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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Is the new Daily Show site shitty for anyone else? Seems to get stuck loading both videos and the pages themselves half the time.

EDIT: Huh, maybe it's Chrome, seems to work better in Opera.


The Obama administration is poised to take over Oregon’s broken health insurance exchange, according to officials familiar with the decision who say that it reflects federal officials’ conclusion that several state-run marketplaces may be too dysfunctional to fix.

In public, the board overseeing Cover Oregon is scheduled to vote Friday whether to join the federal insurance marketplace that sells health plans in most of the country under the Affordable Care Act. Behind the scenes, the officials say, federal and Oregon officials already have agreed that closing down the state marketplace is the best path to rescue what has been the country’s only one to fail so spectacularly that no resident has been able to sign up for coverage online since it opened early last fall.

The collapse of Oregon’s insurance marketplace comes as federal health officials are focusing intensely on faltering exchanges in two other states, Maryland and Massachusetts.

This month, the board of the Maryland Health Connection became the first in the nation to decide to replace most of its exchange with different technology. But Maryland did not obtain required federal approval before its vote. Federal officials remain uncertain whether the state exchange has the capacity to correct its problems and have not indicated whether they will give Maryland the $40 million to $50 million it says it needs to make the switch.

Massachusetts was in the vanguard of insurance exchanges, opening its own years before the 2010 federal health-care law. But the commonwealth’s insurance marketplace developed severe technical problems as it tried to make adjustments to interact with the federal system.


When the Affordable Care Act was enacted, the law’s authors envisioned that virtually every state would build its own exchange, for people who cannot get affordable insurance through a job and for small businesses. Only 14 states and the District have created exchanges. In the remaining three dozen states, Republican governors and legislators, as part of the intense GOP opposition to the law, have left their residents to rely on the federal insurance marketplace, which opened for business in October.

Some of the state-run marketplaces have prospered, including California’s, Connecticut’s and Kentucky’s. But others have been failures, placing a political stain on Democratic statehouses that were among the most enthusiastic in embracing the federal health-care law. In addition to the three states that are currently the focal point of administration officials, exchanges have faltered in a few other places, including Hawaii and Minnesota.

In each of the defective state exchanges, consumers have encountered a variety of obstacles in trying to sign up. Oregon’s consumers have been the only ones who have had to resort entirely to cumbersome paper applications because its Web site has never worked for individual sign-ups, despite nearly $250 million in federal funds spent to set up the exchange.

Just under 64,000 residents have enrolled in private health plans there. In becoming the first state to migrate to the federal insurance marketplace, Oregon is trying to make it easier for more people to sign up for health coverage in the future. But the switch also introduces new uncertainties to an already chaotic environment.

It is unclear, for example, whether people who have just chosen health plans through Cover Oregon will need to sign up a second time in the federal system for their new coverage to continue beyond this year. Nor is it clear whether insurers in Cover Oregon will switch to the federal marketplace, or whether the state will preserve some of the approaches its exchange has employed with enrollment assisters and insurance agents.


It has been increasingly clear in recent months that Cover Oregon was failing. The exchange hemorrhaged staff, including an executive director, acting director and, just this week, its chief operating officer. It is currently run by a consultant whom the governor hired to assess what was going wrong.
So the GOP maybe accidentally sent people into the one exchange clearly working lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Is the new Daily Show site shitty for anyone else? Seems to get stuck loading both videos and the pages themselves half the time.

EDIT: Huh, maybe it's Chrome, seems to work better in Opera.

The Daily Show site? Nah, it's always been shitty. Hell, the new design is somehow even WORSE than it was before.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You know, I'm really glad that Cliven Bundy's fifteen minutes of fame are over, but I can't help but be disappointed over the reason that caused his conservative fanboys in the media to head for the hills. The man broke the law and lived like a moocher for twenty years, and when he was about to be punished for his transgressions, he decided he was going to KILL federal agents! And yet, few on the Right had any issue with that, and in fact, some (such as Sean Hannity) were actively encouraging this senile pinhead to make things a tad more interesting.

No, what ended up doing Bundy in wasn't his threats to commit a blatant act of sedition, but rather his horrendously racist remarks regarding the blahs. Of course those comments were idiotic and offensive, but what Bundy was doing before actually involved the possibility of multiple people actually getting KILLED.

