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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Braley is kinda dumb.
and Ernst isn't?!
I'm still wondering how effective Obama has been as president.

Thinking of it he:

- Appointed two left leaning Supreme Court members
- Appointed a left leaning federal reserve chariperson
- Let Bush tax cuts expire
- Is pushing for Arab nations to handle situations in the Middle East
- Cooled tensions with Iran
- Built a strong base for the Democratic Party
Um, how about extending access to health care to millions of Americans?
Finally figured out a way to achieve universal coverage, something Presidents had been trying to do since Roosevelt?

Lives have been saved as a direct result of him enacting this law. It's a fact. That in and of itself is amazing. And combined with a steady (albeit slow) economic recovery there's much to be said about how some people are just never satisfied with the state of things. Obama has greatly exceeded my expectations; I too thought he'd be a one term President. He's not perfect, he made some mistakes, all Presidents do. I think he'll be remembered fondly despite his problems atm.



In the first couple years of Bush's term, what did he do? Invade Iraq, using 9/11 as an excuse for doing so, despite having no real reason to invade. He made an irreversible dent in this country's global reputation, creating instability in the region that haunts us to this day. So many Americans died as a direct consequence of this war.

Obama enacts universal health care reform in his first two years, literally saving lives, expanding coverage to all Americans, and putting a stop to some of the worst abuses of the insurance industry... and this is his "Iraq" in terms of controversy? Are you kidding me?

I sincerely think the average American has such a short attention span these days that they cannot remember how bad it used to be. Someday another GOP President will fuck everything up and perhaps only then will they realize how lucky we were to have Obama as President.

Everything that's going on in the middle east we essentially knew would happen as soon as we left Iraq. Everyone knew this. Americans want it both ways. After 9/11 they wanted to invade, invade, invade. Then they demanded we leave the country because of so much senseless death and the economic impact. Now they're afraid because of sensationalist headlines about decapitations and want a strong military response. YOU CANNOT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS, AMERICA. We're trolling ourselves to oblivion...


Not yet. But Braley's got some catching up to do. I still think Udall will be fine.

CNN has Hagan up 3, and Landrieu up 6!... with registered voters. Down 3 among LVs. Just gotta ramp up that turnout machine.
I really wanted Grimes to win...


Bush and a broad international coalition stopped Saddam from torturing his own people, and using weapons of mass destruction. However, those weapons were successfully moved by the time we got there. Through our actions, the Iraqi people for the first time experienced democracy. They had the ability to choose their own future.

Obama on the other hand rammed through disastrous healthcare reform without bipartisan support. People lost their jobs, and their doctors. Some people lost their lives.

His indecisiveness as a leader led us to cut and run from Iraq, despite objections from seasoned military experts. He then allowed ISIS to spread throughout the middle east.
Only now, when the trees have already been burned down, does he decide to drop a few balloons of water. This supposed "JV squad" suddenly became the biggest existential threat to the United States since WW2.

Also Benghazi.

As an average American voter, I get most of my news through trusted sources such as Hannity, and RedState. And I am excited to vote this coming November.


Honestly, I have no idea what to make of Landrieu's race. We go through this every six years, where everyone says, "Surely, she's finished now!" and the polls look grim, and the trends line-up against her, and then she somehow pulls a win out of her ass.

This might be the year that she's done. If forced to pick, I'd say she loses. But it wouldn't shock me in the least if she somehow survives.

Still waiting to see if they actually debate. She's hammering the hell out of Cassidy with ads, and needs to call him out on his Congressional votes during the debate.


Without Reid as majority leader to reign in Obama, I can see some awful "bipartisan" deals happening, especially of there's another shutdown.

Oh, well. 2014 looks to be a bust. Start focusing on 2016 to regain the Senate and retain the WH.
Without Reid as majority leader to reign in Obama, I can see some awful "bipartisan" deals happening, especially of there's another shutdown.

Oh, well. 2014 looks to be a bust. Start focusing on 2016 to regain the Senate and retain the WH.
I don't understand this. How are there incentives for this? Obama isn't running for reelection. The GOP wants to when the white house, they won't get rid of the filibuster, etc. Obama will be a lame duck.

Obama can get all the ire not the congressional dems.

The GOP might get small things but they're not gutting obamacare, gutting the EPA, gutting or eliminating anything. They might get modest cuts in the safety net like the food stamp cut and unemployment. Nothing that can't be reversed.

