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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
What do you guys think of this tweet that Lizz Winstead made, then deleted?

This tornado is in Oklahoma so clearly it has been ordered to only target conservatives.
What do you guys think of this tweet that Lizz Winstead made, then deleted?

Lizz Winstead said:
This tornado is in Oklahoma so clearly it has been ordered to only target conservatives.

Firstly, elementary school children don't vote.

Secondly, I know both conservatives and progressives in Oklahoma, and none of them deserve some Alex Jones' spawned "weather machine" attack, regardless of political affiliation.

Thirdly, the last well known natural disaster struck New York, New Jersey, etc. Which is hardly conservative central.


EDIT: And Fifthly, if she was trying to be cute, STILL FUCK HER.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Guyz, I wasn't asking if it was real or not, I was asking if it was worthy of getting into an uproar. :p


I don't think so. I've been suspicious since his first posts here, and we had an exchange. I could link to it but I'm lazy.

I'm sure we're weirding out everyone, but my own findings were similar.

I believe you may have been referring to this exchange?

Contrast with this fine poster:


If he's not trolling I'm guessing he either advanced into the middle class/comfortable financial situation recently or he read enough about lower caste peons working in horrible conditions in other countries and decided that the US poor no longer look legitimate.

When third-worldism comes to GAF you'll know, lol.


Oklahoma's GOP Senators Find Themselves In Tornado Aid Bind

Even as President Obama was declaring that would get "everything it needs right away," the state's most vociferous critic of federal emergency aid vowed that he, too, would push for assistance "without delay."

Yet Republican Sen. Tom Coburn's position on federal aid came under close scrutiny in the hours after the tragedy. The issue is a complicated one for Coburn and his fellow GOP senator, James Inhofe: Both have been consistent critics of FEMA spending and recently voted against aid to victims of Superstorm Sandy, which ravaged swaths of New Jersey and New York last year.

Three of the state's five members of the U.S. House also voted against Sandy aid; Republican Reps. Tom Cole and Frank Lucas supported the $60.2 billion aid package.

Tuesday with NPR, Cole said he was proud of the vote.

But Coburn and, to a lesser extent, Inhofe have become the faces of pushback on federal emergency spending even though their state is one of the biggest recipients of U.S. disaster aid.​

One of the OK senators has already said that he will vote for funding because "it wouldn't be like the Sandy relief bill which was loaded with pork".


George Packer said:
The Senate, which was created to be the most far sighted, broadest, most able to see the whole national interest, and not just a sectional or narrow interest. The senate in some ways now functions less well than the House. There is no such thing as a Statesman in the Senate. There is a group of people who use its rules and precedents in ways they were never intended to be in order to thwart democracy. And that’s a fundamental institution that’s broken and seems incapable of fixing itself. That’s what I keep coming back to: the regenerative powers of our democracy which we have seen over and over in our history are not making themselves feel felt these days when we most need them.


Great interview with George Packer (staff writer from the New Yorker) on NPR’s On Point.


Angry Fork



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
One of the OK senators has already said that he will vote for funding because "it wouldn't be like the Sandy relief bill which was loaded with pork".

Can someone please punch these self-centered assholes in the face?
This was interesting. Every time these disasters happen the prayer and god shit is in full effect over and over from the victims to the president. I've never seen a rebuke from an atheist before.

And she was so apologetic and nice about it. Fuck people who just think atheists are militant dicks.
WASHINGTON — Sen. Patrick Leahy withdrew his proposed amendment to the comprehensive immigration reform bill that would have recognized the marriages of same-sex couples for immigration purposes on Tuesday night, after several Democratic members of the committee stated that they would not be supporting it.

A little past 7 p.m., Leahy said, “It is with a heavy heart … I will withhold the Leahy Amendment 7 at this point.”

Leahy, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, offered the amendment a half-hour earlier, saying, “I don’t want to be the senator who asks Americans to choose between the love of their life and the love of their country.”

He added, “Discriminating against people based on who they love is a travesty,” noting that he wanted to hear from members of the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” senators about why they didn’t include protections for gay couples in the initial bill.

Sen. Lindsey Graham went first, saying he opposed the inclusion of gay couples’ protections in the bill, despite noting his respect for Leahy’s “passion” is support of marriage equality.

“If you redefine marriage for immigration purposes [by the amendment], the bill would fall apart because the coalition would fall apart,” Graham said. “It would be a bridge too far.”
Sen. Dianne Feinstein cited Graham’s comments, then, saying of Leahy’s amendment, “I think this sounds like the fairest approach, but here’s the problem … we know this is going to blow the agreement apart. I don’t want to blow this bill apart.”

