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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
herp a derp, Drudge front page

The book was widely discredited when it came out, now the paperback is out with more bullshit. I certainly believe Bill Clinton holds some level of dislike towards Obama, hell he probably doesn't like him at all. But he is too smart to advocate Hillary usurping the presidency from him with a primary; that's the stupidest idea ever. Can you imagine the outrage within the black community? Hell, I'd imagine many Hispanics wouldn't be pleased about that either. And in the unlikely event that Hillary managed to beat Obama in a primary, she'd lose to Romney due to turning off large portions of the democrat base.

I can't possibly imagine a modern sitting president endorsing during a primary; Obama will stay on the side lines, especially if this turns into Biden v Hillary. I suppose the spin will be that Obama "renigged" on the deal.

It's unbelievable how much absolute garbage and bullshit is out there when speaking about politics. It's like fan-fiction that is taken seriously.
Given the amazing insurance news from California a couple weeks ago, it was only a matter of time before the right would settle on a hit piece. I must say this one was pretty damn weak though.

By this time next year we'll have a far better idea who was right and who was wrong. I'm sure there will be plenty of Obamacare horror stories across the country that republicans will focus on, but ultimately polls will be able to tell us a lot more about the law next year than they currently due.

I read the article when it came out and knew right away how much bullshit it was. He misled the readers greatly.

In Cali, young people get denied private individual insurance for stuff like acne and athsma.
By now you've probably heard about Elizabeth Warren's fantastic first piece of legislation, the Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act. Her goal is to lower student loan interest rates for next year from 3.4% to 0.75% -- the same rate the government loans money to the banks through the Federal Reserve discount window. As of now, unless Congress takes action-- other than drumming up faux scandals to deny President Obama a third term-- student loan interest rates will double to 6.8% on July 1st.

Boehner and Cantor, the Republicans as a party, and the Wall Street bankers who fund them, have declared Senator Warren's proposal a non-starter and have vowed to kill it. Last week Boehner shuffled it into John Kline's Education and Workforce Committee, and Kline did exactly what he was told. The proposal was defeated 23-14, all the Republicans voting NO and all but one Democrat voting YES.

All the Blue America-endorsed candidates support Elizabeth Warren's way of dealing with this problem and all of them would like to get into Congress and make sure her proposal eventually passes.

State Rep. Carl Sciortino is one of Senator Warren's Massachusetts constituents and he's running for the House seat being vacated by Ed Markey, a seat that includes towns like Cambridge, Waltham, Medford, and Framingham, all filled with college students. Carl is 34 and has been an enthusiastic proponent of Senator Warren's approach. He knows that the future of the country lies with people going through school today.

"Our country has always taught its young people that hard work and education are keys to achieving the American dream," he told us. "But for too many families the cost of higher education has become the subject of their nightmares. While Republicans in Washington try to weaken Wall Street regulations, progressive Democrats are working to give our students the same low interest rates as our banks. We have to get serious as a nation about ensuring that our younger generation has the same opportunities to succeed as our parents and grandparents. Senator Warren has put forward a smart and creative solution, and I look forward to supporting her efforts in Congress later this year."

That's right... later this year. There will be a special election in the fall to fill Ed Markey's seat. So, like Nick Ruiz, Daylin Leach, Andy Hounshell and, of course, Alan Grayson, Carl can use some support to make sure a progressive agenda has the strongest possible allies.

We are all in this together,
Howie, for Digby, Amato and the Blue America Team

So, yeah, any college student that votes Republican after hearing this is a fucking moron.
Republican efforts at reaching out to youth are always hilarious to me

it's like when you're in high school and some middle-aged pencil pusher from accounting comes to give a lecture and he's like "You know what's off-the-chain, homies? Savings bonds!"

you know, transparent, test marketed bullshit
Here is a quote from the Issa-Crowley interview.

CROWLEY: The investigator said “So is it your perspective that ultimately the responsible parties for the decisions reported by the [Inspector General] that is the decision that target tea party and patriot applications, are not in the Cincinnati office?

The employee says, ‘I don’t know how to answer that question. I mean, from an agent standpoint, we didn’t do anything wrong. We followed directions based on other people telling us what to do.’

Investigator, ‘And you ultimately followed directions from Washington, is that correct?

The employee, ‘if direction had come down from Washington, yes.’

The investigator, ‘But with respect to the particular scrutiny that was given to tea party applications, those directions emanated from Washington, is that right?’

The employee answers, ‘I believe so.’ It’s totally not definitive.

ISSA: This one isn’t. But I will tell you, one of the agents asked for and got a transfer because that person was so uncomfortable that they wanted out of it.

lmao clown shoes. "okay okay, that one isn't, but I'm telling you a brother of a friend of a cousin of a sister of a WWII vet totally told me he once sat next to a IRS agent who told him he asked for a transfer because he didn't "like" what was happening at the Cincy office. If that's not proof Obama should be impeached, I don't know what is."
I read the article when it came out and knew right away how much bullshit it was. He misled the readers greatly.

In Cali, young people get denied private individual insurance for stuff like acne and athsma.

