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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Look, at this point, Boehner just has to choose. Does he want to go down in history as one of the most ineffectual speakers ever, or as the man who single-handedly destroyed the world's greatest economy. I mean, the dude sucks at his job, but he's not a total nutjob. Sooner or later, he'll do the right thing.

If it was me, I'd go for the fame of the latter. And that scares me.


Well, while the government crashes and burns next week, I will be enjoying sunshine and Pokemon X on a caribbean cruise.

Republicans are doing all they can to make it to where, when Democrats control all three branches of congress again, they will be completely ignored on anything they try to do or say. They'll be like that cat that keeps meowing and you ignore it until it shuts up.

Kind of like what the Democrats are doing now.
Look, at this point, Boehner just has to choose. Does he want to go down in history as one of the most ineffectual speakers ever, or as the man who single-handedly destroyed the world's greatest economy. I mean, the dude sucks at his job, but he's not a total nutjob. Sooner or later, he'll do the right thing.

I don't know about that.


To be fair, there's another worse option for Boehner. He lets the debt limit fail, but the administration invokes the 14th and invalidates the entire thing. Thus losing one of the key GOP mechanisms for enacting spending decreases, not just for this year but for all years afterwards.


To be fair, there's another worse option for Boehner. He lets the debt limit fail, but the administration invokes the 14th and invalidates the entire thing. Thus losing one of the key GOP mechanisms for enacting spending decreases, not just for this year but for all years afterwards.

Obama has basically says he not only won't do this, he really can't. But we will see.
It will be fascinating to see how this unfolds.
To be fair, there's another worse option for Boehner. He lets the debt limit fail, but the administration invokes the 14th and invalidates the entire thing. Thus losing one of the key GOP mechanisms for enacting spending decreases, not just for this year but for all years afterwards.

Then the GOP will start impeachment preceedings.

And while it won't ever get through the Senate, it will bog down Obama's presidency. Though, I believe it would definitely cause them to lose in 2014 so there's that.

Obama has basically says he not only won't do this, he really can't. But we will see.
It will be fascinating to see how this unfolds.

As fascinating as it would be to see, I'd rather avoid it altogether. Ugh.
I'm pulling the vast majority of my money out of the stock market soon. I can't invest in a product that is currently hostage to the whims of an uneducated group of politicians. Hate to pull the ivory tower BS, but most of these right wing nutjobs clearly aren't qualified for their jobs.


I'm pulling the vast majority of my money out of the stock market soon. I can't invest in a product that is currently hostage to the whims of an uneducated group of politicians. Hate to pull the ivory tower BS, but most of these right wing nutjobs clearly aren't qualified for their jobs.

I would only advise this if you're making a good return. Otherwise, just let it ride.

As fascinating as it would be to see, I'd rather avoid it altogether. Ugh.

Well of course. This entire situation shouldn't even be front page news. They pass a budget and things carry on. The end.
But, we are here. And here is a politically fascinating time to be in.


I'm pulling the vast majority of my money out of the stock market soon. I can't invest in a product that is currently hostage to the whims of an uneducated group of politicians. Hate to pull the ivory tower BS, but most of these right wing nutjobs clearly aren't qualified for their jobs.

Stock market always goes up over time. Selling now would only be a great idea if you plan to jump back in after it tanks.
Look, at this point, Boehner just has to choose. Does he want to go down in history as one of the most ineffectual speakers ever, or as the man who single-handedly destroyed the world's greatest economy. I mean, the dude sucks at his job, but he's not a total nutjob. Sooner or later, he'll do the right thing.

YOLO dude.

Might as well make history

East Lake

I'm pulling the vast majority of my money out of the stock market soon. I can't invest in a product that is currently hostage to the whims of an uneducated group of politicians. Hate to pull the ivory tower BS, but most of these right wing nutjobs clearly aren't qualified for their jobs.
I'll buy your stock.


Imagine the dems tried this w dubya.

him and cheney would've invoked the 14th so fucking quick

It almost did happen. But the Democrats thought it was better to let Bush have this than ruin the country.
And that was over a fucking WAR.

This is about a law that is already PASSED.

And this is why I can't trust anyone that says both sides are exactly the same and equally to blame.
It almost did happen. But the Democrats thought it was better to let Bush have this than ruin the country.
And that was over a fucking WAR.

This is about a law that is already PASSED.

And this is why I can't trust anyone that says both sides are exactly the same and equally to blame.

Yeah I hate that it's not socially acceptable to call this what it is and that there are so many cynical mal-informed people out there that really think this.
Sure, why not? Marx predicted the crisis of affluence in his manifesto, after all. If we have plenty for everybody, that should really just make socialism more effective and likely.

A guaranteed standard income is a pretty strong socialist policy. It might also be a strong libertarian policy, I guess, but hey, if we have common ground, we may as well build on it.

Its amusing how when you go far out one end you tend to meet the other. Didn't Friedman advocate worker controlled businesses or am I thinking of another popular far right economist?


Obama's plan to shut down the government so the NSA isn't looked it to worked!

The White House panel tasked with reviewing the state of US intelligence operations has been stalled by the government shutdown, Politico reports. According to internal sources, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper decided on Friday to furlough the panel's staff, freezing the five members' funds to travel to Washington. While they can continue to discuss the issues, the lack of funding and general state of government affairs means their work is effectively frozen for the near future.



Could be worse, Bachmann seems to be going full-on cultist.

“This happened and as of today the United States is willingly, knowingly, intentionally sending arms to terrorists, now what this says to me, I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, as I look at the End Times scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree and we are to understand the signs of the times, which is your ministry, we are to understand where we are in God’s end times history," Bachmann told Jan Markell, radio host of "Understanding the Times," on Saturday.

