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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Meh. Christie should be glad this is happening now and not later. By the time 2016 rolls around all of this will be old news. He's in it for the long haul, I don't think for even a second that this is going to ruin his legitimacy as a candidate ultimately. Pay close attention to what he says and does over the next several weeks.

Frankly, if the first legit black candidate for the Presidency during an already heated primary campaign, while already bringing about tons of controversy to begin with simply (and unfortunately) because of his name and color (plus bullshit rumors spread courtesy racists/bigots on the web), who also just happened to have a Pastor (and not just any Pastor, it was someone who had a fairly significant influence on his career) who was found on camera screaming "GOD DAMN AMERICA" post 9/11, could still win the Democratic primary and go on to be President... yeah. Outside of NJ this is just going to look like political mudslinging after people let enough time pass and allow their own altered reality bias to take over depending on what they think of Christie overall. If we were in the middle of the GOP primary I'd be saying something very different. But in political time we are eons away from that.

The question is if he has more skeletons in his closet and if those will come to light.

Not to mention Obama had some other issues as well (i.e. Rezko) and despite his low-key approach to dealing with things, he sailed through those shitstorms with relative ease. Christie is a skilled politician like Obama and also is really good at striking a populist tone via 'shooting the shit' with voters a la Bill Clinton, unlike Obama. The President is more guarded, intellectual... and yet even he could overcome his most damning controversies during probably the most bitterly fought primary in American history. Christie should be okay for now. I do think he has a lot of skeletons in his closet, just ask McCain and Romney. If anything this will show us how Christie deals with controversy which will be very useful for any political junkie in assessing what may lie ahead for him that is generally unfavorable.


Meh. Christie should be glad this is happening now and not later. By the time 2016 rolls around all of this will be old news. He's in it for the long haul, I don't think for even a second that this is going to ruin his legitimacy as a candidate ultimately. Pay close attention to what he says and does over the next several weeks.

Frankly, if the first legit black candidate for the Presidency during an already heated primary campaign, while already bringing about tons of controversy to begin with simply (and unfortunately) because of his name and color (plus bullshit rumors spread courtesy racists/bigots on the web), who also just happened to have a Pastor (and not just any Pastor, it was someone who had a fairly significant influence on his career) who was found on camera screaming "GOD DAMN AMERICA" post 9/11, could still win the Democratic primary and go on to be President... yeah. Outside of NJ this is just going to look like political mudslinging after people let enough time pass and allow their own altered reality bias to take over depending on what they think of Christie overall.

The question is if he has more skeletons in his closet and if those will come to light.

Not to mention Obama had some other issues as well (i.e. Rezko) and despite his low-key approach to dealing with things, he sailed through those shitstorms with relative ease. Christie is a skilled politician like Obama and also is really good at striking a populist tone via 'shooting the shit' with voters a la Bill Clinton, unlike Obama. The President is more guarded, intellectual... and yet even he could overcome his most damning controversies. Christie should be okay for now. I do think he has a lot of skeletons in his closet, just ask McCain and Romney. If anything this will show us how Christie deals with controversy which will be very useful for any political junkie in assessing what may lie ahead for him that is generally unfavorable.

Hilary blew the primaries but there was no way a Republican was going to win in 2008. Mostly cos Bush had way too much baggage. Dems had a structural advantage in 2008 with that, the huge minority/youth turnout and a media that was fairly Pro-Obama outside of Fox


Hilary blew the primaries but there was no way a Republican was going to win in 2008. Mostly cos Bush had way too much baggage. Dems had a structural advantage in 2008 with that, the huge minority/youth turnout and a media that was fairly Pro-Obama outside of Fox
Yeah, for sure. Outside of Fox it was either pro-Hillary or Obama but never GOP for anything, lol. Good times.

Amazingly, Democrats still came pretty close to shitting the bed because of Obama vs. Hillary. What a fucking mess. I'm glad it ended, because there were a lot of times where it looked like they were going to all but completely trash their commanding lead over petty shit. They still would have been ahead by a few points generally but had they let it go on any longer they could have seriously cut in to a lot of the progress they had made at that time.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
lol, the idiot Republican candidate for governor of Illinois proposed lowering the minimum wage so that they can be "competitive".


What's she saying?

She looked at what was going on in Trenton the night before the traffic jam email was sent. Basically, Christie was freaking the fuck out about NJ Supreme Court appointments, saying that Democrats were "animals". She also posits that Sen Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, a Democrat representing Fort Lee's district, may have been the target.

EDIT: The video is on the website



She looked at what was going on in Trenton the night before the traffic jam email was sent. Basically, Christie was freaking the fuck out about NJ Supreme Court appointments, saying that Democrats were "animals". She also posits that Sen Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, a Democrat representing Fort Lee's district, may have been the target.