Avik Roy has been cherry-picking stats, ignoring any benefits of reform, and making generally misleading arguments for over 4 years now. He's a shill.
Here is a quote from the Issa-Crowley interview.

lmao clown shoes. "okay okay, that one isn't, but I'm telling you a brother of a friend of a cousin of a sister of a WWII vet totally told me he once sat next to a IRS agent who told him he asked for a transfer because he didn't "like" what was happening at the Cincy office. If that's not proof Obama should be impeached, I don't know what is."

Here is a quote from the Issa-Crowley interview.

lmao clown shoes. "okay okay, that one isn't, but I'm telling you a brother of a friend of a cousin of a sister of a WWII vet totally told me he once sat next to a IRS agent who told him he asked for a transfer because he didn't "like" what was happening at the Cincy office. If that's not proof Obama should be impeached, I don't know what is."

Candy Crowley fact-checking in real-time again. Oh, there is nothing the GOP hates more than that. She's not going to get many scoops from them.
Avik Roy has been cherry-picking stats, ignoring any benefits of reform, and making generally misleading arguments for over 4 years now. He's a shill.

It was such a joke, it's sad that passes of for reporting.

The hilarious part is the crux of the matter he fixated on, mid 20s person who doesn't qualify for subsidies.

For one, how many mid 20s Californians earn roughly $50k+ and not have employer insurance? Considering the individual market is, I believe, under 10% of Cali's total health insurance market, I'm guessing very fucking few.

I'm sure there are some out there, especially if you own you own business and operate it alone (say a plumber) but not many. And instead of these young people being duped by the insurance agencies to pay $110 a month for a shoddy plan, assuming they are one of the few lucky ones to qualify, they have to now go into real plans with real deductibles and no lifetime caps. Sorry, I'm not going to cry for them. If they don't want it, then pay the fine.

A small percentage of well off young people will have to contribute more now so that a huge percentage of people of young and not well off people can receive decent health insurance. woe is them.

Anyway, on anther note, lol @ this quote i just read:

"That's the label President Obama is trying to put on us," said David Winston, a pollster and political strategist who has advised Boehner. "But if we become the party of austerity, then President Obama and the Democrats become the party of economic growth."


It's hilarious how he admits austerity is the antithesis to economic growth and yet here they go on about austerity being the way to go.

Edit, also: AHAHAHA

But tea party members aren't as worried about winning elections. According to another Rapoport survey, roughly three-fourths of tea party activists say they would prefer a strongly conservative candidate who's likely to lose over a relatively moderate candidate who's likely to win.

these people are fucking stupid.

But, nope, let's continue to blame minorities!
But, nope, let's continue to blame minorities!

While I certainly agree with the general message, the graph is sort of misleading in that there probably should be more white people on food stamps than any other demographic simply because there are many more white people in the country than any other demographic


The Autumn Wind
While I certainly agree with the general message, the graph is sort of misleading in that there probably should be more white people on food stamps than any other demographic simply because there are many more white people in the country than any other demographic
While true, the numbers in the graph fall much more in line with the population makeup than I'd bet many people think.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
So, yeah, any college student that votes Republican after hearing this is a fucking moron.

i hope every sack of shit that voted against this has a heart attack so that they no longer can dictate the course of our country. A bunch of old, rich, out of touch grouches that are actively fighting to make the lives of the next generation miserable, going against every basic instinct they should have as a lifeform.

Enemies of all human decency, the lot of them. Not worth the excrement I flush down the toilet.

The best part of them ran down the inside of their mothers' thighs.

Fuck you John Kline. Get the fuck out of my district. Get out of my state. Get out of my country.

Fuck you GOP.
While true, the numbers in the graph fall much more in line with the population makeup than I'd bet many people think.

blacks are like 14% so they do receive more

but why does it matter? the entire thing is predicated on racism. it doesn't matter the race of the person. The issue is we have such crap wages people need foodstamps.

Hopefully Warren does not give up on this. I'm going to be taking out Grad School loans soon and I'd prefer to not break my back just paying off the interest.

she admitted her plan was never going to happen on MSNBC the day it came out.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Oh, and fun fact about student debt in Minnesota:

State average: $29,793 (No. 3 nationally)
Proportion with debt: 71% (No. 5 nationally)


The Autumn Wind
blacks are like 14% so they do receive more
And whites make up about 72%, I know. Yet I bet if you ask certain people (Republicans), a lot of them would guess that minorities make up the majority of those receiving food stamps.

but why does it matter? the entire thing is predicated on racism. it doesn't matter the race of the person. The issue is we have such crap wages people need foodstamps.
On this, we both agree.
So, yeah, any college student that votes Republican after hearing this is a fucking moron.

I posted about this on my Facebook and someone claimed this could be a good thing because it'd "force people to think about what degree they'll be getting" and long story short, I want to punch something now.


No Scrubs
I posted about this on my Facebook and someone claimed this could be a good thing because it'd "force people to think about what degree they'll be getting" and long story short, I want to punch something now.

It sounds like you need to de-friend this person immediately.
So I looks like SCOTUS might announce their affirmative action decision tomorrow.

