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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Another city falls to the evil siren call of socialism:

SAN DIEGO, July 28 (Reuters) - The San Diego City Council gave formal approval on Monday to an ordinance that would incrementally raise the minimum wage in California's second-largest city to $11.50 an hour by January 2017, mostly for workers in the restaurant and retail sectors.


*sheds a tear and pours a 40 over Thomas Jefferson's grave*


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


Senator Aqua-Buddha and Senator Superman getting together on criminal justice reform. Now that is a good thing. Props to both of them.


Looks like Paul is going to stake out the position of "I can work with the Dems" . . . which might be a good strategy.

I don't generally like Cory Booker, but he is definitely doing a good thing here. Rand Paul is as well. Genuine examples of bi-partisanship like this are good things.
I think, broadly speaking, bipartisan deals in the Senate have produced some decent legislation. Immigration reform, gun control, this. Of course, there's also been some boneheaded stuff (SOPA), but it's give and take.

The main things standing in the way of those things becoming law is (a) the filibuster and (b) a House majority that has no interest in allowing Obama to have any achievements to his name. And no, this isn't simply a matter of Obama lacking leadership or any such Beltway meme garbage, most of the key House members represent heavily gerrymandered districts that they know they're insulated from any blowback. In fact if anything we've seen from Eric Cantor's loss they have more to worry about from the right wing of the party than their Democratic opponents.

If only winning the House back this year was a feasible option, because Obama has (legislatively speaking) been a lame duck since after 2010.
New ACA report on Cali just released!

As the open enrollment period came to a close in the spring, nearly 6 in 10 of California’s previously uninsured report gaining coverage, with the largest share (25 percent) reporting they got coverage through Medi-Cal. All told, about a third of California’s previously uninsured say they enrolled in the two types of coverage most directly tied to the ACA – Medi-Cal and plans through Covered California. Forty-two percent say they remain uninsured including 13 percent who are ineligible for Medi-Cal or Covered California due to their immigration status.

In other words, if you exclude illegal imigrants who were disallowed from gaining coverage through the exchanges and medi-cal by law, 66% of the uninsured got insured.

They even got to hispanics, poor, and youth in large numbers (these include undocumented immigrants as well, unless otherwise stated:

Fifty-two percent of Hispanics who were previously uninsured report enrolling in coverage, a share that rises to 61 percent of Hispanics after excluding those who are likely to be ineligible for financial assistance through Covered California or Medi-Cal due to their immigration status. And, over half of young adults age 19 to 34 (58 percent), those earning 138% of the federal poverty level (FPL) or less (54 percent), those earning greater than 138% and up to 400% FPL (61 percent),3 and those reporting fair or poor health (53 percent) report getting coverage since last summer.

Looks like outreach mattered:

Outreach played a role in getting people covered — 69 percent of California’s previously uninsured who said they were contacted about signing up for health insurance since October 1st say they obtained coverage, compared to 52 percent of those that say they weren’t contacted.

About it going forward:

In addition to those who are not eligible due to their immigration status, about 4 in 10 (39 percent) have incomes that put them in the group likely eligible for Medi-Cal and another quarter (24 percent) are likely eligible for financial assistance through Covered California.

ust over a third (36 percent) of those who remain uninsured say they tried to get coverage but most say they did not enroll either due to the cost of coverage or difficulty completing the process.

Nearly 6 in 10 (57 percent) of those still uninsured think they will get coverage later this year, though most (57 percent) of them are unsure where they might get it.

Almost half of Hispanics who remain uninsured may not be eligible for coverage through Covered California or Medi-Cal under the ACA due to their immigration status, and just over half of remaining uninsured Hispanics (54 percent) are worried that enrolling in coverage would bring attention to their family’s immigration status. At the same time, Hispanics who remain uninsured largely feel that insurance is something they need (78 percent)

Basically, there's more to be gained here. More outreach will increase these numbers. Also elsewhere it says the uninsured are more informed now than last time when it comes to enrolling this year. That's another positive.

