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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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This thing is over by tomorrow. The GOPers in states Obama won are feeling the heat

Based on...? I haven't seen any reports about desperate moderates demanding Boehner do anything. They all folded during the votes today, when they could have forced the CR to hit the floor.

The potential-to-unlikely endgame I see: republicans get excited to create their own grand bargain of bullshit, the far right rejects it...Boehner throws up his hands and whips out clean CR.


They GOP has done a really poor job at messaging this, especially since most of the discussion has been about the Tea Party taking the government hostage from the moderate Republicans and Democrats.


Nunes was the one who made the lemmings comment if I remember correctly. If it didn't make a difference then, I don't see how he makes a difference now.


No Scrubs
RIP world economy, you got Konex'd.

Oh god...I had completely forgotten. The Giants still haven't recovered from his last prediction.



This was posted in the OT Shutdown Thread by a smart Gaffer who egged someone on his facebook friends list on. Amazing.

Question: Have nay other presidents been compared to a dictator as much as Obama?

Why are people saying this. They do know that it's really impossible with our system right?
Question: Have nay other presidents been compared to a dictator as much as Obama?

Why are people saying this. They do know that it's really impossible with our system right?
Any and every president after WWII have probably been compared to Hitler in some fashion, and I think both Lincoln and Roosevelt were called tyrants, though for far more legitimate reasons than Obama.


They GOP has done a really poor job at messaging this, especially since most of the discussion has been about the Tea Party taking the government hostage from the moderate Republicans and Democrats.

I just find it ridiculous how "not wanting to shut down the government or destroy the world economy" is the only criteria necessary to be considered a moderate Republican. There are no moderate Republicans in office right now.
They GOP has done a really poor job at messaging this, especially since most of the discussion has been about the Tea Party taking the government hostage from the moderate Republicans and Democrats.

I walked past one of those giant screens running CNN

CNN person: "How can you justify this?"
GOP person: "The optics are looking bad for the democrats"

Thats right, he justified shutting down the worlds largest government because in his mind, the optics are looking bad for democrats.
Question: Have nay other presidents been compared to a dictator as much as Obama?

Why are people saying this. They do know that it's really impossible with our system right?

Guessing you missed the Bush years.

If it wasn't late I'd dig up those "Bush is gonna attack Iran so he can cancel the 2008 elections" threads. ToxicAdam used to have a ball trolling liberals then.

I spent much of the Iraq war on sites like Common Dreams, antiwar.com, and the Rhandi Rhodes message board. The only thing that separates the super far left wackos from the super far right wackos are guns.
Guessing you missed the Bush years.

If it wasn't late I'd dig up those "Bush is gonna attack Iran so he can cancel the 2008 elections" threads. ToxicAdam used to have a ball trolling liberals then.

I spent much of the Iraq war on sites like Common Dreams, antiwar.com, and the Rhandi Rhodes message board. The only thing that separates the super far left wackos from the super far right wackos are guns.

and the fact that the far right wackos are actually represented in Congress, of course


Guessing you missed the Bush years.

If it wasn't late I'd dig up those "Bush is gonna attack Iran so he can cancel the 2008 elections" threads. ToxicAdam used to have a ball trolling liberals then.

I spent much of the Iraq war on sites like Common Dreams, antiwar.com, and the Rhandi Rhodes message board. The only thing that separates the super far left wackos from the super far right wackos are guns.

That, and the fact that the super left wackos aren't represented in government in any way, while the super right wackos are currently running the Republican party.
This was posted in the OT Shutdown Thread by a smart Gaffer who egged someone on his facebook friends list on. Amazing.


That Joker quote from The Dark Knight always bothered me. How the hell is a gang banger getting shot anywhere near as big of a deal as a mayor getting killed? It not even "its part of the system!" thing, its just nonsensical.
this is exactly why this shutdown will reign polling hellfire down on the GOP. The idiotic freshmen senators are politically and socially inept. Whenever they open their mouths they reming the country that they are doing this. A day of the news talking heads yapping about "both sides are at fault" ends up with stupid comments from the GOP like this

Don't their constituents want this? I still don't get how this will be bad for the GOP since red states are probably loving this shutdown right now and have been wanting republicans to take a hardline stance against Obama for years now. I can see them loving seats in more moderate and liberal states however.
If the debt ceiling doesn't get raised. How does that affect day to day Americans? Like does that mean social security, medicaid, obamacare all freeze? Would there be a run on the bank?
If the debt ceiling doesn't get raised. How does that affect day to day Americans? Like does that mean social security, medicaid, obamacare all freeze? Would there be a run on the bank?

I don't think anyone knows for sure. I feel pretty certain there will be no default, whether the debt ceiling is raised or not. And if not there will have to be a partial government shut down to make up the difference (or a very large tax hike). You'd need an expert to tell you how large of a shutdown that has to be to preserve outgoing interest payments as well as mandatory spending like social security, medicare, the ACA, etc.


