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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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I just thought about something...could you imagine if Dems did this back udring Bush's terms? They would've been destroyed by Fox News and the Mainstream media, and yet we have some trying to cover for these assholes just so they want to seem "fair" and not "bias"? Why the fuck is it when Dems fuck up, the media loves to be partisan, but when the GOP is trying to potentially fuck the entire world economy over a law that was passed and upheld, they want to blame both sides with false equivalencies.

"Repeal the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy or gov't shutdown and no debt ceiling increase!"

Just imagine Pelosi doing that in 2006



I'm confused. Is this a proposal for a 28th amendment? Because it doesn't take 2 seconds of googling to find out there is no 28th amendment...

Or is this somebody spreading this misinformation as a truth and argument for why Obamacare sucks, etc.?


Sidhe / PikPok
"Repeal the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy or gov't shutdown and no debt ceiling increase!"

Just imagine Pelosi doing that in 2006

I didn't really start following US politics until the 2008 primaries, but weren't politicians accused of being "unAmerican" and "unpatriotic" for even just questioning some of Bush's actions during the first half of the last decade? Something about always supporting a wartime President?
I didn't really start following US politics until the 2008 primaries, but weren't politicians accused of being "unAmerican" and "unpatriotic" for even just questioning some of Bush's actions during the first half of the last decade? Something about always supporting a wartime President?

of course. Republicans aren't exactly known for their consistency on things like this though.

This is the same party that wants "small government" yet is foaming at the mouth for abortion bans, gay marriage bans, huge military expansions...


"But the industry feels powerless when it comes to dealing with some members of the tea party, who are immune from one of Wall Street’s most potent tools: campaign donations."

And one of the downsides of gerrymandering someone into a safe district rears it's head. They don't need money to fight for the seat anymore. whoops.jpg


Sidhe / PikPok
"But the industry feels powerless when it comes to dealing with some members of the tea party, who are immune from one of Wall Street’s most potent tools: campaign donations."

And one of the downsides of gerrymandering someone into a safe district rears it's head. They don't need money to fight for the seat anymore. whoops.jpg

I actually find it pretty shameful that in the US worrying about job security is considered by many including the media a legitimate (and often primary) motivation for driving a politicians votes against policy, and that ongoing campaigning and fundraising is considered a legitimate (and expected) use of a politician's time.

You were elected to govern. Not elected to ensure you were elected again.

Terms limits, repeal of Citizen's United, and time-boxed campaigning needed up in here. And throw in pure geographical Gerrymandering and an electoral college overhaul while you are at it.


Sidhe / PikPok
Fox News suggesting healthcare.gov website problems are a debacle and easily fixable because while the website is getting "a couple of million hits a day" "to put that in perspective Google gets over 5 BILLION hits a day".

Yes, apples to apples.



Welcome to forever ago CNN. You need to be asking why they don't match their rhetoric with action. But you don't believe in real journalism anymore.

The state of the American news media is about as tragic as the Tea Party's very existence.

Also, poor Dana Bash. Wah-fuckin'-wah. I saw her interview Nunes the other day -- after it was done she looked at the camera like "tee hee, look at what I got him to say!!!" She didn't realize she was still live. Are you 15? Learn how to be a journalist.
Ugh. I've never been this fucking infuriated, but dammit, how in the fuck are people so goddamn STUPID! How do you somehow make the mental gymnastics and convince yourself that this evil fictitious version of Obama you built up in your head is real?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Ugh. I've never been this fucking infuriated, but dammit, how in the fuck are people so goddamn STUPID! How do you somehow make the mental gymnastics and convince yourself that this evil fictitious version of Obama you built up in your head is real?

Because they want it to be. People can believe just about anything they want to especially when there are loud voices telling them that what they want to believe is true.


Does Cruz really think that this wedge tactic will push him forward as the Presidential candidate?

You can't gerrymander the election completely.


Seeing all this GOP freakout, can you imagine if Obama hadn't done healthcare immediately? *shudders*

I remember all the public option or scrap it poligaffers back then..


Ugh. I've never been this fucking infuriated, but dammit, how in the fuck are people so goddamn STUPID! How do you somehow make the mental gymnastics and convince yourself that this evil fictitious version of Obama you built up in your head is real?

You've got to remember that most of people who vote right wing are basically fundamentally intellectually dishonest. When they say they want rid of entitlements, what they mean is other peoples entitlements, not their own entitlements those are just dandy.

Those who concoct and sell right wing policies, they probably would love to get rid of all entitlements mainly because they don't need them as they're all making out like bandits and if they get rid of those grubby hands from treasuries pot why they'll be able to cut taxes for people like themselves even more.

Basically the whole shebang is a bunch of rich folk telling a bunch of poor folk that they'd be better off if it wasn't for everyone else.

