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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Yeah, mechanism means "some unspecified kind of force." I suspect we wouldn't try sequestration again, though, so the force is likely to be something relatively meaningless like docking Congressional salaries again if they don't cut a budget deal. (Yes, this is unconstitutional, but they can probably find a way around that.)

My guess is that it's a committee with a guaranteed vote on the recommendation.


In an interview with Politico, Senator Harry Reid argued that the media is being unfair to Democrats in its coverage of the shutdown. Reid said he believes that there is no way someone viewing the situation objectively could conclude that Democrats are at fault for the shutdown.

“You and other journalists have a real shortcoming in that you are trying so hard to be fair that you are unfair,” Reid said. “Democrats have had almost nothing to do with the problems here. It’s all Republicans.”

The shutdown of about 15 percent of government activity began last Tuesday. Since then, Reid has led a unified Democratic caucus in the Senate against any compromise bills passed by the House, much to the frustration of House Republicans. Reid has even turned down meeting with Republicans to discuss a compromise.

Media Research Center, a conservative media-watchdog group, found that in 39 stories in the two weeks leading to the shutdown, CBS, ABC, and NBC blamed Republicans 21 times for failing to reach a budget agreement, both parties four times, and didn’t once blame the Democrats. In the 14 other instances, the reports blamed nobody.
Ughhh Harry, stop whining. Leave that to us.

He is right, but it just makes him look like a whiner because Americans pay attention to politics like it is a football game.


Ughhh Harry, stop whining. Leave that to us.

He is right, but it just makes him look like a whiner because Americans pay attention to politics like it is a football game.

Jesus, do you regularly read the National Review Online? No wonder you're always so stressed out about Democrats caving. Except for Costa, that website is a rag.


Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 3m
In other words, if Boehner potentially looking to save face with Portman plan (promise for fiscal talks/tax reform), many Rs won't support

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 4m
Top House conservative insider tells me RSC crowd, right flank won't buy into any clean CR/DL ext that just has "plans" for tax reform/talks

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 12m
At lunch today, the GOP leadership team will meet w/ Boehner, and then later in the day, there will be more ldrshp mtgs + whip mtgs

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 13m
this week House Rs will continue that messaging/political tactic of passing targeted CRs as debt limit talks, esp behind scenes, begin

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 14m
This is a week of transition for House Rs, who didn't spend much of last week, at all, talking debt limit as they passed targeted CRs

Strategy: "Transition" into the idea of staying hyperpartisan, entertain the notion of behind the scene talks, have the billionth leadership meeting where they basically masturbate in front of each other, and continue to disavow any plan that is perceived as helping Boehner save face (aka any plan that is not a scorched earth wet dream of the Teabaggers).


Jesus, do you regularly read the National Review Online? No wonder you're always so stressed out about Democrats caving. Except for Costa, that website is a rag.
Fuck no. Just Costa. His tweets are a treasure trove.


Gotta love my local FM Conservative Talk Radio facebook page.


Mike M

Nick N
Tweets are like the worst means of communication possible. Between the character count limit and the need to read every string of them backwards... Ugh.

Its ubiquitousness makes me feel like Frank Grimes.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Gotta love my local FM Conservative Talk Radio facebook page.

I feel like an idiot for not getting what he thinks the point of this is.

All of the "support" for the shutdown after the fact on the conservative side seems to boil down to two approaches, with quite a bit of overlap

1) It's not that big a deal, not having a lot of impact
2) It is a big deal, costing us lots of money and hurting the lives of real citizens

The rejoinder to both of which of course is that it was a bad idea to do in the first place. It's the most untenable position I've seen them ever attempt to hold, and that includes "Benghazi was a scandal caused by administration"


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Sex Toy Store Offering Free Vibrators to Furloughed Government Employees

While the media narrative has largely focused on the gimmicky nature of both sides’ behavior in the government shutdown, we often forget that the ongoing battle has paved the way for some gimmicky business promotions. This one takes the cake: Sex toy retailer Vibrators.com is offering free vibrators to furloughed government employees.

With the obvious joke being that these government employees now have too much time on their hands, Vibrators.com has swooped in with this giveaway:

Are you a federal employee that has been deemed non-essential? Do you have a little too much time on your hands and nothing to do? Is the recent government shutdown to blame?

Here at Vibrators.com we are committed to allowing our customers to find satisfaction. As vibrator enthusiasts, we want everyone to experience the pleasure that a nice vibrator can bring to partners and individuals. Besides, we know you have some free time, why not try something new?

According to the company, the giveaway has been quite successful. “As of Sunday night we have hit our quota for the evening. We will be allocating 200 more free vibes on Monday sometime around noon EST.”

