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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Partisan manipulation. Rates are lower than expected in blue states but in red states higher. Conveniently the people who want it to fail are finding it failing.

Is that really the case, isn';t Washington also going to experience a big increase?


I think there could be a possibility that the increase in Ohio premiums could also be in part to the R's fucking around with healthcare in the state legislature.

I cant believe I just wondered in my head if I can get Kentucky insurance. How is Ohio worse than Kentucky....
With the exception of NY, premiums should be going up in every state.

But these numbers are all pre-subsidy. The whole point is that those making about 2-2.5 times the poverty line or less will get insurance at a very discounted rate while everyone else will see a bump up.

It should also be noted that the "average plan" today covers a lot less than the "average plan" in the exchanges. There are no longer junk plans going forward.

User 406

As an Ohio resident I'm delighted that Kasich & Co. won't be in charge of our exchanges. It's nice that Vermont and Washington are able to do one better over the feds, but our state government isn't to be trusted.


So if I understand this correctly, Obamacare is making premiums lower in the blue states because those states are fully implementing it. Whereas the red states are blocking as much as they can, therefore the premiums are higher. Is this correct? The red states are creating higher premiums by embracing tea party policies?
So if I understand this correctly, Obamacare is making premiums lower in the blue states because those states are fully implementing it. Whereas the red states are blocking as much as they can, therefore the premiums are higher. Is this correct? The red states are creating higher premiums by embracing tea party policies?

No, not necessarily.

Red states are, mostly, not expanding medicaid which is screwing people at the poverty line to 138% of the poverty line who would have been eligible for medicaid with the expansion.

The Obamacare exchanges in red states are being set up by the Feds. We don't know how that will play out, yet, in terms of pricing. My guess is it probably will be a bit higher than if the state did it themselves but who knows?

Outside of New York, every state should see an increased prices in premiums. The key has always been subsidies offsetting these costs, regardless of state.


No, not necessarily.

Red states are, mostly, not expanding medicaid which is screwing people at the poverty line to 138% of the poverty line who would have been eligible for medicaid with the expansion.

The Obamacare exchanges in red states are being set up by the Feds. We don't know how that will play out, yet, in terms of pricing. My guess is it probably will be a bit higher than if the state did it themselves but who knows?

Outside of New York, every state should see an increased prices in premiums. The key has always been subsidies offsetting these costs, regardless of state.

Ahh, that makes more sense.


No, not necessarily.

Red states are, mostly, not expanding medicaid which is screwing people at the poverty line to 138% of the poverty line who would have been eligible for medicaid with the expansion.

The Obamacare exchanges in red states are being set up by the Feds. We don't know how that will play out, yet, in terms of pricing. My guess is it probably will be a bit higher than if the state did it themselves but who knows?

Outside of New York, every state should see an increased prices in premiums. The key has always been subsidies offsetting these costs, regardless of state.
How much though? I have an individual plan in PA, really hoping I don't get screwed over by Corbett and co. being heartless as usual
How much though? I have an individual plan in PA, really hoping I don't get screwed over by Corbett and co. being heartless as usual

No one knows how much premiums go up there until the people in charge announce them.

ASAIK, if the Feds are setting up the exchanges, the state laws don't matter as much. I don't think Corbett has much of an effect at all.

How much they go up is a tough question to answer. The plans aren't an apples to apples comparison in most cases and again, depends on if you get subsidies.

If you buy individual insurance right now, are single and healthy, and earn $40k+, your premiums are going up unless you're in NY. If the same is true but you're earning $22k or below, your premiums should go down a lot after subsidies.

Between it's hard to say.


The Daily Show's segment on the minimum wage protests was incredible. And Fox's commentary on it was absolutely fucking shameful. Wow.
You have to realize that most of the health plans in red states right now are shit before moving to Obamacare. The state governments let them do what they want. There is no real bare minimum. Now that Obamacare has some real standards, these plans have to get a complete overhaul that will of course jack up their rates. But all this talk in rate increases leaves out the mention of the subsidies provided by Obamacare.