EDIT: The video is on the website


whelp that makes way more sense that the day after his friend's wife was pulled from becoming a life long justice that CC goes and makes the Senate Democrats Leader's district suffer because of political vengeance.

made a new thread for it


She looked at what was going on in Trenton the night before the traffic jam email was sent. Basically, Christie was freaking the fuck out about NJ Supreme Court appointments, saying that Democrats were "animals". She also posits that Sen Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, a Democrat representing Fort Lee's district, may have been the target.

EDIT: The video is on the website


Oh my god. Maddow is such an Ace. She can see the fucking matrix.
She looked at what was going on in Trenton the night before the traffic jam email was sent. Basically, Christie was freaking the fuck out about NJ Supreme Court appointments, saying that Democrats were "animals". She also posits that Sen Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, a Democrat representing Fort Lee's district, may have been the target.

EDIT: The video is on the website


He doesn't even look angry.

This is like a less entertaining version of a Fox News Hyperbole & Conjecture Hour. "Order of destruction?" Seriously?


He doesn't even look angry.

This is like a less entertaining version of a Fox News Hyperbole & Conjecture Hour. "Order of destruction?" Seriously?

Calling your political opponents dogs doesn't sound angry? hmm, Synder must not be the worst governor in Michigan's entire history, o wait...Synder is the worst governor we've ever had.


She looked at what was going on in Trenton the night before the traffic jam email was sent. Basically, Christie was freaking the fuck out about NJ Supreme Court appointments, saying that Democrats were "animals". She also posits that Sen Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, a Democrat representing Fort Lee's district, may have been the target.

EDIT: The video is on the website

An interesting line of inquiry, but it's pure speculation and not worth a dramatic 20 min section of her show.


I want to go back in time, get a doctorate in psychology, move to NH, and study the people who have a more positive opinion of him after this.
They're mainly tea party supporters, so I wouldn't be surprised if many were for the idea of closing a bridge to punish your opponents.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I think I'd like to take back my endorsement of Governor Moonbeam. I just went to the store right now and found out that all plastic bags are gone FOREVER. Only paper bags remain AND you have to pay ten, TEN CENTS per bag!! There are some freedoms even liberals shouldn't infringe upon.

Thanks OBrownma!
I think I'd like to take back my endorsement of Governor Moonbeam. I just went to the store right now and found out that all plastic bags are gone FOREVER. Only paper bags remain AND you have to pay ten, TEN CENTS per bag!! There are some freedoms even liberals shouldn't infringe upon.

Thanks OBrownma!

Don't you mean Obcetti?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Don't you mean Obcetti?


So it seems the righties have gotten tired of standing on the sidelines with the Christie thing, mainly cause it's distracting from Obama's felonies/atrocities, so now they're getting ready to mount a defense. So far it appears they'll be asking how Christie's minions doing something without him knowing is any different than what happened with Obama and IRS-gate.
I think I'd like to take back my endorsement of Governor Moonbeam. I just went to the store right now and found out that all plastic bags are gone FOREVER. Only paper bags remain AND you have to pay ten, TEN CENTS per bag!! There are some freedoms even liberals shouldn't infringe upon.

Thanks OBrownma!
I moved to a place where you have to pay 5 cents.

I'm perfectly fine with that but I don't see the ban being anything other than really annoying. I don't have a car so I can't store bags and paper bags suck. Just force me to poney up a bit for the plastic


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I moved to a place where you have to pay 5 cents.

I'm perfectly fine with that but I don't see the ban being anything other than really annoying. I don't have a car so I can't store bags and paper bags suck. Just force me to poney up a bit for the plastic

Wait, you can still pay for plastic? Cause over here they got rid of them completely. Only paper available.
An interesting line of inquiry, but it's pure speculation and not worth a dramatic 20 min section of her show.
That's her style though. I much prefer Chris Hayes explain in 5minutes and then have a panel to her long meandering "twist ending" reports.

She's really smart though
Wait, you can still pay for plastic? Cause over here they got rid of them completely. Only paper available.
I'm in DC

Speaking of where i live i now walk by chuck schumers/dick durbins frat pad on the way to work. They have a funny "ciudadanía para los 11 millones" yard sign in their window.
Wait, now I'm confused. I thought Bagghazi was a California only thing?
DC and other liberal places have put restrictions. Here you have to pay for plastic bags (I actually haven't even seen the option for paper) but its not banned. I had to pay a guy a nickel because I asked too late for a bag for my 6 pack #thanksobama
I think I'd like to take back my endorsement of Governor Moonbeam. I just went to the store right now and found out that all plastic bags are gone FOREVER. Only paper bags remain AND you have to pay ten, TEN CENTS per bag!! There are some freedoms even liberals shouldn't infringe upon.

Thanks OBrownma!

I didn't realize the governor sat on your city council
So can we all agree to start calling Republicans not conservatives but reactionaries? Because that is what they are. Anybody else agree?
I think I'd like to take back my endorsement of Governor Moonbeam. I just went to the store right now and found out that all plastic bags are gone FOREVER. Only paper bags remain AND you have to pay ten, TEN CENTS per bag!! There are some freedoms even liberals shouldn't infringe upon.

