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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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No Scrubs
Guys...I voted for the first time in the largest democracy in the world...INDIA!

And they make this ink mark on your finger, unwashable instantly, disappears gradually to mark that you have voted. And many places offer discounts for the next week if you show this ink mark.

OH, and it is a HOLIDAY by law when there is voting in your area.


Sweet, was there much of a wait? Who do you think is going to win?


Who's gonna win? Modi or Ghandi,

Probably not.
Who's gonna win? Modi or Ghandi,

Modi I hope.

Strange thing, I was a total leftie when I was in the US, in India I support the party known as right wing.

Would be a different story if the Gandhi family hadn't ruined the country in last 10 years by operating a shadow government and making the PM their puppet.
Haha just got told off by some guy who said people like me who get offended at racist stuff like what Donald Sterling said are the reason why racism still exists today, basically calling out racism causes racism. He said if we all stopped being offended the world would get along and be a better place.

He then called me a n**ger lover.

We live in a very strange world.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Yeah, your skills always match up. You have transport. Its always close to your house. You always have access to capital or loans. Its always a good economy, etc.

Not one of those is true. And that doesn't affect anything I've said in this thread.
Haha just got told off by some guy who said people like me who get offended at racist stuff like what Donald Sterling said are the reason why racism still exists today, basically calling out racism causes racism. He said if we all stopped being offended the world would get along and be a better place.

He then called me a n**ger lover.

We live in a very strange world.
Did you revoke his diplomatic immunity? (Wait...the was Kaffir lover. Eh, same thing. )


I also have heard insane ramblings on the Jewish Conspiracy (tm) as well. I don't know what to think
...and the Jews steal our money through their Zionist occupied government and use the black man to bring drugs into our oppressed white minority communities.


I don't see a forced choice here. The employee can choose to remain in California (or wherever). There are consequences for that choice, of course, but it's the employee's choice nonetheless. But both the employer and the employee have the freedom to remain, or to leave. And neither has the power to compel the other to remain, or to leave.

Not one of those is true. And that doesn't affect anything I've said in this thread.

Honest question, am I the only one that sees a contradiction here?


No Scrubs
So according to my Facebook feed, Edward Snowden is actually an NSA plant who deliberately leaked all these national secrets to "distract" from other, even more secret government projects.


That's crazy as shit, but it would make for a damn good spy novel.
Yeah Rahul Gandhi is pretty but he is not going to win. Congress party done goofed. Modi will win, despite the fact that US State Dept denied him entry to US 3 times on account of Gujarat genocide that happened under his watch. Now Obama will be shaking his hand. Par for the course I believe.
Facebook's related feature can show you how deep the rabbit hole goes tout de suite.


By the way, the article was about how somebody imagines that if 10% of the faculty was armed that school shootings would no longer be a problem.
Read on Slate that Scalia fucked up his dissent from yesterday by misquoting himself. They've corrected his error, but now his dissent makes no sense.
Hey meta ment to ask earlier what you thought about the SBA list case.

I tried reading the transcript but I had no idea what they were talking about, I couldn't even find them discussing the constitutional question.
Hey meta ment to ask earlier what you thought about the SBA list case.

I tried reading the transcript but I had no idea what they were talking about, I couldn't even find them discussing the constitutional question.

If you are talking about the First Amendment question, it isn't before the Court. It's a standing question.
Yeah Rahul Gandhi is pretty but he is not going to win. Congress party done goofed. Modi will win, despite the fact that US State Dept denied him entry to US 3 times on account of Gujarat genocide that happened under his watch. Now Obama will be shaking his hand. Par for the course I believe.

I was in Gujarat when those riots happened. While I think Modi should apologize for them, he is not responsible for them. But the work done in the state in last 12 years has been great.

If Congress had just allowed Man Mohan Singh and Chidambram to do as they would without the influence of Gandhi family, I would support Congress.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Different views of freedom. Metaphoreus seems to be a proponent of negative liberty, the freedom from other people telling you what to do, as opposed to the positive liberty that I suspect some others in this thread would propound, which is more about having the freedom to act for oneself.

I take issue with the term "negative liberty," but it's a semantic issue, and I do support that view. I also take issue with contrasting it with "the freedom to act for oneself," since I think that's actually a pretty good description of "negative liberty." I would describe "positive liberty" as sometimes including "the freedom to act for oneself," but also sometimes including an obligation to act for others instead of oneself (or, to put it in a more negative light, the power to compel others to act for onself).

Hey meta ment to ask earlier what you thought about the SBA list case.