So yes, the rates are going up because the plans will be decent now. But they won't cost that much to actual consumers because of the subsidies and only like 20% of the population gets their coverage on the individual market. Everyone else is covered by the government (Medicaid or Medicare) or their employer.
Links from today:

Unsurprising study about immigration motivation:
Ryo concluded that “perhaps there is very little that immigration enforcement alone might be able to do to affect changes in people’s intentions to migrate illegally.” In fact, she surmised that a crackdown on border crossings may actually increase them because migrants may feel unfairly treated and regard U.S. immigration laws with less authority. As she wrote in the study, “continuing efforts by the U.S. government to selectively target and marginalize unauthorized Mexican migrants might thus have the unintended consequence of producing lesser, rather than greater, voluntary deference to U.S. immigration law, as increasing numbers of Mexicans come to question the legitimacy of U.S. legal authority.”

Red State writer with no health insurance asks for and receives help from the internet:
On Tuesday, a page for Howe was created on the crowd funding website GoFundMe, explaining that his family needs to preserve his health for the benefit of his two daughters. “It would lift an incredible burden for Caleb [and his wife] Donna if they could get even the smallest amount of help with these upcoming expenses and with anything extra that comes in,” Howe’s page explains.

Erickson promoted the fund on RedState with a short post entitled, “Please Consider Helping Caleb Howe’s Family.” And the left-leaning Daily Kos also picked up the story, encouraging its readers to help, too. “Allow me to ask you to do the Christian thing and donate to this young man’s fund,” DailyKos user SemDem writes. “He has two young, beautiful and innocent daughters who need him — and that is who the fund is for. He does not deserve to suffer, much less die.”

Conservatives Are Even Unskewing Baseball Numbers Now
In this article, columnist John Pudner introduces a new, proprietary metric, called Value Add Baseball. The idea behind it is to evaluate starting pitchers based not on how well they pitch, but how well they pitch in specific game situations. If a starting pitcher’s team scores six runs, he can give up five runs and still maintain a lead; by contrast, if a starting pitcher’s team scores only two runs, then he can give up three runs but still fall behind. The point of Value Add Baseball is to adjust for this: To make it clear that the pitcher who allows five runs when his team has scored six has done better than the pitcher who has allowed three runs when his team has scored two.

Sound crazy? It should! “The starting pitcher is the one player who has responsibility each game for getting his team the win,” Pudner writes. But, actually, it is not the pitcher’s job to get his team the win. It is the team’s job to get the team the win. Baseball is a team sport! The starting pitcher contributes to the win—typically, I agree, more than any other individual player does—by helping, along with his defense and catcher, limit the other team’s runs. But this metric holds the pitcher completely responsible. And it subscribes to the myth of “pitching to the score,” which is just plain wrong.

A brief take on how gender bias is perpetuated today:
All of which is to say, if you draw most of your top economic policymakers from a network that's easily more than 80-percent male*, you may occasionally come up with a woman candidate. But the vast majority of the people you select are going to be men. Or, put differently: The way to refute the boys club charge isn’t to point to the one woman who happened to emerge from this network. It’s to show that you’re reaching outside the network to recruit, something the Burwell pick emphatically doesn’t show.

