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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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On the other hand:

wapo said:
Democrat Terry McAuliffe has vaulted into the lead over Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II in a Virginia governor’s race that has left many voters sour on both candidates, according to a new Washington Post-Abt SRBI poll.

McAuliffe leads 47 percent to 39 percent among likely voters, with Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis’s 10 percent suggesting an unrest among voters not satisfied with either major-party contender. In a one-on-one matchup without Sarvis in the mix, the poll shows a narrower, 49-to-44-percent race between McAuliffe and Cuccinelli among likely voters — but still flips Cuccinelli’s 10-point lead from this spring.

The shift in the race has come almost exclusively from female voters, who prefer McAuliffe by a 24-point margin over Cuccinelli. The candidates were effectively tied among women in a Washington Post poll in May.


We didn't have much of a shot in coal country anyway. But Virginia going blue at the state level is a big step for the New South.
Ron Paul supporters don't like Rand at all.

Oh they still like Rand, but they don't see him as the messiah or some visionary.

But yes, some Ron Paulites don't like Rand Paul. Rand is a dick. Ron Paul was always generally nice and sort of just came off as a loony guy who stood up for what he believed in.

Rand Paul does have that going for him. He's far less likeable.


Cruz can do damage, especially with the Latino voters. I think he's conflicted with what he wants to say and what he feels obligated. He can manipulate that, the self-raised immigrant, small-business owner, but the GOP has a message and that overrides him.
Really? Latinos are going to embrace this guy after all the positons he's taken?

No surprise here. It was pretty much implied to me that once Rockefeller announced his retirement the seat was ripe for the GOP to snatch up. If you aren't an old school coal loving Democrat you won't have a chance in WV.


I'm not sure how much a Cuban will really impact the Latino vote beyond Florida. Especially one with his voting record.

I'm not sure he's going for President.


The Autumn Wind
I'm not sure how much a Cuban will really impact the Latino vote beyond Florida. Especially one with his voting record.

I'm not sure he's going for President.
Even in Florida, it's becoming increasingly irrelevant as older generation Cubans die off.
Ron Paul supporters don't like Rand at all.

I used to think that, but over the last year he seems to be winning many over. I talked with a guy who's organizing some early Michigan stuff for Rand, and he mentioned that a good amount of young Ron fans are on board here; they're doing well with the college kids, and the drone filibuster led to a lot of interest/traffic.

He also mentioned that Rand Paul and Chris Christie are polling highest here, in early focus group tests.
Did Dems really not have a better candidate for Virginia than McAuliffe? Oh well, a seat is a seat, I guess.

Tom Perriello; liberal former congressman/Iraq war vet who lost in 2010 due to his votes on cap and trade and healthcare. He was going to run, highlighting the strong Obama endorsement he received while in congress. He also just so happened to show up on stage at a 2012 rally Obama did in the state with Tim Kaine. Some have speculated that Obama's camp eventually talked him out of running this year due to the Clinton camp fully supporting Terry McAuliffe, and perhaps some backdoor/handshake deal going on. Maybe the reward is Mark Warner's senate seat, if he is selected as Hillary's VP.

It's clear that McAuliffe is a horrible corporatist candidate and would have been beaten by someone as young and charismatic as Perriello. I think Perriello could run for Virginia AG soon, and run for governor after McAuliffe's term (if the Warner thing doesn't happen).
Pelosi may introduce immigration bill

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is spearheading a plan to advance comprehensive immigration reform in the chamber.

The California Democrat’s strategy includes introducing legislation combining the comprehensive bill that passed the Senate Judiciary Committee in May with a bipartisan border-security bill from the House Homeland Security Committee, according to sources familiar with the plans.
GOP leadership has no intentions to move forward, clearly, so good on Pelosi for doing this. If it passes, once again it'll be because of Pelosi's initiative while Boehner sits in the corner wearing a dunce cap.


No Scrubs
Ted Cruz ain't dumb. That's partially why he scares me. Bachman is crazy too, but she's obviously a fucking moron. Same with Palin and King and others.

But Cruz seems like what morons think a smart person sounds like (and America has no shortage of morons). He knows he's bullshitting and he knows how to try to make the bullshit stick on someone else.

That's why I take joy out of his plan really blowing up in his face. He needs to be exposed for the snake oil salesmen he is before it's too late.