“Rather than seeing this as a negative, we need to rejoice, Maranatha Come Lord Jesus, His day is at hand,” Bachmann added later. “And so when we see up is down and right is called wrong, when this is happening, we were told this; that these days would be as the days of Noah. We are seeing that in our time. Yes it gives us fear in some respects because we want the retirement that our parents enjoyed. Well they will, if they know Jesus Christ.”



Guys, we have an acting Senator who doesn't understand who buys US Treasury bonds.

Am I the only one worried about this!?

I don't see how that's surprising, there are some really not intelligent people that get elected. See: Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin, Eric cantor, and those are recent ones.


Meh, guess this will be dragged on for another 10 days when our debt ceiling is met.

Imagine if we didn't raise it, imagine all the poligaf posts.


This is the problem: even when someone asks a question about conservatism the response is snarky. We can do better.

If you want a true conservative platform just go to the democrat website, they are right-leaning. There is no left party in the USA.
This is the problem: even when someone asks a question about conservatism the response is snarky. We can do better.

Let's keep this fucking real and I'll say what we're all pretty much thinking:

The reason they get snark responses is because conservatism is a fucking joke. When's the last time throughout history that a conservative movement had progressed society forward? Not then, not now, not ever. It represents stagnation, an unwillingness to move on, adapt to new environments.

Pft. No wonder the lot of them don't believe in evolution.
Boehner is pretty disingenuous when he demands Obama negotiate with him and he hasn't even brokered a single concrete stance out of his own caucus. If Boehner can't negotiate with Republicans, how should anyone else be expected to? My sympathy for him is rapidly decreasing.


*EDIT* What happened to DAX?

Also, in regards to the conservative issue in this thread, or on GAF period, I wrote this in the shut down thread.

That's not true. The issue is that no republican has been able to provide any counter points to the questions people have presented that contains any sort of evidence. It's usually talking points that fall apart when asked a follow up question.

The other night some guy from the Tea Party was on BIll Maher, attacking the ACA. He said "You have this bill that doesn't do a lot of things right because it's one size fits all huge bill"

and Bill responded "How can it be one-size fits all if all you do is complain that it's 2,000 pages long".

And the guy just paused and said "That's a good question". These people driving this process aren't using any sort of logic, and that's why I think you won't see a lot of support for the current republicans idea of politics, because there isn't a lot of thought behind it. It's just screaming as loud as you can that the house is on fire while holding a match and a can of gasoline.

Now, granted, I'm not nearly as active as 90% of ya'll, but I'd like to think I'm part of the Poligaf community. I also like to think I'm relatively objective. I can't see a lot of points currently that republicans bring up that don't fall apart under follow up questioning. I can go further into this, but I think a lot of the current issues we're seeing in regards to people not wanting to believe things like FACTS, can be tied into the push for backing from Evangelicals. I'll elaborate if someone wants to have that discussion. I just don't want to offend anyone.


So ~48 hours until another freshly polished turd from the GOP. Can't wait.

Peter King is saying it is the "same story". Looks like they are not budging on PPACA.


A poster asked if they were any conservatives that posted here and it was met with derision and snark.

I'm of the view that poligaf could do with some diversity of opinion. Otherwise we run the risk of being one of those echo chambers that we deride so much.


For what it's worth, I'm not a conservative myself. I'm not very experienced with political thought. I just wanted to know if people thought it was possible to be serious and thoughtful about an important issue and come to the conclusion that the conservative position was correct. And if not, why, because it seems strange that it would be so and unsatisfying to just believe that conservatives are always wrong.
For what it's worth, I'm not a conservative myself. I'm not very experienced with political thought. I just wanted to know if people thought it was possible to be serious and thoughtful about an important issue and come to the conclusion that the conservative position was correct. And if not, why, because it seems strange that it would be so and unsatisfying to just believe that conservatives are always wrong.

why don't you define the conservative position first. Are you talking social conservative? fiscal conservative? libertarian?


PoliGAF 2013 [OT] This Thread Has Been Furloughed

Not bad, not bad.

you shouldn't. this only ends one way. just a matter of how long it takes to get there.
The problem is, Mr. "This isn't a damn game" is doing just that, rubbing one out with his caucus and wasting precious time. It's going to take at least two days to see Boehner come out of the shadows and reiterate the same crap based on what we've been reading from Costa and others. The more times they do that the more time is wasted. We can't afford to keep doing that right now.

Obama should have said: "If it isn't a game, put the bill on the floor right now". Context.


For the Socialists in this thread. Do you think Socialism (workers co-ops, syndicalism, etc.) has a place in the future of lack of employment that results in giving people guaranteed standard income?

The goal is to free people from alienating work. If they find work within self-managed entities fulfilling (as Gabe Newell and long-term Valve employees do, for example), then great! If they don't, I don't really understand why we did all this in the first place. (i.e. Ideologies that aim to transform everything around self-managing workers' organizations such as syndicalism or anarcho-syndicalism are not ideal in an ultimate goal sense.)


why don't you define the conservative position first. Are you talking social conservative? fiscal conservative? libertarian?

I don't know. If I defined it as something specific, it might be easy to just throw out that specific argument. Where do you think the strongest arguments might be from the conservative side? I think it's too easy to find the weakest members of the opposition and gawk at them.
I don't know. If I defined it as something specific, it might be easy to just throw out that specific argument. Where do you think the strongest arguments might be from the conservative side? I think it's too easy to find the weakest members of the opposition and gawk at them.

A conservative viewpoint on an issue can be the correct one.

It should be noted that the modern "conservatives" aren't really that, they're just anti-Obama at this point.
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