Which links to this long, depressing examination of discrimination and sexism in the Texas legislature:
“When I first got here in 1973, a guy called me his ‘black mistress,’” she told me. “The males could not understand why I was offended. He was a state representative. Let me tell you what happened: He didn’t come back, he was appointed a district court judge.” Thompson says that’s a common tale in the Capitol: a male legislator can say something sexist and experience little to no consequences, and, in some cases, be promoted.
It was the same session that saw the Legislature cut funding for women’s health care and family planning by two-thirds, and pass a bill requiring women to endure a pre-abortion sonogram. It was also the session in which Tuffy Hamilton, during a debate about Franklin Mountains State Park, made a boob joke to Marisa Marquez. (“Young lady, would you please tell us why your mountains are better than any of our mountains, and are they man-made or are they real mountains?”)
In April, Zaffirini brought a proposal to the floor. The Senate was discussing an omnibus bill on the Texas Preservation Board, and she wanted to allow lactation suites in the Capitol, where women could breast feed or pump. Amarillo Republican Kel Seliger introduced a farcical amendment to make those lactation suites part of Zaffirini’s office. “It’s not funny. It’s not funny. It’s not funny,” Zaffirini muttered to herself.
During a floor debate in Davis’ first session, Sen. Troy Fraser, a Republican from Horseshoe Bay, infamously told Davis that he couldn’t understand what she was saying because he “can’t hear women’s voices.”

Republicans Won't Stop Trying to Name Ocean Waters After Ronald Reagan
The panel is weighing Rep. Darrell Issa's (R-Calif.) bill that would rename the country's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which generally extends from 3 miles to 200 miles offshore, as the Ronald Wilson Reagan Exclusive Economic Zone.

"While certain left-wing organizations have characterized this legislation as trivial, there is no debate our 40th president served with the highest distinction," said Rep. John Fleming (R-La.), speaking in favor of the bill that honors Reagan's 1983 designation of the EEZ.

Texas Republican says Wendy Davis should pay for special session needed to pass GOP abortion bill
“I am upset at the cost,” Capriglione said. “I think we need to remember why we are having this extra special session. One state senator, in an effort to capture national attention, forced this special session. I firmly believe that Sen. Wendy Davis should reimburse the taxpayers for the entire cost of the second special session. I am sure that she has raised enough money at her Washington, D.C., fundraiser to cover the cost.”

Sorry, I know this isn't a great format. But there was just too much crazy stuff today that I wanted to highlight.
I know I'm responding to an older comment, but Josef Stalin is responsible for the deaths of at least 20 million people (maybe as many as 60 million), sent millions to gulags, some for "crimes" such as being late for work or making jokes, people in the Soviet Union lived in fear of arrest and execution every moment. His crimes against humanity are legion. I'm not a fan of the NSA, etc., but it's actually pretty unconscionable to compare Obama to him.
I know I'm responding to an older comment, but Josef Stalin is responsible for the deaths of at least 20 million people (maybe as many as 60 million), sent millions to gulags, some for "crimes" such as being late for work or making jokes, people in the Soviet Union lived in fear of arrest and execution every moment. His crimes against humanity are legion. I'm not a fan of the NSA, etc., but it's actually pretty unconscionable to compare Obama to him.

People know this. Its why they do it. It gives their political opinions weight. Its the same reason why people curse a lot of time. It shocks people into paying attention.

People also love analogies and it makes the thought process easier. Just make it fit into the larger historical pattern and you don't need to explain the specific reasons why certain things happen.


I know I'm responding to an older comment, but Josef Stalin is responsible for the deaths of at least 20 million people (maybe as many as 60 million), sent millions to gulags, some for "crimes" such as being late for work or making jokes, people in the Soviet Union lived in fear of arrest and execution every moment. His crimes against humanity are legion. I'm not a fan of the NSA, etc., but it's actually pretty unconscionable to compare Obama to him.
Maybe I missed some comments, but I mostly see people comparing the level of spying we currently have in the US vs. what the USSR under Stalin had.
I'm pretty sure no one here said Obama is just as bad as Stalin.
Also, historical comparisons are never unconscionable, at most they're inaccurate or useless.

Also (2) Angry Fork is 100% right that Stalin (or Hoover for that matter) would've creamed his pants over our surveillance apparatus and it's also true that it's more thorough and capable than anything such system in the history of the world.