Mike M

Nick N
I'm confused. Is this a proposal for a 28th amendment? Because it doesn't take 2 seconds of googling to find out there is no 28th amendment...

Or is this somebody spreading this misinformation as a truth and argument for why Obamacare sucks, etc.?
It's an idiot who doesn't know there is no 28th amendment. Technically there was some more text about how this was a proposed amendment, but for whatever reason they shared a screen cap of the post instead of the post itself?



Welcome to forever ago CNN. You need to be asking why they don't match their rhetoric with action. But you don't believe in real journalism anymore.

The state of the American news media is about as tragic as the Tea Party's very existence.

That's...actually a pretty good story? When even CNN is covering the shutdown as a conflict between moderate and extremist GOP members, you know the optics aren't looking good for the Republicans. This was a day where the Republicans really wanted to see the War Memorial and Reid's pro-cancer stance on the front page.


hey. hey.

hey wall street

stop fucking donating to GOP candidates

instead of wising up with their money they're going to keep getting the wool pulled over their eyes by "moderate" GOPers like Peter King (since when the FUCK has Peter King ever been a moderate)

Let this be a lesson in blowback.
sadly, they probably won't learn anything


That's...actually a pretty good story? When even CNN is covering the shutdown as a conflict between moderate and extremist GOP members, you know the optics aren't looking good for the Republicans. This was a day where the Republicans really wanted to see the War Memorial and Reid's pro-cancer stance on the front page.
I know, but diablossomad.gif

I'm pissed at them for how they started this coverage. CNN even in 2005-2006 would not have done this. The network has no agenda today. None -- except for being painfully neutral for as long as possible.


It's an idiot who doesn't know there is no 28th amendment. Technically there was some more text about how this was a proposed amendment, but for whatever reason they shared a screen cap of the post instead of the post itself?

My aunt posted this crap on Facebook this morning. Had a go at it in the comments, haha. I'm sure I'll get no response or she'll just delete it now.


lol @ people thinking there's a 28th Amendement.

Guessing you missed the Bush years.

If it wasn't late I'd dig up those "Bush is gonna attack Iran so he can cancel the 2008 elections" threads. ToxicAdam used to have a ball trolling liberals then.

I spent much of the Iraq war on sites like Common Dreams, antiwar.com, and the Rhandi Rhodes message board. The only thing that separates the super far left wackos from the super far right wackos are guns.
Er, what? There is a profound difference you are not talking about here. Democratic party leadership had the spine to stand up to the more extremist voices in their party who would have shut down the Government over things that are not really tangible. Furthermore despite the rhetoric during the Bush years, liberal Democrats are far more intelligent and realistic than Teabaggers when it comes to things like this. If the tables were turned Democrats would not be acting this insane. They may have threatened extreme action, i.e. shutdown or default, but would have eventually got it out of their system without going through what we are now. Harry Reid said as much about the Bush years regarding the Iraq war. He could have trolled the Senate by manipulating rules and such, tying every budgetary measure to something trying to end the war, investigating Bush, you name it -- all the way to the point of shutting down the Government until he got 100% of what he wanted, but he didn't go there because he's not a fucking moron. Pelosi no doubt had to deal with it too. The difference is they know how to lead their party and they also know their constituents are not so crazy that they'd actually dropkick anyone in a primary who did not support their left-of-the-left agenda, threaten to replace the Speaker, etc. To say leftists during the Bush years are the same as Teabaggers today is so misleading and wrong.

It isn't a coincidence that the past two times there has been a shutdown, the GOP controlled the House...
hey. hey.

hey wall street

stop fucking donating to GOP candidates

instead of wising up with their money they're going to keep getting the wool pulled over their eyes by "moderate" GOPers like Peter King (since when the FUCK has Peter King ever been a moderate)

Why? The GOP supports them during what, 11 of 12 months a year? Besides, Koch money props up the tea party more than Wall Street.
Seeing all this GOP freakout, can you imagine if Obama hadn't done healthcare immediately? *shudders*

I remember all the public option or scrap it poligaffers back then..

You mean like so many on the left were hoping for since the ACA wasn't perfect or a public option.


Excuse me while . . . . bahhhh . . . I . . . bwahahahaaa . . . read . . . hahahahahahahahahah . . . this . . .

House Republicans seek probe of D.C. monument closures

House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa is “in the early stages of examining it,” spokesman Frederick Hill told POLITICO. “I don’t think we’ve sent any letters or requests at this point, but they’re possible.”


Republicans sent their own letter Wednesday to National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis to ask him to “take steps as necessary to keep and not destroy documents related to the decision this week to restrict public access” to open-air memorials and monuments in the Washington area, including those honoring veterans of multiple wars, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King.

Complete and utter imbeciles.

