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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Hurr i wonder if it's because the main provision doesn't kick in for three more days.

Also elisabeth hasselbeck continues to be dumb. If her guess was accurate than 105% of Americans now have health insurance. Hooray obamacare!

technically, 3 more months and 3 days!

Yeah, i thought her 105% thing was and underrated unintentional hilarious moment.
I would strongly disagree. As would most residents of those countries. As does the UN. Venezuela ranks 20 in its happiness index. The US ranks 17.


The US government has been far worse "on balance" than most Latin American countries that have had left governments over the last decade.

Would you say that the US government has been worse than Venezuela's? Because as bad as the US has been Venezuelans have been much more oppressed and their economy is doing much worse.

No, not even kind of close. Russia is practically a dictatorship. Venezuela's elections were free and about as free as the surrounding areas (though not the fairest since the media, particularly television has banned stations). You don't have a near dictatorship and almost lose by less than 2% of the vote. The reality is that a majority of Venezuelans prefer to the PSUV over the opposition for better or worse. Go outside of GAF and you will find people who are just as passionate with the PSUV as GAF is against it. I am saying this as someone that dislikes the leadership in the country as well. The nation is not painted the way GAF tries to paint it. There is a reason why when people argue they rarely ever source anything, hell just look at the Maduro quotes thread. And when you push them they link to Youtube videos and some random forum and rage quit.

I think it was fairly close. Venezuela's government had cracked down on independent media that was critical of it, spend large amounts of public money to campaign and bribe voters, and failed to resolve any of the concerns of the contested results IIRC.
I think it was fairly close. Venezuela's government had cracked down on independent media that was critical of it, spend large amounts of public money to campaign and bribe voters, and failed to resolve any of the concerns of the contested results IIRC.

That all sound typical in any South American country. I don't see how using government money to "bribe voters" is really wrong as that every nation in the entire world does this. How is this undemocratic? The concerns of the contested results were there but they were largely inflated with the opposition waving their hands and posting fake images of government officials burning ballot boxes on their Twitter page to rally up their base (something that sounds extreme to us but is fairly typical for the country with both sides). Crack down on independent media? Venezuela ranks ahead of Ecuador, Honduras, and Colombia in freedom of the press from Reporters Without Borders. All nations have horrible freedom of the press though.

The situation is bad but Russia? Call me when Maduro assassinates his contenders and jails protesters on a regular basis.
I would strongly disagree. As would most residents of those countries. As does the UN. Venezuela ranks 20 in its happiness index. The US ranks 17.


The US government has been far worse "on balance" than most Latin American countries that have had left governments over the last decade.
Even with murders, corruption and horrible governance life is fun in Latin America. The women, food and nightlive are amazing. Its not really that our government is worse, its not.

That all sound typical in any South American country. I don't see how using government money to "bribe voters" is really wrong as that every nation in the entire world does this. How is this undemocratic? The concerns of the contested results were there but they were largely inflated with the opposition waving their hands and posting fake images of government officials burning ballot boxes on their Twitter page to rally up their base (something that sounds extreme to us but is fairly typical for the country with both sides). Crack down on independent media? Venezuela ranks ahead of Ecuador, Honduras, and Colombia in freedom of the press from Reporters Without Borders. All nations have horrible freedom of the press though.

The situation is bad but Russia? Call me when Maduro assassinates his contenders.

I think the issue is Chavez and Madero plastered his face and message everywhere. Kinda like the incumbent effect but on steroids. There's a kind of saturation where 'low information voters' fall pray to propaganda. Its the same kind of things people yell at fox news for though I think its worse when you have state news. I think the elections in Venezuela were free (from ballot stuffing and poll closing or changing votes) just not fair (the candidates on equal footing to spread their message).

I think its silly to praise Venezuela for beating those countries, its not saying much.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Haha, has this been posted?

Sen. Ted Cruz is outraged—outraged—about the negative impact Obamacare is having on the lives of people like John Connelly. Connelly is a Rutgers University student burdened by too much debt and without a permanent job lined up when he graduates this winter. Which apparently somehow has something to do with the Affordable Care Act, Cruz was suggesting. O, the horror of what Obamacare is doing to this young man. Except:

... [Connelly] is actually a beneficiary of the very health care law that Cruz was protesting during his speech. And in an appearance on MSNBC Friday morning, Connelly explained just how ironic it was that the senator would use his story to bludgeon the president and the Affordable Care Act.

"A friend of mine called me the next morning as I was on the way to an optometrist appointment .... [and said], 'While Ted Cruz was talking about why the ACA's bad, he mentioned your name.' And I said, 'Well, that's funny. I'm heading to an appointment I can only go to because of Obamacare.'"


Would you say that the US government has been worse than Venezuela's? Because as bad as the US has been Venezuelans have been much more oppressed and their economy is doing much worse.

I would say the US government is worse than Venezuela's. I do not think Venezuelans are oppressed at all in comparison to Americans (possibly less), nor is their economy suffering.



The homicide rate in Venezuela, per 100,000 people is 98.7 (in 2011)
The homicide rate in the United States, per 100,000 is 4.7 (in 2011/2012)
Your post asserts that Venezuela isn't worse, because it's growth in GDP is higher?

You can't possibly rebut with such a case.

Being a citizen in an advanced developed economy is some how worse because Venezuela has more growth in GDP?

The homicide rate in Venezuela, per 100,000 people is 98.7 (in 2011)
The homicide rate in the United States, per 100,000 is 4.7 (in 2011/2012)

I don't know what you're trying to say.