Guessing you missed the Bush years.

If it wasn't late I'd dig up those "Bush is gonna attack Iran so he can cancel the 2008 elections" threads. ToxicAdam used to have a ball trolling liberals then.

I spent much of the Iraq war on sites like Common Dreams, antiwar.com, and the Rhandi Rhodes message board. The only thing that separates the super far left wackos from the super far right wackos are guns.

The left were hostile under Bush, but at least they were hating on the real guy and the real things he did. The left largely despised Bush because of the war and the lies leading up to it, which in the end turned out to be actual lies, that people died for and with no good reason.

The hate on the right for Obama goes beyond his real world deeds and attacks a totally imaginary person. They hate a fictional version of the President. And the hate is relentlessly propagated by a hostile right-wing conservative media ecosystem that is validated by elected representatives of the GOP, unlike what we saw from the left under Bush. It’s one thing for nuts to believe that the president was not born in America. It’s another thing for John Boehner to say that he takes the President at his word that he is a citizen. Someone should have told the Speaker that he doesn't need to take the President at his word; all he needs to do is look at the evidence. And then use that to keep his base in line.

Then you have people like Rick Santorum who ran on this fictional version of Obama, where he tells people that Obama doesn't believe in equality of opportunity, but equality of outcome. I have heard a lot of Obama’s speeches in my time but not once have I heard him say anything like this. It's just another in a long line of fabrications to make the President "un-american" and appear as "the other".

Do I even need to go into detail about the elected GOP representatives at the local, state and federal levels that believe Obama is a Muslim socialist?

The opposition to Bush from the left wasn't perfect but it was a heck of a lot more respectable than what we have seen from the right under Obama. It’s a complete false equivalency to compare the two.


My aunt shared that shit too. The dumbest part is that when you share it that text doesn't go with it, so it's just some weird ass screenshot of facebook with part of the constitution. Fucking weirdos. learn to screenshot...

I'm confused... How doesn't Obamacare apply?


They think Congress is exempt from Obamacare. Obviously not knowing anything about the law.

What's particularly galling is the law was written specifically to only affect people who did not already have healthcare (aside from the benefit and medical loss reforms). But members of Congress and their staff did get an exception: they are forced off their current insurance and into the exchanges because Dems took a stupid GOP dare.

Naturally the GOP is now lying about what the actual exemption is to make it the exact opposite of reality. And the GOP base eats it up. (This is reason # 5,945 why Dems need to stop going along with this crap; it does not win them favors.)

On a semi-related note, the GOP's outreach to women appears to be right on track.


I wonder if the Wall Street people and the Dems would team up to stop this. If there's one force left to end this is Wall Street and the big money donors, who have their wealth tied to Wall Street.

Funny you ask:

Government shutdown: Wall Street pissed at Tea Party it has no control over

But the industry feels powerless when it comes to dealing with some members of the tea party, who are immune from one of Wall Street’s most potent tools: campaign donations.

“The extreme radicals are going to get reelected because they come from districts where they don’t need to raise that much money,” said Greg Valliere, chief political strategist of the Potomac Research Group. “This new tea party movement is not particularly pro-business. They certainly are not pro-Wall Street and pro-big banks. That is a new strain in the Republican party that worries many on Wall Street.”

The heads of big banks — including Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein and JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon — met with President Barack Obama on Wednesday to discuss the shutdown, debt ceiling and other issues. They are also expected to meet with some lawmakers as part of gatherings organized by the Financial Services Forum — a group that represents the heads of large banks and insurance companies.

But the Wall Street chiefs’ day trip to Washington isn’t expected to budge negotiations over the fiscal stalemates.

Wall Street’s frustration over the current fiscal impasse is shared by the larger business community, which has tried through groups like the Chamber of Commerce to convince lawmakers that the threat of shutting down the government or failing to raise the borrowing limit should not be used as negotiating ploys.

Defenders of the tea party movement say a reliance on Wall Street’s deep pockets for campaign funding is precisely what the new wave of conservative politicians are trying to buck.

Recent fundraising numbers for tea party favorites in the House like Huelskamp and Amash show how little they count on Wall Street to fill their campaign coffers.

Huelskamp, a Kansas Republican first elected to Congress in 2010, received $8,000 from finance, securities and investment PACs in the 2012 cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Amash of Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District — another member of the tea party elected as a part of the 2010 GOP wave who has openly criticized Republican leadership — collected just $3,000 last cycle from securities and investment PACs.

This is in stark contrast to someone like Peter King (R-N.Y.), who hails from a more moderate district with close proximity to Wall Street. The New York congressman received $45,500 from finance, securities and investment PACs during the 2012 cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, including $10,000 from the Goldman Sachs PAC.