And remember there are a bunch of guys in the senate that will be vulnerable like kirk, toomey, portman, Johnson that aren't going to dance with the devil to please the base with Hillary on the ticket. They're gonna push back on Cruz.

What were more likely to see is the GOP unable to get their majority to pass bills. The problem they now have in the house and which them dems face with manchin, and the Pryors of the world.

The GOP isn't united and having them have to govern and not just oppose is gonna be hillarious
I didn't see any PPP tweet indicating Landrieu was down. I saw the Iowa one though. If it's only like a 2 point lead that's no big deal, but if it's as big as the Selzer poll... hoo boy. I'm a little hopeful given how well the Ds are doing in early voting.

Anyway Landrieu is up 6 among RVs and down 3 among LVs, yet another example of CNN's LV screen skewing their results nearly 10 points in favor of the Republicans.
I didn't see any PPP tweet indicating Landrieu was down. I saw the Iowa one though. If it's only like a 2 point lead that's no big deal, but if it's as big as the Selzer poll... hoo boy. I'm a little hopeful given how well the Ds are doing in early voting.

Anyway Landrieu is up 6 among RVs and down 3 among LVs, yet another example of CNN's LV screen skewing their results nearly 10 points in favor of the Republicans.
Because they haven't shown up in the past and probably wont this time. You cant just wish away the den turnout problem.

Dems were saying the same things in 2010. Look to the 2008 electorate!

And republicans unskewed in 2012. Look at the 2010 electorate!

The polls were pretty accurate both times.
Obama is toxic.

What if he resigns, and Hillary runs now?

GOP will have no suitable presidential candidate for November.

Dems sweep the house, Senate, and white house with the Hillary ballot.
and Ernst isn't?!

Ernst is folksy dumb. She castrated hogs and rides motorcycles in leather to shooting ranges.

She's also a true believer of the Ted Cruz variety who thinks Agenda 21 is real but whatever. I don't think people actually vote on the issues anyway.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't understand this. How are there incentives for this? Obama isn't running for reelection. The GOP wants to when the white house, they won't get rid of the filibuster, etc. Obama will be a lame duck.

Obama can get all the ire not the congressional dems.

The GOP might get small things but they're not gutting obamacare, gutting the EPA, gutting or eliminating anything. They might get modest cuts in the safety net like the food stamp cut and unemployment. Nothing that can't be reversed.

Obama is dying to get his dumbass "grand bargain" deal out the door. He's said it multiple times. And without Reid around to shitcan Republican legislation, he'll be far more willing to give in to GOP demands.
Obama is dying to get his dumbass "grand bargain" deal out the door. He's said it multiple times. And without Reid around to shitcan Republican legislation, he'll be far more willing to give in to GOP demands.

In 2011,2012.

He's over it

He rescinded it in this years budget.
I wonder if Perdue's dumbass "Nunn supports ISIS" ad backfired on him. Basically Nunn's charity (Points of Light Foundation) gave some money to Islamic charities, which herpaderp, Nunn supports terrorists (using pictures of ISIS fighters)! The media's really been getting on his case about it and she released a pretty good response ad shaming him for it. Nunn's improved over the past three SurveyUSA polls (trailing by 9, trailing by 3, trailing by 1).

Reminds me of the ads against Max Cleland and how fucking despicable politics were during the Bush years.
I wonder if Perdue's dumbass "Nunn supports ISIS" ad backfired on him. Basically Nunn's charity (Points of Light Foundation) gave some money to Islamic charities, which herpaderp, Nunn supports terrorists (using pictures of ISIS fighters)! The media's really been getting on his case about it and she released a pretty good response ad shaming him for it.

Reminds me of the ads against Max Cleland and how fucking despicable politics were during the Bush years.

Or this Grayson Ad

Yeah Grayson's 2010 campaign was terrible. Go big or go home I guess.

DSCC is pushing an internal in Iowa that shows it tied. It's the internal pollster Obama used in all of his campaigns which inclines me to believe it a little more, though that would still indicate to me a small Ernst edge.

Hopefully Braley does well in the debates and Democrats' huge ad blitz in the last few weeks turns the tide for him.
lol last answer was pretty good. Someone asked Ernst about repealing "job-killing regulations" and she started going on about cap and trade. Braley's response was pretty incredulous, just saying that none of the regulations she talked about were actually laws.

She also tried to have it both ways on climate change and doubled down on personhood.