Of course, this sucks for undocumented immigrants who are fucked over.

But it's amazing how a state that embraced the ACA has actually seen a functioning ACA. Oh and:

A majority of the newly insured say their plan is a good value for the amount they pay (73 percent) and report feeling well protected by their plan (64 percent).


I was watching a documentary on the financial crash and it's so weird how during the months that led up to it you had banking CEOs collectively losing their shit begging the government to help them out, and now these same fucks acting like there was nothing wrong to begin with and the government is needlessly making them sad.

Should have left them die, everyone should have a backpack ready for apocalypse.



Signed up.
Friend me poligaf, I'm Paul Ivanovitch Chichikov.

To the surprise of no-one, the site is getting trolled pretty damn hard -

Edit: oh wow, there's A LOT of porn getting posted there.
The latest Palin


A Republican congressional candidate fled her interview with a major election-forecasting group after being asked why she believed global warming was a hoax and whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States, according to a new report in The Washington Post.

In the Post, David Wasserman, the House editor at the Cook Political Report, detailed his strange encounter with the "frightening" and "fact-averse" Louisiana State Rep. Lenar Whitney.

Whitney, who is running for Louisiana's open sixth district, gained some prominence in June when she released a campaign video blasting global warming as a "hoax" and the press as "lamestream media." Wasserman said he pressed Whitney on the issue of climate change only to find her unable to answer his questions.

"But it’s not unreasonable to expect candidates to explain how they arrived at their positions, and when I pressed Whitney repeatedly for the source of her claim that the earth is getting colder, she froze and was unable to cite a single scientist, journal, or news source to back up her beliefs," he wrote.

Wasserman said he attempted to "change the subject" and ask whether she believed Obama was born in the United States. Her aides then ended the interview.

"When she replied that it was a matter of some controversy, her two campaign consultants quickly whisked her out of the room, accusing me of conducting a 'Palin-style interview,'" he continued. "It was the first time in hundreds of Cook Political Report meetings that a candidate has fled the room."


Wow. Reading this, I can't help but think of my older relatives. She's so.. appropriately representative of them.

I can't wait to read the comments at nola.com, if they report on this.


But on Wednesday morning, during an appearance on CNN’s New Day, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) seemed to endorse charging the president with “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Though he initially said he “is not pushing impeachment,” when pressed by host Chris Cuomo, King admitted that “if the president continues to violate the constitution” by expanding immigration relief, he would support the process.

Looks like the GOP is losing their ability to all be in step and on the same page.


Interesting story from Slate about a study of religious children vs secular children, and how religious children have a problem distinguishing reality from magic/fiction.

Every child believed that the protagonist of the realistic stories was a real person. But when asked about the stories featuring biblically inspired or non-biblical but magical events, the children disagreed. Children raised with religion thought the protagonists of the miraculous stories were real people, and they seemed to interpret the narratives—both biblical and magical—as true accounts.

Secular children, on the other hand, were quick to perceive that these stories were fictitious, construing them as fairy tales rather than real-life narratives. They had a far keener sense of reality than religious children, who failed to understand that magic does not exist and believed that stories describing magical details such as “invisible sails” could be real. Secular kids generally understood that any story featuring magic could not take place in the world they inhabit.

To the researchers behind the study, this division in perceptions of reality was striking. “Religious teaching,” they wrote, “especially exposure to miracle stories, leads children to a more generic receptivity toward the impossible, that is, a more wide-ranging acceptance that the impossible can happen in defiance of ordinary causal relations.”


I'm sure this changes as people age, but it still interesting. (Some adults still believe that magic from the Bible is real, so yeah... Says something.)
Interesting story from Slate about a study of religious children vs secular children, and how religious children have a problem distinguishing reality from magic/fiction.


I'm sure this changes as people age, but it still interesting. (Some adults still believe that magic from the Bible is real, so yeah... Says something.)