When it comes to U.S. politics, I always feel like our priorities are almost always out of order.
I think this illustrates a lot with how out of touch the GOP is

So National Review does one of their DEM HYPOCRISY!!!!! articles saying the Clinton's are rich so they can't be populist


Dave Weigel responds with the obvious fact their policies are populist even if they are rich.


oh and ‏lol at this assertion
RT @charlescwcooke
@daveweigel Also, when you have that much money, tax increases don't really matter to you.
Philp Klein with the Washington Examiner retorts with the fact that they're oh so different that the poor people making $250k.

Its the Wall St. Journal article all over again. There is no talk of anyone making less than 100K a year. Its ridiculous that all the right is able to talk about is rich people and yes making 250k a year is rich.


Unconfirmed Member


Article doesn't mention anywhere that Oracle was the company in charge of Oregon's exchange. PRIVATIZING SURE WORKED THERE, HUH

I guess that's what happens when you give a tech contract to a legal firm. [/jokeaboutOracle'slegaldepartment]
Article doesn't mention anywhere that Oracle was the company in charge of Oregon's exchange. PRIVATIZING SURE WORKED THERE, HUH

I guess that's what happens when you give a tech contract to a legal firm. [/jokeaboutOracle'slegaldepartment]

Well to be fair Oracle is such a shit fucking company so no surprises there. Seriously it sucks how much of the industry is dependent on Java which they bought from Sun Microsystems and use it for pretty much Litigation purposes.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
oh and ‏lol at this assertion

Philp Klein with the Washington Examiner retorts with the fact that they're oh so different that the poor people making $250k.

Its the Wall St. Journal article all over again. There is no talk of anyone making less than 100K a year. Its ridiculous that all the right is able to talk about is rich people and yes making 250k a year is rich.

What's really dumb about that is that it's not like those douches support taxes on millionaires OR billionaires anyway.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

When asked about his remarks on slavery Friday morning on CNN, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy said, "If I say 'negro' or 'black boy' or 'slave' ... if those people cannot take those kind of words and not be offensive then Martin Luther King didn't do his job."

As I always say, if you're in a hole, the only way to get out is to dig UP.

Guns! Yeah! (I hate toy guns)

BTW good song

The nice thing about that picture is the red/pink end of the barrel on the gun. That is done so that when police see a kid with a gun like that, they know it is not a real gun. I presume that is due to some regulation that was passed. So those people are smiling there with a literal piece of common sense gun regulation in plain view.

Edit: The parent needs to work on that kid's trigger behavior though.

Damn Kaepernickehs, you beat me to the edit.


The nice thing about that picture is the red/pink end of the barrel on the gun. That is done so that when police see a kid with a gun like that, they know it is not a real gun. I presume that is due to some regulation that was passed. So those people are smiling there with a literal piece of common sense gun regulation in plain view.

And poor gun safety training. His finger is on the trigger.
I've been meaning to ask PoliGAFers.

What do you all think of Cenk Uygur?

I certainly don't agree with everything he says but I like Cenk Uygur. I love it when he goes off on religious nuts. And it is interesting to hear politics from a Turkish immigrant former-Muslim former-Republican liberal atheist. And he seems like the guy least likely to sell-out.

And Cruz looks like such a doughy doofus. He can't get elected on that alone.
And it is not just his look. He has a really annoying squeaky high-pitched voice. As unfair as it is, those things probably really do reduce his electability.

But I think he is very popular on the right because he is a hard-core conservative that hits all the red-meat talking points plus he's got the name 'Cruz' so they think he'll bring in a lot of Latino voters. I think they'll be sorely disappointed.
Pepe LaPew said:
And here’s how you know the media is lying. They still call themselves


We know, in the world that surrounds us, there are terrorists and
home invaders and drug cartels and car-jackers and knock-out gamers
and rapers, haters, campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers,
road-rage killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country
with massive storms of violence against our power grids, or vicious
waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse the society that
sustains us all.
The world is a scary place

I've been meaning to ask PoliGAFers.

What do you all think of Cenk Uygur?

naive internet liberal with not much interesting to say. Bad for dems to listen to.