In addition, some person from Staten Island thought it judicious to try and order 6 (SIX!) of the free vibrators. “Please go away,” the company wrote of this person. “We don’t give vibrators to greedy people. Besides, what were you going to do with 6 identical vibrators? Don’t answer that question.


Want to know the ironic part?

He's my coworker in the US Air Force

The crazy co-worker of mine I mentioned many pages ago said in one of his rants on the phone that the person on the other end of the line was lucky to be on Tricare because it's the best insurer in the states, but later in the conversation said how much of a disaster health care would be if the government was involved. He did not see the issue with holding both of these statements as true.
So I know it's kind of passé to point and laugh at cable news, but:



Fox News has just unveiled a breathtakingly ridiculous newsroom, complete with novelty-sized Windows-based touchscreens, a Twitter wall, and a wannabe Minority Report style display, which it hopes will connect it with generations of viewers who use smartphones and apps.

In a video that could be mistaken for a College Humor or Saturday Night Live parody, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith walks viewers through the network's new setup, which includes workstations with 55-inch touchscreen monitors. In the video, journalists swipe through pages and apps, presumably collecting information for live reporting. "We call these BATs," Smith notes. "Big area touchscreens."
@j_strong 2m

Some House conservatives talking about a clean short-term debt ceiling so that fight doesn't interfere w shutdown fight

Does Boehner support that? Seems like he'd prefer the issues to be tied, to make the cave easier.
For the Socialists in this thread. Do you think Socialism (workers co-ops, syndicalism, etc.) has a place in the future of lack of employment that results in giving people guaranteed standard income?

in the end, ken levine is still a wealthy dude. class traitor, he is not!

He definitely is a gamer traitor. Now that I'm reflecting my playthrough the game was pretty underwhelming. System Shock II ( a game I played for the first time ever a few months ago) blows any of the Bioshocks' out of the water. Its amazing how far backwards they have gone. I guess things could be worse, at least he isn't Warren Specter.
Does Boehner support that? Seems like he'd prefer the issues to be tied, to make the cave easier.

Wow. You know, I could see this being the precursor to the budget/committee "mechanism" deal that Costa alluded to yesterday (with the Patty Murray/Paul Ryan negotiations) where they get a clean DC increase and then go to war (committee) to hammer out a long term budget.


I fucking hated that scene, it reeked of "both sides are just as bad" bullshit.
You can show killing citizens, you can make a game about the consequences of a violent revolution, fuck, you can even construct a narrative about a struggle where both sides are equally bad.
But the game did none of that, there were obviously good guys and bad guys, but then they lost their balls to completely follow through on their class conflict message so they had the leader of the revolution murder two little kids with a knife in a close-up.

I hear this from lots of people but Ken Levine's political leanings have always struck me as heavily apathetic. Both sides are bad because both sides are bad--strict ideologies to him are inevitably their worst aspects. Comstock's divine chosen people, Fitzroy's populist uprisinf, Ryan's objectivism, Fontaine's assumed "man-of-the-people" schitck, Lamb's collectivism, are all treated as ultimately contemptible.

In a way I find it mirrors the attitudes of many of my generation who disdain politics because "both parties are bad". It's essentially the lazy way of rationalizing why you don't do more.

(sorry if too off-topic but I think it still relates to what we're talking about.)


Shepard Smith is literally orange in that video.

Personally, I would like to know how the GOP defines compromise. There was 150 pages of compromise in the healthcare act. Did that get Obama a single GOP vote? He gave the big businesses that pay off the GOP an year extra to comply. Did that get them to stop from shutting down the government? It is not a compromise to say I want everything and give you nothing.

I don't see how even their most passionate supporters can defend this.

But I do think it's sad that Fox News has essentially adopted two entirely contradictory stances on the shutdown.

1. The shutdown is an abomination brought to you by the Kenyan Muslim Tiger himself. It is harming our WW2 vets, killing children with cancer, allowing illegals to jump the border with ease, etc.

2. It's not even really a shutdown. It's a slim down, and we seem to be doing just fine without the government in our way. Cue smug ass Hannity grin.

They are running these two contrasting opinions almost in unison with each other, and still convincing their audience of both.


So I know it's kind of passé to point and laugh at cable news, but:

this is amazing

also highlights big gubamint ineffiency, since this is a way cooler looking dumb-nerd-wish-fullfillment room than the one Keith Alexander ordered to be made.

For the Socialists in this thread. Do you think Socialism (workers co-ops, syndicalism, etc.) has a place in the future of lack of employment that results in giving people guaranteed standard income?

as long as the future has a place for poor people, and they aren't treated like shit, i don't really care how we get there.


