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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Cruz is reading a list of all the job losses and hour reductions supposedly due to Obamacare.

I ticks me off that Cruz is acting like a champion for these people while wanting to take away their health care, preventing rises in minimum wage, preventing unionization, taking away food stamps, dismantling unemployment. What he wants is them suck and toiling away at these no nothing jobs where their stuck because they go anywhere they'll loses even the meger benefits the scrape by on.

He's pretends to care about real problems but he rages against any solutions that actually solve them. People buy it though.


Cruz is reading a list of all the job losses and hour reductions supposedly due to Obamacare.

I ticks me off that Cruz is acting like a champion for these people while wanting to take away their health care, preventing rises in minimum wage, preventing unionization, taking away food stamps, dismantling unemployment. What he wants is them suck and toiling away at these no nothing jobs where their stuck because they go anywhere they'll loses even the meger benefits the scrape by on.

He's pretends to care about real problems but he rages against any solutions that actually solve them. People buy it though.
It's a good thing no one besides political junkies and hardcore conservatives are listening to his drivel.
It's a good thing no one besides political junkies and hardcore conservatives are listening to his drivel.
Today. But it's a wider problem with conservative rhetoric, it works so well with the electorate. They say everything right, but their policies in practice help the rich and tend to screw the poor.


Not sure if this warrants its own thread or not.

Brazilian president: US surveillance a 'breach of international law'
Rousseff's angry speech was a direct challenge to President Barack Obama, who was waiting in the wings to deliver his own address to the UN general assembly, and represented the most serious diplomatic fallout to date from the revelations by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

Rousseff had already put off a planned visit to Washington in protest at US spying, after NSA documents leaked by Snowden revealed that the US electronic eavesdropping agency had monitored the Brazilian president's phone calls, as well as Brazilian embassies and spied on the state oil corporation, Petrobras.

"Personal data of citizens was intercepted indiscriminately. Corporate information – often of high economic and even strategic value – was at the centre of espionage activity.

"Also, Brazilian diplomatic missions, among them the permanent mission to the UN and the office of the president of the republic itself, had their communications intercepted," Rousseff said, in a global rallying cry against what she portrayed as the overweening power of the US security apparatus.
Obama, who followed Rousseff to the UN podium, acknowledged international alarm at the scale of NSA snooping revealed by Snowden.
He said: "Just as we reviewed how we deploy our extraordinary military capabilities in a way that lives up to our ideals, we have begun to
review the way that we gather intelligence, so as to properly balance the legitimate security concerns of our citizens and allies, with the
privacy concerns that all people share."

I have to wonder if this will be the last of such gestures, though I doubt any of the "Five Eyes" will blink.
Cruz is reading a list of all the job losses and hour reductions supposedly due to Obamacare.

I ticks me off that Cruz is acting like a champion for these people while wanting to take away their health care, preventing rises in minimum wage, preventing unionization, taking away food stamps, dismantling unemployment. What he wants is them suck and toiling away at these no nothing jobs where their stuck because they go anywhere they'll loses even the meger benefits the scrape by on.

He's pretends to care about real problems but he rages against any solutions that actually solve them. People buy it though.

The thing about this is that he's trying to make it seem like businesses can't afford to pay for healthcare, rather than can, but won't. Notably small businesses.
Obama, who followed Rousseff to the UN podium, acknowledged international alarm at the scale of NSA snooping revealed by Snowden. He said: "Just as we reviewed how we deploy our extraordinary military capabilities in a way that lives up to our ideals, we have begun to review the way that we gather intelligence, so as to properly balance the legitimate security concerns of our citizens and allies, with the privacy concerns that all people share."

He also said this ridiculous nonsense with a straight face: "I believe America is exceptional. In part because we have shown a willingness through the sacrifice of blood and treasure to stand up not only for our own narrow self interest, but for the interest of all."


He also said this ridiculous nonsense with a straight face: "I believe America is exceptional. In part because we have shown a willingness through the sacrifice of blood and treasure to stand up not only for our own narrow self interest, but for the interest of all."
Certainly fair criticism, and on track record alone I'd have to say that Brazil has more than a case to be made.


He also said this ridiculous nonsense with a straight face: "I believe America is exceptional. In part because we have shown a willingness through the sacrifice of blood and treasure to stand up not only for our own narrow self interest, but for the interest of all."

"It's not a lie ... if you believe it"
-George Washington Costanza
The White House steps its trolling game up
White House: Americans Can Register To Vote When Signing Up For Obamacare

Americans will be able to register to vote when applying for insurance through Obamacare, a White House official told TPM Tuesday, despite reports to the contrary and outcry from congressional Republicans.

Mother Jones reported earlier Tuesday on a report from progressive groups, which asserted that the Obama administration was planning to back down from its plan to offer voter registration on the federal marketplace, which will cover 36 states. The source of the claim is unclear, which the Mother Jones article acknowledged, but it sparked some panic among liberal activists.

