Aaron Strife
Compromiser in chief caves yet again /pd
Even if you're already mired in conspiracy theories, it seems like a huge stretch to tie this into them. White House reaches out to Youtube, telling them this video is causing problems in the Middle East. How does this advance the conspiracy? What happens, if Youtube takes down the video, that helps hide the secret truth of Benghazi?
The only way this could possibly work is if the administration sent the email as part of a plan to make it look like the video had caused Benghazi, and intended to release the email later to corroborate that version of events. Except... they didn't release it. It's still hidden away.
Unless this is some real next-level shit, where they knew Issa would find this email and publicize it, and by doing so help exonerate them of the conspiracy theory that they clearly knew was coming and oh god my brain
Who missed this, you all or me?
RNC files lawsuit to raise unlimited cash
Welp, after the supreme court removes all political party contribution limits, would there be any limits left except the individual contribution limit?
What is with that URL? Obama Slams Both Sides to Blame Media?
I think we've been in "the worse the better" land in regards of campaign finance for quite a while now, so good, I guess?RNC files lawsuit to raise unlimited cash
Welp, after the supreme court removes all political party contribution limits, would there be any limits left except the individual contribution limit?
We all missed it and probably 99% of america too because no cable news ran a story of this. It shatters bubu both sides narrative which the media mines for views.http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...g-plum-obama-slams-both-sides-to-blame-media/
Who missed this, you all or me?
Go further for who?? Certainly not blacks.
if you're expecting it to "go further" for black people w/ all the historical evidence from existing anti-poverty programs indicating otherwise (evidence that i'm pretty sure TNC brings up in the article spawning this conversation) i don't know what to tell you
The discussion about who has it worse is toxic, counterproductive and has been used by rich fucks since before the foundation of this country to keep poor people and minorities down.Poor whites are just as social mobile as poor blacks, as in not at all. The part of the system that is stacked against class overshadows the part that is stacked against race. The former has to be addressed prior to the latter. There is not point in giving people money if they find it difficult to use it to move to a different area and get a decent paying job.
Would have been nice if he realized this sooner.http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...g-plum-obama-slams-both-sides-to-blame-media/
Who missed this, you all or me?
I read it as "Obama Slams 'Both Sides to Blame' Media", which would be accurate.
Who missed this, you all or me?
Who missed this, you all or me?
He has always realized this. He can't do anything about it though with the House leadership overrun by far-right loons straight out of 1920.Would have been nice if he realized this sooner.
He has always realized this. He can't do anything about it though with the House leadership overrun by far-right loons straight out of 1920.
They sure talked in circles for a long time. Stewart really needed to press Geithner on why Congress didn't authorize them to bail out homeowners or why the administration didn't make a lot of noise about wanting to bail out homeowners in order to pressure Congress into authorizing that. As best I could tell, Geithner's story was that he really wanted to bail out homeowners, that that would have been good policy, that no interest group was opposed to it, and that nevertheless Congress didn't want to allow that and couldn't have been talked into it.
I saw those DC buses today. SMHThere are lot people in US that are way, way more critical of Islam than that Florida pastor. Every day they are coming up with crazier ways to critize Islam. Next week Pamela Geller is going to run ads in DC buses comparing nazism to Islam or something. This week they ran ads in NYT. State dept is not going to tell them not to. Problem with Florida pastor was that he was trying to incite violence with a youtube video knowing full well that he is going to put peoples lives in danger. He is an idiot.
Besides, the guy burned the Qur'an anyway. He just didn't advertise it.
False flag attack, orchestrated by Hillary and signed off on by Obama, to take our gunz.
So how's the massacre in California Obama's fault?
So how's the massacre in California Obama's fault?
So how's the massacre in California Obama's fault?
What if they are planning to dis-knee people at Disney?!?!Guys, what if they are planning six false flags at six six flags amusement parks on June 6th![]()
The guy posted all sorts of YouTube videos and yet the administration did not contact YouTube.So how's the massacre in California Obama's fault?