I am not a big opponent of teaching religion to kids, it's way healthier for them at their age( I can attest for myself). But I think this is a matter of methodology: explaining objectively to them the different beliefs and philosophical way of thinking existing, and more importantly accepting the decisions made by their kids.


I am not a big opponent of teaching religion to kids, it's way healthier for them at their age( I can attest for myself). But I think this is a matter of methodology: explaining objectively to them the different beliefs and philosophical way of thinking existing, and more importantly accepting the decisions made by their kids.

I think it's less about religion and more about how it's presented.
Interesting story from Slate about a study of religious children vs secular children, and how religious children have a problem distinguishing reality from magic/fiction.


I'm sure this changes as people age, but it still interesting. (Some adults still believe that magic from the Bible is real, so yeah... Says something.)

Of course it is real. If magic did not exist then why would the Bible say:

Exodus 22:18 (KJV)

18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.


One of the most stunning and ugly cases of this was a couple years ago when Obama was embroiled in the "1967 lines" semantics attack. Despite merely stating longstanding US policy on the 1967 lines "with land swaps" Bibi accused the president of making an outrageous, insulting demand and then lectured him at the WH about it. What followed was republican AND democrat leaders piling on the president, supporting a foreign leader over him based on pure bullshit.

I have mixed feelings on the Gaza issue (I prefer that term over the more lazy sounding "both sides" blame brigade) but it's high time for someone to step up and call for an end to this nonsense.
One of the most stunning and ugly cases of this was a couple years ago when Obama was embroiled in the "1967 lines" semantics attack. Despite merely stating longstanding US policy on the 1967 lines "with land swaps" Bibi accused the president of making an outrageous, insulting demand and then lectured him at the WH about it. What followed was republican AND democrat leaders piling on the president, supporting a foreign leader over him based on pure bullshit.

I have mixed feelings on the Gaza issue (I prefer that term over the more lazy sounding "both sides" blame brigade) but it's high time for someone to step up and call for an end to this nonsense.
You should step into one of the Israeli threads on the front page and make sure you dont have mixed feelings any more. Its too important of an issue to not be fully aware of. Chichikov has been pretty informative in them (though havent seen him lately) and I try my best too. Bibi's lecturing and the congress dogpiling Obama was anything but surprising, if you've been following the money. Its political suicide to even mention the 67 borders. Pretty sure Obama got his noob ass self a crash course on the US politics of the conflict right there and then. Guy is so naive sometimes.
Can't tell if the pro - Halbig bloggers and posters I see all over the internet are intentionally making a bad faith argument, or if they're actually mentally deficient. Some combination of both, most likely.

It's painfully obvious to anyone who paid even a passing interest to the creation of the ACA that something as major as "If you don't set up an exchange in your state, your residents won't get subsidies" would have been reported on. Extensively. There would have been a ton of coverage on this if it were something that anyone had even considered.

Yet still the Michael Cannons of the world exist. Could they be taking this ridiculous position to make it easier to sleep at night knowing that they just got a federal appeals court to take health insurance away from 5 million people on what is inarguably a technicality? Cannon might be an actual sociopath, but I'd like to think that at least some of the pro-Halbig crowd have functioning consciences, and that all this cognitive dissonance is just a defense mechanism.

I will say though, that anyone who accepts that Congress could not possibly have intended to set up a subsidy-less federal exchange (which should be everyone, but the mind's ability to protect itself through logical contortions is quite strong), but makes the argument anyway, is just an evil person. No reason to beat around the bush on this.
GOP crying about Lois Lerner calling a few right wing nutjobs as "crazies" and "assholes."

WASHINGTON (AP) — A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called Republicans "crazies" and more in newly released emails.

Lois Lerner used to head the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.

Republican Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. Camp says the emails show Lerner's disgust with conservatives.

In one email, Lerner called them crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly, but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."

Congress and the Justice Department are investigating whether the IRS improperly scrutinized applications for tax-exempt status from conservative groups.

Of course the article doesn't actually put the context to the e-mails...

