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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I was just about to say I found the video. But I'm not sure why you're disagreeing with Root. Also, where do you get that Thomas views oral arguments as a waste of time? Here's something he said in 2009 in commenting on his silence at oral argument:

Also, I think everyone should take some time and watch Thomas speak. Given the extreme poverty he experienced as a child--not to mention racism as he grew up--his demeanor and optimistic outlook are truly marvelous. He's not a sarcastic ass like Scalia. That Harvard Law video looks like a good video to get a sense of the man, if anyone's interested. Here's another good one.

Waste of time for the justices. In the sense they don't need to be asking questions. And I'm disagreeing that toobin is wrong in his characterization and that thomas is doing anything productive on the bench during the arguments.

lol. So conservatives have tried to blame the lack of explosion in revenue on Obama's tax hikes, but now some are also blaming it on the fact that spending hasn't been reduced enough. What the hell does cutting spending have to do with the revenue short fall?

Also, the article claims that other states have had lower revenues as well. Though it doesn't specify whether those states enacted tax cuts as well. Does anyone have a resource to see state by state revenues?
Krugman slammed the boneheads that defend these policies. He basically points out that it is well-known that these policies don't work...they just persist due to special interests. I'd call it corruption.
Only way dems are losing the white house is if an october surprise news story leaked of an illicit affair between Obama and Hillary, straight from PD's fanfics.
I'm starting to think Hillary can lose. Not saying it's probable, just that this book tour has reminded me how bad of a campaign politician she is. She continues to bump into every issue of the day with a statement, she's still playing defense on stupid comments from last month, etc. I think republicans realize they can't beat her on neutral playing grounds. But if they can make people tired of her, resentful of the "arrogant" way she is presumed to be the next president, and keep sniping at her as being old and out of touch...there's a chance.

But the problem is that they need a candidate. It better not be a Bush, and I think even if Christie magically made it through the primary he would implode against Hillary. Can Scott Walker beat her? I doubt it. The GOP can win if they convince Hillary not to run, but otherwise I don't know...

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm starting to think Hillary can lose. Not saying it's probable, just that this book tour has reminded me how bad of a campaign politician she is. She continues to bump into every issue of the day with a statement, she's still playing defense on stupid comments from last month, etc. I think republicans realize they can't beat her on neutral playing grounds. But if they can make people tired of her, resentful of the "arrogant" way she is presumed to be the next president, and keep sniping at her as being old and out of touch...there's a chance.

But the problem is that they need a candidate. It better not be a Bush, and I think even if Christie magically made it through the primary he would implode against Hillary. Can Scott Walker beat her? I doubt it. The GOP can win if they convince Hillary not to run, but otherwise I don't know...

I actually agree with this
I'm starting to think Hillary can lose. Not saying it's probable, just that this book tour has reminded me how bad of a campaign politician she is. She continues to bump into every issue of the day with a statement, she's still playing defense on stupid comments from last month, etc. I think republicans realize they can't beat her on neutral playing grounds. But if they can make people tired of her, resentful of the "arrogant" way she is presumed to be the next president, and keep sniping at her as being old and out of touch...there's a chance.

But the problem is that they need a candidate. It better not be a Bush, and I think even if Christie magically made it through the primary he would implode against Hillary. Can Scott Walker beat her? I doubt it. The GOP can win if they convince Hillary not to run, but otherwise I don't know...
Jesus Christ

Oh hey, some bad news about your one tough nerd. He's tied with Mark Schauer in a new PPP poll. Don't worry though, I'm sure your support will carry Snyder to a victory though.


Even if Hilary maintains her terrible campaign habits, what legitimate GOP opponent can capitalize on it? The GOP primary is going to force the nominee to go so far to the right, that he'll have his own issues to deal with.

good article on hobby lobby

Just because the straightforward logic of religious liberty exemptions supports certain frightening slippery slope conclusions doesn't mean that justices will follow this logic to its extreme ends. Claims for religious exemptions that don't have much social support and don't pull enough on the heart strings of the Supreme Court justices will get cast aside as insincere, or as clobbered by a compelling state interest.

As always, "religious liberty" will not, in practice, refer to the grandiose content-neutral concept people pretend it does, but to a small number of conservative Christian views regarding contemporary culture war topics.
Are you still gonna vote for him? How is Mark Schuer?

He voted for the stimulus, DADT repeal, Lily Ledbetter, and the ACA (which lost him his seat in the tea party wave of 2010). Strong supporter of labor and unions. Basically, he's a Michigan democrat.