Hm Braley just mentioned the Koch brothers.

Edit: lol she is toooootally ducking the minimum wage question.
lol last answer was pretty good. Someone asked Ernst about repealing "job-killing regulations" and she started going on about cap and trade. Braley's response was pretty incredulous, just saying that none of the regulations she talked about were actually laws.

She also tried to have it both ways on climate change and doubled down on personhood.

Hm Braley just mentioned the Koch brothers.

Braley didn't do to well on the Koch bros question IMO.
Braley didn't do to well on the Koch bros question IMO.
Yeah but it seemed like Ernst was more flustered by it.

I'm glad he called her out for wanting to impeach Obama.

This debate will just reinforce how voters already feel about either candidate, I think. The undecideds have been mostly Dem leaning so hopefully they'll come home.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Bush and a broad international coalition stopped Saddam from torturing his own people, and using weapons of mass destruction. However, those weapons were successfully moved by the time we got there. Through our actions, the Iraqi people for the first time experienced democracy. They had the ability to choose their own future.

Obama on the other hand rammed through disastrous healthcare reform without bipartisan support. People lost their jobs, and their doctors. Some people lost their lives.

His indecisiveness as a leader led us to cut and run from Iraq, despite objections from seasoned military experts. He then allowed ISIS to spread throughout the middle east.
Only now, when the trees have already been burned down, does he decide to drop a few balloons of water. This supposed "JV squad" suddenly became the biggest existential threat to the United States since WW2.

Also Benghazi.

As an average American voter, I get most of my news through trusted sources such as Hannity, and RedState. And I am excited to vote this coming November.

Are you real, or just being sarcastic? I seriously can't tell. :/


K-12 education debate between AZ gubernatorial candidates tonight. (6 pm Pacific http://www.fox10phoenix.com/ (about an hour from right now)). Remember we elected Napolitano twice, whom, if you ever saw her talk in person, was a force to be reckoned with.

Should be interesting given that AZ is not among the poorest states but is among the lowest payed teachers.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If the president has to leave office before his term is up then the VP becomes president. There's a line of succession in place just in case someone has to resign or something happens.

Speaking of which, I always wondered why the Speaker of the House is next in line after the President considering it's the lower house of congress. I would think that the majority leader in the senate would be next, after the VP. Never understood that, really.


No Scrubs
Speaking of which, I always wondered why the Speaker of the House is next in line after the President considering it's the lower house of congress. I would think that the majority leader in the senate would be next, after the VP. Never understood that, really.

If I remember right it has something to do with appeasing someone or other when they were coming up with the order.


Was Bill Clinton really better at dealing with GOP opposition?

I think it's a myth -- especially if you wanna use it in today's context, and political environment.

Clinton lost both chambers in 1994; he essentially rolled over for the GOP, almost forcing them to move their platform even more to the right.

Obama, worst case, will have been able to retain the Senate 6 out of his 8 years as President. In 2012, Mitt Romney honestly should have kicked his ass. He didn't. Why? Because Obama could connect with voters, and sell his message. No Democrat since FDR got re-elected with the economy this bad. Senate Democratic leadership was in lockstep in states they NEVER should have been able to win due to far better campaigning, Obama, and a little help from the GOP barfing on themselves (hence being poor at getting out the message opposed to Democrats).

So when I hear certain people I talk to in my life who say the GOP is better at getting out the message, I laugh at them. This year's senate map is tough for Dems by default. Anything else is just more gravy for the GOP. All the vital Dem seats are in southern states. It's six years into Obama's Presidency which is historically a horrible time for a midterm. Obama transformed the electorate. Bill Clinton doesn't have shit on him. He's better at talking plain to dumb people, sure. But that matters less and less when the baby boomers seem to be the last significant group eating up cable news like candy.
Speaking of which, I always wondered why the Speaker of the House is next in line after the President considering it's the lower house of congress. I would think that the majority leader in the senate would be next, after the VP. Never understood that, really.
Majority leader isn't a constitutional office.

Remember VP is President of the Senate as well as Vice President.

So it's President
President of the Senate (AKA VP)
Then Speaker of the House.
Bill basically turned GOP priorities into his priorities and passed less conservative versions of them (like welfare reform). He was also charming as hell. He's politically better than Obama but I think Obama was more effective at passing liberal legislation while holding his own against the GOP. Though that's mostly because the tea party caucus, if Boehner had the votes for Obama's grand bargain it would have happened.
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