As DailyKos (sorry) put it: "House Republicans continue to be outraged about the fact that, when they shut the government down, even the parts that they liked got shut down."
Fox News suggesting healthcare.gov website problems are a debacle and easily fixable because while the website is getting "a couple of million hits a day" "to put that in perspective Google gets over 5 BILLION hits a day".

Yes, apples to apples.
Fox News has apparently missed all of Google's botched Nexus launches.

Even the most adept company can struggle with a product/website launch.


LOL, Issa charging full steam ahead with an investigation into why... they closed the Government.

IMBECILE (with an ego). I respected him a lot during the SOPA dilemma, but now that I see his true colors, fuck this guy. Don't forget about his Benghazi antics. Good lawd.


As DailyKos (sorry) put it: "House Republicans continue to be outraged about the fact that, when they shut the government down, even the parts that they liked got shut down."

One of our engineers at work has been complaining about this. He's been verbally pro-shut down the past 3 weeks or so and now that they're shut down, all he's been doing is complaining about a federal government server he needs to do some portion of his job being shut down. No shit it was shut down, what do you think shut down means?
LOL, Issa charging full steam ahead with an investigation into why... they closed the Government.

IMBECILE (with an ego). I respected him a lot during the SOPA dilemma, but now that I see his true colors, fuck this guy. Don't forget about his Benghazi antics. Good lawd.

Respecting Issa will always fuck you up in the end.


Excuse me while . . . . bahhhh . . . I . . . bwahahahaaa . . . read . . . hahahahahahahahahah . . . this . . .

House Republicans seek probe of D.C. monument closures

Complete and utter imbeciles.

As DailyKos (sorry) put it: "House Republicans continue to be outraged about the fact that, when they shut the government down, even the parts that they liked got shut down."

Issa? Again? Does he have nothing better to do than to probe something? I hear Lindsey Graham is looking for a good probing.

I was listening to Fox News again this morning, just for shits and giggles, and some how a Fox Economic "Analyst" was able to pull away from two short sentences of an Obama interview that he wants us to default on our loans and go into another depression.


I just thought about something...could you imagine if Dems did this back udring Bush's terms? They would've been destroyed by Fox News and the Mainstream media, and yet we have some trying to cover for these assholes just so they want to seem "fair" and not "bias"? Why the fuck is it when Dems fuck up, the media loves to be partisan, but when the GOP is trying to potentially fuck the entire world economy over a law that was passed and upheld, they want to blame both sides with false equivalencies.

I think part of the reason is that the Democratic base is infinitely more reasonable and willing to criticize their own party than the Republican base, and wouldn't uniformly defend bullshit like this. If Democrats tried something similar to this, I think a majority of their voters would be rightfully angry with their actions of subverting democracy, so the media wouldn't feel any pressure to defend them. On the other hand, the Republican base views this as a noble stand against the tyranny of the Socialist Communist Nazi Antichrist Obama, and the media is afraid of completely marginalizing them and losing a significant amount of their viewers (and revenue) in the process.



Former Speaker Hastert Negates Hastert Rule: ‘It Never Really Existed’

Former House Speaker Denny Hastert told the Daily Beast on Thursday that the “Hastert Rule”—an unofficial mandate that a Republican speaker not bring a bill to the floor unless it has the majority of the GOP caucus’ support—was meant more as his personal guideline than as the hard-and-fast rule it’s come to be taken as.

“The Hastert Rule never really existed,” Hastert said. “It’s a non-entity as far as I’m concerned.”

The Hastert Rule has been cited frequently since Boehner became speaker in 2010, including during the current brinksmanship over a continuing resolution. Hastert, who served as speaker from 1998 until the Democrats regained the House in 2007, traced the origin of the rule to a 2006 press conference, when a reporter asked if he would bring a bill with more Democratic than Republican votes, and Hastert responded that relying on the minority caucus was “something I would not generally do.”

“Generally speaking, I needed to have a majority of my majority, at least half of my conference,” Hastert said. “This wasn’t a rule. I was speaking philosophically at the time…The Hastert Rule is kind of a misnomer.”

“The real Hastert Rule is 218,” he added. “If we had to work with Democrats, we did.”

Hastert did not explicitly criticize Boehner for the government shutdown, but did recommend order and compromise in budget negotiations.

“I don’t want to overmanage John Boehner,” Hastert said. “I’m not in his shoes. But when we had things that were tough to do, I was constantly engaged—sitting at the table, bringing in conservatives, moderates. You can’t be in Congress and shut down government and get anything done. It’s an oxymoron.”
At first the message was clear and people were blaming the republicans but somehow over the last few days the message has changed and its starting to slip. The longer this goes on the worse it gets for Obama and the democrats. I have heard the tone change to the democrats need to start letting the parks open back up and world war II memorial the republicans want to get it done a little at a time lets do it.

what in the actual fuck..
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