If he wins I can't imagine him getting much done. The GOP legislature here has fought Snyder on a variety of issues, from immigration visas to the Medicaid expansion. If they can't get along with a republican governor on non-fiscal issues, how will a pro union governor get much done?
He voted for the stimulus, DADT repeal, Lily Ledbetter, and the ACA (which lost him his seat in the tea party wave of 2010). Strong supporter of labor and unions. Basically, he's a Michigan democrat.

If he wins I can't imagine him getting much done. The GOP legislature here has fought Snyder on a variety of issues, from immigration visas to the Medicaid expansion. If they can't get along with a republican governor on non-fiscal issues, how will a pro union governor get much done?
I guess you're right, Democrats can't accomplish anything so we might as well vote for Republicans

Btw Democrats have a 14 point lead on the generic legislative ballot according to that PPP poll. Even with a gerrymander that would almost assuredly allow Democrats to win a majority in the state house, or at least come very close.
I guess you're right, Democrats can't accomplish anything so we might as well vote for Republicans

Btw Democrats have a 14 point lead on the generic legislative ballot according to that PPP poll. Even with a gerrymander that would almost assuredly allow Democrats to win a majority in the state house, or at least come very close.

PD has some really warped logic. Must be why he's so terrible at analyzing political races and situations.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I guess you're right, Democrats can't accomplish anything so we might as well vote for Republicans

Btw Democrats have a 14 point lead on the generic legislative ballot according to that PPP poll. Even with a gerrymander that would almost assuredly allow Democrats to win a majority in the state house, or at least come very close.

No, it wouldn't. Michigan's state house is nearly guaranteed to stay Republican for a decade or more. Look at the red/blue map of the state. It's resoundingly republican.
No, it wouldn't. Michigan's state house is nearly guaranteed to stay Republican for a decade or more. Look at the red/blue map of the state. It's resoundingly republican.
No, it really would.

The popular vote in Michigan's legislative elections in 2012 was D+8. Here it's D+14. I don't have exact numbers but I imagine there would have to at least be a handful of seats Democrats could pick up with an extra 6 points behind every candidate.

"B-b-b-but the gerrymander!"

If one side really is winning by that much then a gerrymander will do fuck-all to preserve a majority.

Democrats need 4 more seats in the Michigan House to tie the Republicans, and 1 more after that to win the majority. I'm sure you can find 5 Republican held seats that were decided by under 6 points.

Edit: In fact i just did. House districts 23, 41, 57, 63, 101. Republicans won 23, 41, and 63 by under 1,000 votes, 101 by 1,023 and 57 by a little under 2,000.
I guess you're right, Democrats can't accomplish anything so we might as well vote for Republicans

Btw Democrats have a 14 point lead on the generic legislative ballot according to that PPP poll. Even with a gerrymander that would almost assuredly allow Democrats to win a majority in the state house, or at least come very close.

Dems won't win back the legislature in Michigan anytime soon. Look at the map, not just a poll.


Guess what? SCOTUS ruling on Hobby Lobby is not so narrow.


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Tuesday confirmed that its decision a day earlier extending religious rights to closely held corporations applies broadly to the contraceptive coverage requirement in the new health care law, not just the handful of methods the justices considered in their ruling.

The justices did not comment in leaving in place lower court rulings in favor of businesses that object to covering all 20 methods of government-approved contraception.

Oklahoma-based Hobby Lobby Inc. and a Pennsylvania furniture maker won their court challenges Monday in which they refused to pay for two emergency contraceptive pills and two intrauterine devices.

Tuesday's orders apply to companies owned by Catholics who oppose all contraception. Cases involving Colorado-based Hercules Industries Inc., Illinois-based Korte & Luitjohan Contractors Inc. and Indiana-based Grote Industries Inc. were awaiting action pending resolution of the Hobby Lobby case.

They are among roughly 50 lawsuits from profit-seeking corporations that object to the contraceptive coverage requirement in their health plans for employees. Contraception is among a range of preventive services that must be included in the health plans, at no extra cost to workers.


Oh look. Obama's balls dropped.

There might be another federal budgetary crisis looming in the immediate future, and it may affect whether our highway system will get its repairs or not. And, as per usual, it’s causing actual, literal partisan gridlock — gridlock that President Barack Obama really, really loathes right now.

In a Tuesday speech in front of the Key Bridge in Washington, D.C., Obama wondered why on earth Republicans would want to block his proposal to make up a budget shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund (responsible for maintaining highways and roads) by increasing taxes on gas companies.