She cited the fact that the Supreme Court could strike down the Defense of Marriage Act provision that prevents same-sex couples from having equal immigration rights in coming months. She also noted the a bill she is sponsoring to repeal DOMA is holding in the Senate, concluding, “I would just implore to hold up on this amendment at this time.”
Sen. Jeff Flake, another Republican in the Gang of Eight, said, “It certainly would mean this bill would not move forward.”

Sen. Dick Durbin, a Democratic member of the Gang of Eight, then spoke up, praising Leahy’s leadership, but concluding, “I believe that this is the wrong moment, this is the wrong bill.”
Sen. Chuck Schumer went last of the four members of the Gang of Eight on the committee, saying, “This is one of the most excruciating decisions I have had to make in my [time] in Congress. … Not to do this is rank discrimination.”

He then said, however, of opponents of inclusion, “They’ve made it perfectly clear that if this provision is included … they will abandon [the bill.] … If we make the effort to add it to this bill, they will walk away. … The result: no equality, no immigration bill, everyone loses. … Much as it pains me, I cannot support this amendment if it will bring down the bill.’
“I will be here,” Schumer said to the LGBT community, to work on the issue in the future. “This is far from our last battle together.”

Sen. Al Franken, likewise, joined in the decision not to support the amendment, saying, “This is the definition of a Hobson’s choice. … It’s wrong to discriminate against people, but I do not want the LGBT people who would be hurt by this bill not passing, this whole bill not passing, to be hurt by this falling apart.”

Well, at least we discriminate against foreign homosexuals the same as our own, right!?

Also, fuck Graham
Well, at least we discriminate against foreign homosexuals the same as our own, right!?

Also, fuck Graham
Hopefully once gay marriage is legalized nationwide this will no longer be an issue.

Just glad this looks like it'll pass the Senate. 3 Republicans on the Judiciary committee + McCain and Rubio + 55 Democrats.

Then we can get back to work on the budget and Obama can make more concessions on medicare and shit.


The Autumn Wind
Well, at least we discriminate against foreign homosexuals the same as our own, right!?

Also, fuck Graham
I hate agreeing with the man, but he's right. As shitty as it is, including same-sex benefits will destroy any chances an immigration bill has of passing. Unfortunately, this is going to have to be done one step at a time.
I hate agreeing with the man, but he's right. As shitty as it is, including same-sex benefits will destroy any chances an immigration bill has of passing. Unfortunately, this is going to have to be done one step at a time.

The current bill sucks anyway. A fifteen year path to citizenship? Fuck that. Hold out for LGBT inclusion because it's the right thing to do and we can get an actually useful measure through Congress sometime in the next ten years when things aren't so goddamned stupid.


The current bill sucks anyway. A fifteen year path to citizenship? Fuck that. Hold out for LGBT inclusion because it's the right thing to do and we can get an actually useful measure through Congress sometime in the next ten years when things aren't so goddamned stupid.

This is the Obamacare argument all over again. Once we pass immigration reform and allow illegal immigrants to become permanent residents without leaving the country, everything will be easier to accomplish, and it'll be very hard to take that back. It's a real, meaningful reform that will have major impacts on the lives of literally millions of (currently illegal) Americans. Is fifteen years a long time to become a citizen? Sure. But it can take ten years to become a citizen as a LEGAL immigrant. Don't throw away progressive victories because they aren't the hypothetical ideal. The whole point of being progressive is that you keep making progress.


Setec Astronomer
pigeon: Sure, but it does sting when you know that Republicans are making it so they can claim they're pro-immigrant without actually being pro-immigrant.


pigeon: Sure, but it does sting when you know that Republicans are making it so they can claim they're pro-immigrant without actually being pro-immigrant.

That's true, but I'm not convinced at this point that it'll matter. Do Democrats get credit for helping Reagan cut taxes? I think Obama will own the immigration bill. At worst, Republican reputation will stop getting WORSE among people of color, at least until the next time they start talking.
That's true, but I'm not convinced at this point that it'll matter. Do Democrats get credit for helping Reagan cut taxes? I think Obama will own the immigration bill. At worst, Republican reputation will stop getting WORSE among people of color, at least until the next time they start talking.
Plus I'm sure the usual GOP jokers will be making plenty of noise about the bill, dragging down the party image even if it gets a decent chunk of Republican votes in the end.

speculawyer said:
Mmm . . . not really. As bad as things went for MS, I'd take the xbox one over a WiiU. But luckily I don't have to make such a choice, I can do PC and/or PS4.
Not to venture too far off into gaming discussion here, but no used games is a dealbreaker. That's actually something I wouldn't mind seeing Congress take up.