I hear this from lots of people but Ken Levine's political leanings have always struck me as heavily apathetic. Both sides are bad because both sides are bad--strict ideologies to him are inevitably their worst aspects. Comstock's divine chosen people, Fitzroy's populist uprisinf, Ryan's objectivism, Fontaine's assumed "man-of-the-people" schitck, Lamb's collectivism, are all treated as ultimately contemptible.

In a way I find it mirrors the attitudes of many of my generation who disdain politics because "both parties are bad". It's essentially the lazy way of rationalizing why you don't do more.

(sorry if too off-topic but I think it still relates to what we're talking about.)

i think you're agreeing with chichikov.


I hear this from lots of people but Ken Levine's political leanings have always struck me as heavily apathetic. Both sides are bad because both sides are bad--strict ideologies to him are inevitably their worst aspects. Comstock's divine chosen people, Fitzroy's populist uprisinf, Ryan's objectivism, Fontaine's assumed "man-of-the-people" schitck, Lamb's collectivism, are all treated as ultimately contemptible.

In a way I find it mirrors the attitudes of many of my generation who disdain politics because "both parties are bad". It's essentially the lazy way of rationalizing why you don't do more.

(sorry if too off-topic but I think it still relates to what we're talking about.)

The Trey Parker of video games.


Obsidian fan
I hear this from lots of people but Ken Levine's political leanings have always struck me as heavily apathetic. Both sides are bad because both sides are bad--strict ideologies to him are inevitably their worst aspects. Comstock's divine chosen people, Fitzroy's populist uprisinf, Ryan's objectivism, Fontaine's assumed "man-of-the-people" schitck, Lamb's collectivism, are all treated as ultimately contemptible.

In a way I find it mirrors the attitudes of many of my generation who disdain politics because "both parties are bad". It's essentially the lazy way of rationalizing why you don't do more.

(sorry if too off-topic but I think it still relates to what we're talking about.)

So Ken Levine is the arch-liberal. Seems about right.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Welp, I guess republicans are sort of getting their wish and negatively affecting government associated healthcare related things...


CHICAGO (CBS) – The partial government shutdown may affect the biomedical research planned at some Chicago hospitals.

Oct. 5 is a date that researchers at Rush University have been preparing for some time.

It’s the date that grant applications for new work would be due at the National Institutes of Health.

But the shutdown means the NIH is not accepting any applications.

And Dr. James Mulshine, vice president of research at Rush, says that means no federal money for researchers and their work.

“These people are not working on obscure things,” he said. “They’re working on hypertension – high blood pressure, diabetes.”

Dr. Mulshine says the shutdown could push new investigations back at least six months.

“We have a health care crisis that’s overwhelming, and we’re sitting with our hands in our pockets, unable to do anything to help individuals at a time of urgent need. It’s just incredibly vexing.”

Good job republicans. I doubt this is an isolated event as well.


If anything gets any kind of media attention, the GOP will just say they would vote to fund just that, but Obama doesn't care about people with hypertension.

House already voted to fund the NIH and the senate said no.

I look forward to the Fox News spin: "Obama cares nothing about sick Americans. First he passes a law with death panels and that lowers the quality of healthcare for millions of Americans, now he is refusing to fund the NIH which researches life-saving drugs for millions of Americans with diseases."


So based on lurking in this thread on and off for a few weeks, it seems there aren't many (any?) conservatives here. Is that the correct assessment?


So based on lurking in this thread on and off for a few weeks, it seems there aren't many (any?) conservatives here.

There are. They just get pissed off and stop posting once their wrong ideas get destroyed over and over. The only stubborn one (Kosmo) is perma unless he made a new account.


So based on lurking in this thread on and off for a few weeks, it seems there aren't many (any?) conservatives here. Is that the correct assessment?

There are. They just get pissed off and stop posting once their wrong ideas get destroyed over and over. The only stubborn one (Kosmo) is perma unless he made a new account.

Quite a large number of them seem to have a breakdown point and out themselves as racists or homophobes or simply have no idea how something as simple as marginal tax brackets work. TA was the closest thing to a smart conservative and I questioned how conservative he really was because Will McAvoy republicans seem rare and liberal these days (and he eventually burnt himself out).
The Trey Parker of video games.

South Park seriously makes me want to punch my TV.

So based on lurking in this thread on and off for a few weeks, it seems there aren't many (any?) conservatives here. Is that the correct assessment?

Conservatives are just simply wrong about everything. Of course they don't want to post here. And if they do post here they'll eventually turn left, just look at AlteredBeast.
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