Well, what I meant was that a smart guy wouldn't be stepping on all these toes. He seems to like to piss people off as he goes along for no reason whatsoever. There is no part of that is smart.

He's smart enough to be a snake oil salesman and take advantage of his position, but not smart enough to realize that he can't just go around pissing people off in the way he's been doing.

Someone like Christie is smart. He knows when attack his opponents and when to put politics aside. Cruz has no idea how to do this. Someone who is actually smart would know how to do that. Cruz comes off like Paul Ryan, except more extreme, and we all know what happened when Ryan was put on the national stage.
love Tahoe. boarded at Heavenly and Northstar so far, hope to go more often now that I'm in norcal

I was in Incline Village on the Nevada side for a wedding. Man, it was so beautiful and calm and the lake is so clean. I wish I could have stayed longer.

Well, what I meant was that a smart guy wouldn't be stepping on all these toes. He seems to like to piss people off as he goes along for no reason whatsoever. There is no part of that is smart.

He's smart enough to be a snake oil salesman and take advantage of his position, but not smart enough to realize that he can't just go around pissing people off in the way he's been doing.

Someone like Christie is smart. He knows when attack his opponents and when to put politics aside. Cruz has no idea how to do this. Someone who is actually smart would know how to do that. Cruz comes off like Paul Ryan, except more extreme, and we all know what happened when Ryan was put on the national stage.

He's just an asshole, that is all. Some people can't control themselves.

Here's what really happened, though. Cruz spent this entire time making his argument while also believing Boehner would balk and not pass a CR defunding Obamacare knowing they'd get it back in embarrassing fashion having to cave. But Cruz went so far with his stance that it gave Boehner an out to turn it on Cruz for failing in the Senate and take eyes off the House.

Probably a part of it definitely had to do with him being an asshole but Cruz just miscalculated Boehner's abilities.


No Scrubs
I was in Incline Village on the Nevada side for a wedding. Man, it was so beautiful and calm and the lake is so clean. I wish I could have stayed longer.

He's just an asshole, that is all. Some people can't control themselves.

Here's what really happened, though. Cruz spent this entire time making his argument while also believing Boehner would balk and not pass a CR defunding Obamacare knowing they'd get it back in embarrassing fashion having to cave. But Cruz went so far with his stance that it gave Boehner an out to turn it on Cruz for failing in the Senate and take eyes off the House.

Probably a part of it definitely had to do with him being an asshole but Cruz just miscalculated Boehner's abilities.

Christie is also an asshole and yet he manages to control it from time to time. If Cruz thinks being an asshole is going to help become president then he really is a moron.

That said I hope all this blows up in his face in the worst way.


Ted Cruz may be intelligent, but good lord is he an idiot.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has floated an odd backup plan to fund the government in piecemeal measures if Senate Democrats refuse to pass the legislation that contains a provision to defund Obamacare.

"If Harry Reid kills this bill in it the Senate, I think the House should hold its ground, and should begin passing smaller resolutions one department at a time," Cruz said on Fox News Sunday. "It should start, continuing resolution focused on the military -- fund the military, send it over, and let's see it Harry Reid is willing to shut down the military because he wants to force Obamacare on the American people."

Senate Republicans, most notably Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), aren't going along with Cruz's push to block a continuing resolution in order to force Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to back down on the health care reform law. But there remains the possibility of a shutdown when funding expires next week on Sept. 30 because the Senate and House have yet to settle on a solution. Cruz's answer is one that's a nonstarter -- to the extent that the strategy makes any sense to begin with.

A senior House GOP aide mocked Cruz for suggesting the idea.

"I don't know how the Senator makes it down a flight of stairs, because he's completely incapable of thinking one step ahead," said the Republican aide.

Cruz initially brought the idea up on an interview with Fox News last Friday, after the House passed a bill to fund the government but not Obamacare. He said House Republicans should pass "one continuing resolution after another funding each specific piece of government."

A second senior House Republican aide pointed out that Cruz is essentially asking the House to pass appropriations bills -- which it has already done. As Roll Call pointed out, House Republicans have already passed appropriations bills for defense and other departments. And Senate Democrats have rejected them on account of policy differences, instead calling for a budget deal to iron out the big disputes.

A Cruz spokesperson didn't respond to a request for comment.


No Scrubs
Looks like he's not even filibustering since it isn't allowed, he's just using up the 15 hours the GOP gets on the floor.

Yea, I thought that he couldn't filibuster this. Good to know I didn't get it wrong.