Someone get Nancy Kerrigan on Fox News, stat.What if they are planning to dis-knee people at Disney?!?!
41 idiots agree with this assclown?
One of two Georgia Republicans who will face off in a run-off election in July for the GOP nomination in the 10th Congressional District is minister and talk-radio host Jody Hice, who believes that gay people have a secret plot to recruit and sodomize children.
Mother Jones reports that in a 2012 book In Its Now or Never: A Call to Reclaim America Hice compares gay relationships to bestiality and incest, alleges the gay community wants to recruit and sodomize childrenand that that supporters of abortion rights are worse than Hitler. He also proposes that Muslims be stripped of their First Amendment rights.
In his book, Hice claims that homosexuality results in shorter life spans and depression, and he insists same-sex couples cannot raise healthy children:
Some ask the question, How does same-sex marriage threaten your marriage?, he writes. The answer is similar to asking, How does a trashy neighborhood affect you? It might not affect you at all on a personal level. But, we are not talking about a same-sex marriage. We are talking about an effort to redefine marriage, and that would have drastic results and irreversible consequences!
People love all kinds of other people and things, but that does not grant permission for marriage. It is illegal to marry a child or a sibling. It is illegal to marry a pet, which many people love dearly.
Hice claims that Christians who speak out against the evils of homosexuality are persecuted and as a result of gay manipulation, the nations entire system of justice is being destroyed.
At one point in his book, Hice quotes at length from a 1987 column by gay author Michael Swift, to suggest that gay people prey on children:
We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.
Hice calls the passage shocking words by Michael Swift that have been considered part of the gay manifesto by many, and reveal the radical agenda that is currently threatening our nation.
But what Hice omitted was the first sentence of Swifts column, which noted that the entire essay was satirical.
Last week, Hice clinched a spot in the runoff to replace U.S. Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.), who is seeking a seat in the U.S. Senate. In a district that gave 62 percent of the vote to Mitt Romney two years ago, Hice, the leading vote-getter in the first round of balloting, stands a good chance of being elected to Congress.
Will recruit and sodomize children? Someone's definitely projecting here, Mr. Minister...
Also Europe needs to take a look at themselves before they open their mouths about the US racist revanchists
Marine "Ebola will help our African immigration problem" La Pen has won in France.
UKIP winning in the UK.
Golden Dawn, who are literally Nazis came in third in Greece but did good enough to win seats. The EU parliament will have Nazis in it now.
Also Europe needs to take a look at themselves before they open their mouths about the US racist revanchists
And as far as white privilege, speaking as a honky, I got none, the author writes. In fact, if I had been black or Hispanic I might have done better.
The discussion about who has it worse is toxic, counterproductive and has been used by rich fucks since before the foundation of this country to keep poor people and minorities down.
I think it's best for progressives to refuse to engage in it.
Also, in the US the two are inseparable, race and racism has been used to keep poor people down and general anti-poor policies have been enacted specifically to fuck black people.
I liked The Man Show, but Adam Carolla is kind of a douche bag.
You would've had a weed party for sure. At this point, they would've been busy trying to figure out what is their next move now that marijuana is legalized in the federal level.Seeing all of these minority parties in the European countries is interesting. I wonder what minority parties we'd get if congress wasn't a two party system?
I think the important thing is to agree that America has a debt to its black citizens, figuring out exactly what is the best way to pay it back is a more technical question.I completely agree with this. My argument is that I don't think that just handing black people money would be the best way of handling it. There are other things that money could be used for that would go farther with that community.
I imagine on campaigning to legalize other things that their base feel should be legal. Such as gambling, prostitution, and (maybe) cocaine.You would've had a weed party for sure. At this point, they would've been busy trying to figure out what is their next move now that marijuana is legalized in the federal level.
I think the important thing is to agree that America has a debt to its black citizens, figuring out exactly what is the best way to pay it back is a more technical question.