It's always one person mentioning Stalin and a billion people quoting him about how horrible it is to compare to Stalin. Remember the golden rule of the internet, if something is bothering you and you want it to stop, your best course of action is to ignore it.
So I talked to my coworker today and he was commenting how slow business was. He said, "Yeah it stinks because while the the economy is in the tubes". I then said, "Its too bad because while America as whole has their economy gaining Wisconsin is almost dead last in economic growth." He then went on about how the economy is upping great now and that we are now 5th in the best economies in the nation and that the papers don't report it because they only report bad news.

God damn does Walker have this state under a spell.

Josef Stalin is responsible for the deaths of at least 20 million people (maybe as many as 60 million).

You have to realize that most of the health plans in red states right now are shit before moving to Obamacare. The state governments let them do what they want. There is no real bare minimum. Now that Obamacare has some real standards, these plans have to get a complete overhaul that will of course jack up their rates. But all this talk in rate increases leaves out the mention of the subsidies provided by Obamacare.

So yes, the rates are going up because the plans will be decent now. But they won't cost that much to actual consumers because of the subsidies and only like 20% of the population gets their coverage on the individual market. Everyone else is covered by the government (Medicaid or Medicare) or their employer.
I just hope people don't look at the prices being revealed now, deem them too high, and dismiss buying insurance without realizing subsidies will be available. The misinformation campaign is crazy right now, and the administration hasn't done a good job combatting it.


Jobless rate dropped to 7.4%, Romney has got to be pissed. He was supposed to take credit for the improving economy and show everyone tax cuts for the rich really work!
UE dropped from 7.6% to 7.4%.

- July added 162k
- May revised downward from 195k to 176k; June revised downward from 195k to 188k
- Government added jobs this month: 1k

Also, read this op-ed by former EPA administrators under Republicans presidents telling Republicans to stop acting like idiots.


McConnell losing would be amazing.

There's already SuperPAC ads up on both sides running regularly in Louisville, plus the Tea Party guy running against McConnell is running a bunch of ads. Ridiclous considering the election isn't for 15 months.


Ugh, I hate working for the IRS in a Republican state. The amount of false information I hear to justify being a federal employee and voting Republican is mind boggling. They have no idea how much they're being screwed by their own party not only as a federal employee but as a middle class citizen.

I just overheard a conversation about how NTEU is against Obamacare because it will take our federal benefits away... I sent both people taking part in this conversation a link to set them strait. NTEU is not against Obamacare, they are against HR 1780 introduced by David Camp (a republican) that will force Federal employees into exchanges designed for people that do not get coverage through their employers... In other words, a bill to take away our current coverage which Obamacare does not do.
Mike Reynolds, a Republican Oklahoma state rep, launched this website... against the uber-conservative Speaker of the House, T.W. Shannon. Apparently Shannon just isn't crazy enough.


Some cutting-edge web design going on here.

Less offended by the web design and more offended by the racist dogwhistles. I didn't get past the first section but that was enough for me.

Edit: I couldn't help myself, scrolled to the end, and encountered
Should we promote someone as a leader in the GOP because of their race/ethnicity/gender?



Less offended by the web design and more offended by the racist dogwhistles. I didn't get past the first section but that was enough for me.

Edit: I couldn't help myself, scrolled to the end, and encountered

Don't get me wrong, I think Shannon is terrible. But Reynolds is a flat-out nut.

Mike M

Nick N
Mike Reynolds, a Republican Oklahoma state rep, launched this website... against the uber-conservative Speaker of the House, T.W. Shannon. Apparently Shannon just isn't crazy enough.


Some cutting-edge web design going on here.

I was going to mention you always have crackpots with no chance of accomplishing anything launching sites like this, but then I see it's an elected official...



I was going to mention you always have crackpots with no chance of accomplishing anything launching sites like this, but then I see it's an elected official...

Yeah, the GOP has done some severe damage to the state over the last few years. It's not as bad as Kansas, but it could get there.
Mike Reynolds, a Republican Oklahoma state rep, launched this website... against the uber-conservative Speaker of the House, T.W. Shannon. Apparently Shannon just isn't crazy enough.


