Apologies up front for sounding a little too main OT forum.
It occurs to me that our government has no realistic means to break up a bank deemed to big to fail since there is too much competition and it would be nearly impossible to prove any sort of collusion.
We still have banks that are too big to fail in that we can't allow them to implode and go out of business for fear that it would ruin our economy. This seems to be an accepted truth of the majority of the federal congress.
So what are the implications?
Does that mean that a bank (its board of directors actually) can threaten the US economy if they don't like a particular piece of legislation?
Is that not reason enough to pass legislation that allows the government to break up a bank that is so large and influential that it can threaten to crash the economy if it doesn't get its way?
read the article, i can tell you haven't
A still-classified State Department e-mail says that one of the first responses from the White House to the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube to warn of the ramifications of allowing the posting of an anti-Islamic video, according to Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
The memo suggests that even as the attack was still underway and before the CIA began the process of compiling talking points on its analysis of what happened the White House believed it was in retaliation for a controversial video.
The subject line of the e-mail, which was sent at 9:11 p.m. Eastern Time on the night of the attack, is Update on Response to actions Libya. The e-mail was written hours before the attack was over.
Issa has asked the White House to declassify and release the document. In the meantime he has inserted a sentence from the e-mail in the Congressional Record.
White House is reaching out to U-Tube [sic] to advice ramification of the posting of the Pastor Jon video, the e-mail reads, according to Issa.
The e-mail shows the White House had hurried to settle on a false narrative one at odds with the conclusions reached by those on the ground before Americans were even out of harms way or the intelligence community had made an impartial examination of available evidence, Issa said.
Issa is calling on the White House to release an unclassified version of the document.
While the information I have cited from this e-mail is clearly unclassified, the State Department has attempted to obstruct its disclosure by not providing Congress with an unclassified copy of this document, Issa said.
If you want to tackle the problems within the black community you need to fix the problems of the general lower class first
I guess it's a bombshell if you believe the whole youtube thing was completely fabricated only for Benghazi, but the Youtube video was a real thing that was causing real protests throughout the sector. Of course the Whitehouse be considering options on how to tackle the situation. "White House is reaching out to U-Tube to advice ramification of the posting of the Pastor Jon video" doesn't even sound political at all. It sounds like behind the scenes diplomacy at a time when behind the scenes diplomacy was needed.
I do know that a lot of books regarding foreign policy get cleared before publishing. Especially those that would have anything to do with intelligence. I don't know the specifics of why though.Do they talk with publishers about books critical of islam or other areas that might hurt US policy?
I understand that. But I believe that is only people who have worked in intelligence and national defense. Private citizens expressing their own believes? Though I don't know what was discussed. There's a difference between talking to youtube about how to minimize damages like with PR and what not and asking them to take it down.I do know that a lot of books regarding foreign policy get cleared before publishing. Especially those that would have anything to do with intelligence. I don't know the specifics of why though.
Isn't it the same dude?I'll bet they talked to that Florida dude who was super into burning Korans.
I'll bet they talked to that Florida dude who was super into burning Korans.
On April 28, 2012, Jones burned a copy of the Qur'an, protesting the imprisonment of an Iranian-American Pastor, Saeed Abedini in Iran.[52] Jones was fined $271 by Gainesville Fire Rescue for burning books without authorization.
hehPolice arrested Jones on September 11, 2013, before he could burn 2,998 Korans soaked with kerosene at a park in Polk County, Florida. He was charged with unlawfully conveying fuel
the White House believed it was in retaliation for a controversial video.
No, he was just promoting it and screening it.Wait, really? The guy who made that "Innocence of Muslims" movie was the same crazy Koran-burning guy?
I understand that. But I believe that is only people who have worked in intelligence and national defense. Private citizens expressing their own believes? Though I don't know what was discussed. There's a difference between talking to youtube about how to minimize damages like with PR and what not and asking them to take it down.