“It’s not crazy. It’s not socialism. It’s not the imperial presidency,” he said with clear exasperation. “We’re just building roads and bridges, like we have for the past 50 years, 100 years.”

The speech coincides with a letter from the Department of Transportation released today, in which Secretary Anthony Foxx warned Congress that, should they not act before August 1st, the shortfall in funding would mean that reimbursements to states for highway construction projects would be delayed. While gas taxes have been financing the Highway Trust Fund for decades, they have not been raised in that time — meaning that the Fund is severely inadequate.

Knowing that the Republicans find the concept of raising taxes repugnant, Obama placed the blame on their shoulders. “It’s not like they’ve been busy with other stuff!” he joked, then paused. “No, seriously.”
Dems won't win back the legislature in Michigan anytime soon. Look at the map, not just a poll.
I guess you'd know a lot about not looking at polls.

PD has some really warped logic. Must be why he's so terrible at analyzing political races and situations.
PD's also become so emotionally invested in poo-pooing Democratic chances everywhere to the point where he actively supports Republican candidates, which is why he's doubling down on Snyder.


This is semantics, and nothing more

None of the Court's orders today serve to extend the holding in Hobby Lobby. On the one hand, you have the Court denying three petitions for certiorari, which happens all the time and has no precedential effect. On the other hand, you have the Court reversing, vacating, and remanding in three cases so that the lower courts can consider whether and how Hobby Lobby affects their holdings.
I think Alito's Opinion makes it clear that these businesses can object to all contraception (except maybe the most necessary one related to health problems like ovarian cancer) and that's what will play out thanks to it.

If they think condoms are against their religion, bye bye condoms.

Also, fuck belgium.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
From the NRSC's website, here are all the evil, out of control things Obama's done that Republicans are justifying impeachment for:

1) The time President Obama waived Obamacare for Unions, but not for you.

2) The time The Obama Administration spied on journalists and wouldn’t say why.

3) The time President Obama decided to attend the Senate Democrats retreat but not campaign with any of them.

4) The time President Obama restricted journalists from taking video and photos of him. Instead forcing them to use media provided by the White House.

5) The time President Obama delayed the KeystoneXL pipeline for more than 5 years, costing tens of thousands of jobs.

6) The time President Obama told you, you could keep your health plan even though he knew you couldn’t.

I can't even..


Sidhe / PikPok
3) The time President Obama decided to attend the Senate Democrats retreat but not campaign with any of them.

Did the listmaker have this as a placeholder and forget to swap it out? This justifies a Presidential impeachment? Might as well impeach Obama for not sending everybody in the US a Christmas card.

In the rest of the list, nothing even comes remotely close to...

The time the Bush Administration went to war over "weapons of mass destruction" even though they knew they didn't exist

The biggest surprise is they've somehow managed to miss Benghazi off the list too. List fail.
From the NRSC's website, here are all the evil, out of control things Obama's done that Republicans are justifying impeachment for:

I can't even..

What about

"The time when President Bush, his VP and his cabinet lied to the American people for invading Iraq resulting in $1.7t debt, 5000 dead soldiers, and justification of banned torture methods"

All of the Obama shit pales in comparison.
President Christie's cool as cucumber townhall
"I'm begging you, don't implement Common Core," said the woman as she claimed the policy would earn Microsoft and Pearson Publishing millions of dollars. She called education standards an evil takeover of the public school system.

Christie shot back that something has to be done in New Jersey's failing school districts.

As the woman tried to interject the governor said, "I listened to you for a long time and you read to me everything and I was really patient so now you are going to listen to me." He told the woman, "We need to make changes. Whether Common Core is that change or not is something that is obviously open to vigorous debate."

The confrontations didn't end there.

Donna Jackson, an activist with the Newark-based group United Parents Network, started shouting at the governor that he was wrong and he was destroying the public schools.

Christie responded: "You and I have had plenty of private conversations. Don't make a scene here and a spectacle when you get the opportunity to speak your mind privately."

As she was led out by a police officer, Christie said, "See you later."
I think Alito's Opinion makes it clear that these businesses can object to all contraception (except maybe the most necessary one related to health problems like ovarian cancer) and that's what will play out thanks to it.

If they think condoms are against their religion, bye bye condoms.

Also, fuck belgium.

This was obvious the ruling was limited not in the contraception Hobby Lobby opposed but in the fact it give Christians sexology special treatment.
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