Some cutting-edge web design going on here.

It has been widely reported that Shannon is the First Black Republican Speaker of a State House in the United States and in fact he has flown around the nation attending events proclaiming this.
It has also been reported that he is the first Native American Speaker. How is this possible. What percentage of a particular ethnicity should you be in order to claim you are that ethnic group?
More importantly why is this significant if we want to promote a color blind society?

How to Turn a Red State Blue

My first political contribution of 2013. Gave to Heidi Heitkamp and Claire McCaskill last year, as well.
Kentucky is already heavily Democratic at the state level, it just needs to shift there on the federal level. Obama isn't popular there because... well... And the Democrats there will always have to take supportive positions on coal and energy that can sap some energy from the race from out-of-staters.

But let's be real here, any progressive would much rather deal with Joe Manchin than Mitch McConnell. Every Democratic senator is to the left of even the most liberal Republican senator. I'm okay with red state senators going against the grain on one or two pet issues if that's what it takes to get them elected.
Kentucky is already heavily Democratic at the state level, it just needs to shift there on the federal level. Obama isn't popular there because... well... And the Democrats there will always have to take supportive positions on coal and energy that can sap some energy from the race from out-of-staters.

But let's be real here, any progressive would much rather deal with Joe Manchin than Mitch McConnell. Every Democratic senator is to the left of even the most liberal Republican senator. I'm okay with red state senators going against the grain on one or two pet issues if that's what it takes to get them elected.

thanks for reminding me of Blanche Lincoln god dammit!


John McCain's comments on Russia giving Snowden asylum are just batshit insane.

I'm starting to become convinced he would've did something stupid if he were President leading to either irreparable damage of relations with the Russians or war in pretty much every middle eastern country that didn't bow to our every whim.


John McCain's comments on Russia giving Snowden asylum are just batshit insane.

I'm starting to become convinced he would've did something stupid if he were President leading to either irreparable damage of relations with the Russians or war in pretty much every middle eastern country that didn't bow to our every whim.

That's pretty much the exact reason I didn't vote for him back when the elections happening and I was still a middle of the road voter.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Can people currently buy health insurance without worrying about pre-existing conditions, or does that not apply until the individual mandate kicks in?


Can people currently buy health insurance without worrying about pre-existing conditions, or does that not apply until the individual mandate kicks in?

That kicks in with the exchanges and the rest of the law in January.

They can start shopping in the exchanges in October, for coverage starting next year.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
That kicks in with the exchanges and the rest of the law in January.

They can start shopping in the exchanges in October, for coverage starting next year.

I see. At first I thought people could already do that, but that wouldn't make sense since I figure that would cause a downward spiral in costs.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Also, I asked cause that would mean that the RedState douche who was hospitalized without health insurance, won't have to worry about being denied for his recent medical troubles, thanks to Obamacare.

Oh, also too, this is from one of his siblings:

The "facts" of the article are incorrect anyway! Caleb hasn't been writing for over a year and he is unemployed! The fund was set up for his kids *my nieces, I am FURIOUS at the so called writer at KOS for number one having his facts COMPLETELY wrong and number 2 taking this as a political thing, it started as a fund for the kids to get school stuff. I am fuming! Thank you so much for posting this, I am so mad that I would not have been as kind. Side note: Caleb is unaware that this fund is even set up! Some people donating are saying that he has been reduced to begging, makes me so furious.

lol, some defense.
Where does this notion that people in Europe and Canada hate their health care? I've never once heard it and there is no political movement calling for doing anything but expanding it. I was just listening to Hannity and heard this stated as fact because a few people come down for specialty services. Do they think this would end with single payer? Do specialty doctors not exist for the elderly since they are all covered by social security and Medicare?

It's baffling


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
When conservatives say that universal health care will cause all the doctors to flee the country, my question always: flee to where? Europe? Japan? Australia?
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