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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Give a fringe person a megaphone and they're going to use it to peddle their shit.

The GOP does this to themselves repeatedly.

And half of American gobbles it up because finally someone is saying exactly what they are thinking, but don't have the balls to say themselves.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yeah, Carter only looks good based on what came after. He did a lot of de-regulating before Reagan put dat shit on steroids.
More than just deregulation, he opposed single payer healthcare at a time where it was actually possible to get it through Congress, and also gutted a bill which would've guaranteed full employment.

1980 Poligaf would've been fully on the Kennedy bandwagon and would've probably defected for Anderson (and maybe a few for Reagan!) in the general election.
God, he's nearly worse than Obama.
Democratic presidents are clearly history's greatest monsters. BRB voting Republican.
So apparently this is how conservatives are rationalizing Reagan's increased spending during his tenure:



LOL. And Ramesh is supposed to be one of their better thinkers? All he did was dodge the point! Well, I guess that stuff will work on the weak-minded.

Here are some of the things Rand Paul said:
The deficit went through the roof under Reagan. So how long did it take Ron Paul to figure out that the guy he had liked, endorsed, campaigned for, campaigned for him? The very first [Reagan] budget. Ron Paul voted "no" against the very first Reagan budget… Everybody loved this "great" budget. It was a $100 billion in debt. This was three times greater than Jimmy Carter's worst deficit.
You know, we wanted Reagan to veto a budget or to have balanced budgets and he didn't do it. And it wasn't anything personal against him. I think his philosophy was good. I just don't know that he had the energy or the follow-through to get what we needed.
People want to like Reagan. He's very likable. And what he had to say most of the time was a great message. But the deficits exploded under Reagan. The Democrats said, "Well, the deficit's going up because you reduced the tax rates and supply side economics doesn't work." But the interesting thing is, if you look at the numbers, tax rates went down in the early '80s, tax revenue did rise. The reason the deficits exploded is they ignored spending. Domestic spending went up at a greater clip under Reagan than it did under Carter.

Did Rand talk about 'spending'? No. He talked about THE DEFICIT.

Perhaps what Ramesh wants to say is "Reagan proved deficits don't matter!"
More than just deregulation, he opposed single payer healthcare at a time where it was actually possible to get it through Congress, and also gutted a bill which would've guaranteed full employment.

1980 Poligaf would've been fully on the Kennedy bandwagon and would've probably defected for Anderson (and maybe a few for Reagan!) in the general election.
Imagine 1980 PD...

More than just deregulation, he opposed single payer healthcare at a time where it was actually possible to get it through Congress, and also gutted a bill which would've guaranteed full employment.

1980 Poligaf would've been fully on the Kennedy bandwagon and would've probably defected for Anderson (and maybe a few for Reagan!) in the general election.

Not true, the House couldn't pass Kennedy's bill.
More than just deregulation, he opposed single payer healthcare at a time where it was actually possible to get it through Congress, and also gutted a bill which would've guaranteed full employment.

1980 Poligaf would've been fully on the Kennedy bandwagon and would've probably defected for Anderson (and maybe a few for Reagan!) in the general election.

This is revisionist nonsense. As PD said the bill wouldn't have passed the house and ascribes far to much blame to the man rather than the political climate that surrounded the man. It also describes the carter administration as unified in their push when part of the problem was unlike Obamacare you had 100 different groups saying 100 different things . The liberal movement had died and we were seeing the rise of the conservative movement and "small government" backlash

Foreign affairs probably is the only thing I'll ever ascribe solely to a president


I don't smoke, but I'd smoke with Stevens

Carter has faults, specifically in how he pissed off democrats in Washington. I feel like on paper Carter was basically what Beltway idealists think a great president is: he fought his own party, supported bipartisanship, and smartly wielded American power overseas. And due to that he couldn't get shit done, and is now considered a "weak" president.

That goes for idealistic liberals too, who expected Obama to fill government with amateurs and not play "the game." You play to win.
Carter has one of the least understood presidencies. He got this reputation as wimp. But he is the guy who:
1) Established the Carter Doctrine - Which is basically "Don't fuck with our mid-East Oil region."
2) Authorized the ill-fated mission to rescue the hostages in Iran. Granted, it was a huge failure but he's not the one that crashed the aircraft.
3) Started the covert proxy war using the Mujahadeen to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Now whether you like those things or not, he was not a pacifist. But that said, he did not start any overt foreign wars anywhere.


Carter gave away the Panama Canal! And wore a sweater in the White House!

And tried to be his own Chief of Staff when he didn't know anything about Washington.


I for one am shocked, SHOCKED, that Cliven Bundy didn't turn out to be a man of sound character. It's funny how a man can think that government totalitarianism of another group of society (slavery of black people) is acceptable as long as it achieves perceived sound outcomes, but government collecting due fees and enforcing established laws is overreach when it happens to people like him.

Carter has one of the least understood presidencies. He got this reputation as wimp. But he is the guy who:
1) Established the Carter Doctrine - Which is basically "Don't fuck with our mid-East Oil region."
2) Authorized the ill-fated mission to rescue the hostages in Iran. Granted, it was a huge failure but he's not the one that crashed the aircraft.
3) Started the covert proxy war using the Mujahadeen to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Now whether you like those things or not, he was not a pacifist. But that said, he did not start any overt foreign wars anywhere.

I don't know much about Carter, but I feel that the Right own the messaging war about the legacy of both Carter and Reagan.


There was a justifiable notion to the idea at the time that things were falling apart under Carter and he wasn't up to the task.

