Some of the people vying to be the GOP nominee for senate in 2014 are ratcheting up the batshit to 12.
Iowa Senate Candidates: Federal Judges Must Follow Biblical Law
You can't make this shit up anymore.
Iowa Senate Candidates: Federal Judges Must Follow Biblical Law
Three out of four Iowa Republican candidates for U.S. Senate said Friday they would block any federal judge appointee who did not have a “biblical view of justice” or follow “natural law” as handed down from God.
The discussion came up at a forum hosted by The Family Leader, an organization that lavished money on a 2010 campaign to oust the Iowa justices who ruled that marriage equality was required by Iowa’s constitution.
When asked by moderator and right-wing commentator Erick Erickson what criteria they would use in confirming federal judges, the candidates tried to one-up each other to emphasize the importance of Biblical law. Sam Clovis, who recently asserted that Obama remains in office solely because Republicans are afraid of impeaching a black president, said any judicial nominees must be able to “explain to me natural law and natural rights.” Matt Whitaker went even farther, specifying that judges must be “people of the faith” with “a biblical view of justice.” State Sen. Joni Ernst stressed that judges must have an “understanding where the Constitution came from and our laws, and they all did come from God.”
You can't make this shit up anymore.