I can't believe he's still stepping on people's toes even now.

Yep, that's not the plan of a smart person.
Looks like Cruz is about to filibuster.

I wanted to ask if he was going to do this. hah.

It's not a filibuster. Republicans have 15 hours to debate, same as democrats.

That's what I thought I read.

Christie is also an asshole and yet he manages to control it from time to time. If Cruz thinks being an asshole is going to help become president then he really is a moron.

That said I hope all this blows up in his face in the worst way.

Difference is Christie is an asshole in public, possibly not so much in private. Christie has also done shit. People are like "hey, he's an asshole but he gets shit done." What has Cruz ever done? He's a lawyer, nobody likes lawyers.

That said, Christie's assholeness might also screw him over in the future.


No Scrubs
I wanted to ask if he was going to do this. hah.

That's what I thought I read.

Difference is Christie is an asshole in public, possibly not so much in private. Christie has also done shit. People are like "hey, he's an asshole but he gets shit done." What has Cruz ever done? He's a lawyer, nobody likes lawyers.

That said, Christie's assholeness might also screw him over in the future.

You are absolutely right, but he has managed to put it aside from time to time when he needed to (namely in the aftermath of Sandy). Cruz has not demonstrated this ability.
You are absolutely right, but he has managed to put it aside from time to time when he needed to (namely in the aftermath of Sandy). Cruz has not demonstrated this ability.

Oh, no doubt. I don't see Christie and Cruz on the same level even if they're both assholes.

I think Christie is more abrasive than anything. He says what he believes and won't pull punches. But at the same time, if you were to meet him one on one I think he'd actually come off as somewhat charming. Cruz just rubs people the wrong way. He also obviously only cares about himself and nothing else.
Gotta admit Cruz is putting on quite a show lol.

But I wonder what republican senators are thinking as they hear Cruz lambast them and suggest they're more concerned about getting invites to DC cocktail parties than serving constituents. Oh boy.


Guess who's opening her mouth and spewing shit again!

Palin Fires Back at Fmr. McCain Strategist, GOP Establishment for ‘Waving White Flag’ on Obamacare

Sarah Palin joined Neil Cavuto on Tuesday showing her support for Ted Cruz‘s anti-Obamacare filibuster, saying that while he’s waving the American flag, the Republican establishment is instead “waving the white flag” in trying to brush aside this issue that their party ran on.

Cavuto noted how Palin’s former running mate, John McCain, believes this is a losing fight that won’t accomplish anything. Palin responded, “Anyone who wants to wave that white flag right now in this battle for economic liberty in America is forgetting what America was built upon.” She dismissed whatever consequences may come Cruz’s way, arguing that “whether he dies politically speaking upon this mountaintop or not,” he will have done so giving a voice to the American people.

Palin also responded to Steve Schmidt slamming her “asininity”, going off on the anonymous Republican sources turning on their own party members like Cruz. She dismissed the idea she’s so vocal on this issue because of a planned presidential run, pushing the idea of a third party that already exists between liberal Democrats and the “GOP machine” made up of people like Cruz and Mike Lee.

So... Democrats, "GOP Machine", and a third party. I vote that party should be known as the BSI party, or the Bat Shit Insane party.


Third parties just jumped the Palin. Smfh, you already have your notoriety, your book deals, your speaking engagements, go the fuck away! Don't need your stink on anything.


Unconfirmed Member
It's not a filibuster. Republicans have 15 hours to debate, same as democrats.

Well that's an important piece of information most of the media is leaving out.

Remember when the media used to report facts instead of just the talking points of both sides?


No Scrubs
Well that's an important piece of information most of the media is leaving out.

Remember when the media used to report facts instead of just the talking points of both sides?

I'll see how Nightly News reports it on tonight's broadcast. TV news is just crap outside the 3 major world news broadcasts, PBS, BBC and AC360 these days.


The Autumn Wind
Well that's an important piece of information most of the media is leaving out.

Remember when the media used to report facts instead of just the talking points of both sides?
According to Chuck Todd, it's not the media's job to inform the public. It's a complete joke at this point.




Gotta admit Cruz is putting on quite a show lol.

But I wonder what republican senators are thinking as they hear Cruz lambast them and suggest they're more concerned about getting invites to DC cocktail parties than serving constituents. Oh boy.

This guy is a lunatic.

I want him in the 2016 Primaries. More fun.
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