David and Charles Koch are patriots. By grit, persistence and hard work, they built a $100 billion-a-year business that employs tens of thousands. They give generously to medical research, the arts, education, think tanks and science. They care deeply about the values that make success in America possible — free markets, freedom, limited government and competition.

This has led them to the political arena, where they give tens of millions and raise hundreds more to back candidates and causes. For this, they have been excoriated by the left, while the left remains hypocritically quiet when George Soros, Tom Steyer and other left-of-center rich spend to influence politics.

The Kochs have answered abuse with courage, giving encouragement to others on the center-right to get into the fight. Bless them for all they do and all the liberals they send into orbit.
If Rand Paul ever got to the general I would quit my job and volunteer fulltime for whoever was running against him.

Don't underestimate Rand, he has plenty of fresh policies like on drug policy and foreign policy that would put him to the left of Hillary. Hillary is tired and old and Rand can present himself as a fresh start from eight long years of Obama, and believe me by 2016 the American people will be suffering from Obama fatigue.

The American people are libertarians at heart, and Rand is the right candidate at the right time like FDR in 1932 or Reagan in 1980.
Don't underestimate Rand, he has plenty of fresh policies like on drug policy and foreign policy that would put him to the left of Hillary. Hillary is tired and old and Rand can present himself as a fresh start from eight long years of Obama, and believe me by 2016 the American people will be suffering from Obama fatigue.

The American people are libertarians at heart, and Rand is the right candidate at the right time like FDR in 1932 or Reagan in 1980.
Is this an attempt to do a PD post?
Don't underestimate Rand, he has plenty of fresh policies like on drug policy and foreign policy that would put him to the left of Hillary. Hillary is tired and old and Rand can present himself as a fresh start from eight long years of Obama, and believe me by 2016 the American people will be suffering from Obama fatigue.

The American people are libertarians at heart, and Rand is the right candidate at the right time like FDR in 1932 or Reagan in 1980.

After eight years of Bush and eight years of Obama, a Clinton will sound very fresh.
I'm serious, I'm not saying Rand will win in a landslide like Reagan or FDR did but I can definitely see him appealing to independents, never underestimate the power of right wing populism. 2010 was a result of libertarian leaning independents and it can happen again in 2016.

Rand still probably wont win the primary though.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16

What the fuck?

Before I criticize this statement, let me list the 10 largest unions in the country.

1. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
Membership: 1.6 million
Special national bodies: Child Care Providers Together, AFSCME Retirees, AFSCME Corrections United, United Nurses of America.
Represents: Public service workers. Nurses, corrections officers, child care providers, sanitation workers, park rangers, EMTs, and more.

2. Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Membership: 2.1 million (1.9 in the US)
Represents: Health care workers, public services, and property services.

3. National Education Association (NEA)
Membership: 3 million
Represents: Education workers at all levels, from pre-school through college graduate-level.

4. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
Membership: 700 thousand
Represents: Workers in utilities, construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads and government.

5. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
Membership: 11 million workers
Represents: Unrestricted. All-inclusive labor union.

6. United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW)
Membership: 1 million
Represents: Workers in manufacturing occupations, especially in the auto and aerospace industries.

7. United Brotherhood of Carpenters (UBC)
Membership: 500k
Represents: Workers in construction and wood-products.

8. International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT)
Membership 1.3 million in the US and Canada
Represents: Truck drivers/teamsters, and other blue collar working professionals.

9. Communications Workers of America (CWA)
Membership: 700 thousand in the US and Canada
Represents: Telecom and IT workers, news media, broadcast and cable TV, and airline workers. Also workers public service, health care, law enforcement, manufacturing, and other fields.

10. United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW)
Membership 1.3 million
Represents: Workers in grocery, retail, food processing, and meat packing.

So, you have some 23+ million members across these 10 unions. On the flipside, you have 2 Koch brothers.

How does their political spending stack up?


But sure, keep beating that drum that the koch brothers are fighting the good fight. After all, two people are only tripling the political expenditures of the 23 million most organized, most active workers, from a political lobbying standpoint.

East Lake

I don't think there's a single right winger that could win unless there's a big scandal on the left. They've extended themselves too far since 2008 and there's been no mea culpa since then. One example would be like a day after the 2012 election Hannity was on the air saying they needed to adjust their immigration policies. They haven't done that and they won't until the true believers and the animus they encouraged are ejected from the party.
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