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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Let's keep it goin' Dems.

The real threat to Obamacare might not be Halbig but a GOP Senate refusing to reopen the Government unless a bill gutting Obamacare is passed.
Ahhhhh. I so tire of politics and the 500 variables that can come from all these scenarios.

Do you have any idea how absolutely terrible shutting down the government unless you strip health care from millions of people will play in the midterms? No chance.

Let's keep it goin' Dems.

The real threat to Obamacare might not be Halbig but a GOP Senate refusing to reopen the Government unless a bill gutting Obamacare is passed.

Ahhhhh. I so tire of politics and the 500 variables that can come from all these scenarios.



And? If you think they can successfully blackmail the elimination of healthcare for 10-20 million people I dunno what to tell you. It's not happening.

Well, it's not going to happen, but the fact they are stupid enough to threaten it is amazing.

The American electorate is pretty stupid. Actively voting in people who will intentionally harm a subset of the population because they hate them/the president. Truly a nation of altruistic individuals.
About ACA, but a different tack-- has anyone heard stories of people with Bronze plans unable to find doctors, because they won't accept patients with Bronze plans?

Happened to somebody on another board, and I wondering if this is a real thing and how common it is.


In a completely unsurprising move, Rick Perry now wants the federal government to pay for his personal deployment of the national guard at the border.
About ACA, but a different tack-- has anyone heard stories of people with Bronze plans unable to find doctors, because they won't accept patients with Bronze plans?

Happened to somebody on another board, and I wondering if this is a real thing and how common it is.

Many of the bronze plans are pretty shitty. That being said, typically you have to do due diligence and figure out what doctors are in your network - whether you have bronze or great insurance. Tell him he should look up what doctors take his insurance. TBH he should have done that before signing up for a plan.


I just can't

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell.... He's technically not completely incorrect. However, Bryant should have taken measures to prevent that, and he didn't.

Peter King however, is completely wrong, and an idiot. But we knew that.

I’ve just started to digest the thought process of what it would be like to think that, “Well, I’m the President of the United States and go ahead and impeach me and that’ll make me a martyr.” It’s part of the messiah complex that the president has — I can follow that rationale on him. It would be the most extreme narcissist that you could ever find would be somebody that would say “Go ahead and crucify me in the House of Representatives but I’ve got eternal life in the United States Senate. So it’ll make the martyr that I need to be and history will look upon me benevolently and kindly. And we will put tens of millions of illegal aliens into America who are undocumented Democrats, and we will start the process to document them, and thereby convert America into a leftist state, in perpetuity.”

These people use words like narcissistic to describe Obama, but I don't believe they understand the complete irony behind their use of it.
GOP comes out 110% behind Israel, doesn't like the administration's pressure for a cease-fire, and wants to give more money to Israel.

WASHINGTON (AP) — While much of the rest of the world watches the Gaza war in horror and scrambles for a cease-fire, U.S. lawmakers are pressing the Obama administration to take no action that puts pressure on Israel to halt its military operations.

Many even have criticized the administration's effort to stop the violence that has killed more than 1,100 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and more than 50 Israeli soldiers and three civilians this month.

"At times like this, people try to isolate Israel," House Speaker John Boehner said Monday. "We are here to stand with Israel, not just as a broker or observer but as a strong partner and a trusted ally.

"What does that mean? Well, it doesn't mean issuing vague, on-the-one-hand, on-the-other-hand statements. No, it means backing up our words and showing solidarity with our friend."

This week, legislators will discuss a $225 million request from the Defense Department to urgently bolster Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system.

No surprise there. But browse the comments was interesting. A lot of people were not supportive of this. Not that they give a shit about Gaza but they question why we would send money to Israel that could be spent here. Rand Paul may be onto something.
GOP comes out 110% behind Israel, doesn't like the administration's pressure for a cease-fire, and wants to give more money to Israel.


No surprise there. But browse the comments was interesting. A lot of people were not supportive of this. Not that they give a shit about Gaza but they question why we would send money to Israel that could be spent here. Rand Paul may be onto something.
I started off as a paulite. To hear Ron Paul blast our unconditional support for Israel was incredible for me. I hope his son continues to affect change on the subject, because the rest of GOP is vile scum.
PD's golden child:

Joni Ernst, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Iowa, appears to believe states can nullify federal laws. In a video obtained by The Daily Beast, Ernst said on September 13, 2013 at a form held by the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition that Congress should not pass any laws “that the states would consider nullifying.”

“You know we have talked about this at the state legislature before, nullification. But, bottom line is, as a U.S. Senator why should we be passing laws that the states are considering nullifying? Bottom line: our legislators at the federal level should not be passing those laws. We’re right…we’ve gone 200-plus years of federal legislators going against the Tenth Amendment’s states’ rights. We are way overstepping bounds as federal legislators. So, bottom line, no we should not be passing laws as federal legislators—as senators or congressman—that the states would even consider nullifying. Bottom line.”
btw she's not going to win


Unconfirmed Member

Let's keep it goin' Dems.

The real threat to Obamacare might not be Halbig but a GOP Senate refusing to reopen the Government unless a bill gutting Obamacare is passed.
Ahhhhh. I so tire of politics and the 500 variables that can come from all these scenarios.