Minorities are screwed

Eh, he's an alright dude when he isn't posting economic-libertarian garbage like this (which is actually fairly often)

friendships shouldn't be predicated on political beliefs unless they interfere with the friendship. like racism or homophobia


No Scrubs
Eh, he's an alright dude when he isn't posting economic-libertarian garbage like this (which is actually fairly often)

Ahh, I figured it was one of those "I never really see anymore guys that I haven't hung out with since HS" type of situations. I have a friend who is an awesome guy except for the fact he's a 9/11 truther. Luckily he never brings it up.
So I looks like SCOTUS might announce their affirmative action decision tomorrow.

Minorities are screwed

friendships shouldn't be predicated on political beliefs unless they interfere with the friendship. like racism or homophobia

I'm hoping for a split decision in which Kennedy basically limits it but not bans it (at this point i think it's the best case scenario).

They argued this in October. Rarely does it take this long to come out so there must have been a lot of trouble coming to a 5 vote decision.

Gah, a conservative justice needs to retire already!


friendships shouldn't be predicated on political beliefs unless they interfere with the friendship. like racism or homophobia

I'm basically in this camp. I'm friends with a guy who would cop to being extremely socially conservative and an authoritarian who's anxiously awaiting the appropriate time to begin the revolution. I'd never bring him along to something with other friends and I prepare girls I'm dating before they meet him, but it doesn't bother me. It's not like I'm enabling his opinions and he's not actually hurting people except insofar as anyone else who votes Republican is (and he often protest votes for someone else anyway).

But then, I enjoy arguing religion and philosophy and politics and all of that. I care much more that someone pays attention to what's going on and has the wherewithal to defend their positions than about being agreed with, and I'm very hard to offend.

However, I can understand people not being able to do that. If you've got a preexisting condition and have struggled with finding affordable health insurance for a long time, or if you just feel strongly about the issue, it's not unreasonable for you to be upset if a friend is supporting Republicans who have tried to prevent people with preexisting conditions from getting affordable health insurance. If someone is voting for something evil, it's not crazy to treat them in something like the way you would a person who goes around doing evil deeds. They are doing evil deeds, it's just that their contribution is minor.
I'm basically in this camp. I'm friends with a guy who would cop to being extremely socially conservative and an authoritarian who's anxiously awaiting the appropriate time to begin the revolution. I'd never bring him along to something with other friends and I prepare girls I'm dating before they meet him, but it doesn't bother me. It's not like I'm enabling his opinions and he's not actually hurting people except insofar as anyone else who votes Republican is (and he often protest votes for someone else anyway).

But then, I enjoy arguing religion and philosophy and politics and all of that. I care much more that someone pays attention to what's going on and has the wherewithal to defend their positions than about being agreed with, and I'm very hard to offend.

However, I can understand people not being able to do that. If you've got a preexisting condition and have struggled with finding affordable health insurance for a long time, or if you just feel strongly about the issue, it's not unreasonable for you to be upset if a friend is supporting Republicans who have tried to prevent people with preexisting conditions from getting affordable health insurance. If someone is voting for something evil, it's not crazy to treat them in something like the way you would a person who goes around doing evil deeds.

I understand if it affects you personally. But some of my good friends are conservatives, its really weird I often find myself making more friends with conservatives because, at least the ones I meet, tend not to really care. Its really weird.

We talk about politics and argue about them all the time but our friendship is still intact (we go to bars, football games, etc.)
I understand if it affects you personally. But some of my good friends are conservatives, its really weird I often find myself making more friends with conservatives because, at least the ones I meet, tend not to really care. Its really weird.

We talk about politics and argue about them all the time but our friendship is still intact (we go to bars, football games, etc.)

Are they BIRTHER BENGHAZI OBAMA SOCIALIST conservatives or are they normal people?


Are they BIRTHER BENGHAZI OBAMA SOCIALIST conservatives or are they normal people?

Mine's not a birther, but otherwise. Benghazi's not a conspiracy to kill Americans, but there's a cover-up and Obama fucked up enormously. And he's definitely a socialist who has it out for Christians.
Are they BIRTHER BENGHAZI OBAMA SOCIALIST conservatives or are they normal people?

They might have brought up birther stuff, and they defend some of that. But the most politically active conservative friends act like Canter were they don't actively endorse it but talk with a wink and a nouge. And they're all religious who think there really is a war on christmas and christians are persecuted

East Lake

Here's the author responding in the comments.

daviddelosangelos, You are completely wrong again. You are a reverse indicator. The historical record of the American economy is the deeper the recession the stronger the recovery. When President Obama entered office, the American economy was poised to take off on an historic boom in the summer of 2009, if he could only have stayed out of the way, for which he would have gotten all of the credit, gaining him complete FDR style dominance of American politics. I feared that was exactly what was going to happen, sending America to join the Soviets on the ash heap of history. But Obama could not restrain himself from making an abysmal mess of it all, and it is not over. The stimulus had zero positive effect, and probably was a net drag, and there is no good reason to think a second stimulus would have done any better. To the contrary, some form of punishment is well deserved for the stubbornly stupid Keynesians that adopted the stimulus.
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