I tried reading the transcript but I had no idea what they were talking about, I couldn't even find them discussing the constitutional question.

If you are talking about the First Amendment question, it isn't before the Court. It's a standing question.

empty vessel's right.* The questions presented in the case are:

I. To challenge a speech-suppressive law, must a party whose speech is arguably proscribed prove that authorities would certainly and successfully prosecute him, as the Sixth Circuit holds, or should the court presume that a credible threat of prosecution exists absent desuetude or a firm commitment by prosecutors not to enforce the law, as seven other Circuits hold.

II. Did the Sixth Circuit err by holding, in direct conflict with the Eighth Circuit, that state laws proscribing "false" political speech are not subject to pre-enforcement First Amendment review so long as the speaker maintains that its speech is true, even if others who enforce the law manifestly disagree?

I'll post some thoughts on those issues, as well as the substantive issues, this evening. But the fact that the substantive First Amendment issues aren't at issue in the Supreme Court (yet, at least) is probably why you had trouble following the oral argument. Questions of standing can be a convoluted mess.



Rick Scott is such a tool.

Rick Scott’s Hunt for Obamacare Horror Stories Didn’t Go So Well

Florida Governor Rick Scott (R), who currently trails his Republican-turned-Democratic opponent Charlie Crist by ten points in the polls, stopped by a senior center in Boca Raton Tuesday afternoon hunting for stories of elderly victims of Obamacare. Instead he got “completely satisfied,” “very happy,” “very pleased,” and “no problems.”

According to the Sun Sentinel’s Anthony Man, the Affordable Care Act was roundly popular in the center, especially as the residents’ memories of the rollout of previous social programs informed their more patient view of the new one. “People were appalled at Social Security,” one resident said. “They were appalled at Medicare when it came out. I think these major changes take some people aback. But I think we have to be careful not to just rely on the fact that we’re seniors and have an entitlement to certain things.”

Scott found no evidence that doctors had stopped taking Medicare, or that services had been rolled back due to impending cuts. In fact, some even praised the law for getting their grandchildren insured.

Scott has been running ads warning seniors that Medicare services would constrict under Obamacare, a claim that has gotten him into some trouble, as a health services company he ran before becoming governor was fined $1.7 billion by the government for Medicare fraud.


I take issue with the term "negative liberty," but it's a semantic issue, and I do support that view. I also take issue with contrasting it with "the freedom to act for oneself," since I think that's actually a pretty good description of "negative liberty." I would describe "positive liberty" as sometimes including "the freedom to act for oneself," but also sometimes including an obligation to act for others instead of oneself (or, to put it in a more negative light, the power to compel others to act for onself).

FYI and for others, those are the accepted terms in political study.
These don't appear to have been posted yet:

NY Times: U.S. Economy Barely Grew in First Quarter

The American economy slammed on the brakes in the beginning of 2014, as weaker exports and lower spending by businesses essentially brought growth to a standstill.

At 0.1 percent, the pace of expansion in January, February and March was the slowest since late 2012, and revealed another one of the periodic pauses in the growth that has characterized the slow recovery of the last five years.

Many experts had predicted a slowing in the first quarter of 2014, especially in the wake of more robust growth in the second half of 2013 and very cold weather in January and February, but the figures released by the Commerce Department on Wednesday morning were still drastically below the 1.2 percent rate of expansion that Wall Street had been expecting.

Still, the sources of weakness were somewhat different than experts had foreseen, and there were signs that underlying economic activity was at least slightly more encouraging than the overall number would seem to suggest.

NY Times: Republican-Led Filibuster Blocks Minimum Wage Bill in Senate

A proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10, an underpinning of President Obama’s economic agenda and an issue that Democrats hope to leverage against Republicans in the midterm elections, failed in the Senate on Wednesday.

The vote was 54 to 42, with 60 votes needed to advance the measure.

All but one Republican voted to sustain a filibuster against the measure, saying that the increase would damage the fragile economy and force businesses to cut hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Democrats were mostly united behind the bill.

"Mostly" is pretty shameful.


Unconfirmed Member


No Scrubs
Any republican going for the anit-aca angle is dead in the water.

He was dead in the water anyway, he only got in because the other two guys running split the majority. Voldemort was never getting more than one term, I'm more shocked he hasn't gotten caught doing anything illegal yet.


Unconfirmed Member
Paul Ryan talked to black people today

Did he learn that the way forward was gutting welfare programs, slashing tax rates, and freeing the black man from uncle sugar's plantation?

Sort of want to remake that "black people love us" site but all around Ryan.
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