Yeah, at the very least I'd be nice to keep the nationwide popular vote to argue against any sort of "voter mandate" republicans start citing for the crazy things they do.

Honestly, the only thing that would crush me would be if the republicans win the nationwide popular vote for the house. That's the one thing that would really make me question what the hell is going on with the voters in this country.
So the EPA are a bunch of terrorists. Makes perfect sense.

Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly (R) had choice words for the Environmental Protection Agency’s new rule on power plant emissions Monday, moving beyond the usual “war on coal” language and likening the proposed regulations to an act of terrorism.
Kelly delivered his remarks at an event at the conservative Heritage Foundation, a think tank that opposes the new rule.
“You talk about terrorism — you can do it in a lot of different ways,” he said. “But you terrorize the people who supply everything this country needs to be great — and you keep them on the sidelines — my goodness, what have we become?”
When asked to clarify what he meant by that, Kelly said he used the word “terrorism” broadly, E&E News reports.
“When a government can level on you taxes and regulations that makes it impossible for you to compete, then you’re going to stay on the sidelines,” he said.
Opponents of the rules should continue fighting them, Kelly said, because if critics give up, the EPA has “effectively won.”
Kelly is the author of the Coal Country Protection Act, legislation which would halt the EPA’s new carbon rule and any regulation that aims to limit carbon from power plants until various criteria are met, including certification from the Secretary of Labor that the regulation won’t cause job losses.

Yeah, some regulations to reduce pollution & climate change is 'terrorism'. Well, I guess that Energiewende in Germany is a full blown return of the Nazis.
I've seen this on three liberal sites today. How does this hurt her? This goes back to my point about the liberal circle jerk over ignorant GOP comments that no one else cares about.

Although I do believe that she is capable of saying some Akin level shit that torpedoes her campaign.
Don't worry, Akin won, didn't he? Which is really weird considering he was down in the polls by high double digits. If only we had listened to you earlier.



The president of conservative pro-family group Faith2Action last weekend announced the pre-launch of ReaganBook, a social networking site described as "the Facebook for patriots," according to Right Wing Watch.

Faith2Action President Janet Porter told attendees at the Ohio Liberty Coalition's "Reload 4 Liberty" event that Facebook has been censoring people like anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera.

Porter lamented that "while tomorrow Facebook employees are gathering to go march at the gay pride parade in San Francisco," they are censoring people with "unpopular opinions."

She then described ReaganBook as a social network that tears down walls like President Reagan.

“We’re tearing down walls of tyranny and censorship," she said.

ReaganBook, now at 36 members, welcomes all individuals to "connect and share freely."

The site says it will not "scan, mine or sell user content."

"We stand by what Ronald Reagan said, ‘Government has no power except those voluntarily granted to it by we the people,'" the site reads. "The same holds true for your social media: don’t grant your social media any power to collect, sell, exploit, and divulge your private information."

The last couple of weeks I've been struck by the bizarre cognitive dissonance that allows conservatives to, in the case of this I/P conflict, decry the thoughts and intentions of Hamas (soundbites about destroying Israel) while ignoring their actual actions (killing only a few civilians). Absent significant casualties, merely thinking and saying what some Hamas members are thinking and saying is what warrants the massively disproportionate response, because what they are thinking and saying is so Wrong that it eclipses their real actions and capabilities.

And yet, these are the same pundits who yell about being persecuted for "thoughtcrimes" when it comes to disapproving of homophobia here at home, with no apparent shame or irony or self-awareness.

Mike M

Nick N
I'm almost positive there was an attempt to create a "conservatives only" social network years ago as part of a larger movement of conservatives wanting their own analogs to popular sites because the entire internet was liberally biased. This was around the time of Conservapedia, probably some dating site in the mix too.


I'm almost positive there was an attempt to create a "conservatives only" social network years ago as part of a larger movement of conservatives wanting their own analogs to popular sites because the entire internet was liberally biased. This was around the time of Conservapedia, probably some dating site in the mix too.

New ones pop up every now and again.
And yet, these are the same pundits who yell about being persecuted for "thoughtcrimes" when it comes to disapproving of homophobia here at home, with no apparent shame or irony or self-awareness.
The anti-gay marriage movement has become so disingenuous since gay marriage started being accepted by society. I feel they literally don't want to talk about it, which is hilarious considering how much they beat people over the head with it during the Clinton and Bush years. They'll point to the recent SCOTUS case that (partially) overturned DOMA and scream "YOU WON, CAN WE MOVE ON NOW"

Fuck no.
"This whole talk about impeachment is coming from the president's own staff, and coming from Democrats on Capitol Hill. Why? Because they're trying to rally their people to give money and to show up in this year's election. We have no plans to impeach the president. We have no future plans. Listen, it's all a scam started by Democrats at the White House," Speaker of the House John Boehner told reporters at a Tuesday morning press availability.

0-dimensional checkers.