Well the GOP is fighting the enslavement of Americans in Obamacare.
Yes but in the modern day you can expect more of a level of... professionalism. And their tactics speak louder than their words. This is a bad side effect of political correctness imo. You just shine your shit before you get on camera and then go back into the shadows, do some policy work and show the world what you are really about. The tea party has the worst of intentions, they are ideologically bound to the purest form of their perverse agenda for helping a very specific group of individuals.


The Autumn Wind
I feel like its a lack of empathy, but then I feel bad for thinking that.
Heh, nice.

Seriously though, that's exactly what it is. They truly don't give a shit about other people, and can't even understand why anyone else does.




People believe this shit?

My tolerance for ignorance and the tea party is reaching an all time low...[/QUOTE]

I believe the Malkin one and I fully approved


Sidhe / PikPok


People believe this shit?

My tolerance for ignorance and the tea party is reaching an all time low...

What's going on with those logos? Are they an attempted play on the Obama campaign logo implying Obama followers are sheep? Or the logos of Tea Party groups?
Romney is still a two-faced lying sack of shit?
(CNN) – Mitt Romney has had some time to reflect on what went wrong last November. His main conclusion: the Hispanic community didn’t understand his immigration stance well enough.

"The largest strategic error was not investing sufficiently, particularly in Hispanic TV and Hispanic outreach to help Hispanic voters understand that ours is the party of opportunity," Romney told CNN’s Jake Tapper of the lesson to be learned for GOP presidential campaigns of the future.

Romney lost the Hispanic vote by 40%, a loss seen to be in large part spurred by the perception of the Republican Party as antithetical to immigration reform.

"I think my position and the position of our party is not well understood at the Hispanic community," said Romney. "I want to see immigration reform. I said that during the campaign. I want to make sure we have a legal immigration system that brings, in my view, more people legally to our country. I'd like to do that."
I'm sure people hearing more about self-deportation was the missing ingredient.


I believe the Malkin one and I fully approved
The ACA is intentionally designed to preserve market for health insurance because Obama didn't want to get Harry and Louised by the health insurance industry (and he probably hoped he could get some conservatives on board with it).


I wonder how executions of witches and persecution of non-Puritans figures with Michelle Malkin's rosy little diorama of RELIGIOUS FREEDURM.
I wonder how executions of witches and persecution of non-Puritans figures with Michelle Malkin's rosy little diorama of RELIGIOUS FREEDURM.

Perhaps my absolute least favorite thing about the tea party is how they've turned the founding fathers/Americans into deities, basically. They were perfect avatars of freedom and we should all strive for their example. Burning witches, killing Indians, enslaving black people? A big misunderstanding, I presume.

It's nothing new obviously, I remember my history books doing the same thing back in middle school. But jesus it's annoying hearing about it nonstop in relation to modern developments.
Could pose quite an interesting debate question for Christie in 2016: "Governor, former Senator Santorum and other conservative republicans have argued that gay marriage is a threat to the United States. Your state has had legal gay marriages since 2013. Is your state worse off now due to gay marriage?"

Luckily for Christie the only network hosting the debates is going to avoid any uncomfortable questions like that.


Perhaps my absolute least favorite thing about the tea party is how they've turned the founding fathers/Americans into deities, basically. They were perfect avatars of freedom and we should all strive for their example. Burning witches, killing Indians, enslaving black people? A big misunderstanding, I presume.

It's nothing new obviously, I remember my history books doing the same thing back in middle school. But jesus it's annoying hearing about it nonstop in relation to modern developments.
The bolded has always thrown me. I don't know if this was particular to my province or can be extrapolated to Canadian history education writ large, but I grew up seeing the ugliest sides of our history printed in those history books and discussed like any other part of the history curriculum.


The ACA is intentionally designed to preserve market for health insurance because Obama didn't want to get Harry and Louised by the health insurance industry (and he probably hoped he could get some conservatives on board with it).

The aca will quickly show faults and inefficiencies in for profit health care. Once people are accustomed to a level of service a for profit system will break down. A public option will be floated to lower costs, once that happens the public option will become the main insurer.

Obamacare will lead to the ruin of private health insurance.


It's ironic that there are people who vigorously defend Obamacare against charges of being a government takeover of healthcare while simultaneously hoping for just such a thing to happen.

How so? People who want socialized medicine are probably the most likely to understand why Obamacare isn't really socialized medicine! It's the people who fear and loathe socialized medicine who are apt to think that everything they don't like is socialized medicine.


The aca will quickly show faults and inefficiencies in for profit health care. Once people are accustomed to a level of service a for profit system will break down. A public option will be floated to lower costs, once that happens the public option will become the main insurer.

Obamacare will lead to the ruin of private health insurance.
How would do it do that if it only compares private insurance plan?
And while it's true that the ACA can provide the framework of introducing a public option, what's actually written into law did nothing to destroy the individual market for health insurance, if anything, for many people it created it.

So Malkin is wrong on everything, as always.


So here's the question that I'm kind of wondering about now -- if they did dethrone Boehner, who's the next Speaker of the House? There are about eighty crazy Republicans that he might lose -- but that leaves a hundred and fifty relatively reasonable Republicans who have been happy to go along with Boehner up til now. Electing a Speaker requires a majority of votes. Who's the compromise candidate here that both groups can support? Cantor's tarred with the same brush as Boehner. Paul Ryan, maybe? And how many ballots will it take for them to converge on a candidate? It's probably not particularly likely that the GOP rump would install Nancy Pelosi just to keep the crazies away from the gavel, but Gingrich once threatened a similar outcome to protect HIS speakership from an upstart Representative from Ohio named John Boehner.

I think the odds mitigate against them punting Boehner before 2014, just because of inertia. I'd be entertained to see what happened if I'm wrong, though.
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