Thanks OBrownma!

It sucks for me because I use the plastic bags as liner for my wastebaskets. I have a lot of reusable bags too, and use them all the time, but I still get the plastic bags for trash.

Most people just toss the bags aside but for people like me it's annoying. though, I agree with it, I'll just suck it up and buy it from Costco when I run out.

Regarding Maddow: I think she's likely on to something. The endorsement angle seems odd as she rightly implies. And if she is on the right track, it's much worse for Christie.


From DailyKos:

From the Bergen Record timeline:

Nov. 25: At a hearing held by the Assembly transportation committee, Baroni says the closures were ordered by his direct subordinate, Wildstein, as part of a traffic study and acknowledges making a mistake by not notifying Foye, police or the public.
So my interpretation is that Baroni is asking for reviews about his performance in maintaining and selling the cover story of a "traffic study".
Why would the Governor and/or the Chief legal counsel take even one moment of their own precious time watching some guy talk about a traffic study if they truly believed that the whole situation really only concerned a traffic study? I don't believe that they would.

But I do believe that they might take up some of their own precious time in watching how an associate was "selling" the cover story of a traffic study.

The fact that they did watch and that Baroni needed reassurance about his performance is what implies to me that all involved knew that this was no run-of-the mill traffic study, that in fact it was a COVER STORY. If they knew the traffic study was a cover story, then they knew that something needed a cover, then that would mean they knew there was a cover-up and that would mean they were all involved in a cover-up.

33 Seconds Ago
Ok Reader this is what happens next.
1. Wildstein will attempt to obtain No Prosecution - Immunity Deal from Feds. Unlikely to happen.

2. Wildstein cuts a Deal for reduced charges/reduced sentencing for cooperation - no different then a Solomon Dwek or any other Jersey Sopranos type.

3. The real focus going forward will be on "CHARLIE"

4. CHARLIE is likely Charles McKenna formerly Chief Counsel to Governor Christie. McKenna will certainly be served a Subpoena. THIS IS THE SMOKING GUN.

5. There is continuing interest in the role of Kevin O'Toole in the matter.

7. This is so similar to Nixon and Watergate it is scary.

8. Look at the Actors in Nixon i.e. Dean - Colson - Haldeman and look at Christie i.e Baroni - Wildstein - Drewniak - McKenna.

9. We will find Ms. Kelly - Bridget Anne - albeit very complicit - is not the Smoking Gun.
I've read that retail sales were really weak this holiday because of online shopping so that might be the case.
I dont think so. Its an anomaly. It was a black friday like every other year. Even if the retail sales were low, that still doesn't account for 100k less people employed than expected.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
No, global warming is more accurate. You don't need to placate people who think a few cold days doesn't mean the mean temperature of the earth is rising.


No it's a terrible term because people don't understand why it's called that, but then a week later we have historic cold days.

Yes the globe is warming, but why label it something that only confuses people?


No it's a terrible term because people don't understand why it's called that, but then a week later we have historic cold days.

Yes the globe is warming, but why label it something that only confuses people?

Why should science pander to people's ignorance?
Because science is meant to improve people's understanding of the world.

That's all well and good, but when you have a considerable portion of the population who deny evolution due to extreme ignorance and don't trust scientists, I believe science has failed in *that* regard. Not that it's science's fault, in and of itself, but science marches on regardless of whether people believe it or not.


Bad jobs numbers. Bad news for Kay Hagan.

Because everyone needs a good laugh after those job numbers:

Inspired by Cuccinelli, Virginia Lawmaker Wants to Outlaw Oral Sex Between Teenagers

Ken Cuccinelli lost the 2013 gubernatorial race in Virginia on a platform that included outlawing consensual oral sex for married, heterosexual couples. Now State Senator Thomas Garrett, who calls himself a “Cuccinelli conservative,” is following in the Virginia attorney general’s footsteps by introducing a law that would do the same for consenting teenagers.

It has only been months since federal courts deemed Virginia’s so-called “Crimes Against Nature” law unconstitutional, but now Garrett has introduced new, nearly identical legislation that would reinstate many of the same proscriptions. The proposal, titled SB 14 Crimes Against Nature, says that “engaging in consensual sodomy is not a crime if all persons participating are adults, are not in a public place, and are not committing, attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, aiding, or abetting any act in furtherance of prostitution.”

While the bill goes further than its predecessor in protecting adults who are in the privacy of their own home, it does set up stricter penalties for those caught engaging in oral or anal sex in public:

A. If any Any person who (i) carnally knows in any manner any brute animal, or (ii) carnally knows any male or female person by the anus or by or with the mouth, or voluntarily submits to such carnal knowledge, he or she shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony, except as provided in subsection B. The provisions of clause (ii) shall not apply where all persons are consenting adults who are not in a public place and who are not committing, attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, aiding, or abetting any act in furtherance of prostitution.

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