Have you guys seen that Weiner is finally running for mayor?

Do you guys think he has a real shot? After seeing Sanford's succesful comeback, I guess anything can happen.
This is the Obamacare argument all over again. Once we pass immigration reform and allow illegal immigrants to become permanent residents without leaving the country, everything will be easier to accomplish, and it'll be very hard to take that back. It's a real, meaningful reform that will have major impacts on the lives of literally millions of (currently illegal) Americans. Is fifteen years a long time to become a citizen? Sure. But it can take ten years to become a citizen as a LEGAL immigrant. Don't throw away progressive victories because they aren't the hypothetical ideal. The whole point of being progressive is that you keep making progress.

Yeah, but we have more leverage on this issue because the GOP needs immigration reform on a fundamental level. If the House isn't a tea party bonanza a few years from now I'm positive something better would get passed then. HCR was going to get can-kicked down the road indefinitely if Obama didn't ram it through like he did. We have his executive order to allow immigrants to stay in the meantime, so this is pretty much the best time just to wait it out.


One of the OK senators has already said that he will vote for funding because "it wouldn't be like the Sandy relief bill which was loaded with pork".

Just a bunch of idiots that suddenly realized the hole they dug themselves into, and are going to keep digging.

lulz at the idea of reducing spending elsewhere to account for a fucking natural disaster. Your constituents need infrastructure to be there for them more than ever, start eliminating infrastructure so your pride isn't hurt, slowing the recovery effort even more.
Yea but it isn't always online and you can use used and borrowed games without paying.
And that's the problem. Wii U has no gaems. There's no EA support, GTA V, Thief 4 and Witcher 3 aren't coming to it and it will get shitty quality ports. Hell, the best game of the year so far Bioshock Infinite isn't on Wii U. Just owning it for the sake of owning a not-always-online console is baffling. This gif sums up my feelings about sudden Wii u enthusiasts.



And that's the problem. Wii U has no gaems. There's no EA support, GTA V, Thief 4 and Witcher 3 aren't coming to it and it will get shitty quality ports. Hell, the best game of the year so far Bioshock Infinite isn't on Wii U. Just owning it for the sake of owning a not-always-online console is baffling. This gif sums up my feelings about sudden Wii u enthusiasts.


Yeah. Placing one turd next to another does not make the first look any better.
And that's the problem. Wii U has no gaems. There's no EA support, GTA V, Thief 4 and Witcher 3 aren't coming to it and it will get shitty quality ports. Hell, the best game of the year so far Bioshock Infinite isn't on Wii U. Just owning it for the sake of owning a not-always-online console is baffling. This gif sums up my feelings about sudden Wii u enthusiasts.

Once smash bros. comes out i'll be lost forever.


I know I've been really harpin' on Iran-Contra, but I gots me one last (?) question: Why exactly did congress outlaw funds to go to the Contras to begin with?
It was a confluence of factors. Public support for aid declined as the brutality of the Contras became apparent. There was a fear that FDN operations in southern Honduras could destabilize its recent attempt at democratization. The INR concluded that the Administration's claims about Soviet influence were greatly exaggerated; this a recurring mistake throughout the Cold War. And the sin which catalyzed Congressional opposition, they discovered the CIA had secretly mined Nicaraguan ports.
This is the Obamacare argument all over again. Once we pass immigration reform and allow illegal immigrants to become permanent residents without leaving the country, everything will be easier to accomplish, and it'll be very hard to take that back. It's a real, meaningful reform that will have major impacts on the lives of literally millions of (currently illegal) Americans. Is fifteen years a long time to become a citizen? Sure. But it can take ten years to become a citizen as a LEGAL immigrant. Don't throw away progressive victories because they aren't the hypothetical ideal. The whole point of being progressive is that you keep making progress.
Right. It'd be a heedless mistake to forgo reform on the assumption that future Republicans will be more reasonable. Even if the reform is less than ideal, and it appears so, it would still improve the status quo.
As an Xbox 360 owner, I was not impressed with the Xbox One.
Please. You'll wait in line for its release with the unwashed xbot masses. You can't miss Halo 5.
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