP really goes after her age or gender, because it'll get ugly for 'em quick.
Hilary no, but Bill is, and so is Obama who has a big favor to return after 2012. She will also destroy any of the GOP hopefuls in a debate.
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