Even if you're already mired in conspiracy theories, it seems like a huge stretch to tie this into them. White House reaches out to Youtube, telling them this video is causing problems in the Middle East. How does this advance the conspiracy? What happens, if Youtube takes down the video, that helps hide the secret truth of Benghazi?
The only way this could possibly work is if the administration sent the email as part of a plan to make it look like the video had caused Benghazi, and intended to release the email later to corroborate that version of events. Except... they didn't release it. It's still hidden away.
Unless this is some real next-level shit, where they knew Issa would find this email and publicize it, and by doing so help exonerate them of the conspiracy theory that they clearly knew was coming and oh god my brain
Former congressman Allen West is angry about the Democratic picks for the latest House panel investigating the 2012 Benghazi attack. Speaking yesterday with Janet Mefferd, West criticized Elijah Cummings, Adam Smith, Adam Schiff, Linda Sanchez and Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic lawmakers picked to fill the partys five slots on the 12-member GOP-led special committee.
West especially raised doubts about Duckworth, a veteran who lost both of her legs and the use of her right arm in the Iraq War, raising suspicions about her loyalty to the country.
Tammy Duckworth, you know I just dont know where her loyalties lie, for her to have been a veteran and a wounded warrior for the United States Army, she should know that this is not the right thing and hopefully she will remember the oath of office that she took as an Army officer and not the allegiance I guess she believes she has to the liberal progressives of the Democrat [sic] party, West said.
Hey look, a war criminal questioning peoples' patriotism
The GOP is getting desperate in Texas. What the fuck
shoulda put the black baby in her
And this is why Republicans should be very careful about VA controversy (Article from 2/27/2014)
why not both at the same time?
There are lot people in US that are way, way more critical of Islam than that Florida pastor. Every day they are coming up with crazier ways to critize Islam. Next week Pamela Geller is going to run ads in DC buses comparing nazism to Islam or something. This week they ran ads in NYT. State dept is not going to tell them not to. Problem with Florida pastor was that he was trying to incite violence with a youtube video knowing full well that he is going to put peoples lives in danger. He is an idiot.The bigger thing is that the state department is asking Youtube to take down videos.
I sympathize with their reasons in this case but that's not something I can really get behind as policy? Do they talk with publishers about books critical of islam or other areas that might hurt US policy?
Of course republicans don't take that angle which might have some resonance
Tammy Duckworth, you know I just dont know where her loyalties lie, for her to have been a veteran and a wounded warrior for the United States Army, she should know that this is not the right thing and hopefully she will remember the oath of office that she took as an Army officer and not the allegiance I guess she believes she has to the liberal progressives of the Democrat [sic] party, West said.
This guy. He should be in a mental institution. I am being serious here.Oh you piece of shit
I hope there's a secretly recorded audio out there where Darrell Issa talks about Benghazi witch hunt as a political issue against Obama and Hillary. We all know he did have that talk. Just behind closed doors is all.I like how Darrell Issa continues to make something out of nothing. Can you imagine if they sat around on their asses while people were protesting this video? Issa would be investigating and faulting them for that. Its a no win situation with republicans. No matter what you do your in the wrong.
So consider the fact that there were ACTUAL protests related to the video I don't think its that fucking far fetched that the white house would want to pull the video down to try and calm the region. Whether its right or not is another matter.
That is what gets me about this. Its NOT unreasonable to have the initial conclusion that Benghazi was part of the youtube video requests. Yes we know now its not but in the immediate aftermath the video could easily take the blame. I mean my god they officially said 10 days later that it had nothing to do with it. What a cover up for 10 whopping days. How long did we go on the WMD's in Iraq? Yet Issa or any other pathetic Republicans like McCain couldn't give a shit less that we want to war over something that wasn't real.
If anything, that would get them to change their mind about abortions.
Oh you piece of shit
He'll probably be a Senate candidate in 2016 if Rubio jumps ship, so that's something to look forward to!Why is he still relevant? He needs to go away. He's clearly an idiot.