Palin Accuses Obama Of 'Impeachable Offenses'
Posted 10.15.2013

Texas Republican Official: 'Obama Ought To Be Impeached'
The Huffington Post | Farah Mohamed | Posted 10.15.2013

GOP Senate Candidate Backs Impeaching Obama
The Huffington Post | Amanda Terkel | Posted 02.03.2014

GOP Rep Suggests Obama Could Be Impeached Over Health Care, Immigration
The Huffington Post | Mollie Reilly | Posted 03.13.2014

Reading the Ebola thread and the vaccine movement there needs to be a big push for germ theory being taught in schools like evolution. Its quite scary how little people know.


Reading the Ebola thread and the vaccine movement there needs to be a big push for germ theory being taught in schools like evolution. Its quite scary how little people know.
Wholeheartedly agreed. If (when) the next 1918 Flu rolls through, we're going to see a lot of jackasses acting like it's the zombie apocalypse.
Reading the Ebola thread and the vaccine movement there needs to be a big push for germ theory being taught in schools like evolution. Its quite scary how little people know.

Even with educated people who should know better, I've seen anti-vaccine talk. Its very frustrating trying to go over all of the debunked nonsense regarding foolish fears about vaccines.
Wholeheartedly agreed. If (when) the next 1918 Flu rolls through, we're going to see a lot of jackasses acting like it's the zombie apocalypse.

Even with educated people who should know better, I've seen anti-vaccine talk. Its very frustrating trying to go over all of the debunked nonsense regarding foolish fears about vaccines.
There's no science just fear and pseudoscience based on magical thinking

They're probably the same people who use anti bacterial stuff on everything


Unconfirmed Member

It's been weird listening to Krauthammer on fox news talk about this, acting like impeachment is a crazy thing no republican really wants while also making sure to note that Obama is still not following the law, by going through the list of "illegal" actions Obama has done.

I guess it's just that those acts aren't impeachment worthy yet. However, he also noted that it could take just one more executive order on immigration to tip the scales into impeachment territory.

Make no mistake, impeachment is still coming. They've already found tons of apparently impeachable things they could use on obama, you know they can easily find one more thing which is the straw that broke the camels back and changes everything from their comments of today. I can't imagine any other outcome from the lawsuit, no matter if that lawsuit succeeds or fails. Especially if the primaries are more important to them than the general, which is clearly the makeup right now.


I'm almost positive there was an attempt to create a "conservatives only" social network years ago as part of a larger movement of conservatives wanting their own analogs to popular sites because the entire internet was liberally biased. This was around the time of Conservapedia, probably some dating site in the mix too.

This thread is becoming difficult to read with Benji's GOP facade and Meta's back and forth with Mamba.

no u



A reconstruction of the process by which that contested phrase got into the law demonstrates two key facts:

1) The first Senate version of the health law to be passed in 2009 — by the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee — explicitly stated that subsides would go to people on the federally-established exchange. A committee memo describing the bill circulated at the time spelled this out with total clarity.

2) The disputed language about the exchanges being “established by the state” appears in the early version of the law that passed the Senate Finance Committee in the fall of 2009. But that version did not even contain a federally-operated exchange, and in fact required the creation of what the Finance Committee described as “state exchanges.” Therefore, there’s no clear logical way the Senate Finance bill could plausibly have been intended to deny subsidies to those on a federally-operated exchange, since no such federally-operated exchange was envisioned under that bill’s structure.

The disputed language ended up in the final bill because the two versions — both of which intended subsidies in all 50 states, albeit by varying structures — were merged. Here is a greatly simplified timeline that helps illustrate what happened:
It's been weird listening to Krauthammer on fox news talk about this, acting like impeachment is a crazy thing no republican really wants while also making sure to note that Obama is still not following the law, by going through the list of "illegal" actions Obama has done.

I guess it's just that those acts aren't impeachment worthy yet. However, he also noted that it could take just one more executive order on immigration to tip the scales into impeachment territory.
I don't understand how a rational person can listen to such tripe and not ask themselves "Why is this guy lying to me?" You can't simultaneous believe that Obama is committing horrible illegal crimes AND that impeachment is crazy. Thus, he is lying about something. And since you know he hates Obama, you know he is not lying about the 'impeachment is crazy' part.

I don't think impeachment is ever going to happen because they don't have anything him to impeach him over. At most they have debateable borderline issues on hypertechnical things and they'll just look stupid if they pursue those. Uh . . . we're gonna impeach him because he delayed the employer mandate. Never mind that Bush extended deadlines for his Medicare part D program in the same manner . . . this is Obama and that makes it different!
But one should never forget that that the most toxic and explosive catalyst of tension and even enmity between the White House and Jerusalem ever since Obama was first elected to office has been the recurring perception in Washington that the Netanyahu is in cahoots with Obama’s political enemies in America, that he uses them to shoot down unwanted Administration policies and then aids and abets them in return in their scorched earth campaigns against the president.

It is not unreasonable to assume, therefore, that when the fires ignited in Jerusalem against Kerry’s cease-fire diplomacy began to spread to right wing diatribes against Obama in America, the President connected the dots, saw red and rightly or wrongly suspected that Netanyahu was once again supplying ammunition for Obama’s conservative and Republican nemeses.
Honeymoon's over
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