King, who has been urging his party to drop the fight against Obamacare and pass a bill to fund the government, told POLITICO that if his Republicans colleagues continue to tie Obamacare measures to a continuing resolution, this could “hurt” the GOP’s ability to “raise money from Wall Street and the business community” in the future.

“This threat of government shutdown and not paying debt and defaulting, it’s going to have a real impact first of all economically, and it’s going to have a follow-up effect of Wall Street wondering why they support Republicans,” King said.

As the government shutdown continued into Wednesday, market analysts warned that concerns about a debt default — initially dismissed by Wall Street as improbable, if not unimaginable — were beginning to intensify.

Economists warn that the effects of a U.S. default would be much worse than a government shutdown because the it would call into question the creditworthiness of the United States. If Congresses misses the Oct. 17 deadline to raise the country’s borrowing cap because of congressional efforts to weaken Obamacare, markets would immediately blame the entire Republican Party, analysts warned.

“They let Obamacare pass. Now they’re trying to defund it.
… It’s completely incompetent and childish,” said Michael Obuchowski, a portfolio manager with North Shore Asset Management. “They should focus on really important hings: how to help the economy move forward, how to help businesses grow.”

No alliance per se, no alliance likely to happen, but Wall Street is not happy. It's an impotent anger. It's a rabid dog off the leash, the Tea Party movement. There's got to be some regret there in the GOP.

In any case, it looks like my worry that Cruz would get brownie points for his holy war was crap. Oh well. I mean, he will to some degree, but it will probably be useless on any meaningful level.
What's particularly galling is the law was written specifically to only affect people who did not already have healthcare (aside from the benefit and medical loss reforms). But members of Congress and their staff did get an exception: they are forced off their current insurance and into the exchanges because Dems took a stupid GOP dare.

Naturally the GOP is now lying about what the actual exemption is to make it the exact opposite of reality. And the GOP base eats it up. (This is reason # 5,945 why Dems need to stop going along with this crap; it does not win them favors.)

On a semi-related note, the GOP's outreach to women appears to be right on track.

Of those women who said the Republican Party had moved away from them, nearly three in five, 59 percent, said it was because the GOP had become "too conservative." Only 33 percent said the party was further from them because it wasn't conservative enough.

oh wow >_>


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Funny you ask:

Government shutdown: Wall Street pissed at Tea Party it has no control over

No alliance per se, no alliance likely to happen, but Wall Street is not happy. It's an impotent anger. It's a rabid dog off the leash, the Tea Party movement. There's got to be some regret there in the GOP.

The only way Wall Street will have an effect here is if the largest GOP contributors start threatening to cut off donations and divert them to challengers. This would put house members between a rock and a hard place, but at least one choice offers some sort of financial backing.


Sidhe / PikPok
Of those women who said the Republican Party had moved away from them, nearly three in five, 59 percent, said it was because the GOP had become "too conservative." Only 33 percent said the party was further from them because it wasn't conservative enough.

So, as fast as the Republican party is moving to the right, apparently a large portion of their (female) base is moving to the right even faster.


Republicans not knowing anything about Obamacare? SHOCKING!

Issa posted this today on his twitter feed:


He is unaware that the FEHBP is basically run like Obamacare.


"We have to stop government-run healthcare by replacing it with government-run healthcare".

To be fair, a "system that sets up a marketplace where private health insurers offer plans that have to meet certain specifications" sounds much better coming from a Republican.
Funny you ask:

Government shutdown: Wall Street pissed at Tea Party it has no control over

No alliance per se, no alliance likely to happen, but Wall Street is not happy. It's an impotent anger. It's a rabid dog off the leash, the Tea Party movement. There's got to be some regret there in the GOP.

In any case, it looks like my worry that Cruz would get brownie points for his holy war was crap. Oh well. I mean, he will to some degree, but it will probably be useless on any meaningful level.
hey. hey.

hey wall street

stop fucking donating to GOP candidates

instead of wising up with their money they're going to keep getting the wool pulled over their eyes by "moderate" GOPers like Peter King (since when the FUCK has Peter King ever been a moderate)
I just thought about something...could you imagine if Dems did this back udring Bush's terms? They would've been destroyed by Fox News and the Mainstream media, and yet we have some trying to cover for these assholes just so they want to seem "fair" and not "bias"? Why the fuck is it when Dems fuck up, the media loves to be partisan, but when the GOP is trying to potentially fuck the entire world economy over a law that was passed and upheld, they want to blame both sides with false equivalencies.
I just thought about something...could you imagine if Dems did this back udring Bush's terms? They would've been destroyed by Fox News and the Mainstream media, and yet we have some trying to cover for these assholes just so they want to seem "fair" and not "bias"? Why the fuck is it when Dems fuck up, the media loves to be partisan, but when the GOP is trying to potentially fuck the entire world economy over a law that was passed and upheld, they want to blame both sides with false equivalencies.

Aren't a majority of news viewers right wing?
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