Not to worry, a senior administration official told TPM: Voter registration through the health insurance marketplaces will continue as planned. The official said any reports to the contrary were "inaccurate."

Insurance applications filed under the health care reform law are required by law to have a section for voter registration. The 1993 National Voter Registration Act mandates that any government agencies providing government services must also provide people with access to voter registration.

The Obama administration had previously said that the marketplaces fell under the 1993 law's statute and would therefore offer voter registration. That's still the plan, according to the senior administration official.

Congressional Republicans have been critical of voter registration on the marketplaces. House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Charles Boustany, Jr. (R-LA) wrote a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in March, questioning the administration's plan.

Combining voter registration with the Obamacare marketplace, Boustany wrote, "could lead some to think voter registration is somehow tied to subsidy eligibility."


Pension funds and other large investors are throwing away billions of dollars a year on worthless advice from investment consultants, according to academic research. The funds recommended by consultants do no better than any other, and by some measures they underperform the wider market significantly, the research* found. On an equal-weighted basis, US equity funds recommended by consultants underperformed other funds by 1.1 per cent a year between 1999 and 2011, according to analysis of 29 consultancies accounting for more than 90 per cent of the market by a team from Oxford university’s Saïd Business School. “The enormous power wielded by consultants is not matched by their performance,” said Jose Martinez, one of the authors of the study. “In US equities, one of the largest asset classes, investment consultants as an industry appear to add no value in fund selection,” added co-author Howard Jones.According to the Oxford team, more than $13tn of US institutional money was advised on by consultants from 2011, with 82 per cent of public pension plan sponsors and half of corporate sponsors paying for advice. Worldwide, consultants advised on $25tn of assets.

If only one basis point of this was allocated for manager selection, this would amount to $2.5bn a year. An estimated $2tn of assets a year are also subject to “transition management”, often driven by consultants’ recommendations to hire and fire managers, incurring significant, and seemingly pointless, transaction costs.

In the US, the academics found consultants’ recommendations were highly influential. A fund recommended by many consultants could typically expect to see additional inflows of $2.4bn, “confirming survey data which reports that manager selection is one of the most highly valued services offered by consultants”, the paper said.

The Oxford team found these flows, and the fact that consultants tended to recommend larger funds in the first place, explained the underperformance of 1.1 per cent a year, as unwieldy funds suffer from diseconomies of scale.

However, they found “no evidence that the recommendations … enabled investors to outperform their benchmarks or generate alpha [market-beating returns]”.

The paper speculated institutional investors continued to rely on recommendations either because they want a “hand-holding service”, a “shield” to defend their decisions, or are “simply unaware how accurate or inaccurate” consultants’ calls are.


Masters of the Universe indeed.

Started a thread on it, but accidentally created it on the gaming side. Didnt really get any good comments because of it :(
Wait, Ted Cruz read Green Eggs & Ham to his daughters during the filibuster (or whatever you want to call it)?

Does he not understand the moral of that story? Is he so oblivious to read that story of all the stories...

He's clueless.


I was unaware of these provisions until a few days ago, when I read a suggestion that it has much to do with the GOP's adamant opposition to the law. Access to healthcare for the young/poor, and voter registration? No wonder they are throwing such an apocalyptic tantrum.


Masters of the Universe indeed.

Started a thread on it, but accidentally created it on the gaming side. Didnt really get any good comments because of it :(
Moved and bumped.
Guess who's opening her mouth and spewing shit again!

Palin Fires Back at Fmr. McCain Strategist, GOP Establishment for ‘Waving White Flag’ on Obamacare

So... Democrats, "GOP Machine", and a third party. I vote that party should be known as the BSI party, or the Bat Shit Insane party.
I want this sooo bad. Palin-led third party that eats GOP votes in swingish districts and ultimately gives Democrats a majority, or at least a plurality.

I suspect real movement could happen if the debt ceiling is raised, CR passes and (least likely) Pelosi is able to muscle through immigration reform.

Even 5% would make the difference.


Unconfirmed Member
Wait, Ted Cruz read Green Eggs & Ham to his daughters during the filibuster (or whatever you want to call it)?

Does he not understand the moral of that story? Is he so oblivious to read that story of all the stories...

He's clueless.

That's hilarious. How can you not understand the moral of a story written for 5 year olds?


No Scrubs
Wait, Ted Cruz read Green Eggs & Ham to his daughters during the filibuster (or whatever you want to call it)?

Does he not understand the moral of that story? Is he so oblivious to read that story of all the stories...

He's clueless.

That has got to be a joke, no one could be that dense.
How is Pelosi gonna get her immigration bill to the floor? Discharge? They speaker isn't gonna allow it. I guess it could just be a way to be put it back in the news cycle and put Pressure on them. I'm still not holding out hope for anything.
Easy. Go to Harvard.
I saw you in the astros thread. I never imagined you watching baseball.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't wait for all the birther idiots to do mental backflips to support him. I guess just being the right color is good enough for some people.