First is Lerner, then the response, repeat. (note: she's in the UK here)

Overheard some ladies talking about American today. According to them we've bankrupted ourselves and at through. We'll never be able to pay off our debt and are going down the tubes. They don't seem to see that they can't afford to keep up their welfare state either. Strange.

Well, you should hear the whacko wing of the GOP. The US is through; too many foreigners sucking the teat; time to
hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end. The right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.

Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many holes.

And I'm talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid.

So we don't need to worry about alien teRrorists. It's our own crazies that will take us down.

OH NOES! The GOP has finally found its smoking gun.
So basically something more mild than what comes from Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Erik Erickson, Michael Savage, Dinish D'Souza, Bill O'Reilly, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, etc. every day.
About US politicians towards Israel.

What do people expect?

We have people that base their vote around Israel, but nobody will vote against someone because they are pro-Israel. They are responding to constituents who have made their views clear.

Nobody on the pro-Palestinian side really cares what they're politicians do about Israel. If you want to make that a litmus test then do it. Until then the complaints about AIPAC ring hollow, as an excuse to not do anything themselves.

Its the same dynamic as gun control. If you care that much force politicians to respond to your demands.


AIPAC complaints ring hollow like insisting on posting about serious subjects from your phone and making frequent, grossly incompetent homophone mistakes as a result, or hollow like appealing to voter pressure to excuse the actions of politicians?


grossly incompetent homophone mistakes
Wow, intolerant. They were born that way, they aren't mistakes and some of them are very good at the things they do.

not voting doesn't count
I'll have you know I voted in 2012 and broke the ballot box for fifteen minutes thwarting "democracy" because everyone was ignoring the "ERROR BOX FULL ERROR BOX FULL ERROR BOX FULL" receipt that was printing after each counted ballot.
AIPAC complaints ring hollow like insisting on posting about serious subjects from your phone and making frequent, grossly incompetent homophone mistakes as a result, or hollow like appealing to voter pressure to excuse the actions of politicians?
To the homophobic homophone errors

"Appealing to voter pressure to excuse the actions"? I'm not 'excusing action' (I'm of the J-Street type), Again I ask what do you expect to happen?

And I've been in meetings with AIPAC reps where they didn't get what they want, their influence is overblown. Nobody sits and decides 'this is what AIPAC wants so this is what I'm going to do.'

This is part of my long running critique of the left who think people will just 'do the right thing' (in their opinion) with no pressure or push. That's not how politics works.
What precedent is there a President with 40ish or lower approval ratings to have a successor of the same party? 2014 doesn't look good but 2016 could be just as bad.


What precedent is there a President with 40ish or lower approval ratings to have a successor of the same party? 2014 doesn't look good but 2016 could be just as bad.
There's been exactly one "elected successor" of the same party since the 1928 election.

And that time in 1928 the predecessor had this to say about him:
That man has offered me unsolicited advice every day for six years, all of it bad.


Unconfirmed Member
OK now the lawsuit has officially passed the house. 225-201, 5 republicans voting no, and I can say lol, called it.

Ted Cruz is derailing the House Border Bill because of buffoonery. LMAO. This guy. This party.
The bill is stupid enough as it is for including a hold on foreign aid to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala in that bill. As if hurting the economy of the places these people are coming from would make the situation better instead of worse. Accountability is all well and good, but accountability can't help much if you're taking away their ability to fix the problem in the process.

About US politicians towards Israel.

What do people expect?

We have people that base their vote around Israel, but nobody will vote against someone because they are pro-Israel. They are responding to constituents who have made their views clear.

Nobody on the pro-Palestinian side really cares what they're politicians do about Israel. If you want to make that a litmus test then do it. Until then the complaints about AIPAC ring hollow, as an excuse to not do anything themselves.

Its the same dynamic as gun control. If you care that much force politicians to respond to your demands.
Israel will always win the single issue voter battle, but that doesn't mean politicians can't benefit from using it in a battle against another like minded politician that has few other differences.

Problem is the pro-Palestinian side isn't even popular enough to win on that ground right now, but that is something that could change.
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