In the email, Marshall also extended a threat to impeach judges who might overturn bans on same-sex marriage. Rulings based on the 14th Amendment’s equal protection “make no sense,” he argued, because when that Amendment was ratified, “sodomy was a felony in nearly every state.”
Whoa rasmussen in with a Georgia poll. Nunn leads Kingston by 6 (47-41), Perdue by 3 (45-42).
Too bad it's rasmussen
But Hay Kagan?
He said seeing Oregon and Pennsylvania leaders this week decide not to appeal rulings from federal judges striking down bans there does nothing to change his thinking. He said those leaders should be "called on the carpet" for their decision.
"For elected officials, governors or attorney generals, to pick and choose what laws [they] will enforce I think is a tragedy, and is the next step to anarchy," Herbert said. "We have an obligation as a state to defend those laws."
"What you choose to do with your sexual orientation is different in my mind than what you're born with as far as your race," Herbert said. He added later: "What your attraction may be is something else, but how you act upon those impulses is a choice."
McConnell asked about #ACA repeal dismantling @kynectky, says Kynect is "unconnected" to ACA. Uh....say what? #kysen
McConnell have a very vague answer on whether VA secretary should resign. #kysen
Oh you piece of shit
Why is he still relevant? He needs to go away. He's clearly an idiot.
Nunn 45
Kingston 45
Nunn 48
Perdue 46
Kingston 46
Perdue 34
Undecided 20
Deal 43
Carter 43
Hunt 7
Kingston 46
Perdue 34
Undecided 20
Because I imagine the money that goes towards reparations would go further if it was spent on addressing general inequality instead.
Not with Grimes being too chicken shit to take a stand on Obamacare. She should be saying "KyNect" every day and noting it wouldn't exist without Obamacare.
Because I imagine the money that goes towards reparations would go further if it was spent on addressing general inequality instead.
Barack Obama said:You’ll hear if you watch the nightly news or you read the newspapers that, well, there’s gridlock, Congress is broken, approval ratings for Congress are terrible. And there’s a tendency to say, a plague on both your houses. But the truth of the matter is that the problem in Congress is very specific. We have a group of folks in the Republican Party who have taken over who are so ideologically rigid, who are so committed to an economic theory that says if folks at the top do very well then everybody else is somehow going to do well; who deny the science of climate change; who don’t think making investments in early childhood education makes sense; who have repeatedly blocked raising a minimum wage so if you work full-time in this country you’re not living in poverty; who scoff at the notion that we might have a problem with women not getting paid for doing the same work that men are doing.
They, so far, at least, have refused to budge on bipartisan legislation to fix our immigration system, despite the fact that every economist who’s looked at it says it’s going to improve our economy, cut our deficits, help spawn entrepreneurship, and alleviate great pain from millions of families all across the country.
So the problem…is not that the Democrats are overly ideological — because the truth of the matter is, is that the Democrats in Congress have consistently been willing to compromise and reach out to the other side. There are no radical proposals coming out from the left. When we talk about climate change, we talk about how do we incentivize through the market greater investment in clean energy. When we talk about immigration reform there’s no wild-eyed romanticism. We say we’re going to be tough on the borders, but let’s also make sure that the system works to allow families to stay together…
When we talk about taxes we don’t say we’re going to have rates in the 70 percent or 90 percent when it comes to income like existed here 50, 60 years ago. We say let’s just make sure that those of us who have been incredibly blessed by this country are giving back to kids so that they’re getting a good start in life, so that they get early childhood education…Health care — we didn’t suddenly impose some wild, crazy system. All we said was let’s make sure everybody has insurance. And this made the other side go nuts — the simple idea that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, nobody should go bankrupt because somebody in their family gets sick, working within a private system.
So when you hear a false equivalence that somehow, well, Congress is just broken, it’s not true. What’s broken right now is a Republican Party that repeatedly says no to proven, time-tested strategies to grow the economy, create more jobs, ensure fairness, open up opportunity to all people.