I used to say the birthers wouldn't bother with the mental hoops and would just agree and move on to someone else, but if he keeps being the champion of the misguided like this, maybe we will see the birthers feel the need to find weird ways to back him.
Regardless of whether Cruz is completely full of crap, I can definitely get behind some of his comments about DC shielding what goes on there and the worthlessness of some of the votes.


Regardless of whether Cruz is completely full of crap, I can definitely get behind some of his comments about DC shielding what goes on there and the worthlessness of some of the votes.

Wait, HE is complaining about the worthlessness of some of the votes? lol, This whole defund obamacare thing that he somewhat instigated is completely pointless!


No Scrubs
Wait, HE is complaining about the worthlessness of some of the votes? lol, This whole defund obamacare thing that he somewhat instigated is completely pointless!

As is his entire fake filibuster, as it cannot possibly stop anything from happening.



Masters of the Universe indeed.

Started a thread on it, but accidentally created it on the gaming side. Didnt really get any good comments because of it :(
Investment consulting in the US is by and large a scam.
And by the way, it boggles the mind that people who consult large investors can't beat the market, if you're influencing enough money in the market your prophesies has a tendency to fulfill themselves.


Investment consulting in the US is by and large a scam.
And by the way, it boggles the mind that people who consult large investors can't beat the market, if you're influencing enough money in the market your prophesies has a tendency to fulfill themselves.

the paper posited that since the consultants recommended large, popular funds, and recommended similar funds as other investors, these funds then suffer from diseconomies of scale.

So, I guess sort of like what happened to hedge funds. some were actually worth it at first, but as more money was funneled into it, the returns that they got suffered.

I could be totally wrong since I didnt read the paper, but yea, i totally agree that investment consulting is a scam. I would put fund managers in that category as well.


the paper posited that since the consultants recommended large, popular funds, and recommended similar funds as other investors, these funds then suffer from diseconomies of scale.

So, I guess sort of like what happened to hedge funds. some were actually worth it at first, but as more money was funneled into it, the returns that they got suffered.

I could be totally wrong since I didnt read the paper, but yea, i totally agree that investment consulting is a scam. I would put fund managers in that category as well.
They're comparing them to other big investors, who should suffer from the same problem.
And in case, wouldn't that be offseted by the fact that when more people are buying a stock its price go up?


They're comparing them to other big investors, who should suffer from the same problem.
And in case, wouldn't that be offseted by the fact that when more people are buying a stock its price go up?

Honestly, I am not really sure. I stopped learning about the technical side of investing as soon as I realized it was a whole lot smarter to invest in passively managed index funds than do 'research' on individual stocks and actively managed funds


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wait, Ted Cruz read Green Eggs & Ham to his daughters during the filibuster (or whatever you want to call it)?

Does he not understand the moral of that story? Is he so oblivious to read that story of all the stories...

He's clueless.

Wait, he actually did that? Dave Weigel said that he quoted The Little Engine That Could, but I was pretty sure that was a joke...
Question for the wise PoliGaf posters:

Can members of the House of Representatives speak on the floor of the Senate?

Or are they only allowed to watch?


No Scrubs
Question for the wise PoliGaf posters:

Can members of the House of Representatives speak on the floor of the Senate?

Or are they only allowed to watch?

No. They can only watch. They have their own time to speak in their own house of government. Why do you ask?
No. They can only watch. They have their own time to speak in their own house of government. Why do you ask?

Just curious if my representative, Justin Amash, could say something during Cruz' speech. He's in the audience I know.

I wish more Democrats would show up to challenge Cruz though, it was great when Durbin and Kaine were in there.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The funniest part about all this is that even a government shut down won't defund Obamacare:

While the health-care law is at the center of the government shutdown fight - Republicans want to defund the law, the White House, predictably, does not - the Affordable Care Act could actually function during a stoppage in federal funding remarkably well. The law’s biggest programs, like the new online marketplaces and health insurance subsidies, would by-and-large move forward without much hindrance at all….

This largely has to do with how the big pieces of Obamacare are funded. The law uses mandatory funds for its really big programs. That includes the new online marketplaces, known as exchanges, where uninsured people will be able to shop for coverage. The Medicaid expansion is funded with mandatory funding, as are the billions in federal tax credits to help with purchasing coverage.

Those mandatory funds were appropriated in the Affordable Care Act and, without repealing Obamacare, legislators cannot touch them. Even in the face of a government shutdown, this is the spending that sticks around.

So, Obamacare is largely insulated from yearly budget negotiations. Or, if you want to put it in CRS-speak, the agency believes that Health and Human Services could rely on “sources of funding other than annual discretionary appropriations to support implementation activities, including multiple-year and non-year discretionary funds still available for obligation as well as mandatory funds.”

You know, if Republicans do succeed in shutting down the federal government next week, HHS ought to put up huge banners everywhere that read: “Obamacare: Still Open For Business.” Maybe buy some billboards in some heavily Republican areas of the country. But that wouldn’t be civil, would it?
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