This wasn't actually anything to do with Carter just a confluence of events and his actions' positive results weren't immediate because they never are, so the next guy gets credit. Especially if he's a lot more likable. (Carter's a bit of a notorious scold in comparison to Reagan's endless optimism and constant jokes and stories at hand.)
What am I to be learning from this image?

Chris Dodd (Former Dem Senator from CT) president of MPAA is giving money to Republican Bob Goodlatte chair of the House Judiciary committee. One of their subcommittees?

United States House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet

Doesn't CO have a notoriously hard to poll Latino population?
McConnell done fucked:

U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell said Friday that it is not his responsibility to bring jobs to Kentucky.

Appearing in Beattyville, McConnell was asked by The Beattyville Enterprise what he was going to do to bring jobs to Lee County.

“Economic development is a Frankfort issue,” McConnell said. “That is not my job. It is the primary responsibility of the state Commerce Cabinet.”

Ironic considering his 08 platform was based around that electing McConnell meant more pork.
you should make a thread

What's a good trollish title (not a real troll but more like an inside joke)? I want to play off the GOP's talking point that Blacks are stuck on the Democratic Plantation or blacks are only voting for dems because of hand outs or the fact obama is black and the meme they have a herd mentality.


What's a good trollish title (not a real troll but more like an inside joke)? I want to play off the GOP's talking point that Blacks are stuck on the Democratic Plantation or blacks are only voting for dems because of hand outs or the fact obama is black and the meme they have a herd mentality.
The South Rises Again: Emancipate Us
Will be keeping my eye on this http://www.mintpressnews.com/

MintPress News is an independent online journalism startup providing issue-based-original reporting, in-depth investigations and thoughtful analysis of the most pressing topics facing our nation and it’s foreign policy through the lens of social justice and human rights.

Our Vision: We believe that news media has a social obligation in keeping people informed on subjects that directly and indirectly influence people now and in the future, while rigorously discussing policies to drive us in a better direction as a true democracy and promote peace, not war. We hope to fill the void in the media by providing coverage of stories often overlooked by the news and relate them to social justice and human rights.


What's a good trollish title (not a real troll but more like an inside joke)? I want to play off the GOP's talking point that Blacks are stuck on the Democratic Plantation or blacks are only voting for dems because of hand outs or the fact obama is black and the meme they have a herd mentality.
Still Clinging: Southern Whites Stuck on the GOP Plantation
The problem for Republicans is that the Democratic weakness appears confined to the white South. Even though some analysts suggested that Mr. Obama was historically weak among white voters more generally, he fared better than recent Democratic nominees among white voters outside of the South. That’s how he won battleground states like Iowa, Colorado, Wisconsin and New Hampshire. Whatever is causing Republicans to excel in the South, whether religion or race, just isn’t helping them elsewhere.
Interesting, I hadn't seen any sort of regional breakdown regarding the white vote and Obama before.

Good to know considering how many concern trolls on the right have been claiming Hillary will inherit Obama's weakness with white voters. If it's only hurting him in states he doesn't have a chance in hell of winning anyway, who cares?

Peter King urging Boehner to bring up immigration reform. Wonder if he'll man up and sign a discharge petition. pfft yeah right

Okay, I read that article. It's...speculative at best, and fearmongering at worst. Really, we don't know who's funding MPN? Why does it matter? Oh, the father in law of the founder attended a university in Iran three years after the Islamic Revolution, and one of his class teachers was a cleric that did not like the Sunnis. I see.

Typical buzzfeed. They should stick to coming up lists like cats that look like historical people or something and leave journalism to others.
Okay, I read that article. It's...speculative at best, and fearmongering at worst. Really, we don't know who's funding MPN? Why does it matter? Oh, the father in law of the founder attended a university in Iran three years after the Islamic Revolution, and one of his class teachers was a cleric that did not like the Sunnis. I see.

Typical buzzfeed. They should stick to coming up lists like cats that look like historical people or something and leave journalism to others.

They've actually been putting out some good stuff recently.

Mint Press was the people who put out that stupid syria conspiracy last year. They're RT level


Obsidian fan
They've actually been putting out some good stuff recently.

Mint Press was the people who put out that stupid syria conspiracy last year. They're RT level

Not even a few hours ago I saw Muhawesh on Twitter asking one of the most vociferous, unhinged true-believing Assad stans in the Syria Twittersphere if they wanted to come and work with them.

They've actually been putting out some good stuff recently.

Mint Press was the people who put out that stupid syria conspiracy last year. They're RT level
Their article from Syria was not corroborated and just a report of people saying stuff on ground. Maybe MNP is not a bastion of free speech as I hoped it would be, but I'd like to see more from them, especially since they undertook a project that studied whether a wage increase will help the nation as a whole.

I dunno, I felt disgusted reading Buzzfeed's "investigation" into MNP. I'm not saying MNP may have had agenda in reporting anonymous sources in Syria, but Buzzfeed's smear tactics are no worse than Republicans fearmongering of Obama's weather underground links in 2008.


House Speaker John Boehner theatrically mocked his fellow Republican Congressmen for being afraid to reform immigration policy when he spoke Thursday before the Middletown Rotary Club in his home district.

"Here's the attitude. Ohhhh. Don't make me do this. Ohhhh. This is too hard," Boehner whined before a luncheon crowd at Brown's Run County Club in Madison Township.

"We get elected to make choices. We get elected to solve problems and it's remarkable to me how many of my colleagues just don't want to ... They'll take the path of least resistance."

Boehner said he's been working for 16 or 17 months trying to push Congress to deal with immigration reform.

"I've had every brick and bat and arrow shot at me over this issue just because I wanted to deal with it. I didn't say it was going to be easy," he said.
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